blob: 72b75277798277933f0d9a11b55cfe3b20ec1edb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:retry/retry.dart';
import '../common.dart';
import '../datastore.dart' as datastore;
/// Datastore implementation which retries most operations
class RetryDatastoreImpl implements datastore.Datastore {
final datastore.Datastore _delegate;
final RetryOptions _retryOptions;
RetryDatastoreImpl(this._delegate, this._retryOptions);
Future<List<datastore.Key>> allocateIds(List<datastore.Key> keys) async {
return await _retryOptions.retry(
() => _delegate.allocateIds(keys),
retryIf: _retryIf,
Future<datastore.Transaction> beginTransaction({
bool crossEntityGroup = false,
}) async {
return await _retryOptions.retry(
() => _delegate.beginTransaction(crossEntityGroup: crossEntityGroup),
retryIf: _retryIf,
Future<datastore.CommitResult> commit({
List<datastore.Entity> inserts = const [],
List<datastore.Entity> autoIdInserts = const [],
List<datastore.Key> deletes = const [],
datastore.Transaction? transaction,
}) async {
Future<datastore.CommitResult> fn() async {
if (transaction == null) {
return await _delegate.commit(
inserts: inserts,
autoIdInserts: autoIdInserts,
deletes: deletes,
} else {
return await _delegate.commit(
inserts: inserts,
autoIdInserts: autoIdInserts,
deletes: deletes,
transaction: transaction,
final shouldNotRetry = autoIdInserts.isNotEmpty && transaction == null;
if (shouldNotRetry) {
return await fn();
} else {
return await _retryOptions.retry(fn, retryIf: _retryIf);
Future<List<datastore.Entity?>> lookup(
List<datastore.Key> keys, {
datastore.Transaction? transaction,
}) async {
return await _retryOptions.retry(
() async {
if (transaction == null) {
return await _delegate.lookup(keys);
} else {
return await _delegate.lookup(keys, transaction: transaction);
retryIf: _retryIf,
Future<Page<datastore.Entity>> query(
datastore.Query query, {
datastore.Partition? partition,
datastore.Transaction? transaction,
}) async {
Future<Page<datastore.Entity>> fn() async {
if (partition != null && transaction != null) {
return await _delegate.query(
partition: partition,
transaction: transaction,
} else if (partition != null) {
return await _delegate.query(query, partition: partition);
} else if (transaction != null) {
return await _delegate.query(
transaction: transaction,
} else {
return await _delegate.query(query);
return await _retryOptions.retry(
() async => _RetryPage(await fn(), _retryOptions),
retryIf: _retryIf,
Future rollback(datastore.Transaction transaction) async {
return await _retryOptions.retry(
() => _delegate.rollback(transaction),
retryIf: _retryIf,
class _RetryPage<K> implements Page<K> {
final Page<K> _delegate;
final RetryOptions _retryOptions;
_RetryPage(this._delegate, this._retryOptions);
bool get isLast => _delegate.isLast;
List<K> get items => _delegate.items;
Future<Page<K>> next({int? pageSize}) async {
final nextPage = await _retryOptions.retry(
() async {
if (pageSize == null) {
return await;
} else {
return await pageSize);
retryIf: _retryIf,
return _RetryPage(nextPage, _retryOptions);
bool _retryIf(Exception e) {
if (e is datastore.TransactionAbortedError ||
e is datastore.NeedIndexError ||
e is datastore.QuotaExceededError ||
e is datastore.PermissionDeniedError) {
return false;
return true;