Merge pull request #4370 from 2xsaiko/outgoing/cmake-now-for-real

Re-do and clean up CMake support, making it use relocatable paths
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index bc2a3de..ff6a6d6 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -458,6 +458,7 @@
 	test-classdef-graph \
 	test-instancer-solver \
 	test-tuple-varstore \
+	test-item-varstore \
@@ -536,6 +537,10 @@
 test_tuple_varstore_CPPFLAGS = $(COMPILED_TESTS_CPPFLAGS)
 test_tuple_varstore_LDADD = $(COMPILED_TESTS_LDADD)
+test_item_varstore_SOURCES =
+test_item_varstore_LDADD = $(COMPILED_TESTS_LDADD)
 dist_check_SCRIPTS = \ \ \
diff --git a/src/hb-ot-layout-common.hh b/src/hb-ot-layout-common.hh
index 2cc5098..4a9f157 100644
--- a/src/hb-ot-layout-common.hh
+++ b/src/hb-ot-layout-common.hh
@@ -2300,6 +2300,156 @@
  * Item Variation Store
+/* ported from fonttools (class _Encoding) */
+struct delta_row_encoding_t
+  /* each byte represents a region, value is one of 0/1/2/4, which means bytes
+   * needed for this region */
+  hb_vector_t<uint8_t> chars;
+  unsigned width;
+  hb_vector_t<uint8_t> columns;
+  unsigned overhead;
+  hb_vector_t<const hb_vector_t<int>*> items;
+  delta_row_encoding_t () = default;
+  delta_row_encoding_t (hb_vector_t<uint8_t>&& chars_,
+                        const hb_vector_t<int>* row = nullptr) :
+                        delta_row_encoding_t ()
+  {
+    chars = chars_;
+    width = get_width ();
+    columns = get_columns ();
+    overhead = get_chars_overhead (columns);
+    if (row) items.push (row);
+  }
+  bool is_empty () const
+  { return !items; }
+  static hb_vector_t<uint8_t> get_row_chars (const hb_vector_t<int>& row)
+  {
+    hb_vector_t<uint8_t> ret;
+    if (!ret.alloc (row.length)) return ret;
+    bool long_words = false;
+    /* 0/1/2 byte encoding */
+    for (int v: row)
+    {
+      if (v == 0)
+        ret.push (0);
+      else if (v > 32767 || v < -32768)
+      {
+        long_words = true;
+        break;
+      }
+      else if (v > 127 || v < -128)
+        ret.push (2);
+      else
+        ret.push (1);
+    }
+    if (!long_words)
+      return ret;
+    /* redo, 0/2/4 bytes encoding */
+    ret.reset ();
+    for (int v: row)
+    {
+      if (v == 0)
+        ret.push (0);
+      else if (v > 32767 || v < -32768)
+        ret.push (4);
+      else
+        ret.push (2);
+    }
+    return ret;
+  }
+  inline unsigned get_width ()
+  {
+    unsigned ret = + hb_iter (chars)
+                   | hb_reduce (hb_add, 0u)
+                   ;
+    return ret;
+  }
+  hb_vector_t<uint8_t> get_columns ()
+  {
+    hb_vector_t<uint8_t> cols;
+    cols.alloc (chars.length);
+    for (auto v : chars)
+    {
+      uint8_t flag = v ? 1 : 0;
+      cols.push (flag);
+    }
+    return cols;
+  }
+  static inline unsigned get_chars_overhead (const hb_vector_t<uint8_t>& cols)
+  {
+    unsigned c = 4 + 6; // 4 bytes for LOffset, 6 bytes for VarData header
+    unsigned cols_bit_count = 0;
+    for (auto v : cols)
+      if (v) cols_bit_count++;
+    return c + cols_bit_count * 2;
+  }
+  unsigned get_gain () const
+  {
+    int count = items.length;
+    return hb_max (0, (int) overhead - count);
+  }
+  int gain_from_merging (const delta_row_encoding_t& other_encoding) const
+  {
+    int combined_width = 0;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < chars.length; i++)
+      combined_width += hb_max (chars.arrayZ[i], other_encoding.chars.arrayZ[i]);
+    hb_vector_t<uint8_t> combined_columns;
+    combined_columns.alloc (columns.length);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < columns.length; i++)
+      combined_columns.push (columns.arrayZ[i] | other_encoding.columns.arrayZ[i]);
+    int combined_overhead = get_chars_overhead (combined_columns);
+    int combined_gain = (int) overhead + (int) other_encoding.overhead - combined_overhead
+                        - (combined_width - (int) width) * items.length
+                        - (combined_width - (int) other_encoding.width) * other_encoding.items.length;
+    return combined_gain;
+  }
+  static int cmp (const void *pa, const void *pb)
+  {
+    const delta_row_encoding_t *a = (const delta_row_encoding_t *)pa;
+    const delta_row_encoding_t *b = (const delta_row_encoding_t *)pb;
+    int gain_a = a->get_gain ();
+    int gain_b = b->get_gain ();
+    if (gain_a != gain_b)
+      return gain_a - gain_b;
+    return (b->chars).as_array ().cmp ((a->chars).as_array ());
+  }
+  static int cmp_width (const void *pa, const void *pb)
+  {
+    const delta_row_encoding_t *a = (const delta_row_encoding_t *)pa;
+    const delta_row_encoding_t *b = (const delta_row_encoding_t *)pb;
+    if (a->width != b->width)
+      return (int) a->width - (int) b->width;
+    return (b->chars).as_array ().cmp ((a->chars).as_array ());
+  }
+  bool add_row (const hb_vector_t<int>* row)
+  { return items.push (row); }
 struct VarRegionAxis
   float evaluate (int coord) const
@@ -2334,6 +2484,12 @@
      * have to do that at runtime. */
+  bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c) const
+  {
+    TRACE_SERIALIZE (this);
+    return_trace (c->embed (this));
+  }
   F2DOT14	startCoord;
   F2DOT14	peakCoord;
@@ -2391,6 +2547,47 @@
     return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && axesZ.sanitize (c, axisCount * regionCount));
+  bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
+                  const hb_vector_t<hb_tag_t>& axis_tags,
+                  const hb_vector_t<const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, Triple>*>& regions)
+  {
+    TRACE_SERIALIZE (this);
+    unsigned axis_count = axis_tags.length;
+    unsigned region_count = regions.length;
+    if (!axis_count || !region_count) return_trace (false);
+    if (unlikely (hb_unsigned_mul_overflows (axis_count * region_count,
+                                             VarRegionAxis::static_size))) return_trace (false);
+    if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (this))) return_trace (false);
+    axisCount = axis_count;
+    regionCount = region_count;
+    for (unsigned r = 0; r < region_count; r++)
+    {
+      const auto& region = regions[r];
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < axis_count; i++)
+      {
+        hb_tag_t tag = axis_tags.arrayZ[i];
+        VarRegionAxis var_region_rec;
+        Triple *coords;
+        if (region->has (tag, &coords))
+        {
+          var_region_rec.startCoord.set_float (coords->minimum);
+          var_region_rec.peakCoord.set_float (coords->middle);
+          var_region_rec.endCoord.set_float (coords->maximum);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          var_region_rec.startCoord.set_int (0);
+          var_region_rec.peakCoord.set_int (0);
+          var_region_rec.endCoord.set_int (0);
+        }
+        if (!var_region_rec.serialize (c))
+          return_trace (false);
+      }
+    }
+    return_trace (true);
+  }
   bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const VarRegionList *src, const hb_inc_bimap_t &region_map)
     TRACE_SERIALIZE (this);
@@ -2411,6 +2608,45 @@
     return_trace (true);
+  bool get_var_region (unsigned region_index,
+                       const hb_map_t& axes_old_index_tag_map,
+                       hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, Triple>& axis_tuples /* OUT */) const
+  {
+    if (region_index >= regionCount) return false;
+    const VarRegionAxis* axis_region = axesZ.arrayZ + (region_index * axisCount);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < axisCount; i++)
+    {
+      hb_tag_t *axis_tag;
+      if (!axes_old_index_tag_map.has (i, &axis_tag))
+        return false;
+      float min_val = axis_region->startCoord.to_float ();
+      float def_val = axis_region->peakCoord.to_float ();
+      float max_val = axis_region->endCoord.to_float ();
+      if (def_val != 0.f)
+        axis_tuples.set (*axis_tag, Triple (min_val, def_val, max_val));
+      axis_region++;
+    }
+    return !axis_tuples.in_error ();
+  }
+  bool get_var_regions (const hb_map_t& axes_old_index_tag_map,
+                        hb_vector_t<hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, Triple>>& regions /* OUT */) const
+  {
+    if (!regions.alloc (regionCount))
+      return false;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < regionCount; i++)
+    {
+      hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, Triple> axis_tuples;
+      if (!get_var_region (i, axes_old_index_tag_map, axis_tuples))
+        return false;
+      regions.push (std::move (axis_tuples));
+    }
+    return !regions.in_error ();
+  }
   unsigned int get_size () const { return min_size + VarRegionAxis::static_size * axisCount * regionCount; }
@@ -2430,6 +2666,9 @@
   unsigned int get_region_index_count () const
   { return regionIndices.len; }
+  unsigned get_region_index (unsigned i) const
+  { return i >= regionIndices.len ? -1 : regionIndices[i]; }
   unsigned int get_row_size () const
   { return (wordCount () + regionIndices.len) * (longWords () ? 2 : 1); }
@@ -2506,6 +2745,81 @@
   bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
+                  bool has_long,
+                  const hb_vector_t<const hb_vector_t<int>*>& rows)
+  {
+    TRACE_SERIALIZE (this);
+    if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (this))) return_trace (false);
+    unsigned row_count = rows.length;
+    itemCount = row_count;
+    int min_threshold = has_long ? -65536 : -128;
+    int max_threshold = has_long ? +65535 : +127;
+    enum delta_size_t { kZero=0, kNonWord, kWord };
+    hb_vector_t<delta_size_t> delta_sz;
+    unsigned num_regions = rows[0]->length;
+    if (!delta_sz.resize (num_regions))
+      return_trace (false);
+    unsigned word_count = 0;
+    for (unsigned r = 0; r < num_regions; r++)
+    {
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < row_count; i++)
+      {
+        int delta = rows[i]->arrayZ[r];
+        if (delta < min_threshold || delta > max_threshold)
+        {
+          delta_sz[r] = kWord;
+          word_count++;
+          break;
+        }
+        else if (delta != 0)
+        {
+          delta_sz[r] = kNonWord;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    /* reorder regions: words and then non-words*/
+    unsigned word_index = 0;
+    unsigned non_word_index = word_count;
+    hb_map_t ri_map;
+    for (unsigned r = 0; r < num_regions; r++)
+    {
+      if (!delta_sz[r]) continue;
+      unsigned new_r = (delta_sz[r] == kWord)? word_index++ : non_word_index++;
+      if (!ri_map.set (new_r, r))
+        return_trace (false);
+    }
+    wordSizeCount = word_count | (has_long ? 0x8000u /* LONG_WORDS */ : 0);
+    unsigned ri_count = ri_map.get_population ();
+    regionIndices.len = ri_count;
+    if (unlikely (!c->extend (this))) return_trace (false);
+    for (unsigned r = 0; r < ri_count; r++)
+    {
+      hb_codepoint_t *idx;
+      if (!ri_map.has (r, &idx))
+        return_trace (false);
+      regionIndices[r] = *idx;
+    }
+    HBUINT8 *delta_bytes = get_delta_bytes ();
+    unsigned row_size = get_row_size ();
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < row_count; i++)
+    {
+      for (unsigned int r = 0; r < ri_count; r++)
+      {
+        int delta = rows[i]->arrayZ[ri_map[r]];
+        set_item_delta_fast (i, r, delta, delta_bytes, row_size);
+      }
+    }
+    return_trace (true);
+  }
+  bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
 		  const VarData *src,
 		  const hb_inc_bimap_t &inner_map,
 		  const hb_inc_bimap_t &region_map)
@@ -2625,13 +2939,15 @@
-  protected:
+  public:
   const HBUINT8 *get_delta_bytes () const
   { return &StructAfter<HBUINT8> (regionIndices); }
+  protected:
   HBUINT8 *get_delta_bytes ()
   { return &StructAfter<HBUINT8> (regionIndices); }
+  public:
   int32_t get_item_delta_fast (unsigned int item, unsigned int region,
 			       const HBUINT8 *delta_bytes, unsigned row_size) const
@@ -2662,6 +2978,7 @@
 				 get_row_size ());
+  protected:
   void set_item_delta_fast (unsigned int item, unsigned int region, int32_t delta,
 			    HBUINT8 *delta_bytes, unsigned row_size)
@@ -2704,6 +3021,7 @@
 struct VariationStore
+  friend struct item_variations_t;
   using cache_t = VarRegionList::cache_t;
   cache_t *create_cache () const
@@ -2775,6 +3093,36 @@
   bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
+                  bool has_long,
+                  const hb_vector_t<hb_tag_t>& axis_tags,
+                  const hb_vector_t<const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, Triple>*>& region_list,
+                  const hb_vector_t<delta_row_encoding_t>& vardata_encodings)
+  {
+    TRACE_SERIALIZE (this);
+#ifdef HB_NO_VAR
+    return_trace (false);
+    if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (this))) return_trace (false);
+    format = 1;
+    if (!regions.serialize_serialize (c, axis_tags, region_list))
+      return_trace (false);
+    unsigned num_var_data = vardata_encodings.length;
+    if (!num_var_data) return_trace (false);
+    if (unlikely (!c->check_assign (dataSets.len, num_var_data,
+                                    HB_SERIALIZE_ERROR_INT_OVERFLOW)))
+      return_trace (false);
+    if (unlikely (!c->extend (dataSets))) return_trace (false);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_var_data; i++)
+      if (!dataSets[i].serialize_serialize (c, has_long, vardata_encodings[i].items))
+        return_trace (false);
+    return_trace (true);
+  }
+  bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
 		  const VariationStore *src,
 		  const hb_array_t <const hb_inc_bimap_t> &inner_maps)
@@ -2903,6 +3251,22 @@
      return dataSets.len;
+  const VarData& get_sub_table (unsigned i) const
+  {
+#ifdef HB_NO_VAR
+     return Null (VarData);
+     return this+dataSets[i];
+  }
+  const VarRegionList& get_region_list () const
+  {
+#ifdef HB_NO_VAR
+     return Null (VarRegionList);
+     return this+regions;
+  }
   HBUINT16				format;
   Offset32To<VarRegionList>		regions;
diff --git a/src/hb-ot-os2-table.hh b/src/hb-ot-os2-table.hh
index 72cb662..19330b9 100644
--- a/src/hb-ot-os2-table.hh
+++ b/src/hb-ot-os2-table.hh
@@ -246,24 +246,19 @@
-    if (c->plan->user_axes_location.has (HB_TAG ('w','g','h','t')) &&
-        !c->plan->pinned_at_default)
+    Triple *axis_range;
+    if (c->plan->user_axes_location.has (HB_TAG ('w','g','h','t'), &axis_range))
-      float weight_class = c->plan->user_axes_location.get (HB_TAG ('w','g','h','t')).middle;
-      if (!c->serializer->check_assign (os2_prime->usWeightClass,
-                                        roundf (hb_clamp (weight_class, 1.0f, 1000.0f)),
-                                        HB_SERIALIZE_ERROR_INT_OVERFLOW))
-        return_trace (false);
+      unsigned weight_class = static_cast<unsigned> (roundf (hb_clamp (axis_range->middle, 1.0f, 1000.0f)));
+      if (os2_prime->usWeightClass != weight_class)
+        os2_prime->usWeightClass = weight_class;
-    if (c->plan->user_axes_location.has (HB_TAG ('w','d','t','h')) &&
-        !c->plan->pinned_at_default)
+    if (c->plan->user_axes_location.has (HB_TAG ('w','d','t','h'), &axis_range))
-      float width = c->plan->user_axes_location.get (HB_TAG ('w','d','t','h')).middle;
-      if (!c->serializer->check_assign (os2_prime->usWidthClass,
-                                        roundf (map_wdth_to_widthclass (width)),
-                                        HB_SERIALIZE_ERROR_INT_OVERFLOW))
-        return_trace (false);
+      unsigned width_class = static_cast<unsigned> (roundf (map_wdth_to_widthclass (axis_range->middle)));
+      if (os2_prime->usWidthClass != width_class)
+        os2_prime->usWidthClass = width_class;
     if (c->plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NO_PRUNE_UNICODE_RANGES)
diff --git a/src/hb-ot-post-table.hh b/src/hb-ot-post-table.hh
index 761e49d..aaecc34 100644
--- a/src/hb-ot-post-table.hh
+++ b/src/hb-ot-post-table.hh
@@ -113,12 +113,12 @@
-    if (c->plan->user_axes_location.has (HB_TAG ('s','l','n','t')) &&
-        !c->plan->pinned_at_default)
+    Triple *axis_range;
+    if (c->plan->user_axes_location.has (HB_TAG ('s','l','n','t'), &axis_range))
-      float italic_angle = c->plan->user_axes_location.get (HB_TAG ('s','l','n','t')).middle;
-      italic_angle = hb_max (-90.f, hb_min (italic_angle, 90.f));
-      post_prime->italicAngle.set_float (italic_angle);
+      float italic_angle = hb_max (-90.f, hb_min (axis_range->middle, 90.f));
+      if (post_prime->italicAngle.to_float () != italic_angle)
+        post_prime->italicAngle.set_float (italic_angle);
     if (glyph_names && version.major == 2)
diff --git a/src/hb-ot-var-common.hh b/src/hb-ot-var-common.hh
index 23d7f7c..aeb0097 100644
--- a/src/hb-ot-var-common.hh
+++ b/src/hb-ot-var-common.hh
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include "hb-ot-layout-common.hh"
+#include "hb-priority-queue.hh"
 namespace OT {
@@ -1171,14 +1172,69 @@
       return true;
+    bool create_from_item_var_data (const VarData &var_data,
+                                    const hb_vector_t<hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, Triple>>& regions,
+                                    const hb_map_t& axes_old_index_tag_map)
+    {
+      /* NULL offset, to keep original varidx valid, just return */
+      if (&var_data == &Null (VarData))
+        return true;
+      unsigned num_regions = var_data.get_region_index_count ();
+      if (!tuple_vars.alloc (num_regions)) return false;
+      unsigned item_count = var_data.get_item_count ();
+      unsigned row_size = var_data.get_row_size ();
+      const HBUINT8 *delta_bytes = var_data.get_delta_bytes ();
+      for (unsigned r = 0; r < num_regions; r++)
+      {
+        /* In VarData, deltas are organized in rows, convert them into
+         * column(region) based tuples, resize deltas_x first */
+        tuple_delta_t tuple;
+        if (!tuple.deltas_x.resize (item_count, false) ||
+            !tuple.indices.resize (item_count, false))
+          return false;
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < item_count; i++)
+        {
+          tuple.indices.arrayZ[i] = true;
+          tuple.deltas_x.arrayZ[i] = var_data.get_item_delta_fast (i, r, delta_bytes, row_size);
+        }
+        unsigned region_index = var_data.get_region_index (r);
+        if (region_index >= regions.length) return false;
+        tuple.axis_tuples = regions.arrayZ[region_index];
+        tuple_vars.push (std::move (tuple));
+      }
+      return !tuple_vars.in_error ();
+    }
-    void change_tuple_variations_axis_limits (const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, Triple>& normalized_axes_location,
+    static int _cmp_axis_tag (const void *pa, const void *pb)
+    {
+      const hb_tag_t *a = (const hb_tag_t*) pa;
+      const hb_tag_t *b = (const hb_tag_t*) pb;
+      return (int)(*a) - (int)(*b);
+    }
+    bool change_tuple_variations_axis_limits (const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, Triple>& normalized_axes_location,
                                               const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, TripleDistances>& axes_triple_distances)
-      for (auto _ : normalized_axes_location)
+      /* sort axis_tag/axis_limits, make result deterministic */
+      hb_vector_t<hb_tag_t> axis_tags;
+      if (!axis_tags.alloc (normalized_axes_location.get_population ()))
+        return false;
+      for (auto t : normalized_axes_location.keys ())
+        axis_tags.push (t);
+      axis_tags.qsort (_cmp_axis_tag);
+      for (auto axis_tag : axis_tags)
-        hb_tag_t axis_tag = _.first;
-        Triple axis_limit = _.second;
+        Triple *axis_limit;
+        if (!normalized_axes_location.has (axis_tag, &axis_limit))
+          return false;
         TripleDistances axis_triple_distances{1.f, 1.f};
         if (axes_triple_distances.has (axis_tag))
           axis_triple_distances = axes_triple_distances.get (axis_tag);
@@ -1186,12 +1242,13 @@
         hb_vector_t<tuple_delta_t> new_vars;
         for (const tuple_delta_t& var : tuple_vars)
-          hb_vector_t<tuple_delta_t> out = var.change_tuple_var_axis_limit (axis_tag, axis_limit, axis_triple_distances);
+          hb_vector_t<tuple_delta_t> out = var.change_tuple_var_axis_limit (axis_tag, *axis_limit, axis_triple_distances);
           if (!out) continue;
           unsigned new_len = new_vars.length + out.length;
           if (unlikely (!new_vars.alloc (new_len, false)))
-          { fini (); return;}
+          { fini (); return false;}
           for (unsigned i = 0; i < out.length; i++)
             new_vars.push (std::move (out[i]));
@@ -1199,6 +1256,7 @@
         tuple_vars.fini ();
         tuple_vars = std::move (new_vars);
+      return true;
     /* merge tuple variations with overlapping tents */
@@ -1382,7 +1440,8 @@
                       contour_point_vector_t* contour_points = nullptr)
       if (!tuple_vars) return true;
-      change_tuple_variations_axis_limits (normalized_axes_location, axes_triple_distances);
+      if (!change_tuple_variations_axis_limits (normalized_axes_location, axes_triple_distances))
+        return false;
       /* compute inferred deltas only for gvar */
       if (contour_points)
         if (!calc_inferred_deltas (*contour_points))
@@ -1705,6 +1764,394 @@
+using tuple_variations_t = TupleVariationData::tuple_variations_t;
+struct item_variations_t
+  using region_t = const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, Triple>*;
+  private:
+  /* each subtable is decompiled into a tuple_variations_t, in which all tuples
+   * have the same num of deltas (rows) */
+  hb_vector_t<tuple_variations_t> vars;
+  /* original region list, decompiled from item varstore, used when rebuilding
+   * region list after instantiation */
+  hb_vector_t<hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, Triple>> orig_region_list;
+  /* region list: vector of Regions, maintain the original order for the regions
+   * that existed before instantiate (), append the new regions at the end.
+   * Regions are stored in each tuple already, save pointers only.
+   * When converting back to item varstore, unused regions will be pruned */
+  hb_vector_t<region_t> region_list;
+  /* region -> idx map after instantiation and pruning unused regions */
+  hb_hashmap_t<region_t, unsigned> region_map;
+  /* all delta rows after instantiation */
+  hb_vector_t<hb_vector_t<int>> delta_rows;
+  /* final optimized vector of encoding objects used to assemble the varstore */
+  hb_vector_t<delta_row_encoding_t> encodings;
+  /* old varidxes -> new var_idxes map */
+  hb_map_t varidx_map;
+  /* has long words */
+  bool has_long = false;
+  public:
+  bool has_long_word () const
+  { return has_long; }
+  const hb_vector_t<region_t>& get_region_list () const
+  { return region_list; }
+  const hb_vector_t<delta_row_encoding_t>& get_vardata_encodings () const
+  { return encodings; }
+  const hb_map_t& get_varidx_map () const
+  { return varidx_map; }
+  bool create_from_item_varstore (const VariationStore& varStore,
+                                  const hb_map_t& axes_old_index_tag_map)
+  {
+    const VarRegionList& regionList = varStore.get_region_list ();
+    if (!regionList.get_var_regions (axes_old_index_tag_map, orig_region_list))
+      return false;
+    unsigned num_var_data = varStore.get_sub_table_count ();
+    if (!vars.alloc (num_var_data)) return false;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_var_data; i++)
+    {
+      tuple_variations_t var_data_tuples;
+      if (!var_data_tuples.create_from_item_var_data (varStore.get_sub_table (i),
+                                                      orig_region_list,
+                                                      axes_old_index_tag_map))
+        return false;
+      vars.push (std::move (var_data_tuples));
+    }
+    return !vars.in_error ();
+  }
+  bool instantiate (const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, Triple>& normalized_axes_location,
+                    const hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, TripleDistances>& axes_triple_distances)
+  {
+    for (tuple_variations_t& tuple_vars : vars)
+      if (!tuple_vars.instantiate (normalized_axes_location, axes_triple_distances))
+        return false;
+    if (!build_region_list ()) return false;
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool build_region_list ()
+  {
+    /* scan all tuples and collect all unique regions, prune unused regions */
+    hb_hashmap_t<region_t, unsigned> all_regions;
+    hb_hashmap_t<region_t, unsigned> used_regions;
+    /* use a vector when inserting new regions, make result deterministic */
+    hb_vector_t<region_t> all_unique_regions;
+    for (const tuple_variations_t& sub_table : vars)
+    {
+      for (const tuple_delta_t& tuple : sub_table.tuple_vars)
+      {
+        region_t r = &(tuple.axis_tuples);
+        if (!used_regions.has (r))
+        {
+          bool all_zeros = true;
+          for (float d : tuple.deltas_x)
+          {
+            int delta = (int) roundf (d);
+            if (delta != 0)
+            {
+              all_zeros = false;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+          if (!all_zeros)
+          {
+            if (!used_regions.set (r, 1))
+              return false;
+          }
+        }
+        if (all_regions.has (r))
+          continue;
+        if (!all_regions.set (r, 1))
+          return false;
+        all_unique_regions.push (r);
+      }
+    }
+    if (!all_regions || !all_unique_regions) return false;
+    if (!region_list.alloc (all_regions.get_population ()))
+      return false;
+    unsigned idx = 0;
+    /* append the original regions that pre-existed */
+    for (const auto& r : orig_region_list)
+    {
+      if (!all_regions.has (&r) || !used_regions.has (&r))
+        continue;
+      region_list.push (&r);
+      if (!region_map.set (&r, idx))
+        return false;
+      all_regions.del (&r);
+      idx++;
+    }
+    /* append the new regions at the end */
+    for (const auto& r: all_unique_regions)
+    {
+      if (!all_regions.has (r) || !used_regions.has (r))
+        continue;
+      region_list.push (r);
+      if (!region_map.set (r, idx))
+        return false;
+      all_regions.del (r);
+      idx++;
+    }
+    return (!region_list.in_error ()) && (!region_map.in_error ());
+  }
+  /* main algorithm ported from fonttools VarStore_optimize() method */
+  bool optimize (bool use_no_variation_idx=true)
+  {
+    unsigned num_cols = region_list.length;
+    /* pre-alloc a 2D vector for all sub_table's VarData rows */
+    unsigned total_rows = 0;
+    for (unsigned major = 0; major < vars.length; major++)
+    {
+      const tuple_variations_t& tuples = vars[major];
+      /* all tuples in each sub_table should have same num of deltas(num rows) */
+      total_rows += tuples.tuple_vars[0].deltas_x.length;
+    }
+    if (!delta_rows.resize (total_rows)) return false;
+    /* init all rows to [0]*num_cols */
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < total_rows; i++)
+      if (!(delta_rows[i].resize (num_cols))) return false;
+    /* old VarIdxes -> full encoding_row mapping */
+    hb_hashmap_t<unsigned, const hb_vector_t<int>*> front_mapping;
+    unsigned start_row = 0;
+    hb_vector_t<delta_row_encoding_t> encoding_objs;
+    hb_hashmap_t<hb_vector_t<uint8_t>, unsigned> chars_idx_map;
+    /* delta_rows map, used for filtering out duplicate rows */
+    hb_hashmap_t<const hb_vector_t<int>*, unsigned> delta_rows_map;
+    for (unsigned major = 0; major < vars.length; major++)
+    {
+      /* deltas are stored in tuples(column based), convert them back into items
+       * (row based) delta */
+      const tuple_variations_t& tuples = vars[major];
+      unsigned num_rows = tuples.tuple_vars[0].deltas_x.length;
+      for (const tuple_delta_t& tuple: tuples.tuple_vars)
+      {
+        if (tuple.deltas_x.length != num_rows)
+          return false;
+        /* skip unused regions */
+        unsigned *col_idx;
+        if (!region_map.has (&(tuple.axis_tuples), &col_idx))
+          continue;
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_rows; i++)
+        {
+          int rounded_delta = roundf (tuple.deltas_x[i]);
+          delta_rows[start_row + i][*col_idx] += rounded_delta;
+          if ((!has_long) && (rounded_delta < -65536 || rounded_delta > 65535))
+            has_long = true;
+        }
+      }
+      for (unsigned minor = 0; minor < num_rows; minor++)
+      {
+        const hb_vector_t<int>& row = delta_rows[start_row + minor];
+        if (use_no_variation_idx)
+        {
+          bool all_zeros = true;
+          for (int delta : row)
+          {
+            if (delta != 0)
+            {
+              all_zeros = false;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+          if (all_zeros)
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (!front_mapping.set ((major<<16) + minor, &row))
+          return false;
+        hb_vector_t<uint8_t> chars = delta_row_encoding_t::get_row_chars (row);
+        if (!chars) return false;
+        if (delta_rows_map.has (&row))
+          continue;
+        delta_rows_map.set (&row, 1);
+        unsigned *obj_idx;
+        if (chars_idx_map.has (chars, &obj_idx))
+        {
+          delta_row_encoding_t& obj = encoding_objs[*obj_idx];
+          if (!obj.add_row (&row))
+            return false;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          delta_row_encoding_t obj (std::move (chars), &row);
+          encoding_objs.push (std::move (obj));
+          if (!chars_idx_map.set (chars, encoding_objs.length - 1))
+            return false;
+        }
+      }
+      start_row += num_rows;
+    }
+    /* sort encoding_objs */
+    encoding_objs.qsort ();
+    /* main algorithm: repeatedly pick 2 best encodings to combine, and combine
+     * them */
+    hb_priority_queue_t queue;
+    unsigned num_todos = encoding_objs.length;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_todos; i++)
+    {
+      for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < num_todos; j++)
+      {
+        int combining_gain = encoding_objs.arrayZ[i].gain_from_merging (encoding_objs.arrayZ[j]);
+        if (combining_gain > 0)
+        {
+          unsigned val = (i << 16) + j;
+          queue.insert (-combining_gain, val);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    hb_set_t removed_todo_idxes;
+    while (queue)
+    {
+      unsigned val = queue.pop_minimum ().second;
+      unsigned j = val & 0xFFFF;
+      unsigned i = (val >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
+      if (removed_todo_idxes.has (i) || removed_todo_idxes.has (j))
+        continue;
+      delta_row_encoding_t& encoding = encoding_objs.arrayZ[i];
+      delta_row_encoding_t& other_encoding = encoding_objs.arrayZ[j];
+      removed_todo_idxes.add (i);
+      removed_todo_idxes.add (j);
+      hb_vector_t<uint8_t> combined_chars;
+      if (!combined_chars.alloc (encoding.chars.length))
+        return false;
+      for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < encoding.chars.length; idx++)
+      {
+        uint8_t v = hb_max (encoding.chars.arrayZ[idx], other_encoding.chars.arrayZ[idx]);
+        combined_chars.push (v);
+      }
+      delta_row_encoding_t combined_encoding_obj (std::move (combined_chars));
+      for (const auto& row : hb_concat (encoding.items, other_encoding.items))
+        combined_encoding_obj.add_row (row);
+      for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < encoding_objs.length; idx++)
+      {
+        if (removed_todo_idxes.has (idx)) continue;
+        const delta_row_encoding_t& obj = encoding_objs.arrayZ[idx];
+        if (obj.chars == combined_chars)
+        {
+          for (const auto& row : obj.items)
+            combined_encoding_obj.add_row (row);
+          removed_todo_idxes.add (idx);
+          continue;
+        }
+        int combined_gain = combined_encoding_obj.gain_from_merging (obj);
+        if (combined_gain > 0)
+        {
+          unsigned val = (idx << 16) + encoding_objs.length;
+          queue.insert (-combined_gain, val);
+        }
+      }
+      encoding_objs.push (std::move (combined_encoding_obj));
+    }
+    int num_final_encodings = (int) encoding_objs.length - (int) removed_todo_idxes.get_population ();
+    if (num_final_encodings <= 0) return false;
+    if (!encodings.alloc (num_final_encodings)) return false;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < encoding_objs.length; i++)
+    {
+      if (removed_todo_idxes.has (i)) continue;
+      encodings.push (std::move (encoding_objs.arrayZ[i]));
+    }
+    /* sort again based on width, make result deterministic */
+    encodings.qsort (delta_row_encoding_t::cmp_width);
+    return compile_varidx_map (front_mapping);
+  }
+  private:
+  /* compile varidx_map for one VarData subtable (index specified by major) */
+  bool compile_varidx_map (const hb_hashmap_t<unsigned, const hb_vector_t<int>*>& front_mapping)
+  {
+    /* full encoding_row -> new VarIdxes mapping */
+    hb_hashmap_t<const hb_vector_t<int>*, unsigned> back_mapping;
+    for (unsigned major = 0; major < encodings.length; major++)
+    {
+      delta_row_encoding_t& encoding = encodings[major];
+      /* just sanity check, this shouldn't happen */
+      if (encoding.is_empty ())
+        return false;
+      unsigned num_rows = encoding.items.length;
+      /* sort rows, make result deterministic */
+      encoding.items.qsort (_cmp_row);
+      /* compile old to new var_idxes mapping */
+      for (unsigned minor = 0; minor < num_rows; minor++)
+      {
+        unsigned new_varidx = (major << 16) + minor;
+        back_mapping.set (encoding.items.arrayZ[minor], new_varidx);
+      }
+    }
+    for (auto _ : front_mapping.iter ())
+    {
+      unsigned old_varidx = _.first;
+      unsigned *new_varidx;
+      if (back_mapping.has (_.second, &new_varidx))
+        varidx_map.set (old_varidx, *new_varidx);
+      else
+        varidx_map.set (old_varidx, HB_OT_LAYOUT_NO_VARIATIONS_INDEX);
+    }
+    return !varidx_map.in_error ();
+  }
+  static int _cmp_row (const void *pa, const void *pb)
+  {
+    /* compare pointers of vectors(const hb_vector_t<int>*) that represent a row */
+    const hb_vector_t<int>** a = (const hb_vector_t<int>**) pa;
+    const hb_vector_t<int>** b = (const hb_vector_t<int>**) pb;
+    return ((*b)->as_array ()).cmp ((*a)->as_array ());
+  }
 } /* namespace OT */
diff --git a/src/hb-ot-var-mvar-table.hh b/src/hb-ot-var-mvar-table.hh
index d27ebb3..a41e578 100644
--- a/src/hb-ot-var-mvar-table.hh
+++ b/src/hb-ot-var-mvar-table.hh
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-#include "hb-ot-layout-common.hh"
+#include "hb-ot-var-common.hh"
 namespace OT {
@@ -41,6 +41,19 @@
     return_trace (c->check_struct (this));
+  bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c,
+               const hb_map_t& varidx_map) const
+  {
+    TRACE_SUBSET (this);
+    auto *out = c->serializer->embed (*this);
+    if (unlikely (!out)) return_trace (false);
+    hb_codepoint_t *new_idx;
+    return_trace (c->serializer->check_assign (out->varIdx,
+                                               (varidx_map.has (varIdx, &new_idx)) ? *new_idx : HB_OT_LAYOUT_NO_VARIATIONS_INDEX,
+                                               HB_SERIALIZE_ERROR_INT_OVERFLOW));
+  }
   Tag		valueTag;	/* Four-byte tag identifying a font-wide measure. */
   VarIdx	varIdx;		/* Outer/inner index into VariationStore item. */
@@ -73,6 +86,52 @@
+  bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
+  {
+    TRACE_SUBSET (this);
+#ifdef HB_NO_VAR
+    return_trace (false);
+    if (c->plan->all_axes_pinned)
+      return_trace (false);
+    MVAR *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
+    if (unlikely (!c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
+    out->version = version;
+    out->reserved = reserved;
+    out->valueRecordSize = valueRecordSize;
+    out->valueRecordCount = valueRecordCount;
+    item_variations_t item_vars;
+    const VariationStore& src_var_store = this+varStore;
+    if (!item_vars.create_from_item_varstore (src_var_store, c->plan->axes_old_index_tag_map))
+      return_trace (false);
+    if (!item_vars.instantiate (c->plan->axes_location, c->plan->axes_triple_distances))
+      return_trace (false);
+    if (!item_vars.optimize ())
+      return_trace (false);
+    /* serialize varstore */
+    if (!out->varStore.serialize_serialize (c->serializer, item_vars.has_long_word (),
+                                            c->plan->axis_tags,
+                                            item_vars.get_region_list (),
+                                            item_vars.get_vardata_encodings ()))
+      return_trace (false);
+    /* serialize value records array */
+    unsigned value_rec_count = valueRecordCount;
+    const VariationValueRecord *record = reinterpret_cast<const VariationValueRecord*> (valuesZ.arrayZ);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < value_rec_count; i++)
+    {
+      if (!record->subset (c, item_vars.get_varidx_map ())) return_trace (false);
+      record++;
+    }
+    return_trace (true);
+  }
   float get_var (hb_tag_t tag,
 		 const int *coords, unsigned int coord_count) const
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index aade558..0277d3d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@
     HB_TAG ('p', 'r', 'e', 'p'),
     HB_TAG ('V', 'D', 'M', 'X'),
     HB_TAG ('D', 'S', 'I', 'G'),
-    HB_TAG ('M', 'V', 'A', 'R'),
   sets.no_subset_tables->add_array (default_no_subset_tables,
 					 ARRAY_LENGTH (default_no_subset_tables));
diff --git a/src/hb-subset-plan-member-list.hh b/src/hb-subset-plan-member-list.hh
index 01d8b0f..46837ad 100644
--- a/src/hb-subset-plan-member-list.hh
+++ b/src/hb-subset-plan-member-list.hh
@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@
 //axis_index->axis_tag mapping in fvar axis array
 HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_map_t, axes_old_index_tag_map)
+//vector of retained axis tags in the order of axes given in the 'fvar' table
+HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_vector_t<hb_tag_t>, axis_tags)
 //hmtx metrics map: new gid->(advance, lsb)
 HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (mutable hb_hashmap_t E(<hb_codepoint_t, hb_pair_t E(<unsigned, int>)>), hmtx_map)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index c293ba3..7cb306e 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -927,6 +927,7 @@
       axis_not_pinned = true;
       plan->axes_index_map.set (old_axis_idx, new_axis_idx);
+      plan->axis_tags.push (axis_tag);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 100ce87..de3e876 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
 #include "hb-ot-var-fvar-table.hh"
 #include "hb-ot-var-gvar-table.hh"
 #include "hb-ot-var-hvar-table.hh"
+#include "hb-ot-var-mvar-table.hh"
 #include "hb-ot-math-table.hh"
 #include "hb-ot-stat-table.hh"
 #include "hb-repacker.hh"
@@ -523,6 +524,9 @@
   case HB_OT_TAG_cvar:
     if (plan->user_axes_location.is_empty ()) return _passthrough (plan, tag);
     return _subset<const OT::cvar> (plan, buf);
+  case HB_OT_TAG_MVAR:
+    if (plan->user_axes_location.is_empty ()) return _passthrough (plan, tag);
+    return _subset<const OT::MVAR> (plan, buf);
   case HB_OT_TAG_STAT:
     if (!plan->user_axes_location.is_empty ()) return _subset<const OT::STAT> (plan, buf);
     else return _passthrough (plan, tag);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 19f7cf2..d6c353e 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -705,6 +705,7 @@
       'test-serialize': ['', ''],
       'test-set': ['', ''],
       'test-tuple-varstore': ['', '', ''],
+      'test-item-varstore': ['', '', ''],
       'test-use-table': '',
       'test-vector': ['', ''],
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1600d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Copyright © 2020  Google, Inc.
+ *
+ *  This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
+ * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+ * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the
+ * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in
+ * all copies of this software.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "hb-ot-var-common.hh"
+#include "hb-ot-var-hvar-table.hh"
+// HVAR table data from SourceSerif4Variable-Roman_subset.otf
+const char hvar_data[] = "\x0\x1\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x14\x0\x0\x0\xc4\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x1\x0\x0\x0\x10\x0\x2\x0\x0\x0\x74\x0\x0\x0\x7a\x0\x2\x0\x8\xc0\x0\xc0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x40\x0\x40\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\xc0\x0\xc0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x40\x0\x40\x0\xc0\x0\xc0\x0\x0\x0\xc0\x0\xc0\x0\x0\x0\xc0\x0\xc0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x40\x0\x40\x0\x0\x0\x40\x0\x40\x0\xc0\x0\xc0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x40\x0\x40\x0\x0\x0\x40\x0\x40\x0\x0\x1\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x4\x0\x0\x0\x8\x0\x0\x0\x1\x0\x2\x0\x3\x0\x4\x0\x5\x0\x6\x0\x7\xf9\xf\x2f\xbf\xfb\xfb\x35\xf9\x4\x4\xf3\xb4\xf2\xfb\x2e\xf3\x4\x4\xe\xad\xfa\x1\x1a\x1\x15\x22\x59\xd6\xe3\xf6\x6\xf5\x0\x1\x0\x5\x0\x4\x7\x5\x6";
+static void
+test_item_variations ()
+  const OT::HVAR* hvar_table = reinterpret_cast<const OT::HVAR*> (hvar_data);
+  hb_tag_t axis_tag = HB_TAG ('w', 'g', 'h', 't');
+  hb_map_t axis_idx_tag_map;
+  axis_idx_tag_map.set (0, axis_tag);
+  axis_tag = HB_TAG ('o', 'p', 's', 'z');
+  axis_idx_tag_map.set (1, axis_tag);
+  OT::item_variations_t item_vars;
+  const OT::VariationStore& src_var_store = hvar_table+(hvar_table->varStore);
+  bool result = item_vars.create_from_item_varstore (src_var_store, axis_idx_tag_map);
+  assert (result);
+  /* partial instancing wght=300:800 */
+  hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, Triple> normalized_axes_location;
+  normalized_axes_location.set (axis_tag, Triple (-0.512817f, 0.f, 0.700012f));
+  hb_hashmap_t<hb_tag_t, TripleDistances> axes_triple_distances;
+  axes_triple_distances.set (axis_tag, TripleDistances (200.f, 500.f));
+  result = item_vars.instantiate (normalized_axes_location, axes_triple_distances);
+  assert (result);
+  result = item_vars.optimize ();
+  assert (result);
+  assert (item_vars.get_region_list().length == 8);
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+  test_item_variations ();
diff --git a/test/subset/data/expected/mvar_partial_instance/,wdth=80-90,CTGR=20-60.ttf b/test/subset/data/expected/mvar_partial_instance/,wdth=80-90,CTGR=20-60.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..679e6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/subset/data/expected/mvar_partial_instance/,wdth=80-90,CTGR=20-60.ttf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/test/subset/data/expected/mvar_partial_instance/ b/test/subset/data/expected/mvar_partial_instance/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3508c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/subset/data/expected/mvar_partial_instance/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/test/subset/data/expected/mvar_partial_instance/ b/test/subset/data/expected/mvar_partial_instance/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a14e79e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/subset/data/expected/mvar_partial_instance/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/test/subset/data/expected/update_def_wght/ b/test/subset/data/expected/update_def_wght/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f6b2a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/subset/data/expected/update_def_wght/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/test/subset/data/expected/update_def_wght/ b/test/subset/data/expected/update_def_wght/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edd4513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/subset/data/expected/update_def_wght/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/test/subset/data/profiles/no-tables-with-item-variations.txt b/test/subset/data/profiles/no-tables-with-item-variations.txt
index df2b423..2a5aa18 100644
--- a/test/subset/data/profiles/no-tables-with-item-variations.txt
+++ b/test/subset/data/profiles/no-tables-with-item-variations.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/subset/data/tests/mvar_partial_instance.tests b/test/subset/data/tests/mvar_partial_instance.tests
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edf9296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/subset/data/tests/mvar_partial_instance.tests
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/test/subset/data/tests/update_def_wght.tests b/test/subset/data/tests/update_def_wght.tests
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ff5fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/subset/data/tests/update_def_wght.tests
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/test/subset/ b/test/subset/
index be4f69b..9c99423 100644
--- a/test/subset/
+++ b/test/subset/
@@ -68,7 +68,11 @@
 if get_option('experimental_api')
-  tests += 'glyf_partial_instancing'
+  tests += [
+    'glyf_partial_instancing',
+    'mvar_partial_instance',
+    'update_def_wght',
+    ]
 repack_tests = [