blob: 38d22e27c46b1d32a49cceb9b913db1fdd4ee782 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'equatable.dart';
import 'equatable_config.dart';
import 'equatable_utils.dart';
/// A mixin that helps implement equality
/// without needing to explicitly override [operator ==] and [hashCode].
/// Like with extending [Equatable], the [EquatableMixin] overrides the
/// [operator ==] as well as the [hashCode] based on the provided [props].
mixin EquatableMixin {
/// {@macro equatable_props}
List<Object?> get props;
/// {@macro equatable_stringify}
// ignore: avoid_returning_null
bool? get stringify => null;
bool operator ==(Object? other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
other is EquatableMixin &&
runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
equals(props, other.props);
int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode ^ mapPropsToHashCode(props);
String toString() {
switch (stringify) {
case true:
return mapPropsToString(runtimeType, props);
case false:
return '$runtimeType';
return EquatableConfig.stringify == true
? mapPropsToString(runtimeType, props)
: '$runtimeType';