blob: cdb092bd9dca3409286d43d0a598c592e6b43bbd [file] [log] [blame]
import './equatable_utils.dart';
/// You must define the [EquatableMixinBase] on the class
/// which you want to make Equatable.
/// `class EquatableDateTime extends DateTime with EquatableMixinBase, EquatableMixin { ... }`
/// This exposes the `props` getter which can then be overridden to include custom props in subclasses.
/// The `props` getter is used to override `==` and `hashCode` in the [EquatableMixin].
mixin EquatableMixinBase on Object {
List get props => [];
String toString() => super.toString();
/// You must define the [EquatableMixin] on the class
/// which you want to make Equatable and the class
/// must also be a descendent of [EquatableMixinBase].
/// [EquatableMixin] does the override of the `==` operator as well as `hashCode`.
mixin EquatableMixin on EquatableMixinBase {
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
other is EquatableMixin &&
runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
equals(props, other.props);
int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ mapPropsToHashCode(props);
String toString() => props.isNotEmpty ? props.toString() : super.toString();