blob: bb6874b6ae6426700fb142cf7632c600593a6c06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library gcloud.test.service_scope_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:gcloud/service_scope.dart' as ss;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test('no-service-scope', () {
expect(() => ss.register(1, 'foobar'), throwsA(isStateError));
() => ss.registerScopeExitCallback(() => null), throwsA(isStateError));
expect(() => ss.lookup(1), throwsA(isStateError));
var c = Completer.sync();
ss.fork(expectAsync0(() {
return Future.value();
// Assert that after fork()ing we still don't have a service scope outside
// of the zone created by the fork()ing.
c.future.then(expectAsync1((_) {
expect(() => ss.register(1, 'foobar'), throwsA(isStateError));
expect(() => ss.registerScopeExitCallback(() => null),
expect(() => ss.lookup(1), throwsA(isStateError));
test('non-existent-key', () {
return ss.fork(expectAsync0(() {
expect(ss.lookup(1), isNull);
return Future.value();
test('error-on-double-insert', () {
// Ensure that inserting twice with the same key results in an error.
return ss.fork(expectAsync0(() => Future.sync(() {
ss.register(1, 'firstValue');
expect(() => ss.register(1, 'firstValue'), throwsA(isArgumentError));
test('only-cleanup', () {
return ss.fork(expectAsync0(() => Future.sync(() {
ss.registerScopeExitCallback(expectAsync0(() => null));
test('correct-insertion-and-cleanup-order', () {
// Ensure cleanup functions are called in the reverse order of inserting
// their entries.
var insertions = 0;
return ss.fork(expectAsync0(() => Future.value(() {
var num = 10;
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
var key = i;
ss.register(key, 'value$i');
ss.registerScopeExitCallback(expectAsync0(() {
expect(insertions, equals(i + 1));
return null;
for (var j = 0; j <= num; j++) {
if (j <= i) {
expect(ss.lookup(key), 'value$i');
} else {
expect(ss.lookup(key), isNull);
test('onion-cleanup', () {
// Ensures that a cleanup method can look up things registered before it.
return ss.fork(expectAsync0(() {
ss.registerScopeExitCallback(expectAsync0(() {
expect(ss.lookup(1), isNull);
expect(ss.lookup(2), isNull);
return null;
ss.register(1, 'value1');
ss.registerScopeExitCallback(expectAsync0(() {
expect(ss.lookup(1), equals('value1'));
expect(ss.lookup(2), isNull);
return null;
ss.register(2, 'value2', onScopeExit: expectAsync0(() {
expect(ss.lookup(1), equals('value1'));
expect(ss.lookup(2), isNull);
return null;
ss.registerScopeExitCallback(expectAsync0(() {
expect(ss.lookup(1), 'value1');
expect(ss.lookup(2), 'value2');
return null;
return Future.value();
test('correct-insertion-and-cleanup-order--errors', () {
// Ensure that all cleanup functions will be called - even if some of them
// result in an error.
// Ensure the fork() error message contains all error messages from the
// failed cleanup() calls.
var insertions = 0;
return ss
.fork(() => Future.sync(() {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ss.register(i, 'value$i');
ss.registerScopeExitCallback(() {
expect(insertions, equals(i + 1));
if (i.isEven) throw 'xx${i}yy';
return null;
.catchError(expectAsync2((e, _) {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
expect('$e'.contains('xx${i}yy'), equals(i.isEven));
test('service-scope-destroyed-after-callback-completes', () {
// Ensure that once the closure passed to fork() completes, the service
// scope is destroyed.
return ss.fork(expectAsync0(() => Future.sync(() {
var key = 1;
ss.register(key, 'firstValue');
ss.registerScopeExitCallback(Zone.current.bindCallback(() {
// Spawn an async task which will be run after the cleanups to ensure
// the service scope got destroyed. {
expect(() => ss.lookup(key), throwsA(isStateError));
expect(() => ss.register(2, 'value'), throwsA(isStateError));
expect(() => ss.registerScopeExitCallback(() => null),
return null;
expect(ss.lookup(key), equals('firstValue'));
test('override-parent-value', () {
// Ensure that once the closure passed to fork() completes, the service
// scope is destroyed.
return ss.fork(expectAsync0(() => Future.sync(() {
var key = 1;
ss.register(key, 'firstValue');
expect(ss.lookup(key), equals('firstValue'));
return ss.fork(expectAsync0(() => Future.sync(() {
ss.register(key, 'secondValue');
expect(ss.lookup(key), equals('secondValue'));
test('fork-onError-handler', () {
// Ensure that once the closure passed to fork() completes, the service
// scope is destroyed.
ss.fork(expectAsync0(() { => throw StateError('foobar'));
return Future.value();
}), onError: expectAsync2((error, _) {
expect(error, isStateError);
test('nested-fork-and-insert', () {
// Ensure that independently fork()ed serice scopes can insert keys
// independently and they cannot see each others values but can see parent
// service scope values.
var rootKey = 1;
var subKey = 2;
var subKey1 = 3;
var subKey2 = 4;
return ss.fork(expectAsync0(() {
var cleanupFork1 = 0;
var cleanupFork2 = 0;
ss.register(rootKey, 'root');
ss.registerScopeExitCallback(expectAsync0(() {
expect(cleanupFork1, equals(2));
expect(cleanupFork2, equals(2));
return null;
expect(ss.lookup(rootKey), equals('root'));
Future spawnChild(Object ownSubKey, Object otherSubKey, int i,
ss.ScopeExitCallback cleanup) {
return ss.fork(expectAsync0(() => Future.sync(() {
ss.register(subKey, 'fork$i');
ss.register(ownSubKey, 'sub$i');
expect(ss.lookup(rootKey), equals('root'));
expect(ss.lookup(subKey), equals('fork$i'));
expect(ss.lookup(ownSubKey), equals('sub$i'));
expect(ss.lookup(otherSubKey), isNull);
return Future.wait([
spawnChild(subKey1, subKey2, 1, () {
return null;
spawnChild(subKey2, subKey1, 2, () {
return null;