blob: dd9deb84cb7efba60c063a12ae7d4ebf495823d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'api_requester.dart';
import 'multipart_media_uploader.dart';
import 'request_impl.dart';
import 'requests.dart' as client_requests;
// TODO: Buffer less if we know the content length in advance.
/// Does media uploads using the resumable upload protocol.
class ResumableMediaUploader {
final http.Client _httpClient;
final client_requests.Media _uploadMedia;
final Uri _uri;
final String? _body;
final String _method;
final client_requests.ResumableUploadOptions _options;
final Map<String, String> _requestHeaders;
/// Returns the final [http.StreamedResponse] if the upload succeed and
/// completes with an error otherwise.
/// The returned response stream has not been listened to.
Future<http.StreamedResponse> upload() async {
final uploadUri = await _startSession();
late StreamSubscription subscription;
final completer = Completer<http.StreamedResponse>();
var completed = false;
final chunkStack = ChunkStack(_options.chunkSize);
subscription =<int> bytes) {
// Upload all but the last chunk.
// The final send will be done in the [onDone] handler.
final hasPartialChunk = chunkStack.hasPartialChunk;
if (chunkStack.length > 1 ||
(chunkStack.length == 1 && hasPartialChunk)) {
// Pause the input stream.
// Upload all chunks except the last one.
Iterable<ResumableChunk> fullChunks;
if (hasPartialChunk) {
fullChunks = chunkStack.removeSublist(0, chunkStack.length);
} else {
fullChunks = chunkStack.removeSublist(0, chunkStack.length - 1);
(ResumableChunk c) => _uploadChunkDrained(uploadUri, c),
).then((_) {
// All chunks uploaded, we can continue consuming data.
}).catchError((Object? error, StackTrace stack) {
completed = true;
completer.completeError(error ?? NullThrownError(), stack);
}, onError: (Object? error, StackTrace stack) {
if (!completed) {
completed = true;
completer.completeError(error ?? NullThrownError(), stack);
}, onDone: () {
if (!completed) {
ResumableChunk lastChunk;
if (chunkStack.length == 1) {
lastChunk = chunkStack.removeSublist(0, chunkStack.length).first;
} else {
'Resumable uploads need to result in at least one non-empty '
'chunk at the end.'));
final end = lastChunk.endOfChunk;
// Validate that we have the correct number of bytes if length was
// specified.
if (_uploadMedia.length != null) {
if (end < _uploadMedia.length!) {
'Received less bytes than indicated by [Media.length].'));
} else if (end > _uploadMedia.length!) {
'Received more bytes than indicated by [Media.length].'));
// Upload last chunk and *do not drain the response* but complete
// with it.
_uploadChunkResumable(uploadUri, lastChunk, lastChunk: true)
.catchError((Object? error, StackTrace stack) {
completer.completeError(error ?? NullThrownError(), stack);
return completer.future;
/// Starts a resumable upload.
/// Returns the [Uri] which should be used for uploading all content.
Future<Uri> _startSession() async {
var length = 0;
List<int>? bytes;
if (_body != null) {
bytes = utf8.encode(_body!);
length = bytes.length;
final bodyStream =
bytes == null ? const Stream<List<int>>.empty() : Stream.value(bytes);
final headers = {
'content-type': contentTypeJsonUtf8,
'content-length': '$length',
'x-upload-content-type': _uploadMedia.contentType,
'x-upload-content-length': '${_uploadMedia.length}',
final request =
RequestImpl(_method, _uri, stream: bodyStream, headers: headers);
final response = await _httpClient.send(request);
await validateResponse(response);
final uploadUri = response.headers['location'];
if (response.statusCode != 200 || uploadUri == null) {
throw client_requests.ApiRequestError(
'Invalid response for resumable upload attempt '
'(status was: ${response.statusCode})',
return Uri.parse(uploadUri);
/// Uploads [chunk], retries upon server errors. The response stream will be
/// drained.
Future _uploadChunkDrained(Uri uri, ResumableChunk chunk) async {
final response = await _uploadChunkResumable(uri, chunk);
/// Does repeated attempts to upload [chunk].
Future<http.StreamedResponse> _uploadChunkResumable(
Uri uri,
ResumableChunk chunk, {
bool lastChunk = false,
}) {
Future<http.StreamedResponse> tryUpload(int attemptsLeft) async {
final response = await _uploadChunk(uri, chunk, lastChunk: lastChunk);
final status = response.statusCode;
if (attemptsLeft > 0 &&
(status == 500 || (502 <= status && status < 504))) {
// Delay the next attempt. Default backoff function is exponential
final failedAttempts = _options.numberOfAttempts - attemptsLeft;
final duration = _options.backoffFunction(failedAttempts);
if (duration == null) {
throw client_requests.DetailedApiRequestError(
'Resumable upload: Uploading a chunk resulted in status '
'$status. Maximum number of retries reached.');
await Future.delayed(duration);
return tryUpload(attemptsLeft - 1);
} else if (!lastChunk && status != 308) {
throw client_requests.DetailedApiRequestError(
'Resumable upload: Uploading a chunk resulted in status '
'$status instead of 308.',
} else if (lastChunk && status != 201 && status != 200) {
throw client_requests.DetailedApiRequestError(
'Resumable upload: Uploading a chunk resulted in status '
'$status instead of 200 or 201.',
} else {
return response;
return tryUpload(_options.numberOfAttempts - 1);
/// Uploads [chunk] to [uri] and ensures the upload was successful.
/// Returns [http.StreamedResponse] or completes with an error if
/// the upload did not succeed.
/// The response stream will not be listened to.
Future<http.StreamedResponse> _uploadChunk(
Uri uri,
ResumableChunk chunk, {
bool lastChunk = false,
}) {
// If [uploadMedia.length] is null, we do not know the length.
var mediaTotalLength = _uploadMedia.length?.toString();
if (mediaTotalLength == null || lastChunk) {
if (lastChunk) {
mediaTotalLength = '${chunk.endOfChunk}';
} else {
mediaTotalLength = '*';
final headers = {
'content-type': _uploadMedia.contentType,
'content-length': '${chunk.length}',
'bytes ${chunk.offset}-${chunk.endOfChunk - 1}/$mediaTotalLength',
final stream = Stream.fromIterable(chunk.byteArrays);
final request = RequestImpl('PUT', uri, stream: stream, headers: headers);
return _httpClient.send(request);
/// Represents a stack of [ResumableChunk]s.
class ChunkStack {
final int _chunkSize;
final List<ResumableChunk> _chunkStack = [];
// Currently accumulated data.
List<List<int>> _byteArrays = [];
int _length = 0;
int _offset = 0;
bool _finalized = false;
/// Whether data for a not-yet-finished [ResumableChunk] is present.
/// A call to `finalize` will create a [ResumableChunk] of this data.
bool get hasPartialChunk => _length > 0;
/// The number of chunks in this [ChunkStack].
int get length => _chunkStack.length;
/// The total number of bytes which have been converted to [ResumableChunk]s.
/// Can only be called once this [ChunkStack] has been finalized.
int get totalByteLength {
if (!_finalized) {
throw StateError('ChunkStack has not been finalized yet.');
return _offset;
/// Returns the chunks [from] ... [to] and deletes it from the stack.
List<ResumableChunk> removeSublist(int from, int to) {
final sublist = _chunkStack.sublist(from, to);
_chunkStack.removeRange(from, to);
return sublist;
/// Adds [bytes] to the buffer. If the buffer is larger than the given chunk
/// size a new [ResumableChunk] will be created.
void addBytes(List<int> bytes) {
if (_finalized) {
throw StateError('ChunkStack has already been finalized.');
final remaining = _chunkSize - _length;
if (bytes.length >= remaining) {
final left = bytes.sublist(0, remaining);
final right = bytes.sublist(remaining);
_length += left.length;
_chunkStack.add(ResumableChunk(_byteArrays, _offset, _length));
_byteArrays = [];
_offset += _length;
_length = 0;
} else if (bytes.isNotEmpty) {
_length += bytes.length;
/// Finalizes this [ChunkStack] and creates the last chunk (may have less
/// bytes than the chunk size, but not zero).
void finalize() {
if (_finalized) {
throw StateError('ChunkStack has already been finalized.');
_finalized = true;
if (_length > 0) {
_chunkStack.add(ResumableChunk(_byteArrays, _offset, _length));
_offset += _length;
/// Represents a chunk of data that will be transferred in one http request.
class ResumableChunk {
final List<List<int>> byteArrays;
final int offset;
final int length;
/// Index of the next byte after this chunk.
int get endOfChunk => offset + length;
ResumableChunk(this.byteArrays, this.offset, this.length);