[subset] fix failing colrv0 subsetting when font has composite glyphs.

Composite glyph collection was happening along side colrv0 glyph collection which meant it was possible to miss grabbing the component glyphs for a glyph added by colrv0.
diff --git a/src/hb-subset-plan.cc b/src/hb-subset-plan.cc
index dfb0d42..90161c5 100644
--- a/src/hb-subset-plan.cc
+++ b/src/hb-subset-plan.cc
@@ -254,18 +254,26 @@
   _remove_invalid_gids (plan->_glyphset_gsub, plan->source->get_num_glyphs ());
+  // Collect all glyphs referenced by COLRv0
+  hb_set_t* cur_glyphset = plan->_glyphset_gsub;
+  hb_set_t glyphset_colrv0;
+  if (colr.is_valid ())
+  {
+    glyphset_colrv0.union_ (cur_glyphset);
+    for (hb_codepoint_t gid : cur_glyphset->iter ())
+      colr.closure_glyphs (gid, &glyphset_colrv0);
+    cur_glyphset = &glyphset_colrv0;
+  }
   // Populate a full set of glyphs to retain by adding all referenced
   // composite glyphs.
-  hb_codepoint_t gid = HB_SET_VALUE_INVALID;
-  while (plan->_glyphset_gsub->next (&gid))
+  for (hb_codepoint_t gid : cur_glyphset->iter ())
     glyf.add_gid_and_children (gid, plan->_glyphset);
     if (cff.is_valid ())
       _add_cff_seac_components (cff, gid, plan->_glyphset);
-    if (colr.is_valid ())
-      colr.closure_glyphs (gid, plan->_glyphset);
   _remove_invalid_gids (plan->_glyphset, plan->source->get_num_glyphs ());