| //======================================================================== |
| // GLFW 3.4 X11 - www.glfw.org |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| // Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Marcus Geelnard |
| // Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Camilla Löwy <elmindreda@glfw.org> |
| // |
| // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied |
| // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages |
| // arising from the use of this software. |
| // |
| // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, |
| // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it |
| // freely, subject to the following restrictions: |
| // |
| // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not |
| // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software |
| // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would |
| // be appreciated but is not required. |
| // |
| // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not |
| // be misrepresented as being the original software. |
| // |
| // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source |
| // distribution. |
| // |
| //======================================================================== |
| |
| #include <unistd.h> |
| #include <signal.h> |
| #include <stdint.h> |
| #include <dlfcn.h> |
| |
| #include <X11/Xlib.h> |
| #include <X11/keysym.h> |
| #include <X11/Xatom.h> |
| #include <X11/Xresource.h> |
| #include <X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h> |
| |
| // The XRandR extension provides mode setting and gamma control |
| #include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h> |
| |
| // The Xkb extension provides improved keyboard support |
| #include <X11/XKBlib.h> |
| |
| // The Xinerama extension provides legacy monitor indices |
| #include <X11/extensions/Xinerama.h> |
| |
| // The XInput extension provides raw mouse motion input |
| #include <X11/extensions/XInput2.h> |
| |
| typedef XClassHint* (* PFN_XAllocClassHint)(void); |
| typedef XSizeHints* (* PFN_XAllocSizeHints)(void); |
| typedef XWMHints* (* PFN_XAllocWMHints)(void); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XChangeProperty)(Display*,Window,Atom,Atom,int,int,const unsigned char*,int); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XChangeWindowAttributes)(Display*,Window,unsigned long,XSetWindowAttributes*); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XCheckIfEvent)(Display*,XEvent*,Bool(*)(Display*,XEvent*,XPointer),XPointer); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XCheckTypedWindowEvent)(Display*,Window,int,XEvent*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XCloseDisplay)(Display*); |
| typedef Status (* PFN_XCloseIM)(XIM); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XConvertSelection)(Display*,Atom,Atom,Atom,Window,Time); |
| typedef Colormap (* PFN_XCreateColormap)(Display*,Window,Visual*,int); |
| typedef Cursor (* PFN_XCreateFontCursor)(Display*,unsigned int); |
| typedef XIC (* PFN_XCreateIC)(XIM,...); |
| typedef Window (* PFN_XCreateWindow)(Display*,Window,int,int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,int,unsigned int,Visual*,unsigned long,XSetWindowAttributes*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XDefineCursor)(Display*,Window,Cursor); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XDeleteContext)(Display*,XID,XContext); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XDeleteProperty)(Display*,Window,Atom); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XDestroyIC)(XIC); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XDestroyWindow)(Display*,Window); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XDisplayKeycodes)(Display*,int*,int*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XEventsQueued)(Display*,int); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XFilterEvent)(XEvent*,Window); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XFindContext)(Display*,XID,XContext,XPointer*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XFlush)(Display*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XFree)(void*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XFreeColormap)(Display*,Colormap); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XFreeCursor)(Display*,Cursor); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XFreeEventData)(Display*,XGenericEventCookie*); |
| typedef char* (* PFN_XGetAtomName)(Display*,Atom); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XGetErrorText)(Display*,int,char*,int); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XGetEventData)(Display*,XGenericEventCookie*); |
| typedef char* (* PFN_XGetICValues)(XIC,...); |
| typedef char* (* PFN_XGetIMValues)(XIM,...); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XGetInputFocus)(Display*,Window*,int*); |
| typedef KeySym* (* PFN_XGetKeyboardMapping)(Display*,KeyCode,int,int*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XGetScreenSaver)(Display*,int*,int*,int*,int*); |
| typedef Window (* PFN_XGetSelectionOwner)(Display*,Atom); |
| typedef XVisualInfo* (* PFN_XGetVisualInfo)(Display*,long,XVisualInfo*,int*); |
| typedef Status (* PFN_XGetWMNormalHints)(Display*,Window,XSizeHints*,long*); |
| typedef Status (* PFN_XGetWindowAttributes)(Display*,Window,XWindowAttributes*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XGetWindowProperty)(Display*,Window,Atom,long,long,Bool,Atom,Atom*,int*,unsigned long*,unsigned long*,unsigned char**); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XGrabPointer)(Display*,Window,Bool,unsigned int,int,int,Window,Cursor,Time); |
| typedef Status (* PFN_XIconifyWindow)(Display*,Window,int); |
| typedef Status (* PFN_XInitThreads)(void); |
| typedef Atom (* PFN_XInternAtom)(Display*,const char*,Bool); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XLookupString)(XKeyEvent*,char*,int,KeySym*,XComposeStatus*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XMapRaised)(Display*,Window); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XMapWindow)(Display*,Window); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XMoveResizeWindow)(Display*,Window,int,int,unsigned int,unsigned int); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XMoveWindow)(Display*,Window,int,int); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XNextEvent)(Display*,XEvent*); |
| typedef Display* (* PFN_XOpenDisplay)(const char*); |
| typedef XIM (* PFN_XOpenIM)(Display*,XrmDatabase*,char*,char*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XPeekEvent)(Display*,XEvent*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XPending)(Display*); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XQueryExtension)(Display*,const char*,int*,int*,int*); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XQueryPointer)(Display*,Window,Window*,Window*,int*,int*,int*,int*,unsigned int*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XRaiseWindow)(Display*,Window); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback)(Display*,void*,char*,char*,XIDProc,XPointer); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XResizeWindow)(Display*,Window,unsigned int,unsigned int); |
| typedef char* (* PFN_XResourceManagerString)(Display*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XSaveContext)(Display*,XID,XContext,const char*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XSelectInput)(Display*,Window,long); |
| typedef Status (* PFN_XSendEvent)(Display*,Window,Bool,long,XEvent*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XSetClassHint)(Display*,Window,XClassHint*); |
| typedef XErrorHandler (* PFN_XSetErrorHandler)(XErrorHandler); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XSetICFocus)(XIC); |
| typedef char* (* PFN_XSetIMValues)(XIM,...); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XSetInputFocus)(Display*,Window,int,Time); |
| typedef char* (* PFN_XSetLocaleModifiers)(const char*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XSetScreenSaver)(Display*,int,int,int,int); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XSetSelectionOwner)(Display*,Atom,Window,Time); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XSetWMHints)(Display*,Window,XWMHints*); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XSetWMNormalHints)(Display*,Window,XSizeHints*); |
| typedef Status (* PFN_XSetWMProtocols)(Display*,Window,Atom*,int); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XSupportsLocale)(void); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XSync)(Display*,Bool); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XTranslateCoordinates)(Display*,Window,Window,int,int,int*,int*,Window*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XUndefineCursor)(Display*,Window); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XUngrabPointer)(Display*,Time); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XUnmapWindow)(Display*,Window); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XUnsetICFocus)(XIC); |
| typedef VisualID (* PFN_XVisualIDFromVisual)(Visual*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XWarpPointer)(Display*,Window,Window,int,int,unsigned int,unsigned int,int,int); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XkbFreeKeyboard)(XkbDescPtr,unsigned int,Bool); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XkbFreeNames)(XkbDescPtr,unsigned int,Bool); |
| typedef XkbDescPtr (* PFN_XkbAllocKeyboard)(void); |
| typedef XkbDescPtr (* PFN_XkbGetMap)(Display*,unsigned int,unsigned int); |
| typedef Status (* PFN_XkbGetNames)(Display*,unsigned int,XkbDescPtr); |
| typedef Status (* PFN_XkbGetState)(Display*,unsigned int,XkbStatePtr); |
| typedef KeySym (* PFN_XkbKeycodeToKeysym)(Display*,KeyCode,int,int); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XkbQueryExtension)(Display*,int*,int*,int*,int*,int*); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XkbSelectEventDetails)(Display*,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned long,unsigned long); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat)(Display*,Bool,Bool*); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XrmDestroyDatabase)(XrmDatabase); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XrmGetResource)(XrmDatabase,const char*,const char*,char**,XrmValue*); |
| typedef XrmDatabase (* PFN_XrmGetStringDatabase)(const char*); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XrmInitialize)(void); |
| typedef XrmQuark (* PFN_XrmUniqueQuark)(void); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback)(Display*,void*,char*,char*,XIDProc,XPointer); |
| typedef int (* PFN_Xutf8LookupString)(XIC,XKeyPressedEvent*,char*,int,KeySym*,Status*); |
| typedef void (* PFN_Xutf8SetWMProperties)(Display*,Window,const char*,const char*,char**,int,XSizeHints*,XWMHints*,XClassHint*); |
| #define XAllocClassHint _glfw.x11.xlib.AllocClassHint |
| #define XAllocSizeHints _glfw.x11.xlib.AllocSizeHints |
| #define XAllocWMHints _glfw.x11.xlib.AllocWMHints |
| #define XChangeProperty _glfw.x11.xlib.ChangeProperty |
| #define XChangeWindowAttributes _glfw.x11.xlib.ChangeWindowAttributes |
| #define XCheckIfEvent _glfw.x11.xlib.CheckIfEvent |
| #define XCheckTypedWindowEvent _glfw.x11.xlib.CheckTypedWindowEvent |
| #define XCloseDisplay _glfw.x11.xlib.CloseDisplay |
| #define XCloseIM _glfw.x11.xlib.CloseIM |
| #define XConvertSelection _glfw.x11.xlib.ConvertSelection |
| #define XCreateColormap _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateColormap |
| #define XCreateFontCursor _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateFontCursor |
| #define XCreateIC _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateIC |
| #define XCreateWindow _glfw.x11.xlib.CreateWindow |
| #define XDefineCursor _glfw.x11.xlib.DefineCursor |
| #define XDeleteContext _glfw.x11.xlib.DeleteContext |
| #define XDeleteProperty _glfw.x11.xlib.DeleteProperty |
| #define XDestroyIC _glfw.x11.xlib.DestroyIC |
| #define XDestroyWindow _glfw.x11.xlib.DestroyWindow |
| #define XDisplayKeycodes _glfw.x11.xlib.DisplayKeycodes |
| #define XEventsQueued _glfw.x11.xlib.EventsQueued |
| #define XFilterEvent _glfw.x11.xlib.FilterEvent |
| #define XFindContext _glfw.x11.xlib.FindContext |
| #define XFlush _glfw.x11.xlib.Flush |
| #define XFree _glfw.x11.xlib.Free |
| #define XFreeColormap _glfw.x11.xlib.FreeColormap |
| #define XFreeCursor _glfw.x11.xlib.FreeCursor |
| #define XFreeEventData _glfw.x11.xlib.FreeEventData |
| #define XGetAtomName _glfw.x11.xlib.GetAtomName |
| #define XGetErrorText _glfw.x11.xlib.GetErrorText |
| #define XGetEventData _glfw.x11.xlib.GetEventData |
| #define XGetICValues _glfw.x11.xlib.GetICValues |
| #define XGetIMValues _glfw.x11.xlib.GetIMValues |
| #define XGetInputFocus _glfw.x11.xlib.GetInputFocus |
| #define XGetKeyboardMapping _glfw.x11.xlib.GetKeyboardMapping |
| #define XGetScreenSaver _glfw.x11.xlib.GetScreenSaver |
| #define XGetSelectionOwner _glfw.x11.xlib.GetSelectionOwner |
| #define XGetVisualInfo _glfw.x11.xlib.GetVisualInfo |
| #define XGetWMNormalHints _glfw.x11.xlib.GetWMNormalHints |
| #define XGetWindowAttributes _glfw.x11.xlib.GetWindowAttributes |
| #define XGetWindowProperty _glfw.x11.xlib.GetWindowProperty |
| #define XGrabPointer _glfw.x11.xlib.GrabPointer |
| #define XIconifyWindow _glfw.x11.xlib.IconifyWindow |
| #define XInitThreads _glfw.x11.xlib.InitThreads |
| #define XInternAtom _glfw.x11.xlib.InternAtom |
| #define XLookupString _glfw.x11.xlib.LookupString |
| #define XMapRaised _glfw.x11.xlib.MapRaised |
| #define XMapWindow _glfw.x11.xlib.MapWindow |
| #define XMoveResizeWindow _glfw.x11.xlib.MoveResizeWindow |
| #define XMoveWindow _glfw.x11.xlib.MoveWindow |
| #define XNextEvent _glfw.x11.xlib.NextEvent |
| #define XOpenDisplay _glfw.x11.xlib.OpenDisplay |
| #define XOpenIM _glfw.x11.xlib.OpenIM |
| #define XPeekEvent _glfw.x11.xlib.PeekEvent |
| #define XPending _glfw.x11.xlib.Pending |
| #define XQueryExtension _glfw.x11.xlib.QueryExtension |
| #define XQueryPointer _glfw.x11.xlib.QueryPointer |
| #define XRaiseWindow _glfw.x11.xlib.RaiseWindow |
| #define XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback _glfw.x11.xlib.RegisterIMInstantiateCallback |
| #define XResizeWindow _glfw.x11.xlib.ResizeWindow |
| #define XResourceManagerString _glfw.x11.xlib.ResourceManagerString |
| #define XSaveContext _glfw.x11.xlib.SaveContext |
| #define XSelectInput _glfw.x11.xlib.SelectInput |
| #define XSendEvent _glfw.x11.xlib.SendEvent |
| #define XSetClassHint _glfw.x11.xlib.SetClassHint |
| #define XSetErrorHandler _glfw.x11.xlib.SetErrorHandler |
| #define XSetICFocus _glfw.x11.xlib.SetICFocus |
| #define XSetIMValues _glfw.x11.xlib.SetIMValues |
| #define XSetInputFocus _glfw.x11.xlib.SetInputFocus |
| #define XSetLocaleModifiers _glfw.x11.xlib.SetLocaleModifiers |
| #define XSetScreenSaver _glfw.x11.xlib.SetScreenSaver |
| #define XSetSelectionOwner _glfw.x11.xlib.SetSelectionOwner |
| #define XSetWMHints _glfw.x11.xlib.SetWMHints |
| #define XSetWMNormalHints _glfw.x11.xlib.SetWMNormalHints |
| #define XSetWMProtocols _glfw.x11.xlib.SetWMProtocols |
| #define XSupportsLocale _glfw.x11.xlib.SupportsLocale |
| #define XSync _glfw.x11.xlib.Sync |
| #define XTranslateCoordinates _glfw.x11.xlib.TranslateCoordinates |
| #define XUndefineCursor _glfw.x11.xlib.UndefineCursor |
| #define XUngrabPointer _glfw.x11.xlib.UngrabPointer |
| #define XUnmapWindow _glfw.x11.xlib.UnmapWindow |
| #define XUnsetICFocus _glfw.x11.xlib.UnsetICFocus |
| #define XVisualIDFromVisual _glfw.x11.xlib.VisualIDFromVisual |
| #define XWarpPointer _glfw.x11.xlib.WarpPointer |
| #define XkbAllocKeyboard _glfw.x11.xkb.AllocKeyboard |
| #define XkbFreeKeyboard _glfw.x11.xkb.FreeKeyboard |
| #define XkbFreeNames _glfw.x11.xkb.FreeNames |
| #define XkbGetMap _glfw.x11.xkb.GetMap |
| #define XkbGetNames _glfw.x11.xkb.GetNames |
| #define XkbGetState _glfw.x11.xkb.GetState |
| #define XkbKeycodeToKeysym _glfw.x11.xkb.KeycodeToKeysym |
| #define XkbQueryExtension _glfw.x11.xkb.QueryExtension |
| #define XkbSelectEventDetails _glfw.x11.xkb.SelectEventDetails |
| #define XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat _glfw.x11.xkb.SetDetectableAutoRepeat |
| #define XrmDestroyDatabase _glfw.x11.xrm.DestroyDatabase |
| #define XrmGetResource _glfw.x11.xrm.GetResource |
| #define XrmGetStringDatabase _glfw.x11.xrm.GetStringDatabase |
| #define XrmInitialize _glfw.x11.xrm.Initialize |
| #define XrmUniqueQuark _glfw.x11.xrm.UniqueQuark |
| #define XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback _glfw.x11.xlib.UnregisterIMInstantiateCallback |
| #define Xutf8LookupString _glfw.x11.xlib.utf8LookupString |
| #define Xutf8SetWMProperties _glfw.x11.xlib.utf8SetWMProperties |
| |
| typedef XRRCrtcGamma* (* PFN_XRRAllocGamma)(int); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XRRFreeCrtcInfo)(XRRCrtcInfo*); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XRRFreeGamma)(XRRCrtcGamma*); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XRRFreeOutputInfo)(XRROutputInfo*); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XRRFreeScreenResources)(XRRScreenResources*); |
| typedef XRRCrtcGamma* (* PFN_XRRGetCrtcGamma)(Display*,RRCrtc); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XRRGetCrtcGammaSize)(Display*,RRCrtc); |
| typedef XRRCrtcInfo* (* PFN_XRRGetCrtcInfo) (Display*,XRRScreenResources*,RRCrtc); |
| typedef XRROutputInfo* (* PFN_XRRGetOutputInfo)(Display*,XRRScreenResources*,RROutput); |
| typedef RROutput (* PFN_XRRGetOutputPrimary)(Display*,Window); |
| typedef XRRScreenResources* (* PFN_XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent)(Display*,Window); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XRRQueryExtension)(Display*,int*,int*); |
| typedef Status (* PFN_XRRQueryVersion)(Display*,int*,int*); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XRRSelectInput)(Display*,Window,int); |
| typedef Status (* PFN_XRRSetCrtcConfig)(Display*,XRRScreenResources*,RRCrtc,Time,int,int,RRMode,Rotation,RROutput*,int); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XRRSetCrtcGamma)(Display*,RRCrtc,XRRCrtcGamma*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XRRUpdateConfiguration)(XEvent*); |
| #define XRRAllocGamma _glfw.x11.randr.AllocGamma |
| #define XRRFreeCrtcInfo _glfw.x11.randr.FreeCrtcInfo |
| #define XRRFreeGamma _glfw.x11.randr.FreeGamma |
| #define XRRFreeOutputInfo _glfw.x11.randr.FreeOutputInfo |
| #define XRRFreeScreenResources _glfw.x11.randr.FreeScreenResources |
| #define XRRGetCrtcGamma _glfw.x11.randr.GetCrtcGamma |
| #define XRRGetCrtcGammaSize _glfw.x11.randr.GetCrtcGammaSize |
| #define XRRGetCrtcInfo _glfw.x11.randr.GetCrtcInfo |
| #define XRRGetOutputInfo _glfw.x11.randr.GetOutputInfo |
| #define XRRGetOutputPrimary _glfw.x11.randr.GetOutputPrimary |
| #define XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent _glfw.x11.randr.GetScreenResourcesCurrent |
| #define XRRQueryExtension _glfw.x11.randr.QueryExtension |
| #define XRRQueryVersion _glfw.x11.randr.QueryVersion |
| #define XRRSelectInput _glfw.x11.randr.SelectInput |
| #define XRRSetCrtcConfig _glfw.x11.randr.SetCrtcConfig |
| #define XRRSetCrtcGamma _glfw.x11.randr.SetCrtcGamma |
| #define XRRUpdateConfiguration _glfw.x11.randr.UpdateConfiguration |
| |
| typedef XcursorImage* (* PFN_XcursorImageCreate)(int,int); |
| typedef void (* PFN_XcursorImageDestroy)(XcursorImage*); |
| typedef Cursor (* PFN_XcursorImageLoadCursor)(Display*,const XcursorImage*); |
| typedef char* (* PFN_XcursorGetTheme)(Display*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XcursorGetDefaultSize)(Display*); |
| typedef XcursorImage* (* PFN_XcursorLibraryLoadImage)(const char*,const char*,int); |
| #define XcursorImageCreate _glfw.x11.xcursor.ImageCreate |
| #define XcursorImageDestroy _glfw.x11.xcursor.ImageDestroy |
| #define XcursorImageLoadCursor _glfw.x11.xcursor.ImageLoadCursor |
| #define XcursorGetTheme _glfw.x11.xcursor.GetTheme |
| #define XcursorGetDefaultSize _glfw.x11.xcursor.GetDefaultSize |
| #define XcursorLibraryLoadImage _glfw.x11.xcursor.LibraryLoadImage |
| |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XineramaIsActive)(Display*); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XineramaQueryExtension)(Display*,int*,int*); |
| typedef XineramaScreenInfo* (* PFN_XineramaQueryScreens)(Display*,int*); |
| #define XineramaIsActive _glfw.x11.xinerama.IsActive |
| #define XineramaQueryExtension _glfw.x11.xinerama.QueryExtension |
| #define XineramaQueryScreens _glfw.x11.xinerama.QueryScreens |
| |
| typedef XID xcb_window_t; |
| typedef XID xcb_visualid_t; |
| typedef struct xcb_connection_t xcb_connection_t; |
| typedef xcb_connection_t* (* PFN_XGetXCBConnection)(Display*); |
| #define XGetXCBConnection _glfw.x11.x11xcb.GetXCBConnection |
| |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XF86VidModeQueryExtension)(Display*,int*,int*); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp)(Display*,int,int,unsigned short*,unsigned short*,unsigned short*); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp)(Display*,int,int,unsigned short*,unsigned short*,unsigned short*); |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize)(Display*,int,int*); |
| #define XF86VidModeQueryExtension _glfw.x11.vidmode.QueryExtension |
| #define XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp _glfw.x11.vidmode.GetGammaRamp |
| #define XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp _glfw.x11.vidmode.SetGammaRamp |
| #define XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize _glfw.x11.vidmode.GetGammaRampSize |
| |
| typedef Status (* PFN_XIQueryVersion)(Display*,int*,int*); |
| typedef int (* PFN_XISelectEvents)(Display*,Window,XIEventMask*,int); |
| #define XIQueryVersion _glfw.x11.xi.QueryVersion |
| #define XISelectEvents _glfw.x11.xi.SelectEvents |
| |
| typedef Bool (* PFN_XRenderQueryExtension)(Display*,int*,int*); |
| typedef Status (* PFN_XRenderQueryVersion)(Display*dpy,int*,int*); |
| typedef XRenderPictFormat* (* PFN_XRenderFindVisualFormat)(Display*,Visual const*); |
| #define XRenderQueryExtension _glfw.x11.xrender.QueryExtension |
| #define XRenderQueryVersion _glfw.x11.xrender.QueryVersion |
| #define XRenderFindVisualFormat _glfw.x11.xrender.FindVisualFormat |
| |
| typedef VkFlags VkXlibSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR; |
| typedef VkFlags VkXcbSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR; |
| |
| typedef struct VkXlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR |
| { |
| VkStructureType sType; |
| const void* pNext; |
| VkXlibSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR flags; |
| Display* dpy; |
| Window window; |
| } VkXlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR; |
| |
| typedef struct VkXcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR |
| { |
| VkStructureType sType; |
| const void* pNext; |
| VkXcbSurfaceCreateFlagsKHR flags; |
| xcb_connection_t* connection; |
| xcb_window_t window; |
| } VkXcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR; |
| |
| typedef VkResult (APIENTRY *PFN_vkCreateXlibSurfaceKHR)(VkInstance,const VkXlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR*,const VkAllocationCallbacks*,VkSurfaceKHR*); |
| typedef VkBool32 (APIENTRY *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceXlibPresentationSupportKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice,uint32_t,Display*,VisualID); |
| typedef VkResult (APIENTRY *PFN_vkCreateXcbSurfaceKHR)(VkInstance,const VkXcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR*,const VkAllocationCallbacks*,VkSurfaceKHR*); |
| typedef VkBool32 (APIENTRY *PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceXcbPresentationSupportKHR)(VkPhysicalDevice,uint32_t,xcb_connection_t*,xcb_visualid_t); |
| |
| #include "posix_thread.h" |
| #include "posix_time.h" |
| #include "xkb_unicode.h" |
| #include "glx_context.h" |
| #include "egl_context.h" |
| #include "osmesa_context.h" |
| #if defined(__linux__) |
| #include "linux_joystick.h" |
| #else |
| #include "null_joystick.h" |
| #endif |
| |
| #define _glfw_dlopen(name) dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL) |
| #define _glfw_dlclose(handle) dlclose(handle) |
| #define _glfw_dlsym(handle, name) dlsym(handle, name) |
| |
| #define _GLFW_EGL_NATIVE_WINDOW ((EGLNativeWindowType) window->x11.handle) |
| #define _GLFW_EGL_NATIVE_DISPLAY ((EGLNativeDisplayType) _glfw.x11.display) |
| |
| #define _GLFW_PLATFORM_WINDOW_STATE _GLFWwindowX11 x11 |
| #define _GLFW_PLATFORM_MONITOR_STATE _GLFWmonitorX11 x11 |
| #define _GLFW_PLATFORM_CURSOR_STATE _GLFWcursorX11 x11 |
| |
| |
| // X11-specific per-window data |
| // |
| typedef struct _GLFWwindowX11 |
| { |
| Colormap colormap; |
| Window handle; |
| Window parent; |
| XIC ic; |
| |
| GLFWbool overrideRedirect; |
| GLFWbool iconified; |
| GLFWbool maximized; |
| |
| // Whether the visual supports framebuffer transparency |
| GLFWbool transparent; |
| |
| // Cached position and size used to filter out duplicate events |
| int width, height; |
| int xpos, ypos; |
| |
| // The last received cursor position, regardless of source |
| int lastCursorPosX, lastCursorPosY; |
| // The last position the cursor was warped to by GLFW |
| int warpCursorPosX, warpCursorPosY; |
| |
| // The time of the last KeyPress event |
| Time lastKeyTime; |
| |
| } _GLFWwindowX11; |
| |
| // X11-specific global data |
| // |
| typedef struct _GLFWlibraryX11 |
| { |
| Display* display; |
| int screen; |
| Window root; |
| |
| // System content scale |
| float contentScaleX, contentScaleY; |
| // Helper window for IPC |
| Window helperWindowHandle; |
| // Invisible cursor for hidden cursor mode |
| Cursor hiddenCursorHandle; |
| // Context for mapping window XIDs to _GLFWwindow pointers |
| XContext context; |
| // XIM input method |
| XIM im; |
| // Most recent error code received by X error handler |
| int errorCode; |
| // Primary selection string (while the primary selection is owned) |
| char* primarySelectionString; |
| // Clipboard string (while the selection is owned) |
| char* clipboardString; |
| // Key name string |
| char keynames[GLFW_KEY_LAST + 1][5]; |
| // X11 keycode to GLFW key LUT |
| short int keycodes[256]; |
| // GLFW key to X11 keycode LUT |
| short int scancodes[GLFW_KEY_LAST + 1]; |
| char* keyboardLayoutName; |
| // Where to place the cursor when re-enabled |
| double restoreCursorPosX, restoreCursorPosY; |
| // The window whose disabled cursor mode is active |
| _GLFWwindow* disabledCursorWindow; |
| |
| // Window manager atoms |
| Atom WM_STATE; |
| Atom NET_WM_NAME; |
| Atom NET_WM_ICON; |
| Atom NET_WM_PID; |
| Atom NET_WM_PING; |
| Atom NET_WM_STATE; |
| Atom NET_WM_CM_Sx; |
| |
| // Xdnd (drag and drop) atoms |
| Atom XdndAware; |
| Atom XdndEnter; |
| Atom XdndPosition; |
| Atom XdndStatus; |
| Atom XdndActionCopy; |
| Atom XdndDrop; |
| Atom XdndFinished; |
| Atom XdndSelection; |
| Atom XdndTypeList; |
| Atom text_uri_list; |
| |
| // Selection (clipboard) atoms |
| Atom TARGETS; |
| Atom MULTIPLE; |
| Atom INCR; |
| Atom PRIMARY; |
| Atom NULL_; |
| Atom UTF8_STRING; |
| Atom ATOM_PAIR; |
| |
| struct { |
| void* handle; |
| PFN_XAllocClassHint AllocClassHint; |
| PFN_XAllocSizeHints AllocSizeHints; |
| PFN_XAllocWMHints AllocWMHints; |
| PFN_XChangeProperty ChangeProperty; |
| PFN_XChangeWindowAttributes ChangeWindowAttributes; |
| PFN_XCheckIfEvent CheckIfEvent; |
| PFN_XCheckTypedWindowEvent CheckTypedWindowEvent; |
| PFN_XCloseDisplay CloseDisplay; |
| PFN_XCloseIM CloseIM; |
| PFN_XConvertSelection ConvertSelection; |
| PFN_XCreateColormap CreateColormap; |
| PFN_XCreateFontCursor CreateFontCursor; |
| PFN_XCreateIC CreateIC; |
| PFN_XCreateWindow CreateWindow; |
| PFN_XDefineCursor DefineCursor; |
| PFN_XDeleteContext DeleteContext; |
| PFN_XDeleteProperty DeleteProperty; |
| PFN_XDestroyIC DestroyIC; |
| PFN_XDestroyWindow DestroyWindow; |
| PFN_XDisplayKeycodes DisplayKeycodes; |
| PFN_XEventsQueued EventsQueued; |
| PFN_XFilterEvent FilterEvent; |
| PFN_XFindContext FindContext; |
| PFN_XFlush Flush; |
| PFN_XFree Free; |
| PFN_XFreeColormap FreeColormap; |
| PFN_XFreeCursor FreeCursor; |
| PFN_XFreeEventData FreeEventData; |
| PFN_XGetAtomName GetAtomName; |
| PFN_XGetErrorText GetErrorText; |
| PFN_XGetEventData GetEventData; |
| PFN_XGetICValues GetICValues; |
| PFN_XGetIMValues GetIMValues; |
| PFN_XGetInputFocus GetInputFocus; |
| PFN_XGetKeyboardMapping GetKeyboardMapping; |
| PFN_XGetScreenSaver GetScreenSaver; |
| PFN_XGetSelectionOwner GetSelectionOwner; |
| PFN_XGetVisualInfo GetVisualInfo; |
| PFN_XGetWMNormalHints GetWMNormalHints; |
| PFN_XGetWindowAttributes GetWindowAttributes; |
| PFN_XGetWindowProperty GetWindowProperty; |
| PFN_XGrabPointer GrabPointer; |
| PFN_XIconifyWindow IconifyWindow; |
| PFN_XInitThreads InitThreads; |
| PFN_XInternAtom InternAtom; |
| PFN_XLookupString LookupString; |
| PFN_XMapRaised MapRaised; |
| PFN_XMapWindow MapWindow; |
| PFN_XMoveResizeWindow MoveResizeWindow; |
| PFN_XMoveWindow MoveWindow; |
| PFN_XNextEvent NextEvent; |
| PFN_XOpenDisplay OpenDisplay; |
| PFN_XOpenIM OpenIM; |
| PFN_XPeekEvent PeekEvent; |
| PFN_XPending Pending; |
| PFN_XQueryExtension QueryExtension; |
| PFN_XQueryPointer QueryPointer; |
| PFN_XRaiseWindow RaiseWindow; |
| PFN_XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback RegisterIMInstantiateCallback; |
| PFN_XResizeWindow ResizeWindow; |
| PFN_XResourceManagerString ResourceManagerString; |
| PFN_XSaveContext SaveContext; |
| PFN_XSelectInput SelectInput; |
| PFN_XSendEvent SendEvent; |
| PFN_XSetClassHint SetClassHint; |
| PFN_XSetErrorHandler SetErrorHandler; |
| PFN_XSetICFocus SetICFocus; |
| PFN_XSetIMValues SetIMValues; |
| PFN_XSetInputFocus SetInputFocus; |
| PFN_XSetLocaleModifiers SetLocaleModifiers; |
| PFN_XSetScreenSaver SetScreenSaver; |
| PFN_XSetSelectionOwner SetSelectionOwner; |
| PFN_XSetWMHints SetWMHints; |
| PFN_XSetWMNormalHints SetWMNormalHints; |
| PFN_XSetWMProtocols SetWMProtocols; |
| PFN_XSupportsLocale SupportsLocale; |
| PFN_XSync Sync; |
| PFN_XTranslateCoordinates TranslateCoordinates; |
| PFN_XUndefineCursor UndefineCursor; |
| PFN_XUngrabPointer UngrabPointer; |
| PFN_XUnmapWindow UnmapWindow; |
| PFN_XUnsetICFocus UnsetICFocus; |
| PFN_XVisualIDFromVisual VisualIDFromVisual; |
| PFN_XWarpPointer WarpPointer; |
| PFN_XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback UnregisterIMInstantiateCallback; |
| PFN_Xutf8LookupString utf8LookupString; |
| PFN_Xutf8SetWMProperties utf8SetWMProperties; |
| } xlib; |
| |
| struct { |
| PFN_XrmDestroyDatabase DestroyDatabase; |
| PFN_XrmGetResource GetResource; |
| PFN_XrmGetStringDatabase GetStringDatabase; |
| PFN_XrmInitialize Initialize; |
| PFN_XrmUniqueQuark UniqueQuark; |
| } xrm; |
| |
| struct { |
| GLFWbool available; |
| void* handle; |
| int eventBase; |
| int errorBase; |
| int major; |
| int minor; |
| GLFWbool gammaBroken; |
| GLFWbool monitorBroken; |
| PFN_XRRAllocGamma AllocGamma; |
| PFN_XRRFreeCrtcInfo FreeCrtcInfo; |
| PFN_XRRFreeGamma FreeGamma; |
| PFN_XRRFreeOutputInfo FreeOutputInfo; |
| PFN_XRRFreeScreenResources FreeScreenResources; |
| PFN_XRRGetCrtcGamma GetCrtcGamma; |
| PFN_XRRGetCrtcGammaSize GetCrtcGammaSize; |
| PFN_XRRGetCrtcInfo GetCrtcInfo; |
| PFN_XRRGetOutputInfo GetOutputInfo; |
| PFN_XRRGetOutputPrimary GetOutputPrimary; |
| PFN_XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent GetScreenResourcesCurrent; |
| PFN_XRRQueryExtension QueryExtension; |
| PFN_XRRQueryVersion QueryVersion; |
| PFN_XRRSelectInput SelectInput; |
| PFN_XRRSetCrtcConfig SetCrtcConfig; |
| PFN_XRRSetCrtcGamma SetCrtcGamma; |
| PFN_XRRUpdateConfiguration UpdateConfiguration; |
| } randr; |
| |
| struct { |
| GLFWbool available; |
| GLFWbool detectable; |
| int majorOpcode; |
| int eventBase; |
| int errorBase; |
| int major; |
| int minor; |
| unsigned int group; |
| PFN_XkbAllocKeyboard AllocKeyboard; |
| PFN_XkbFreeKeyboard FreeKeyboard; |
| PFN_XkbFreeNames FreeNames; |
| PFN_XkbGetMap GetMap; |
| PFN_XkbGetNames GetNames; |
| PFN_XkbGetState GetState; |
| PFN_XkbKeycodeToKeysym KeycodeToKeysym; |
| PFN_XkbQueryExtension QueryExtension; |
| PFN_XkbSelectEventDetails SelectEventDetails; |
| PFN_XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat SetDetectableAutoRepeat; |
| } xkb; |
| |
| struct { |
| int count; |
| int timeout; |
| int interval; |
| int blanking; |
| int exposure; |
| } saver; |
| |
| struct { |
| int version; |
| Window source; |
| Atom format; |
| } xdnd; |
| |
| struct { |
| void* handle; |
| PFN_XcursorImageCreate ImageCreate; |
| PFN_XcursorImageDestroy ImageDestroy; |
| PFN_XcursorImageLoadCursor ImageLoadCursor; |
| PFN_XcursorGetTheme GetTheme; |
| PFN_XcursorGetDefaultSize GetDefaultSize; |
| PFN_XcursorLibraryLoadImage LibraryLoadImage; |
| } xcursor; |
| |
| struct { |
| GLFWbool available; |
| void* handle; |
| int major; |
| int minor; |
| PFN_XineramaIsActive IsActive; |
| PFN_XineramaQueryExtension QueryExtension; |
| PFN_XineramaQueryScreens QueryScreens; |
| } xinerama; |
| |
| struct { |
| void* handle; |
| PFN_XGetXCBConnection GetXCBConnection; |
| } x11xcb; |
| |
| struct { |
| GLFWbool available; |
| void* handle; |
| int eventBase; |
| int errorBase; |
| PFN_XF86VidModeQueryExtension QueryExtension; |
| PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp GetGammaRamp; |
| PFN_XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp SetGammaRamp; |
| PFN_XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize GetGammaRampSize; |
| } vidmode; |
| |
| struct { |
| GLFWbool available; |
| void* handle; |
| int majorOpcode; |
| int eventBase; |
| int errorBase; |
| int major; |
| int minor; |
| PFN_XIQueryVersion QueryVersion; |
| PFN_XISelectEvents SelectEvents; |
| } xi; |
| |
| struct { |
| GLFWbool available; |
| void* handle; |
| int major; |
| int minor; |
| int eventBase; |
| int errorBase; |
| PFN_XRenderQueryExtension QueryExtension; |
| PFN_XRenderQueryVersion QueryVersion; |
| PFN_XRenderFindVisualFormat FindVisualFormat; |
| } xrender; |
| |
| } _GLFWlibraryX11; |
| |
| // X11-specific per-monitor data |
| // |
| typedef struct _GLFWmonitorX11 |
| { |
| RROutput output; |
| RRCrtc crtc; |
| RRMode oldMode; |
| |
| // Index of corresponding Xinerama screen, |
| // for EWMH full screen window placement |
| int index; |
| |
| } _GLFWmonitorX11; |
| |
| // X11-specific per-cursor data |
| // |
| typedef struct _GLFWcursorX11 |
| { |
| Cursor handle; |
| |
| } _GLFWcursorX11; |
| |
| |
| void _glfwPollMonitorsX11(void); |
| void _glfwSetVideoModeX11(_GLFWmonitor* monitor, const GLFWvidmode* desired); |
| void _glfwRestoreVideoModeX11(_GLFWmonitor* monitor); |
| |
| Cursor _glfwCreateCursorX11(const GLFWimage* image, int xhot, int yhot); |
| |
| unsigned long _glfwGetWindowPropertyX11(Window window, |
| Atom property, |
| Atom type, |
| unsigned char** value); |
| GLFWbool _glfwIsVisualTransparentX11(Visual* visual); |
| |
| void _glfwGrabErrorHandlerX11(void); |
| void _glfwReleaseErrorHandlerX11(void); |
| void _glfwInputErrorX11(int error, const char* message); |
| |
| void _glfwPushSelectionToManagerX11(void); |
| void _glfwCreateInputContextX11(_GLFWwindow* window); |
| |