blob: c6d4e419b99d9eac633a658cdb8a6413b8b758ac [file] [log] [blame]
// System-specific implementation of the clock functions.
// Copyright (C) 2011 Nick Bruun <>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Vlad Lazarenko <>
// Copyright (C) 2014 Nicolas Pauss <>
// Implementation notes:
// On Windows, QueryPerformanceCounter() is used. It gets
// real-time clock with up to nanosecond precision.
// On Apple (OS X, iOS), mach_absolute_time() is used. It gets
// CPU/bus dependent real-time clock with up to nanosecond precision.
// On Unix, gethrtime() is used with HP-UX and Solaris. Otherwise,
// clock_gettime() is used to access monotonic real-time clock
// with up to nanosecond precision. On kernels 2.6.28 and newer, the ticks
// are also raw and are not subject to NTP and/or adjtime(3) adjustments.
// Other POSIX compliant platforms resort to using gettimeofday(). It is
// subject to clock adjustments, does not allow for higher than microsecond
// resolution and is also declared obsolete by POSIX.1-2008.
// Note on C++11:
// Starting with C++11, we could use std::chrono. However, the details of
// what clock is really being used is implementation-specific. For example,
// Visual Studio 2012 defines "high_resolution_clock" as system clock with
// ~1 millisecond precision that is not acceptable for performance
// measurements. Therefore, we are much better off having full control of what
// mechanism we use to obtain the system clock.
// Note on durations: it is assumed that end times passed to the clock methods
// are all after the start time. Wrap-around of clocks is not tested, as
// nanosecond precision of unsigned 64-bit integers would require an uptime of
// almost 585 years for this to happen. Let's call ourselves safe on that one.
#ifndef __HAYAI_CLOCK
#define __HAYAI_CLOCK
#include "hayai_compatibility.hpp"
#if defined(__unix__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
#include <unistd.h>
// Win32
#if defined(_WIN32)
#ifndef NOMINMAX
#define NOMINMAX
#include <windows.h>
// Apple
#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
// Unix
#elif defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) || defined(unix)
// gethrtime
# if (defined(__hpux) || defined(hpux)) || ((defined(__sun__) || defined(__sun) || defined(sun)) && (defined(__SVR4) || defined(__svr4__)))
# include <sys/time.h>
// clock_gettime
# elif defined(_POSIX_TIMERS) && (_POSIX_TIMERS > 0)
# include <time.h>
// gettimeofday
# else
# include <sys/time.h>
# endif
#error "Unable to define high resolution timer for an unknown OS."
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace hayai
// Win32
#if defined(_WIN32)
class Clock
/// Time point.
/// Opaque representation of a point in time.
typedef LARGE_INTEGER TimePoint;
/// Get the current time as a time point.
/// @returns the current time point.
static TimePoint Now()
TimePoint result;
return result;
/// Get the duration between two time points.
/// @param startTime Start time point.
/// @param endTime End time point.
/// @returns the number of nanoseconds elapsed between the two time
/// points.
static uint64_t Duration(const TimePoint& startTime,
const TimePoint& endTime)
const static double performanceFrequencyNs =
return static_cast<uint64_t>(
(endTime.QuadPart - startTime.QuadPart)
* performanceFrequencyNs
/// Clock implementation description.
/// @returns a description of the clock implementation used.
static const char* Description()
return "QueryPerformanceCounter";
static double PerformanceFrequencyNs()
TimePoint result;
return 1e9 / static_cast<double>(result.QuadPart);
// Mach kernel.
#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
class Clock
/// Time point.
/// Opaque representation of a point in time.
typedef uint64_t TimePoint;
/// Get the current time as a time point.
/// @returns the current time point.
static TimePoint Now() __hayai_noexcept
return mach_absolute_time();
/// Get the duration between two time points.
/// @param startTime Start time point.
/// @param endTime End time point.
/// @returns the number of nanoseconds elapsed between the two time
/// points.
static uint64_t Duration(const TimePoint& startTime,
const TimePoint& endTime) __hayai_noexcept
mach_timebase_info_data_t time_info;
return (endTime - startTime) * time_info.numer / time_info.denom;
/// Clock implementation description.
/// @returns a description of the clock implementation used.
static const char* Description()
return "mach_absolute_time";
// Unix
#elif defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) || defined(unix)
// gethrtime
# if (defined(__hpux) || defined(hpux)) || ((defined(__sun__) || defined(__sun) || defined(sun)) && (defined(__SVR4) || defined(__svr4__)))
class Clock
/// Time point.
/// Opaque representation of a point in time.
typedef hrtime_t TimePoint;
/// Get the current time as a time point.
/// @returns the current time point.
static TimePoint Now() __hayai_noexcept
return gethrtime();
/// Get the duration between two time points.
/// @param startTime Start time point.
/// @param endTime End time point.
/// @returns the number of nanoseconds elapsed between the two time
/// points.
static uint64_t Duration(const TimePoint& startTime,
const TimePoint& endTime) __hayai_noexcept
return static_cast<uint64_t>(endTime - startTime);
/// Clock implementation description.
/// @returns a description of the clock implementation used.
static const char* Description()
return "gethrtime";
// clock_gettime
# elif defined(_POSIX_TIMERS) && (_POSIX_TIMERS > 0)
class Clock
/// Time point.
/// Opaque representation of a point in time.
typedef struct timespec TimePoint;
/// Get the current time as a time point.
/// @returns the current time point.
static TimePoint Now() __hayai_noexcept
TimePoint result;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &result);
# elif defined(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &result);
# elif defined(CLOCK_REALTIME)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &result);
# else
clock_gettime((clocId_t)-1, &result);
# endif
return result;
/// Get the duration between two time points.
/// @param startTime Start time point.
/// @param endTime End time point.
/// @returns the number of nanoseconds elapsed between the two time
/// points.
static uint64_t Duration(const TimePoint& startTime,
const TimePoint& endTime) __hayai_noexcept
TimePoint timeDiff;
timeDiff.tv_sec = endTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec;
if (endTime.tv_nsec < startTime.tv_nsec)
timeDiff.tv_nsec = endTime.tv_nsec + 1000000000LL -
timeDiff.tv_nsec = endTime.tv_nsec - startTime.tv_nsec;
return static_cast<uint64_t>(timeDiff.tv_sec * 1000000000LL +
/// Clock implementation description.
/// @returns a description of the clock implementation used.
static const char* Description()
return "clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW)";
# elif defined(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
return "clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)";
# elif defined(CLOCK_REALTIME)
return "clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME)";
# else
return "clock_gettime(-1)";
# endif
// gettimeofday
# else
class Clock
/// Time point.
/// Opaque representation of a point in time.
typedef struct timeval TimePoint;
/// Get the current time as a time point.
/// @returns the current time point.
static TimePoint Now() __hayai_noexcept
TimePoint result;
gettimeofday(&result, NULL);
return result;
/// Get the duration between two time points.
/// @param startTime Start time point.
/// @param endTime End time point.
/// @returns the number of nanoseconds elapsed between the two time
/// points.
static uint64_t Duration(const TimePoint& startTime,
const TimePoint& endTime) __hayai_noexcept
TimePoint timeDiff;
timeDiff.tv_sec = endTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec;
if (endTime.tv_usec < startTime.tv_usec)
timeDiff.tv_usec = endTime.tv_usec + 1000000L -
timeDiff.tv_usec = endTime.tv_usec - startTime.tv_usec;
return static_cast<uint64_t>(timeDiff.tv_sec * 1000000000LL +
timeDiff.tv_usec * 1000);
/// Clock implementation description.
/// @returns a description of the clock implementation used.
static const char* Description()
return "gettimeofday";
# endif