blob: ba8947341c96229c83c7c799ae6b7817761f8b48 [file] [log] [blame]
/// A class that helps implement determine equality
/// without needing to explicitly override == and [hashCode].
/// Equatables override their own == and [hashCode] based on
/// the provided `properties`.
abstract class Equatable {
/// The [Set] of `props` (properties) which will be used to determine whether
/// two [Equatables] are equal.
final Set props;
/// The constructor takes an optional [Iterable] of `props` which
/// will be used to determine whether two [Equatables] are equal.
/// If no properties are provided, `props` will be initialized to
/// `Iterable.empty()`.
Equatable([Iterable props])
: this.props = Set.from(props ?? Iterable.empty());
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
other is Equatable &&
runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
int get hashCode => _hashCode();
int _hashCode() {
int hashCode = runtimeType.hashCode;
props.forEach((prop) {
hashCode = hashCode ^ prop.hashCode;
return hashCode;