Switch on the first char of a complex language tag

This results in a tenfold speed-up for the common case of tags that are
not complex, in the sense of `hb_ot_tags_from_complex_language`.
diff --git a/src/gen-tag-table.py b/src/gen-tag-table.py
index dc3511c..3f334e9 100755
--- a/src/gen-tag-table.py
+++ b/src/gen-tag-table.py
@@ -288,6 +288,37 @@
 		except StopIteration:
 			return None
+	def is_complex (self):
+		"""Return whether this tag is too complex to represent as a
+		``LangTag`` in the generated code.
+		Complex tags need to be handled in
+		``hb_ot_tags_from_complex_language``.
+		Returns:
+			Whether this tag is complex.
+		"""
+		return not (len (self.subtags) == 1
+			or self.grandfathered
+			and len (self.subtags[1]) != 3
+			and ot.from_bcp_47[self.subtags[0]] == ot.from_bcp_47[self.language])
+	def get_group (self):
+		"""Return the group into which this tag should be categorized in
+		``hb_ot_tags_from_complex_language``.
+		The group is the first letter of the tag, or ``'und'`` if this tag
+		should not be matched in a ``switch`` statement in the generated
+		code.
+		Returns:
+			This tag's group.
+		"""
+		return ('und'
+			if (self.language == 'und'
+				or self.variant in bcp_47.prefixes and len (bcp_47.prefixes[self.variant]) == 1)
+			else self.language[0])
 class OpenTypeRegistryParser (HTMLParser):
 	"""A parser for the OpenType language system tag registry.
@@ -598,16 +629,15 @@
 				for macrolanguage in macrolanguages:
 					self._add_macrolanguage (biggest_macrolanguage, macrolanguage)
-	def get_name (self, tag):
+	def get_name (self, lt):
 		"""Return the names of the subtags in a language tag.
-			tag (str): A BCP 47 language tag.
+			lt (LanguageTag): A BCP 47 language tag.
-			The name form of ``tag``.
+			The name form of ``lt``.
-		lt = LanguageTag (tag)
 		name = self.names[lt.language].split ('\n')[0]
 		if lt.script:
 			name += '; ' + self.names[lt.script.title ()].split ('\n')[0]
@@ -909,58 +939,101 @@
 print ('\t\t\t\t  hb_tag_t     *tags /* OUT */)')
 print ('{')
-def print_subtag_matches (subtag):
+def print_subtag_matches (subtag, new_line):
 	if subtag:
-		print ()
-		print ('      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-%s")' % subtag, end='')
+		if new_line:
+			print ()
+			print ('\t&& ', end='')
+		print ('subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-%s")' % subtag, end='')
-for language, tags in sorted (ot.from_bcp_47.items (), key=lambda i: (-len (i[0]), i[0])):
-	lt = LanguageTag (language)
-	if len (lt.subtags) == 1 or lt.grandfathered and len (lt.subtags[1]) != 3 and ot.from_bcp_47[lt.subtags[0]] == tags:
+complex_tags = collections.defaultdict (list)
+for initial, group in itertools.groupby ((lt_tags for lt_tags in [
+			(LanguageTag (language), tags)
+			for language, tags in sorted (ot.from_bcp_47.items (),
+				key=lambda i: (-len (i[0]), i[0]))
+		] if lt_tags[0].is_complex ()),
+		key=lambda lt_tags: lt_tags[0].get_group ()):
+	complex_tags[initial] += group
+for initial, items in sorted (complex_tags.items ()):
+	if initial != 'und':
-	print ('  if (', end='')
-	if (lt.language == 'und' or
-			lt.variant in bcp_47.prefixes and
-			len (bcp_47.prefixes[lt.variant]) == 1):
+	for lt, tags in items:
 		if lt.variant in bcp_47.prefixes:
 			expect (next (iter (bcp_47.prefixes[lt.variant])) == lt.language,
 					'%s is not a valid prefix of %s' % (lt.language, lt.variant))
-		print ('1', end='')
-	elif lt.grandfathered:
-		print ('0 == strcmp (lang_str, "%s")' % lt.language, end='')
-	else:
-		print ('lang_matches (lang_str, "%s' % lt.language, end='')
-		if lt.script:
-			print ('-%s' % lt.script, end='')
-			lt.script = None
-			if lt.region:
-				print ('-%s' % lt.region, end='')
-				lt.region = None
-		print ('")', end='')
-	print_subtag_matches (lt.script)
-	print_subtag_matches (lt.region)
-	print_subtag_matches (lt.variant)
-	print (')')
-	print ('  {')
-	write ('    /* %s */' % bcp_47.get_name (language))
-	print ()
-	if len (tags) == 1:
-		write ('    tags[0] = %s;  /* %s */' % (hb_tag (tags[0]), ot.names[tags[0]]))
+		print ('  if (', end='')
+		print_subtag_matches (lt.script, False)
+		print_subtag_matches (lt.region, False)
+		print_subtag_matches (lt.variant, False)
+		print (')')
+		print ('  {')
+		write ('    /* %s */' % bcp_47.get_name (lt))
 		print ()
-		print ('    *count = 1;')
-	else:
-		print ('    unsigned int i;')
-		print ('    hb_tag_t possible_tags[] = {')
-		for tag in tags:
-			write ('      %s,  /* %s */' % (hb_tag (tag), ot.names[tag]))
+		if len (tags) == 1:
+			write ('    tags[0] = %s;  /* %s */' % (hb_tag (tags[0]), ot.names[tags[0]]))
 			print ()
-		print ('    };')
-		print ('    for (i = 0; i < %s && i < *count; i++)' % len (tags))
-		print ('      tags[i] = possible_tags[i];')
-		print ('    *count = i;')
-	print ('    return true;')
-	print ('  }')
+			print ('    *count = 1;')
+		else:
+			print ('    hb_tag_t possible_tags[] = {')
+			for tag in tags:
+				write ('      %s,  /* %s */' % (hb_tag (tag), ot.names[tag]))
+				print ()
+			print ('    };')
+			print ('    for (i = 0; i < %s && i < *count; i++)' % len (tags))
+			print ('      tags[i] = possible_tags[i];')
+			print ('    *count = i;')
+		print ('    return true;')
+		print ('  }')
+print ('  switch (lang_str[0])')
+print ('  {')
+for initial, items in sorted (complex_tags.items ()):
+	if initial == 'und':
+		continue
+	print ("  case '%s':" % initial)
+	for lt, tags in items:
+		print ('    if (', end='')
+		if lt.grandfathered:
+			print ('0 == strcmp (&lang_str[1], "%s")' % lt.language[1:], end='')
+		else:
+			string_literal = lt.language[1:] + '-'
+			if lt.script:
+				string_literal += lt.script
+				lt.script = None
+				if lt.region:
+					string_literal += '-' + lt.region
+					lt.region = None
+			if string_literal[-1] == '-':
+				print ('0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "%s", %i)' % (string_literal, len (string_literal)), end='')
+			else:
+				print ('lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "%s")' % string_literal, end='')
+		print_subtag_matches (lt.script, True)
+		print_subtag_matches (lt.region, True)
+		print_subtag_matches (lt.variant, True)
+		print (')')
+		print ('    {')
+		write ('      /* %s */' % bcp_47.get_name (lt))
+		print ()
+		if len (tags) == 1:
+			write ('      tags[0] = %s;  /* %s */' % (hb_tag (tags[0]), ot.names[tags[0]]))
+			print ()
+			print ('      *count = 1;')
+		else:
+			print ('      unsigned int i;')
+			print ('      hb_tag_t possible_tags[] = {')
+			for tag in tags:
+				write ('\t%s,  /* %s */' % (hb_tag (tag), ot.names[tag]))
+				print ()
+			print ('      };')
+			print ('      for (i = 0; i < %s && i < *count; i++)' % len (tags))
+			print ('\ttags[i] = possible_tags[i];')
+			print ('      *count = i;')
+		print ('      return true;')
+		print ('    }')
+	print ('    break;')
+print ('  }')
 print ('  return false;')
 print ('}')
 print ()
@@ -1030,7 +1103,7 @@
 for ot_tag, bcp_47_tag in sorted (disambiguation.items ()):
 	write ('  case %s:  /* %s */' % (hb_tag (ot_tag), ot.names[ot_tag]))
 	print ()
-	write ('    return hb_language_from_string (\"%s\", -1);  /* %s */' % (bcp_47_tag, bcp_47.get_name (bcp_47_tag)))
+	write ('    return hb_language_from_string (\"%s\", -1);  /* %s */' % (bcp_47_tag, bcp_47.get_name (LanguageTag (bcp_47_tag))))
 	print ()
 print ('  default:')
diff --git a/src/hb-ot-tag-table.hh b/src/hb-ot-tag-table.hh
index 6cc9e06..3722e94 100644
--- a/src/hb-ot-tag-table.hh
+++ b/src/hb-ot-tag-table.hh
@@ -1066,828 +1066,848 @@
 				  unsigned int *count /* IN/OUT */,
 				  hb_tag_t     *tags /* OUT */)
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cdo-hant-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Min Dong Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cdo-hant-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Min Dong Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cjy-hant-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Jinyu Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cjy-hant-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Jinyu Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cmn-hant-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Mandarin Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cmn-hant-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Mandarin Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cpx-hant-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Pu-Xian Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cpx-hant-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Pu-Xian Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czh-hant-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Huizhou Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czh-hant-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Huizhou Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czo-hant-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Min Zhong Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czo-hant-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Min Zhong Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "gan-hant-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Gan Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "gan-hant-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Gan Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hak-hant-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Hakka Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hak-hant-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Hakka Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hsn-hant-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Xiang Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hsn-hant-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Xiang Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "mnp-hant-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Min Bei Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "mnp-hant-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Min Bei Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "nan-hant-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Min Nan Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "nan-hant-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Min Nan Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (1
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-fonnapa"))
+  if (subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-fonnapa"))
     /* Undetermined; North American Phonetic Alphabet */
     tags[0] = HB_TAG('A','P','P','H');  /* Phonetic transcription—Americanist conventions */
     *count = 1;
     return true;
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "wuu-hant-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Wu Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "wuu-hant-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Wu Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (0 == strcmp (lang_str, "art-lojban"))
-  {
-    /* Lojban */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('J','B','O',' ');  /* Lojban */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (1
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-polyton"))
+  if (subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-polyton"))
     /* Modern Greek (1453-); Polytonic Greek */
     tags[0] = HB_TAG('P','G','R',' ');  /* Polytonic Greek */
     *count = 1;
     return true;
-  if (1
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-fonipa"))
+  if (subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-fonipa"))
     /* Undetermined; International Phonetic Alphabet */
     tags[0] = HB_TAG('I','P','P','H');  /* Phonetic transcription—IPA conventions */
     *count = 1;
     return true;
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "zh-hant-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "zh-hant-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Chinese; Han (Traditional variant); Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (0 == strcmp (lang_str, "zh-min-nan"))
-  {
-    /* Minnan, Hokkien, Amoy, Taiwanese, Southern Min, Southern Fujian, Hoklo, Southern Fukien, Ho-lo */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cdo-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Min Dong Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cdo-hant"))
-  {
-    /* Min Dong Chinese; Han (Traditional variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cjy-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Jinyu Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cjy-hant"))
-  {
-    /* Jinyu Chinese; Han (Traditional variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cmn-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Mandarin Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cmn-hant"))
-  {
-    /* Mandarin Chinese; Han (Traditional variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cpx-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Pu-Xian Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cpx-hant"))
-  {
-    /* Pu-Xian Chinese; Han (Traditional variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czh-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Huizhou Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czh-hant"))
-  {
-    /* Huizhou Chinese; Han (Traditional variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czo-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Min Zhong Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czo-hant"))
-  {
-    /* Min Zhong Chinese; Han (Traditional variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "gan-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Gan Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "gan-hant"))
-  {
-    /* Gan Chinese; Han (Traditional variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hak-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Hakka Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hak-hant"))
-  {
-    /* Hakka Chinese; Han (Traditional variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hsn-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Xiang Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hsn-hant"))
-  {
-    /* Xiang Chinese; Han (Traditional variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (0 == strcmp (lang_str, "i-navajo"))
-  {
-    /* Navajo */
-    unsigned int i;
-    hb_tag_t possible_tags[] = {
-      HB_TAG('N','A','V',' '),  /* Navajo */
-      HB_TAG('A','T','H',' '),  /* Athapaskan */
-    };
-    for (i = 0; i < 2 && i < *count; i++)
-      tags[i] = possible_tags[i];
-    *count = i;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "lzh-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Literary Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "mnp-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Min Bei Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "mnp-hant"))
-  {
-    /* Min Bei Chinese; Han (Traditional variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "nan-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Min Nan Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "nan-hant"))
-  {
-    /* Min Nan Chinese; Han (Traditional variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (1
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-geok"))
+  if (subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-geok"))
     /* Undetermined; Khutsuri (Asomtavruli and Nuskhuri) */
     tags[0] = HB_TAG('K','G','E',' ');  /* Khutsuri Georgian */
     *count = 1;
     return true;
-  if (1
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-syre"))
+  if (subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-syre"))
     /* Undetermined; Syriac (Estrangelo variant) */
     tags[0] = HB_TAG('S','Y','R','E');  /* Syriac, Estrangela script-variant (equivalent to ISO 15924 'Syre') */
     *count = 1;
     return true;
-  if (1
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-syrj"))
+  if (subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-syrj"))
     /* Undetermined; Syriac (Western variant) */
     tags[0] = HB_TAG('S','Y','R','J');  /* Syriac, Western script-variant (equivalent to ISO 15924 'Syrj') */
     *count = 1;
     return true;
-  if (1
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-syrn"))
+  if (subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-syrn"))
     /* Undetermined; Syriac (Eastern variant) */
     tags[0] = HB_TAG('S','Y','R','N');  /* Syriac, Eastern script-variant (equivalent to ISO 15924 'Syrn') */
     *count = 1;
     return true;
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "wuu-hans"))
+  switch (lang_str[0])
-    /* Wu Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "wuu-hant"))
-  {
-    /* Wu Chinese; Han (Traditional variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "yue-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Yue Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "ga-latg"))
-  {
-    /* Irish; Latin (Gaelic variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('I','R','T',' ');  /* Irish Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "zh-hans"))
-  {
-    /* Chinese; Han (Simplified variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "zh-hant"))
-  {
-    /* Chinese; Han (Traditional variant) */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cdo")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Min Dong Chinese; Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cdo")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Min Dong Chinese; Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cdo")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
-  {
-    /* Min Dong Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cjy")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Jinyu Chinese; Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cjy")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Jinyu Chinese; Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cjy")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
-  {
-    /* Jinyu Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cmn")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Mandarin Chinese; Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cmn")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Mandarin Chinese; Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cmn")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
-  {
-    /* Mandarin Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cpx")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Pu-Xian Chinese; Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cpx")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Pu-Xian Chinese; Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "cpx")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
-  {
-    /* Pu-Xian Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czh")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Huizhou Chinese; Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czh")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Huizhou Chinese; Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czh")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
-  {
-    /* Huizhou Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czo")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Min Zhong Chinese; Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czo")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Min Zhong Chinese; Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "czo")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
-  {
-    /* Min Zhong Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "gan")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Gan Chinese; Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "gan")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Gan Chinese; Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "gan")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
-  {
-    /* Gan Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hak")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Hakka Chinese; Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hak")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Hakka Chinese; Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hak")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
-  {
-    /* Hakka Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hsn")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Xiang Chinese; Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hsn")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Xiang Chinese; Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "hsn")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
-  {
-    /* Xiang Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "mnp")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Min Bei Chinese; Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "mnp")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Min Bei Chinese; Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "mnp")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
-  {
-    /* Min Bei Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "nan")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Min Nan Chinese; Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "nan")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Min Nan Chinese; Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "nan")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
-  {
-    /* Min Nan Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (0 == strcmp (lang_str, "no-bok"))
-  {
-    /* Norwegian Bokmal */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('N','O','R',' ');  /* Norwegian */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (0 == strcmp (lang_str, "no-nyn"))
-  {
-    /* Norwegian Nynorsk */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('N','Y','N',' ');  /* Norwegian Nynorsk (Nynorsk, Norwegian) */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "wuu")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Wu Chinese; Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "wuu")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Wu Chinese; Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "wuu")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
-  {
-    /* Wu Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (0 == strcmp (lang_str, "zh-min"))
-  {
-    /* Min, Fuzhou, Hokkien, Amoy, or Taiwanese */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (0 == strcmp (lang_str, "i-hak"))
-  {
-    /* Hakka */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (0 == strcmp (lang_str, "i-lux"))
-  {
-    /* Luxembourgish */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('L','T','Z',' ');  /* Luxembourgish */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "ro")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-md"))
-  {
-    /* Romanian; Moldova */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('M','O','L',' ');  /* Moldavian */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "zh")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
-  {
-    /* Chinese; Hong Kong */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "zh")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
-  {
-    /* Chinese; Macao */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (lang_matches (lang_str, "zh")
-      && subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
-  {
-    /* Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
-    tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
-    *count = 1;
-    return true;
+  case 'a':
+    if (0 == strcmp (&lang_str[1], "rt-lojban"))
+    {
+      /* Lojban */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('J','B','O',' ');  /* Lojban */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    break;
+  case 'c':
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "do-hant-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Min Dong Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "do-hant-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Min Dong Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "jy-hant-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Jinyu Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "jy-hant-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Jinyu Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "mn-hant-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Mandarin Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "mn-hant-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Mandarin Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "px-hant-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Pu-Xian Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "px-hant-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Pu-Xian Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "zh-hant-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Huizhou Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "zh-hant-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Huizhou Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "zo-hant-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Min Zhong Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "zo-hant-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Min Zhong Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "do-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Min Dong Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "do-hant"))
+    {
+      /* Min Dong Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "jy-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Jinyu Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "jy-hant"))
+    {
+      /* Jinyu Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "mn-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Mandarin Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "mn-hant"))
+    {
+      /* Mandarin Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "px-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Pu-Xian Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "px-hant"))
+    {
+      /* Pu-Xian Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "zh-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Huizhou Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "zh-hant"))
+    {
+      /* Huizhou Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "zo-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Min Zhong Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "zo-hant"))
+    {
+      /* Min Zhong Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "do-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Min Dong Chinese; Hong Kong */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "do-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Min Dong Chinese; Macao */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "do-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
+    {
+      /* Min Dong Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "jy-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Jinyu Chinese; Hong Kong */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "jy-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Jinyu Chinese; Macao */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "jy-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
+    {
+      /* Jinyu Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "mn-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Mandarin Chinese; Hong Kong */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "mn-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Mandarin Chinese; Macao */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "mn-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
+    {
+      /* Mandarin Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "px-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Pu-Xian Chinese; Hong Kong */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "px-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Pu-Xian Chinese; Macao */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "px-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
+    {
+      /* Pu-Xian Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "zh-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Huizhou Chinese; Hong Kong */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "zh-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Huizhou Chinese; Macao */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "zh-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
+    {
+      /* Huizhou Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "zo-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Min Zhong Chinese; Hong Kong */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "zo-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Min Zhong Chinese; Macao */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "zo-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
+    {
+      /* Min Zhong Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    break;
+  case 'g':
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "an-hant-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Gan Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "an-hant-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Gan Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "an-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Gan Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "an-hant"))
+    {
+      /* Gan Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "a-latg"))
+    {
+      /* Irish */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('I','R','T',' ');  /* Irish Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "an-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Gan Chinese; Hong Kong */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "an-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Gan Chinese; Macao */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "an-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
+    {
+      /* Gan Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    break;
+  case 'h':
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "ak-hant-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Hakka Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "ak-hant-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Hakka Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "sn-hant-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Xiang Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "sn-hant-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Xiang Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "ak-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Hakka Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "ak-hant"))
+    {
+      /* Hakka Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "sn-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Xiang Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "sn-hant"))
+    {
+      /* Xiang Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "ak-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Hakka Chinese; Hong Kong */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "ak-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Hakka Chinese; Macao */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "ak-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
+    {
+      /* Hakka Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "sn-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Xiang Chinese; Hong Kong */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "sn-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Xiang Chinese; Macao */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "sn-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
+    {
+      /* Xiang Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    break;
+  case 'i':
+    if (0 == strcmp (&lang_str[1], "-navajo"))
+    {
+      /* Navajo */
+      unsigned int i;
+      hb_tag_t possible_tags[] = {
+	HB_TAG('N','A','V',' '),  /* Navajo */
+	HB_TAG('A','T','H',' '),  /* Athapaskan */
+      };
+      for (i = 0; i < 2 && i < *count; i++)
+	tags[i] = possible_tags[i];
+      *count = i;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strcmp (&lang_str[1], "-hak"))
+    {
+      /* Hakka */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strcmp (&lang_str[1], "-lux"))
+    {
+      /* Luxembourgish */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('L','T','Z',' ');  /* Luxembourgish */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    break;
+  case 'l':
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "zh-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Literary Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    break;
+  case 'm':
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "np-hant-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Min Bei Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "np-hant-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Min Bei Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "np-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Min Bei Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "np-hant"))
+    {
+      /* Min Bei Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "np-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Min Bei Chinese; Hong Kong */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "np-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Min Bei Chinese; Macao */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "np-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
+    {
+      /* Min Bei Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    break;
+  case 'n':
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "an-hant-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Min Nan Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "an-hant-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Min Nan Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "an-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Min Nan Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "an-hant"))
+    {
+      /* Min Nan Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "an-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Min Nan Chinese; Hong Kong */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "an-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Min Nan Chinese; Macao */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "an-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
+    {
+      /* Min Nan Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strcmp (&lang_str[1], "o-bok"))
+    {
+      /* Norwegian Bokmal */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('N','O','R',' ');  /* Norwegian */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strcmp (&lang_str[1], "o-nyn"))
+    {
+      /* Norwegian Nynorsk */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('N','Y','N',' ');  /* Norwegian Nynorsk (Nynorsk, Norwegian) */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    break;
+  case 'r':
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "o-", 2)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-md"))
+    {
+      /* Romanian; Moldova */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('M','O','L',' ');  /* Moldavian */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    break;
+  case 'w':
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "uu-hant-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Wu Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "uu-hant-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Wu Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "uu-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Wu Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "uu-hant"))
+    {
+      /* Wu Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "uu-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Wu Chinese; Hong Kong */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "uu-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Wu Chinese; Macao */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "uu-", 3)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
+    {
+      /* Wu Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    break;
+  case 'y':
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "ue-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Yue Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    break;
+  case 'z':
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "h-hant-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "h-hant-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strcmp (&lang_str[1], "h-min-nan"))
+    {
+      /* Minnan, Hokkien, Amoy, Taiwanese, Southern Min, Southern Fujian, Hoklo, Southern Fukien, Ho-lo */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "h-hans"))
+    {
+      /* Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (lang_matches (&lang_str[1], "h-hant"))
+    {
+      /* Chinese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strcmp (&lang_str[1], "h-min"))
+    {
+      /* Min, Fuzhou, Hokkien, Amoy, or Taiwanese */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','S',' ');  /* Chinese Simplified */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "h-", 2)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-hk"))
+    {
+      /* Chinese; Hong Kong */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "h-", 2)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-mo"))
+    {
+      /* Chinese; Macao */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','H',' ');  /* Chinese, Hong Kong SAR */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (0 == strncmp (&lang_str[1], "h-", 2)
+	&& subtag_matches (lang_str, limit, "-tw"))
+    {
+      /* Chinese; Taiwan, Province of China */
+      tags[0] = HB_TAG('Z','H','T',' ');  /* Chinese Traditional */
+      *count = 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+    break;
   return false;