[repacker] handle a couple of duplication edge cases.

- Detect cases where there are multiple links from a parent to a child. Don't duplicate that child if those are the only remaining links to the child.
- Correctly handle isolating a subgraph where the root idx has multiple incoming links.
diff --git a/src/hb-repacker.hh b/src/hb-repacker.hh
index 775311d..aac5cbd 100644
--- a/src/hb-repacker.hh
+++ b/src/hb-repacker.hh
@@ -366,10 +366,15 @@
   bool isolate_subgraph (unsigned root_idx)
+    update_incoming_edge_count ();
     hb_hashmap_t<unsigned, unsigned> subgraph;
-    hb_hashmap_t<unsigned, unsigned> index_map;
+    // incoming edges to root_idx should be all 32 bit in length so we don't need to de-dup these
+    // set the subgraph incoming edge count to match all of root_idx's incoming edges
+    subgraph.set (root_idx, vertices_[root_idx].incoming_edges);
     find_subgraph(root_idx, subgraph);
+    hb_hashmap_t<unsigned, unsigned> index_map;
     bool made_changes = false;
     for (auto entry : subgraph.iter ())
@@ -393,15 +398,16 @@
   void find_subgraph (unsigned node_idx, hb_hashmap_t<unsigned, unsigned>& subgraph)
-    if (subgraph.has (node_idx))
-    {
-      subgraph.set (node_idx, subgraph[node_idx] + 1);
-      return;
-    }
-    subgraph.set (node_idx, 1);
     for (const auto& link : vertices_[node_idx].obj.links)
+    {
+      if (subgraph.has (link.objidx))
+      {
+        subgraph.set (link.objidx, subgraph[link.objidx] + 1);
+        continue;
+      }
+      subgraph.set (link.objidx, 1);
       find_subgraph (link.objidx, subgraph);
+    }
@@ -466,13 +472,30 @@
    * parent to the clone. The copy is a shallow copy, objects
    * linked from child are not duplicated.
-  void duplicate (unsigned parent_idx, unsigned child_idx)
+  bool duplicate (unsigned parent_idx, unsigned child_idx)
+    update_incoming_edge_count ();
+    unsigned links_to_child = 0;
+    for (const auto& l : vertices_[parent_idx].obj.links)
+    {
+      if (l.objidx == child_idx) links_to_child++;
+    }
+    if (vertices_[child_idx].incoming_edges <= links_to_child)
+    {
+      // Can't duplicate this node, doing so would orphan the original one as all remaining links
+      // to child are from parent.
+      DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET_REPACK, nullptr, "  Not duplicating %d => %d",
+                 parent_idx, child_idx);
+      return false;
+    }
     DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET_REPACK, nullptr, "  Duplicating %d => %d",
                parent_idx, child_idx);
     unsigned clone_idx = duplicate (child_idx);
-    if (clone_idx == (unsigned) -1) return;
+    if (clone_idx == (unsigned) -1) return false;
     // duplicate shifts the root node idx, so if parent_idx was root update it.
     if (parent_idx == clone_idx) parent_idx++;
     auto& clone = vertices_[clone_idx];
@@ -489,6 +512,8 @@
+    return true;
@@ -819,7 +844,7 @@
       // The child object is shared, we may be able to eliminate the overflow
       // by duplicating it.
-      sorted_graph.duplicate (r.parent, r.child);
+      if (!sorted_graph.duplicate (r.parent, r.child)) continue;
       return true;