blob: 6bfdf561ad82ca668fd6502a6693c51c62de1710 [file] [log] [blame]
* afc.h
* Defines and structs and the like for the built-in AFC client
* Copyright (c) 2014 Martin Szulecki All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2008 Zach C. All Rights Reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef __AFC_H
#define __AFC_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include "libimobiledevice/afc.h"
#include "service.h"
#include "endianness.h"
#include <libimobiledevice-glue/thread.h>
#define AFC_MAGIC_LEN (8)
typedef struct {
char magic[AFC_MAGIC_LEN];
uint64_t entire_length, this_length, packet_num, operation;
} AFCPacket;
#define AFCPacket_to_LE(x) \
(x)->entire_length = htole64((x)->entire_length); \
(x)->this_length = htole64((x)->this_length); \
(x)->packet_num = htole64((x)->packet_num); \
(x)->operation = htole64((x)->operation);
#define AFCPacket_from_LE(x) \
(x)->entire_length = le64toh((x)->entire_length); \
(x)->this_length = le64toh((x)->this_length); \
(x)->packet_num = le64toh((x)->packet_num); \
(x)->operation = le64toh((x)->operation);
struct afc_client_private {
service_client_t parent;
AFCPacket *afc_packet;
uint32_t packet_extra;
mutex_t mutex;
int free_parent;
/* AFC Operations */
enum {
AFC_OP_INVALID = 0x00000000, /* Invalid */
AFC_OP_STATUS = 0x00000001, /* Status */
AFC_OP_DATA = 0x00000002, /* Data */
AFC_OP_READ_DIR = 0x00000003, /* ReadDir */
AFC_OP_READ_FILE = 0x00000004, /* ReadFile */
AFC_OP_WRITE_FILE = 0x00000005, /* WriteFile */
AFC_OP_WRITE_PART = 0x00000006, /* WritePart */
AFC_OP_TRUNCATE = 0x00000007, /* TruncateFile */
AFC_OP_REMOVE_PATH = 0x00000008, /* RemovePath */
AFC_OP_MAKE_DIR = 0x00000009, /* MakeDir */
AFC_OP_GET_FILE_INFO = 0x0000000A, /* GetFileInfo */
AFC_OP_GET_DEVINFO = 0x0000000B, /* GetDeviceInfo */
AFC_OP_WRITE_FILE_ATOM = 0x0000000C, /* WriteFileAtomic (tmp file+rename) */
AFC_OP_FILE_OPEN = 0x0000000D, /* FileRefOpen */
AFC_OP_FILE_OPEN_RES = 0x0000000E, /* FileRefOpenResult */
AFC_OP_FILE_READ = 0x0000000F, /* FileRefRead */
AFC_OP_FILE_WRITE = 0x00000010, /* FileRefWrite */
AFC_OP_FILE_SEEK = 0x00000011, /* FileRefSeek */
AFC_OP_FILE_TELL = 0x00000012, /* FileRefTell */
AFC_OP_FILE_TELL_RES = 0x00000013, /* FileRefTellResult */
AFC_OP_FILE_CLOSE = 0x00000014, /* FileRefClose */
AFC_OP_FILE_SET_SIZE = 0x00000015, /* FileRefSetFileSize (ftruncate) */
AFC_OP_GET_CON_INFO = 0x00000016, /* GetConnectionInfo */
AFC_OP_SET_CON_OPTIONS = 0x00000017, /* SetConnectionOptions */
AFC_OP_RENAME_PATH = 0x00000018, /* RenamePath */
AFC_OP_SET_FS_BS = 0x00000019, /* SetFSBlockSize (0x800000) */
AFC_OP_SET_SOCKET_BS = 0x0000001A, /* SetSocketBlockSize (0x800000) */
AFC_OP_FILE_LOCK = 0x0000001B, /* FileRefLock */
AFC_OP_MAKE_LINK = 0x0000001C, /* MakeLink */
AFC_OP_GET_FILE_HASH = 0x0000001D, /* GetFileHash */
AFC_OP_SET_FILE_MOD_TIME = 0x0000001E, /* SetModTime */
AFC_OP_GET_FILE_HASH_RANGE = 0x0000001F, /* GetFileHashWithRange */
/* iOS 6+ */
AFC_OP_FILE_SET_IMMUTABLE_HINT = 0x00000020, /* FileRefSetImmutableHint */
AFC_OP_GET_SIZE_OF_PATH_CONTENTS = 0x00000021, /* GetSizeOfPathContents */
AFC_OP_REMOVE_PATH_AND_CONTENTS = 0x00000022, /* RemovePathAndContents */
AFC_OP_DIR_OPEN = 0x00000023, /* DirectoryEnumeratorRefOpen */
AFC_OP_DIR_OPEN_RESULT = 0x00000024, /* DirectoryEnumeratorRefOpenResult */
AFC_OP_DIR_READ = 0x00000025, /* DirectoryEnumeratorRefRead */
AFC_OP_DIR_CLOSE = 0x00000026, /* DirectoryEnumeratorRefClose */
/* iOS 7+ */
AFC_OP_FILE_READ_OFFSET = 0x00000027, /* FileRefReadWithOffset */
AFC_OP_FILE_WRITE_OFFSET = 0x00000028 /* FileRefWriteWithOffset */
afc_error_t afc_client_new_with_service_client(service_client_t service_client, afc_client_t *client);