Roll src/buildtools/third_party/libc++/trunk/ b1269813e..88bf40704 (417 commits)

Additionally, reenable libc++ debug mode with ThinLTO since this is
resolved by

$ git log b1269813e..88bf40704 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2022-06-25 nikolasklauser [libc++] Test the size of basic_string
2022-07-14 nikolasklauser [libc++] Allow setting _LIBCPP_OVERRIDABLE_FUNC_VIS
2022-07-11 hui.xie1990 [libc++][ranges] implement `std::ranges::set_symmetric_difference`
2022-07-13 nikolasklauser [libc++] Implement ranges::find_end, ranges::search{, _n}
2022-07-09 koraq [libc++][format] Improves parsing speed.
2022-06-26 koraq [libc++][chrono] Adds operator<=> for day.
2022-07-13 nikolasklauser Revert "[libc++] Implement ranges::find_end, ranges::search{, _n}"
2022-07-12 nikolasklauser [libc++] Implement ranges::find_end, ranges::search{, _n}
2022-07-12 varconst [lib++][ranges][NFC] Refactor `iterator_operations.h` to use tags.
2022-07-12 koraq [libc++][test] Adds spaceship support to macros.
2022-07-11 daltenty [libc++][NFC] Add MVS guard for locale_mgmt_zos.h
2022-07-12 koraq [libc++] Fixes CI.
2022-07-05 koraq [libc++][format] Adds integral formatter benchmarks.
2022-07-10 koraq [libc++][chrono] Avoid tautological comparisons.
2022-07-12 varconst [libc++][ranges][NFC] Implement the repetitive parts of the remaining range algorithms:
2022-07-12 varconst [libc++][ranges][NFC] Consolidate some repetitive range algorithm tests:
2022-07-08 raul.tambre [libc++] Undeprecate ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT (LWG3659)
2022-07-11 hui.xie1990 [libc++] Rename variables to use the snake case instead of camel case
2022-07-11 nikolasklauser [libc++] Implement ranges::{reverse, rotate}_copy
2022-07-08 hui.xie1990 [libc++][ranges] implement `std::ranges::set_intersection`
2021-10-05 koraq [libc++][format] Use forwarding references.
2022-07-10 koraq [libc++][NFC] Update #ifdef comments.
2022-07-10 i.trofimow [libc++] Don't call key_eq in unordered_map/set rehashing routine
2022-07-09 brad [libcxx] Uglify __support/musl
2022-07-08 brad [libcxx] Uglify __support/openbsd
2022-06-30 ldionne.2 [libc++] Always build c++experimental.a
2022-07-08 varconst [libc++][ranges] Implement modifying heap algorithms:
2022-07-07 varconst [libc++][ranges] Implement `ranges::nth_element`.
2022-07-08 nikolasklauser [libc++] Make parameter names consistent and enforce the naming style using readability-identifier-naming
2022-07-07 ldionne.2 [libc++] Re-apply the use of ABI tags to provide per-TU insulation
2022-06-26 hui.xie1990 [libcxx][ranges] implement `std::ranges::set_difference`
2022-07-07 martin [libcxx] Make LIBCXX_HERMETIC_STATIC_LIBRARY apply to libc++experimental too
2022-07-05 hui.xie1990 [libcxx][ranges] Create a test tool `ProxyIterator` that customises `iter_move` and `iter_swap`
2022-07-07 nikolasklauser [libc++] Add test for algorithm result type alias declarations
2022-07-07 martin [libcxx] [ci] Don't disable libc++experimental in mingw builds
2022-07-07 koraq [libc++][doc] Removes a colon in a title.
2022-07-07 jonas Revert "[libc++] Use ABI tags instead of internal linkage to provide per-TU insulation"
2022-07-01 koraq [libc++][format] Implements 128-bit support.
2022-06-30 koraq [libc++] Implements 128-bit support in to_chars.
2021-12-28 koraq [libc++[format][NFC] Removes dead code.
2021-12-28 koraq [libc++][format] Improve floating-point formatters.
2022-07-07 nikolasklauser [libc++] Fix a few things in RangesAlgorithms.csv
2022-06-09 ldionne.2 [libc++] Use ABI tags instead of internal linkage to provide per-TU insulation
2022-07-05 ldionne.2 [clang] Correct the macOS version that supports aligned allocation
2022-07-03 koraq [libc++] Improves pragma system_header test.
2022-07-06 nikolasklauser [libc++] Implement ranges::remove{, _if}
2022-07-04 nikolasklauser [libc++] default-construct moved-from test-iterators
2022-07-04 nikolasklauser [libc++] Prefer __has_builtin for detecting compiler-provided type_traits
2022-07-05 nikolasklauser [libc++] Fix __split_buffer::__construct_at_end definition to match declaration
2022-07-04 nikolasklauser [libc++] Use __is_exactly_{input, forward}_iterator
2022-04-05 aeubanks [libcxx] Add flag to disable __builtin_assume in _LIBCPP_ASSERT
2022-04-04 ldionne.2 [libc++] Add back-deployment testing on arm64 macs
2022-04-07 nikolasklauser [libc++][ranges] Implement ranges::count{, _if}
2022-04-06 nikolasklauser [libc++] Remove redundant __invoke_constexpr functions
2022-04-07 nikolasklauser [libc++][ranges] Add implicit conversion to bool test for ranges::find{, if, if_not}
2022-02-25 martin [libcxx] [test] Stop defining LIBCXX-WINDOWS-FIXME
2022-04-05 koraq [libc++] Use cpp20_output_iterator in tests.
2022-04-03 koraq [NFC][libc++] Modularize chrono's calendar.
2021-10-26 ldionne.2 [libc++] Support arrays in make_shared and allocate_shared (P0674R1)
2022-03-10 martin [libcxx] [test] Remove UNSUPPORTED markings for mingw issues that no longer are present in CI
2022-04-05 ldionne.2 [libc++] Remove error about _LIBCPP_ALTERNATE_STRING_LAYOUT not being supported anymore
2022-04-05 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Remove stray whitespace in comment
2022-01-20 martin [libcxx] [test] Fix the locale ctype widen tests on Windows
2022-04-05 hui.xie1990 [libc++] add global variable template std::views::empty
2022-03-19 koraq [libc++][test] Adds an cpp20_output_iterator.
2022-04-04 ldionne.2 [libc++] Tidy up tests for deduction guides and other compile-time failing properties in std::string
2022-04-05 ldionne.2 [libc++] Silence new deprecation warnings for C functions in tests
2022-04-05 nikolasklauser [libc++][ranges] Implement ranges::transform
2022-03-25 ldionne.2 [libc++] Implement tests for private headers using the new generator
2022-03-23 martin [libcxx] Stop recommending setting LIBCXX_HAS_WIN32_THREAD_API in the MinGW builds
2022-03-31 ldionne.2 [libc++] Fix std::is_array<T[0]> and add tests
2022-04-04 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Rename to
2022-03-25 ldionne.2 [libc++] Implement all public header tests using the new generator
2022-04-03 ldionne.2 [libc++] Remove unused <iosfwd> include from <__debug>
2022-04-03 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Fix weird indentation in test
2022-04-03 nikolasklauser [libc++][ranges] Implement ranges::max
2022-03-31 nikolasklauser [libc++] Canonicalize the ranges results and their tests
2022-03-30 martin [libcxx] [test] Avoid spurious test breakage in clang-cl-dll configs with newer CMake
2022-03-31 martin [libcxx] [ci] Enable -Werror for libcxxabi and libunwind too
2022-03-31 koraq [libc++] Fixes calendar function visibility.
2022-03-30 koraq [libc++][ci] Installs Japanese locale in Docker.
2022-03-27 koraq [libc++][doc] Update formatting status.
2022-03-31 ldionne.2 [libc++] Install psutil on the macOS nodes
2022-03-23 ldionne.2 [libc++] Remove the __libcpp_version file
2022-03-02 ldionne.2 [libc++] Add a CI job running MSAN
2022-03-30 martin [libcxx] [doc] Update Windows build instructions after deprecating the legacy standalone builds
2022-03-25 ldionne.2 [libc++] Ensure that all public C++ headers include <__assert>
2022-03-04 ldionne.2 [libunwind] Add a _LIBUNWIND_VERSION macro
2022-03-24 ldionne.2 [libc++] Use __builtin_expect and __builtin_assume in _LIBCPP_ASSERT
2022-03-29 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Fix typo in comment
2022-03-28 ldionne.2 [libc++][libc++abi] Serialize the enable_assertions Lit parameter in the generated config
2022-03-28 brad [libcxx] random_device, specify optimal entropy properties for all OS's using arc4random()
2022-03-27 koraq [libc++][doc] Update format implementation status.
2021-09-04 koraq [libc++][format][2/6] Adds a __output_iterator.
2022-03-23 ldionne.2 [libc++] Remove the _LIBCPP_BOOL_CONSTANT macro
2022-03-18 nikolasklauser [libc++] Rename __identity to __type_identity
2022-03-24 ldionne.2 [libc++] Audit all uses of _LIBCPP_ASSERT and _LIBCPP_DEBUG_ASSERT
2022-03-24 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Refactor the ABI changelog
2022-03-24 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Update ABI changelog to account for new assertion handler
2022-03-03 ldionne.2 [libc++] Add a lightweight overridable assertion handler

Created with:
  roll-dep src/buildtools/third_party/libc++/trunk

Additional changes to get this to build:
* Update #pragma clang_max_tokens_here as necessary.
* Disable -Wdeprecated-declarations for zxcvbn, as it uses
  std::wstring_convert, which is deprecated but doesn't yet have a
* Define _LIBCPP_ASSERTIONS_DISABLE_ASSUME to resolve an msan error

Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:chromeos-amd64-generic-cfi-thin-lto-rel
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:dawn-win10-x86-deps-rel
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:linux-chromeos-dbg
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:linux_chromium_cfi_rel_ng
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:linux_chromium_chromeos_msan_rel_ng
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:linux_chromium_msan_rel_ng
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:mac11-arm64-rel,mac_chromium_asan_rel_ng
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:win-asan,win7-rel
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:android-official,fuchsia-official
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:mac-official,linux-official
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:win-official,win32-official
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:linux-swangle-try-x64,win-swangle-try-x86
Cq-Include-Trybots: chrome/try:linux-chromeos-chrome
Cq-Include-Trybots: chrome/try:win-chrome,win64-chrome,linux-chrome,mac-chrome
Cq-Include-Trybots: chrome/try:linux-pgo,mac-pgo,win32-pgo,win64-pgo
Bug: 1273285,1344570,1327706
Change-Id: I8d8dbb4943a46b543cba5f95afd0fa4daf851b71
Commit-Queue: Nico Weber <>
Reviewed-by: Nico Weber <>
Owners-Override: Nico Weber <>
Reviewed-by: Hans Wennborg <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1025392}
GitOrigin-RevId: f93fc0280698e5251450d8867186be14642b4911
7 files changed
tree: 4b7627ced963511c1e404577b1187a9a5a88f9dd
  1. .github/
  2. absl/
  3. ci/
  4. CMake/
  5. patches/
  7. absl.gni
  10. BUILD.bazel
  12. CMakeLists.txt
  20. OWNERS
  21. README.chromium
  24. symbols_arm64_dbg.def
  25. symbols_arm64_rel.def
  26. symbols_x64_dbg.def
  27. symbols_x64_rel.def
  28. symbols_x64_rel_asan.def
  29. symbols_x86_dbg.def
  30. symbols_x86_rel.def

Abseil - C++ Common Libraries

The repository contains the Abseil C++ library code. Abseil is an open-source collection of C++ code (compliant to C++14) designed to augment the C++ standard library.

Table of Contents

About Abseil

Abseil is an open-source collection of C++ library code designed to augment the C++ standard library. The Abseil library code is collected from Google's own C++ code base, has been extensively tested and used in production, and is the same code we depend on in our daily coding lives.

In some cases, Abseil provides pieces missing from the C++ standard; in others, Abseil provides alternatives to the standard for special needs we've found through usage in the Google code base. We denote those cases clearly within the library code we provide you.

Abseil is not meant to be a competitor to the standard library; we've just found that many of these utilities serve a purpose within our code base, and we now want to provide those resources to the C++ community as a whole.


If you want to just get started, make sure you at least run through the Abseil Quickstart. The Quickstart contains information about setting up your development environment, downloading the Abseil code, running tests, and getting a simple binary working.

Building Abseil

Bazel and CMake are the official build systems for Abseil.

See the quickstart for more information on building Abseil using the Bazel build system.

If you require CMake support, please check the CMake build instructions and CMake Quickstart.


Abseil is officially supported on many platforms. See the Abseil platform support guide for details on supported operating systems, compilers, CPUs, etc.


Abseil contains the following C++ library components:

  • base Abseil Fundamentals
    The base library contains initialization code and other code which all other Abseil code depends on. Code within base may not depend on any other code (other than the C++ standard library).
  • algorithm
    The algorithm library contains additions to the C++ <algorithm> library and container-based versions of such algorithms.
  • cleanup
    The cleanup library contains the control-flow-construct-like type absl::Cleanup which is used for executing a callback on scope exit.
  • container
    The container library contains additional STL-style containers, including Abseil's unordered “Swiss table” containers.
  • debugging
    The debugging library contains code useful for enabling leak checks, and stacktrace and symbolization utilities.
  • hash
    The hash library contains the hashing framework and default hash functor implementations for hashable types in Abseil.
  • memory
    The memory library contains memory management facilities that augment C++'s <memory> library.
  • meta
    The meta library contains compatible versions of type checks available within C++14 and C++17 versions of the C++ <type_traits> library.
  • numeric
    The numeric library contains 128-bit integer types as well as implementations of C++20's bitwise math functions.
  • profiling
    The profiling library contains utility code for profiling C++ entities. It is currently a private dependency of other Abseil libraries.
  • status
    The status contains abstractions for error handling, specifically absl::Status and absl::StatusOr<T>.
  • strings
    The strings library contains a variety of strings routines and utilities, including a C++14-compatible version of the C++17 std::string_view type.
  • synchronization
    The synchronization library contains concurrency primitives (Abseil's absl::Mutex class, an alternative to std::mutex) and a variety of synchronization abstractions.
  • time
    The time library contains abstractions for computing with absolute points in time, durations of time, and formatting and parsing time within time zones.
  • types
    The types library contains non-container utility types, like a C++14-compatible version of the C++17 std::optional type.
  • utility
    The utility library contains utility and helper code.


Abseil recommends users “live-at-head” (update to the latest commit from the master branch as often as possible). However, we realize this philosophy doesn't work for every project, so we also provide Long Term Support Releases to which we backport fixes for severe bugs. See our release management document for more details.


The Abseil C++ library is licensed under the terms of the Apache license. See LICENSE for more information.


For more information about Abseil: