[util] Refactor hb-view completely
Now we can use the same code to do other utils...
diff --git a/util/hb-view.cc b/util/hb-view.cc
index 419b7d5..d745c21 100644
--- a/util/hb-view.cc
+++ b/util/hb-view.cc
@@ -26,234 +26,50 @@
#include "common.hh"
-#include <cairo-ft.h>
-#include <hb-ft.h>
#include "options.hh"
-/* Ugh, global vars. Ugly, but does the job */
-static int width = 0;
-static int height = 0;
-static cairo_surface_t *surface = NULL;
-static cairo_pattern_t *fore_pattern = NULL;
-static cairo_pattern_t *back_pattern = NULL;
-static cairo_font_face_t *cairo_face;
-static cairo_glyph_t *
-_hb_cr_text_glyphs (cairo_t *cr,
- const char *utf8, int len,
- unsigned int *pnum_glyphs)
- cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font = cairo_get_scaled_font (cr);
- FT_Face ft_face = cairo_ft_scaled_font_lock_face (scaled_font);
- hb_font_t *hb_font = hb_ft_font_create (ft_face, NULL);
- hb_buffer_t *hb_buffer;
- cairo_glyph_t *cairo_glyphs;
- hb_glyph_info_t *hb_glyph;
- hb_glyph_position_t *hb_position;
- unsigned int num_glyphs, i;
- hb_position_t x, y;
- hb_buffer = hb_buffer_create ();
- hb_buffer_add_utf8 (hb_buffer, utf8, len, 0, len);
- if (!shape_opts->shape (hb_font, hb_buffer))
- fail ("All shapers failed");
- num_glyphs = hb_buffer_get_length (hb_buffer);
- hb_glyph = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos (hb_buffer, NULL);
- hb_position = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions (hb_buffer, NULL);
- cairo_glyphs = cairo_glyph_allocate (num_glyphs);
- x = 0;
- y = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < num_glyphs; i++)
- {
- cairo_glyphs[i].index = hb_glyph->codepoint;
- cairo_glyphs[i].x = ( hb_position->x_offset + x) * (1./64);
- cairo_glyphs[i].y = (-hb_position->y_offset + y) * (1./64);
- x += hb_position->x_advance;
- y += -hb_position->y_advance;
- hb_glyph++;
- hb_position++;
- }
- hb_buffer_destroy (hb_buffer);
- hb_font_destroy (hb_font);
- cairo_ft_scaled_font_unlock_face (scaled_font);
- if (pnum_glyphs)
- *pnum_glyphs = num_glyphs;
- return cairo_glyphs;
-static cairo_t *
-create_context (void)
- cairo_t *cr;
- unsigned int fr, fg, fb, fa, br, bg, bb, ba;
- if (surface)
- cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
- if (back_pattern)
- cairo_pattern_destroy (back_pattern);
- if (fore_pattern)
- cairo_pattern_destroy (fore_pattern);
- br = bg = bb = ba = 255;
- sscanf (view_opts->back + (*view_opts->back=='#'), "%2x%2x%2x%2x", &br, &bg, &bb, &ba);
- fr = fg = fb = 0; fa = 255;
- sscanf (view_opts->fore + (*view_opts->fore=='#'), "%2x%2x%2x%2x", &fr, &fg, &fb, &fa);
- if (!view_opts->annotate && ba == 255 && fa == 255 && br == bg && bg == bb && fr == fg && fg == fb) {
- /* grayscale. use A8 surface */
- surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_A8, width, height);
- cr = cairo_create (surface);
- cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
- cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 1., 1., br / 255.);
- cairo_paint (cr);
- back_pattern = cairo_pattern_reference (cairo_get_source (cr));
- cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 1., 1., fr / 255.);
- fore_pattern = cairo_pattern_reference (cairo_get_source (cr));
- } else {
- /* color. use (A)RGB surface */
- if (ba != 255)
- surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height);
- else
- surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, width, height);
- cr = cairo_create (surface);
- cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, br / 255., bg / 255., bb / 255., ba / 255.);
- cairo_paint (cr);
- back_pattern = cairo_pattern_reference (cairo_get_source (cr));
- cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, fr / 255., fg / 255., fb / 255., fa / 255.);
- fore_pattern = cairo_pattern_reference (cairo_get_source (cr));
- }
- cairo_set_font_face (cr, cairo_face);
- return cr;
-static void
-draw (void)
- cairo_t *cr;
- cairo_font_extents_t font_extents;
- cairo_glyph_t *glyphs = NULL;
- unsigned int num_glyphs = 0;
- const char *end, *p = text;
- double x, y;
- cr= create_context ();
- cairo_set_font_size (cr, font_opts->font_size);
- cairo_font_extents (cr, &font_extents);
- height = 0;
- width = 0;
- x = view_opts->margin.l;
- y = view_opts->margin.t;
- do {
- cairo_text_extents_t extents;
- end = strchr (p, '\n');
- if (!end)
- end = p + strlen (p);
- if (p != text)
- y += view_opts->line_space;
- if (p != end) {
- glyphs = _hb_cr_text_glyphs (cr, p, end - p, &num_glyphs);
- cairo_glyph_extents (cr, glyphs, num_glyphs, &extents);
- y += ceil (font_extents.ascent);
- width = MAX (width, extents.x_advance);
- cairo_save (cr);
- cairo_translate (cr, x, y);
- if (view_opts->annotate) {
- unsigned int i;
- cairo_save (cr);
- /* Draw actual glyph origins */
- cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1., 0., 0., .5);
- cairo_set_line_width (cr, 5);
- cairo_set_line_cap (cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND);
- for (i = 0; i < num_glyphs; i++) {
- cairo_move_to (cr, glyphs[i].x, glyphs[i].y);
- cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 0, 0);
- }
- cairo_stroke (cr);
- cairo_restore (cr);
- }
- cairo_show_glyphs (cr, glyphs, num_glyphs);
- cairo_restore (cr);
- y += ceil (font_extents.height - ceil (font_extents.ascent));
- cairo_glyph_free (glyphs);
- }
- p = end + 1;
- } while (*end);
- height = y + view_opts->margin.b;
- width += view_opts->margin.l + view_opts->margin.r;
- cairo_destroy (cr);
+#include "view-cairo.hh"
main (int argc, char **argv)
- static FT_Library ft_library;
- static FT_Face ft_face;
- cairo_status_t status;
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
- parse_options (argc, argv);
+ option_parser_t options ("[FONT-FILE] [TEXT]");
- FT_Init_FreeType (&ft_library);
- if (FT_New_Face (ft_library, font_opts->font_file, font_opts->face_index, &ft_face)) {
- fprintf (stderr, "Failed to open font file `%s'\n", font_opts->font_file);
- exit (1);
+ shape_options_t shaper (&options);
+ font_options_t font_opts (&options);
+ text_options_t input (&options);
+ view_cairo_t output (&options);
+ options.parse (&argc, &argv);
+ argc--, argv++;
+ if (argc && !font_opts.font_file) font_opts.font_file = argv[0], argc--, argv++;
+ if (argc && !input.text && !input.text_file) input.text = argv[0], argc--, argv++;
+ if (argc)
+ fail (TRUE, "Too many arguments on the command line");
+ if (!font_opts.font_file || (!input.text && !input.text_file))
+ options.usage ();
+ output.init (&font_opts);
+ hb_buffer_t *buffer = hb_buffer_create ();
+ unsigned int text_len;
+ const char *text;
+ while ((text = input.get_line (&text_len)))
+ {
+ if (!shaper.shape (text, text_len,
+ font_opts.get_font (),
+ buffer))
+ fail (FALSE, "All shapers failed");
+ output.consume_line (buffer, text, text_len);
- cairo_face = cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face (ft_face, 0);
+ hb_buffer_destroy (buffer);
- draw ();
- draw ();
- status = cairo_surface_write_to_png (surface, out_file);
- if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
- fprintf (stderr, "Failed to write output file `%s': %s\n",
- out_file, cairo_status_to_string (status));
- exit (1);
- }
- if (debug) {
- cairo_pattern_destroy (fore_pattern);
- cairo_pattern_destroy (back_pattern);
- cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
- cairo_font_face_destroy (cairo_face);
- cairo_debug_reset_static_data ();
- FT_Done_Face (ft_face);
- FT_Done_FreeType (ft_library);
- }
+ output.finish (&font_opts);
return 0;