| rem Simple .bat script for creating the NMake Makefile snippets. |
| if not "%1" == "header" if not "%1" == "file" if not "%1" == "footer" goto :error_cmd |
| if "%2" == "" goto error_no_destfile |
| if "%1" == "header" goto :header |
| if "%1" == "file" goto :addfile |
| if "%1" == "footer" goto :footer |
| if "%3" == "" goto error_var |
| if "%3" == "" goto error_file |
| echo Specified command '%1' was invalid. Valid commands are: header file footer. |
| echo Destination NMake snippet file must be specified |
| echo A name must be specified for using '%1'. |
| echo A file must be specified for using '%1'. |