Changed default of GLFW_REFRESH_RATE.

Fixes #354.
diff --git a/ b/
index 67a9545..b733fcb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@
  - Added `GLFW_FLOATING` for creating always-on-top windowed mode windows
  - Added `GLFW_FOCUSED` window hint for controlling initial input focus
  - Added *partial and experimental* support for Wayland
+ - Changed the default of `GLFW_REFRESH_RATE` to `GLFW_DONT_CARE` to maintain
+   the default behavior
  - Bugfix: The debug context attribute was set from `GL_ARB_debug_output` even
            when a debug context had not been requested
  - Bugfix: The particles example was not linked against the threading library
diff --git a/docs/window.dox b/docs/window.dox
index 3823b0c..2e3b882 100644
--- a/docs/window.dox
+++ b/docs/window.dox
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
 `GLFW_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS`         | 0                           | 0 to `INT_MAX` or `GLFW_DONT_CARE`
 `GLFW_AUX_BUFFERS`              | 0                           | 0 to `INT_MAX` or `GLFW_DONT_CARE`
 `GLFW_SAMPLES`                  | 0                           | 0 to `INT_MAX` or `GLFW_DONT_CARE`
-`GLFW_REFRESH_RATE`             | 0                           | 0 to `INT_MAX` or `GLFW_DONT_CARE`
+`GLFW_REFRESH_RATE`             | `GLFW_DONT_CARE`            | 0 to `INT_MAX` or `GLFW_DONT_CARE`
 `GLFW_STEREO`                   | `GL_FALSE`                  | `GL_TRUE` or `GL_FALSE`
 `GLFW_SRGB_CAPABLE`             | `GL_FALSE`                  | `GL_TRUE` or `GL_FALSE`
 `GLFW_DOUBLEBUFFER`             | `GL_TRUE`                   | `GL_TRUE` or `GL_FALSE`
diff --git a/src/window.c b/src/window.c
index b07d5a6..561671e 100644
--- a/src/window.c
+++ b/src/window.c
@@ -290,6 +290,9 @@
     _glfw.hints.focused     = GL_TRUE;
     _glfw.hints.autoIconify = GL_TRUE;
+    // The default is to select the highest available refresh rate
+    _glfw.hints.refreshRate = GLFW_DONT_CARE;
     // The default is 24 bits of color, 24 bits of depth and 8 bits of stencil,
     // double buffered
     _glfw.hints.redBits      = 8;