The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software v4
diff --git a/jccolor.c b/jccolor.c
index 6fb1512..0da5e1b 100644
--- a/jccolor.c
+++ b/jccolor.c
@@ -16,16 +16,88 @@
 static JSAMPARRAY pixel_row;	/* Workspace for a pixel row in input format */
+/**************** RGB -> YCbCr conversion: most common case **************/
+ * YCbCr is defined per CCIR 601-1, except that Cb and Cr are
+ * normalized to the range 0..MAXJSAMPLE rather than -0.5 .. 0.5.
+ * The conversion equations to be implemented are therefore
+ *	Y  =  0.29900 * R + 0.58700 * G + 0.11400 * B
+ *	Cb = -0.16874 * R - 0.33126 * G + 0.50000 * B  + MAXJSAMPLE/2
+ *	Cr =  0.50000 * R - 0.41869 * G - 0.08131 * B  + MAXJSAMPLE/2
+ * (These numbers are derived from TIFF 6.0 section 21, dated 3-June-92.)
+ *
+ * To avoid floating-point arithmetic, we represent the fractional constants
+ * as integers scaled up by 2^16 (about 4 digits precision); we have to divide
+ * the products by 2^16, with appropriate rounding, to get the correct answer.
+ *
+ * For even more speed, we avoid doing any multiplications in the inner loop
+ * by precalculating the constants times R,G,B for all possible values.
+ * For 8-bit JSAMPLEs this is very reasonable (only 256 entries per table);
+ * for 12-bit samples it is still acceptable.  It's not very reasonable for
+ * 16-bit samples, but if you want lossless storage you shouldn't be changing
+ * colorspace anyway.
+ * The MAXJSAMPLE/2 offsets and the rounding fudge-factor of 0.5 are included
+ * in the tables to save adding them separately in the inner loop.
+ */
+#define SCALEBITS	14	/* avoid overflow */
+#define SCALEBITS	16	/* speedier right-shift on some machines */
+#define ONE_HALF	((INT32) 1 << (SCALEBITS-1))
+#define FIX(x)		((INT32) ((x) * (1L<<SCALEBITS) + 0.5))
+/* We allocate one big table and divide it up into eight parts, instead of
+ * doing eight alloc_small requests.  This lets us use a single table base
+ * address, which can be held in a register in the inner loops on many
+ * machines (more than can hold all eight addresses, anyway).
+ */
+static INT32 * rgb_ycc_tab;	/* => table for RGB to YCbCr conversion */
+#define R_Y_OFF		0			/* offset to R => Y section */
+#define G_Y_OFF		(1*(MAXJSAMPLE+1))	/* offset to G => Y section */
+#define B_Y_OFF		(2*(MAXJSAMPLE+1))	/* etc. */
+#define R_CB_OFF	(3*(MAXJSAMPLE+1))
+#define G_CB_OFF	(4*(MAXJSAMPLE+1))
+#define B_CB_OFF	(5*(MAXJSAMPLE+1))
+#define R_CR_OFF	B_CB_OFF		/* B=>Cb, R=>Cr are the same */
+#define G_CR_OFF	(6*(MAXJSAMPLE+1))
+#define B_CR_OFF	(7*(MAXJSAMPLE+1))
+#define TABLE_SIZE	(8*(MAXJSAMPLE+1))
  * Initialize for colorspace conversion.
-colorin_init (compress_info_ptr cinfo)
+rgb_ycc_init (compress_info_ptr cinfo)
+  INT32 i;
   /* Allocate a workspace for the result of get_input_row. */
   pixel_row = (*cinfo->emethods->alloc_small_sarray)
 		(cinfo->image_width, (long) cinfo->input_components);
+  /* Allocate and fill in the conversion tables. */
+  rgb_ycc_tab = (INT32 *) (*cinfo->emethods->alloc_small)
+  for (i = 0; i <= MAXJSAMPLE; i++) {
+    rgb_ycc_tab[i+R_Y_OFF] = FIX(0.29900) * i;
+    rgb_ycc_tab[i+G_Y_OFF] = FIX(0.58700) * i;
+    rgb_ycc_tab[i+B_Y_OFF] = FIX(0.11400) * i     + ONE_HALF;
+    rgb_ycc_tab[i+R_CB_OFF] = (-FIX(0.16874)) * i;
+    rgb_ycc_tab[i+G_CB_OFF] = (-FIX(0.33126)) * i;
+    rgb_ycc_tab[i+B_CB_OFF] = FIX(0.50000) * i    + ONE_HALF*(MAXJSAMPLE+1);
+/*  B=>Cb and R=>Cr tables are the same
+    rgb_ycc_tab[i+R_CR_OFF] = FIX(0.50000) * i    + ONE_HALF*(MAXJSAMPLE+1);
+    rgb_ycc_tab[i+G_CR_OFF] = (-FIX(0.41869)) * i;
+    rgb_ycc_tab[i+B_CR_OFF] = (-FIX(0.08131)) * i;
+  }
@@ -34,38 +106,16 @@
  * JPEG colorspace.
- * This version handles RGB -> YCbCr conversion.
- * YCbCr is defined per CCIR 601-1, except that Cb and Cr are
- * normalized to the range 0..MAXJSAMPLE rather than -0.5 .. 0.5.
- * The conversion equations to be implemented are therefore
- *	Y  =  0.29900 * R + 0.58700 * G + 0.11400 * B
- *	Cb = -0.16874 * R - 0.33126 * G + 0.50000 * B
- *	Cr =  0.50000 * R - 0.41869 * G - 0.08131 * B
- * where Cb and Cr must be incremented by MAXJSAMPLE/2 to create a
- * nonnegative output value.
- * (These numbers are derived from TIFF Appendix O, draft of 4/10/91.)
- *
- * To avoid floating-point arithmetic, we represent the fractional constants
- * as integers scaled up by 2^14 (about 4 digits precision); we have to divide
- * the products by 2^14, with appropriate rounding, to get the correct answer.
- *
- * For even more speed, we could avoid any multiplications in the inner loop
- * by precalculating the constants times R,G,B for all possible values.
- * This is not currently implemented.
- */
-#define SCALEBITS	14
-#define ONE_HALF	((INT32) 1 << (SCALEBITS-1))
-#define FIX(x)		((INT32) ((x) * (1L<<SCALEBITS) + 0.5))
 get_rgb_ycc_rows (compress_info_ptr cinfo,
 		  int rows_to_read, JSAMPIMAGE image_data)
-  register INT32 r, g, b;
+  register UINT16 r, g, b;
+  register int r, g, b;
+  register INT32 * ctab = rgb_ycc_tab;
   register JSAMPROW inptr0, inptr1, inptr2;
   register JSAMPROW outptr0, outptr1, outptr2;
   register long col;
@@ -82,36 +132,103 @@
     outptr0 = image_data[0][row];
     outptr1 = image_data[1][row];
     outptr2 = image_data[2][row];
-    for (col = width; col > 0; col--) {
-      r = GETJSAMPLE(*inptr0++);
-      g = GETJSAMPLE(*inptr1++);
-      b = GETJSAMPLE(*inptr2++);
+    for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
+      r = GETJSAMPLE(inptr0[col]);
+      g = GETJSAMPLE(inptr1[col]);
+      b = GETJSAMPLE(inptr2[col]);
       /* If the inputs are 0..MAXJSAMPLE, the outputs of these equations
        * must be too; we do not need an explicit range-limiting operation.
        * Hence the value being shifted is never negative, and we don't
        * need the general RIGHT_SHIFT macro.
       /* Y */
-      *outptr0++ = (JSAMPLE)
-	((  FIX(0.29900)*r  + FIX(0.58700)*g + FIX(0.11400)*b
+      outptr0[col] = (JSAMPLE)
+		((ctab[r+R_Y_OFF] + ctab[g+G_Y_OFF] + ctab[b+B_Y_OFF])
+		 >> SCALEBITS);
       /* Cb */
-      *outptr1++ = (JSAMPLE)
-	(((-FIX(0.16874))*r - FIX(0.33126)*g + FIX(0.50000)*b
+      outptr1[col] = (JSAMPLE)
+		((ctab[r+R_CB_OFF] + ctab[g+G_CB_OFF] + ctab[b+B_CB_OFF])
+		 >> SCALEBITS);
       /* Cr */
-      *outptr2++ = (JSAMPLE)
-	((  FIX(0.50000)*r  - FIX(0.41869)*g - FIX(0.08131)*b
+      outptr2[col] = (JSAMPLE)
+		((ctab[r+R_CR_OFF] + ctab[g+G_CR_OFF] + ctab[b+B_CR_OFF])
+		 >> SCALEBITS);
+    }
+  }
+/**************** Cases other than RGB -> YCbCr **************/
+ * Fetch some rows of pixels from get_input_row and convert to the
+ * JPEG colorspace.
+ * This version handles RGB->grayscale conversion, which is the same
+ * as the RGB->Y portion of RGB->YCbCr.
+ * We assume rgb_ycc_init has been called (we only use the Y tables).
+ */
+get_rgb_gray_rows (compress_info_ptr cinfo,
+		   int rows_to_read, JSAMPIMAGE image_data)
+  register UINT16 r, g, b;
+  register int r, g, b;
+  register INT32 * ctab = rgb_ycc_tab;
+  register JSAMPROW inptr0, inptr1, inptr2;
+  register JSAMPROW outptr;
+  register long col;
+  long width = cinfo->image_width;
+  int row;
+  for (row = 0; row < rows_to_read; row++) {
+    /* Read one row from the source file */
+    (*cinfo->methods->get_input_row) (cinfo, pixel_row);
+    /* Convert colorspace */
+    inptr0 = pixel_row[0];
+    inptr1 = pixel_row[1];
+    inptr2 = pixel_row[2];
+    outptr = image_data[0][row];
+    for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
+      r = GETJSAMPLE(inptr0[col]);
+      g = GETJSAMPLE(inptr1[col]);
+      b = GETJSAMPLE(inptr2[col]);
+      /* If the inputs are 0..MAXJSAMPLE, the outputs of these equations
+       * must be too; we do not need an explicit range-limiting operation.
+       * Hence the value being shifted is never negative, and we don't
+       * need the general RIGHT_SHIFT macro.
+       */
+      /* Y */
+      outptr[col] = (JSAMPLE)
+		((ctab[r+R_Y_OFF] + ctab[g+G_Y_OFF] + ctab[b+B_Y_OFF])
+		 >> SCALEBITS);
+ * Initialize for colorspace conversion.
+ */
+colorin_init (compress_info_ptr cinfo)
+  /* Allocate a workspace for the result of get_input_row. */
+  pixel_row = (*cinfo->emethods->alloc_small_sarray)
+		(cinfo->image_width, (long) cinfo->input_components);
  * Fetch some rows of pixels from get_input_row and convert to the
  * JPEG colorspace.
- * This version handles grayscale (no conversion).
+ * This version handles grayscale output with no conversion.
+ * The source can be either plain grayscale or YCbCr (since Y == gray).
@@ -196,6 +313,10 @@
+  /* Standard init/term methods (may override below) */
+  cinfo->methods->colorin_init = colorin_init;
+  cinfo->methods->colorin_term = colorin_term;
   /* Check num_components, set conversion method based on requested space */
   switch (cinfo->jpeg_color_space) {
@@ -203,6 +324,11 @@
       ERREXIT(cinfo->emethods, "Bogus JPEG colorspace");
     if (cinfo->in_color_space == CS_GRAYSCALE)
       cinfo->methods->get_sample_rows = get_grayscale_rows;
+    else if (cinfo->in_color_space == CS_RGB) {
+      cinfo->methods->colorin_init = rgb_ycc_init;
+      cinfo->methods->get_sample_rows = get_rgb_gray_rows;
+    } else if (cinfo->in_color_space == CS_YCbCr)
+      cinfo->methods->get_sample_rows = get_grayscale_rows;
       ERREXIT(cinfo->emethods, "Unsupported color conversion request");
@@ -210,9 +336,10 @@
   case CS_YCbCr:
     if (cinfo->num_components != 3)
       ERREXIT(cinfo->emethods, "Bogus JPEG colorspace");
-    if (cinfo->in_color_space == CS_RGB)
+    if (cinfo->in_color_space == CS_RGB) {
+      cinfo->methods->colorin_init = rgb_ycc_init;
       cinfo->methods->get_sample_rows = get_rgb_ycc_rows;
-    else if (cinfo->in_color_space == CS_YCbCr)
+    } else if (cinfo->in_color_space == CS_YCbCr)
       cinfo->methods->get_sample_rows = get_noconvert_rows;
       ERREXIT(cinfo->emethods, "Unsupported color conversion request");
@@ -231,7 +358,4 @@
     ERREXIT(cinfo->emethods, "Unsupported JPEG colorspace");
-  cinfo->methods->colorin_init = colorin_init;
-  cinfo->methods->colorin_term = colorin_term;