[devel] Trim trailing blanks from sources and manual
diff --git a/png.h b/png.h
index 1af4f12..d08609a 100644
--- a/png.h
+++ b/png.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* png.h - header file for PNG reference library
- * libpng version 1.5.2beta01 - February 4, 2011
+ * libpng version 1.5.2beta01 - February 12, 2011
* Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
* (Version 0.96 Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger)
* (Version 0.88 Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
* Authors and maintainers:
* libpng versions 0.71, May 1995, through 0.88, January 1996: Guy Schalnat
* libpng versions 0.89c, June 1996, through 0.96, May 1997: Andreas Dilger
- * libpng versions 0.97, January 1998, through 1.5.2beta01 - February 4, 2011: Glenn
+ * libpng versions 0.97, January 1998, through 1.5.2beta01 - February 12, 2011: Glenn
* See also "Contributing Authors", below.
* Note about libpng version numbers:
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
* This code is released under the libpng license.
- * libpng versions 1.2.6, August 15, 2004, through 1.5.2beta01, February 4, 2011, are
+ * libpng versions 1.2.6, August 15, 2004, through 1.5.2beta01, February 12, 2011, are
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2006-2011 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, and are
* distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-1.2.5
* with the following individual added to the list of Contributing Authors:
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
* libpng versions 0.97, January 1998, through 1.0.6, March 20, 2000, are
* Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, and are
- * distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-0.96,
+ * distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-0.96,
* with the following individuals added to the list of Contributing Authors:
* Tom Lane
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
* libpng versions 0.89, June 1996, through 0.96, May 1997, are
* Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger
- * Distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-0.88,
+ * Distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-0.88,
* with the following individuals added to the list of Contributing Authors:
* John Bowler
@@ -238,10 +238,10 @@
* Tim Wegner
* The PNG Reference Library is supplied "AS IS". The Contributing Authors
- * and Group 42, Inc. disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied,
+ * and Group 42, Inc. disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied,
* including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of
* fitness for any purpose. The Contributing Authors and Group 42, Inc.
- * assume no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary,
+ * assume no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary,
* or consequential damages, which may result from the use of the PNG
* Reference Library, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
* Y2K compliance in libpng:
* =========================
- * February 4, 2011
+ * February 12, 2011
* Since the PNG Development group is an ad-hoc body, we can't make
* an official declaration.
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
* the full 4-digit year. There is a possibility that applications using
* libpng are not passing 4-digit years into the png_convert_to_rfc_1123()
* function, or that they are incorrectly passing only a 2-digit year
- * instead of "year - 1900" into the png_convert_from_struct_tm() function,
+ * instead of "year - 1900" into the png_convert_from_struct_tm() function,
* but this is not under our control. The libpng documentation has always
* stated that it works with 4-digit years, and the APIs have been
* documented as such.
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
/* Version information for png.h - this should match the version in png.c */
#define PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING "1.5.2beta01"
- " libpng version 1.5.2beta01 - February 4, 2011\n"
+ " libpng version 1.5.2beta01 - February 12, 2011\n"
@@ -583,12 +583,12 @@
typedef png_sPLT_t FAR * FAR * png_sPLT_tpp;
-/* png_text holds the contents of a text/ztxt/itxt chunk in a PNG file,
+/* png_text holds the contents of a text/ztxt/itxt chunk in a PNG file,
* and whether that contents is compressed or not. The "key" field
* points to a regular zero-terminated C string. The "text", "lang", and
* "lang_key" fields can be regular C strings, empty strings, or NULL pointers.
* However, the * structure returned by png_get_text() will always contain
- * regular zero-terminated C strings (possibly empty), never NULL pointers,
+ * regular zero-terminated C strings (possibly empty), never NULL pointers,
* so they can be safely used in printf() and other string-handling functions.
typedef struct png_text_struct
@@ -809,18 +809,18 @@
typedef PNG_CALLBACK(void, *png_progressive_info_ptr, (png_structp, png_infop));
typedef PNG_CALLBACK(void, *png_progressive_end_ptr, (png_structp, png_infop));
typedef PNG_CALLBACK(void, *png_progressive_row_ptr, (png_structp, png_bytep,
- png_uint_32, int));
+ png_uint_32, int));
typedef PNG_CALLBACK(void, *png_user_transform_ptr, (png_structp, png_row_infop,
- png_bytep));
+ png_bytep));
typedef PNG_CALLBACK(int, *png_user_chunk_ptr, (png_structp,
- png_unknown_chunkp));
+ png_unknown_chunkp));
typedef PNG_CALLBACK(void, *png_unknown_chunk_ptr, (png_structp));
@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@
* your compiler. This may be very difficult - try using a different compiler
* to build the library!
-typedef PNG_FUNCTION(void, (PNGCAPI *png_longjmp_ptr), PNGARG((jmp_buf, int)),
+typedef PNG_FUNCTION(void, (PNGCAPI *png_longjmp_ptr), PNGARG((jmp_buf, int)),
@@ -873,13 +873,13 @@
#define PNG_FLAG_MNG_FILTER_64 0x04
-/* NOTE: prior to 1.5 these functions had no 'API' style declaration,
+/* NOTE: prior to 1.5 these functions had no 'API' style declaration,
* this allowed the zlib default functions to be used on Windows
* platforms. In 1.5 the zlib default malloc (which just calls malloc and
* ignores the first argument) should be completely compatible with the
* following.
-typedef PNG_CALLBACK(png_voidp, *png_malloc_ptr, (png_structp,
+typedef PNG_CALLBACK(png_voidp, *png_malloc_ptr, (png_structp,
typedef PNG_CALLBACK(void, *png_free_ptr, (png_structp, png_voidp));
@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@
* signature, and non-zero otherwise. Having num_to_check == 0 or
* start > 7 will always fail (ie return non-zero).
-PNG_EXPORT(3, int, png_sig_cmp, (png_const_bytep sig, png_size_t start,
+PNG_EXPORT(3, int, png_sig_cmp, (png_const_bytep sig, png_size_t start,
png_size_t num_to_check));
/* Simple signature checking function. This is the same as calling
@@ -938,19 +938,19 @@
/* Allocate and initialize png_ptr struct for reading, and any other memory. */
PNG_EXPORTA(4, png_structp, png_create_read_struct,
(png_const_charp user_png_ver, png_voidp error_ptr,
- png_error_ptr error_fn, png_error_ptr warn_fn),
+ png_error_ptr error_fn, png_error_ptr warn_fn),
/* Allocate and initialize png_ptr struct for writing, and any other memory */
PNG_EXPORTA(5, png_structp, png_create_write_struct,
(png_const_charp user_png_ver, png_voidp error_ptr, png_error_ptr error_fn,
- png_error_ptr warn_fn),
+ png_error_ptr warn_fn),
PNG_EXPORT(6, png_size_t, png_get_compression_buffer_size,
(png_const_structp png_ptr));
-PNG_EXPORT(7, void, png_set_compression_buffer_size, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(7, void, png_set_compression_buffer_size, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_size_t size));
/* Moved from pngconf.h in 1.4.0 and modified to ensure setjmp/longjmp
@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@
* allocated by the library - the call will return NULL on a mismatch
* indicating an ABI mismatch.
-PNG_EXPORT(8, jmp_buf*, png_set_longjmp_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(8, jmp_buf*, png_set_longjmp_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_longjmp_ptr longjmp_fn, size_t jmp_buf_size));
# define png_jmpbuf(png_ptr) \
(*png_set_longjmp_fn((png_ptr), longjmp, sizeof (jmp_buf)))
@@ -989,13 +989,13 @@
PNG_EXPORTA(11, png_structp, png_create_read_struct_2,
(png_const_charp user_png_ver, png_voidp error_ptr, png_error_ptr error_fn,
- png_error_ptr warn_fn,
- png_voidp mem_ptr, png_malloc_ptr malloc_fn, png_free_ptr free_fn),
+ png_error_ptr warn_fn,
+ png_voidp mem_ptr, png_malloc_ptr malloc_fn, png_free_ptr free_fn),
PNG_EXPORTA(12, png_structp, png_create_write_struct_2,
(png_const_charp user_png_ver, png_voidp error_ptr, png_error_ptr error_fn,
- png_error_ptr warn_fn,
- png_voidp mem_ptr, png_malloc_ptr malloc_fn, png_free_ptr free_fn),
+ png_error_ptr warn_fn,
+ png_voidp mem_ptr, png_malloc_ptr malloc_fn, png_free_ptr free_fn),
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@
chunk_name, png_const_bytep data, png_size_t length));
/* Write the start of a PNG chunk - length and chunk name. */
-PNG_EXPORT(15, void, png_write_chunk_start, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(15, void, png_write_chunk_start, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_const_bytep chunk_name, png_uint_32 length));
/* Write the data of a PNG chunk started with png_write_chunk_start(). */
@@ -1018,10 +1018,10 @@
PNG_EXPORT(17, void, png_write_chunk_end, (png_structp png_ptr));
/* Allocate and initialize the info structure */
-PNG_EXPORTA(18, png_infop, png_create_info_struct, (png_structp png_ptr),
+PNG_EXPORTA(18, png_infop, png_create_info_struct, (png_structp png_ptr),
-PNG_EXPORT(19, void, png_info_init_3, (png_infopp info_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(19, void, png_info_init_3, (png_infopp info_ptr,
png_size_t png_info_struct_size));
/* Writes all the PNG information before the image. */
@@ -1038,13 +1038,13 @@
PNG_EXPORT(23, png_const_charp, png_convert_to_rfc1123,
- (png_structp png_ptr,
+ (png_structp png_ptr,
png_const_timep ptime));
/* Convert from a struct tm to png_time */
-PNG_EXPORT(24, void, png_convert_from_struct_tm, (png_timep ptime,
+PNG_EXPORT(24, void, png_convert_from_struct_tm, (png_timep ptime,
PNG_CONST struct tm FAR * ttime));
/* Convert from time_t to png_time. Uses gmtime() */
@@ -1081,14 +1081,14 @@
/* Reduce RGB to grayscale. */
PNG_FP_EXPORT(32, void, png_set_rgb_to_gray, (png_structp png_ptr,
int error_action, double red, double green));
-PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(33, void, png_set_rgb_to_gray_fixed, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(33, void, png_set_rgb_to_gray_fixed, (png_structp png_ptr,
int error_action, png_fixed_point red, png_fixed_point green));
PNG_EXPORT(34, png_byte, png_get_rgb_to_gray_status, (png_const_structp
-PNG_EXPORT(35, void, png_build_grayscale_palette, (int bit_depth,
+PNG_EXPORT(35, void, png_build_grayscale_palette, (int bit_depth,
png_colorp palette));
@@ -1107,14 +1107,14 @@
/* Add a filler byte to 8-bit Gray or 24-bit RGB images. */
-PNG_EXPORT(39, void, png_set_filler, (png_structp png_ptr, png_uint_32 filler,
+PNG_EXPORT(39, void, png_set_filler, (png_structp png_ptr, png_uint_32 filler,
int flags));
/* The values of the PNG_FILLER_ defines should NOT be changed */
/* Add an alpha byte to 8-bit Gray or 24-bit RGB images. */
PNG_EXPORT(40, void, png_set_add_alpha,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_uint_32 filler,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_uint_32 filler,
int flags));
@@ -1158,11 +1158,11 @@
/* Handle alpha and tRNS by replacing with a background color. */
-PNG_FP_EXPORT(47, void, png_set_background, (png_structp png_ptr,
- png_const_color_16p background_color, int background_gamma_code,
+PNG_FP_EXPORT(47, void, png_set_background, (png_structp png_ptr,
+ png_const_color_16p background_color, int background_gamma_code,
int need_expand, double background_gamma));
PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(215, void, png_set_background_fixed, (png_structp png_ptr,
- png_const_color_16p background_color, int background_gamma_code,
+ png_const_color_16p background_color, int background_gamma_code,
int need_expand, png_fixed_point background_gamma));
@@ -1182,8 +1182,8 @@
* available.
PNG_EXPORT(49, void, png_set_quantize,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_colorp palette,
- int num_palette, int maximum_colors, png_const_uint_16p histogram,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_colorp palette,
+ int num_palette, int maximum_colors, png_const_uint_16p histogram,
int full_quantize));
@@ -1195,9 +1195,9 @@
/* Handle gamma correction. Screen_gamma=(display_exponent) */
PNG_FP_EXPORT(50, void, png_set_gamma,
- (png_structp png_ptr, double screen_gamma,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, double screen_gamma,
double default_file_gamma));
-PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(208, void, png_set_gamma_fixed, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(208, void, png_set_gamma_fixed, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_fixed_point screen_gamma, png_fixed_point default_file_gamma));
@@ -1217,13 +1217,13 @@
/* Read one or more rows of image data. */
-PNG_EXPORT(55, void, png_read_rows, (png_structp png_ptr, png_bytepp row,
+PNG_EXPORT(55, void, png_read_rows, (png_structp png_ptr, png_bytepp row,
png_bytepp display_row, png_uint_32 num_rows));
/* Read a row of data. */
-PNG_EXPORT(56, void, png_read_row, (png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep row,
+PNG_EXPORT(56, void, png_read_row, (png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep row,
png_bytep display_row));
@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@
* of libpng and to allow the 'display_row' array from read_rows to be passed
* unchanged to write_rows.
-PNG_EXPORT(59, void, png_write_rows, (png_structp png_ptr, png_bytepp row,
+PNG_EXPORT(59, void, png_write_rows, (png_structp png_ptr, png_bytepp row,
png_uint_32 num_rows));
/* Write the image data */
@@ -1258,15 +1258,15 @@
/* Free any memory associated with the png_info_struct */
-PNG_EXPORT(63, void, png_destroy_info_struct, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(63, void, png_destroy_info_struct, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_infopp info_ptr_ptr));
/* Free any memory associated with the png_struct and the png_info_structs */
-PNG_EXPORT(64, void, png_destroy_read_struct, (png_structpp png_ptr_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(64, void, png_destroy_read_struct, (png_structpp png_ptr_ptr,
png_infopp info_ptr_ptr, png_infopp end_info_ptr_ptr));
/* Free any memory associated with the png_struct and the png_info_structs */
-PNG_EXPORT(65, void, png_destroy_write_struct, (png_structpp png_ptr_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(65, void, png_destroy_write_struct, (png_structpp png_ptr_ptr,
png_infopp info_ptr_ptr));
/* Set the libpng method of handling chunk CRC errors */
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@
/* Values for png_set_crc_action() say how to handle CRC errors in
* ancillary and critical chunks, and whether to use the data contained
* therein. Note that it is impossible to "discard" data in a critical
- * chunk. For versions prior to 0.90, the action was always error/quit,
+ * chunk. For versions prior to 0.90, the action was always error/quit,
* whereas in version 0.90 and later, the action for CRC errors in ancillary
* chunks is warn/discard. These values should NOT be changed.
@@ -1356,11 +1356,11 @@
* the weights and costs are set to 1.0, this degenerates the WEIGHTED method
* to the UNWEIGHTED method, but with added encoding time/computation.
-PNG_FP_EXPORT(68, void, png_set_filter_heuristics, (png_structp png_ptr,
- int heuristic_method, int num_weights, png_const_doublep filter_weights,
+PNG_FP_EXPORT(68, void, png_set_filter_heuristics, (png_structp png_ptr,
+ int heuristic_method, int num_weights, png_const_doublep filter_weights,
png_const_doublep filter_costs));
PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(209, void, png_set_filter_heuristics_fixed,
- (png_structp png_ptr,
+ (png_structp png_ptr,
int heuristic_method, int num_weights, png_const_fixed_point_p
filter_weights, png_const_fixed_point_p filter_costs));
@@ -1377,26 +1377,26 @@
* 0 - 9, corresponding directly to the zlib compression levels 0 - 9
* (0 - no compression, 9 - "maximal" compression). Note that tests have
* shown that zlib compression levels 3-6 usually perform as well as level 9
- * for PNG images, and do considerably fewer caclulations. In the future,
+ * for PNG images, and do considerably fewer caclulations. In the future,
* these values may not correspond directly to the zlib compression levels.
PNG_EXPORT(69, void, png_set_compression_level,
(png_structp png_ptr, int level));
-PNG_EXPORT(70, void, png_set_compression_mem_level, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(70, void, png_set_compression_mem_level, (png_structp png_ptr,
int mem_level));
-PNG_EXPORT(71, void, png_set_compression_strategy, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(71, void, png_set_compression_strategy, (png_structp png_ptr,
int strategy));
-PNG_EXPORT(72, void, png_set_compression_window_bits, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(72, void, png_set_compression_window_bits, (png_structp png_ptr,
int window_bits));
PNG_EXPORT(73, void, png_set_compression_method, (png_structp png_ptr,
int method));
/* These next functions are called for input/output, memory, and error
- * handling. They are in the file pngrio.c, pngwio.c, and pngerror.c,
+ * handling. They are in the file pngrio.c, pngwio.c, and pngerror.c,
* and call standard C I/O routines such as fread(), fwrite(), and
* fprintf(). These functions can be made to use other I/O routines
* at run time for those applications that need to handle I/O in a
@@ -1418,7 +1418,7 @@
PNG_EXPORT(75, void, png_set_error_fn,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_voidp error_ptr,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_voidp error_ptr,
png_error_ptr error_fn, png_error_ptr warning_fn));
/* Return the user pointer associated with the error functions */
@@ -1434,43 +1434,43 @@
* default flush function, which uses the standard *FILE structure, will
* be used.
-PNG_EXPORT(77, void, png_set_write_fn, (png_structp png_ptr, png_voidp io_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(77, void, png_set_write_fn, (png_structp png_ptr, png_voidp io_ptr,
png_rw_ptr write_data_fn, png_flush_ptr output_flush_fn));
/* Replace the default data input function with a user supplied one. */
-PNG_EXPORT(78, void, png_set_read_fn, (png_structp png_ptr, png_voidp io_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(78, void, png_set_read_fn, (png_structp png_ptr, png_voidp io_ptr,
png_rw_ptr read_data_fn));
/* Return the user pointer associated with the I/O functions */
PNG_EXPORT(79, png_voidp, png_get_io_ptr, (png_structp png_ptr));
-PNG_EXPORT(80, void, png_set_read_status_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(80, void, png_set_read_status_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_read_status_ptr read_row_fn));
-PNG_EXPORT(81, void, png_set_write_status_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(81, void, png_set_write_status_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_write_status_ptr write_row_fn));
/* Replace the default memory allocation functions with user supplied one(s). */
-PNG_EXPORT(82, void, png_set_mem_fn, (png_structp png_ptr, png_voidp mem_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(82, void, png_set_mem_fn, (png_structp png_ptr, png_voidp mem_ptr,
png_malloc_ptr malloc_fn, png_free_ptr free_fn));
/* Return the user pointer associated with the memory functions */
PNG_EXPORT(83, png_voidp, png_get_mem_ptr, (png_const_structp png_ptr));
-PNG_EXPORT(84, void, png_set_read_user_transform_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(84, void, png_set_read_user_transform_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_user_transform_ptr read_user_transform_fn));
-PNG_EXPORT(85, void, png_set_write_user_transform_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(85, void, png_set_write_user_transform_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_user_transform_ptr write_user_transform_fn));
-PNG_EXPORT(86, void, png_set_user_transform_info, (png_structp png_ptr,
- png_voidp user_transform_ptr, int user_transform_depth,
+PNG_EXPORT(86, void, png_set_user_transform_info, (png_structp png_ptr,
+ png_voidp user_transform_ptr, int user_transform_depth,
int user_transform_channels));
/* Return the user pointer associated with the user transform functions */
PNG_EXPORT(87, png_voidp, png_get_user_transform_ptr,
@@ -1494,7 +1494,7 @@
-PNG_EXPORT(88, void, png_set_read_user_chunk_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(88, void, png_set_read_user_chunk_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_voidp user_chunk_ptr, png_user_chunk_ptr read_user_chunk_fn));
PNG_EXPORT(89, png_voidp, png_get_user_chunk_ptr, (png_const_structp png_ptr));
@@ -1503,8 +1503,8 @@
/* Sets the function callbacks for the push reader, and a pointer to a
* user-defined structure available to the callback functions.
-PNG_EXPORT(90, void, png_set_progressive_read_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
- png_voidp progressive_ptr, png_progressive_info_ptr info_fn,
+PNG_EXPORT(90, void, png_set_progressive_read_fn, (png_structp png_ptr,
+ png_voidp progressive_ptr, png_progressive_info_ptr info_fn,
png_progressive_row_ptr row_fn, png_progressive_end_ptr end_fn));
/* Returns the user pointer associated with the push read functions */
@@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@
/* Function to be called when data becomes available */
PNG_EXPORT(92, void, png_process_data,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
png_bytep buffer, png_size_t buffer_size));
/* A function which may be called *only* within png_process_data to stop the
@@ -1537,20 +1537,20 @@
* stores its own version of the new data internally and ignores the passed
* in value.
-PNG_EXPORT(93, void, png_progressive_combine_row, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(93, void, png_progressive_combine_row, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_bytep old_row, png_const_bytep new_row));
PNG_EXPORTA(94, png_voidp, png_malloc,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_alloc_size_t size),
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_alloc_size_t size),
/* Added at libpng version 1.4.0 */
PNG_EXPORTA(95, png_voidp, png_calloc,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_alloc_size_t size),
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_alloc_size_t size),
/* Added at libpng version 1.2.4 */
-PNG_EXPORTA(96, png_voidp, png_malloc_warn, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORTA(96, png_voidp, png_malloc_warn, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_alloc_size_t size), PNG_ALLOCATED);
/* Frees a pointer allocated by png_malloc() */
@@ -1585,7 +1585,7 @@
-PNG_EXPORTA(100, png_voidp, png_malloc_default, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORTA(100, png_voidp, png_malloc_default, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_alloc_size_t size), PNG_ALLOCATED);
PNG_EXPORT(101, void, png_free_default, (png_structp png_ptr, png_voidp ptr));
@@ -1593,11 +1593,11 @@
/* Fatal error in PNG image of libpng - can't continue */
PNG_EXPORTA(102, void, png_error,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp error_message),
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp error_message),
/* The same, but the chunk name is prepended to the error string. */
-PNG_EXPORTA(103, void, png_chunk_error, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORTA(103, void, png_chunk_error, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_const_charp error_message), PNG_NORETURN);
@@ -1606,23 +1606,23 @@
/* Non-fatal error in libpng. Can continue, but may have a problem. */
-PNG_EXPORT(105, void, png_warning, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(105, void, png_warning, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_const_charp warning_message));
/* Non-fatal error in libpng, chunk name is prepended to message. */
-PNG_EXPORT(106, void, png_chunk_warning, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(106, void, png_chunk_warning, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_const_charp warning_message));
/* Benign error in libpng. Can continue, but may have a problem.
* User can choose whether to handle as a fatal error or as a warning. */
# undef png_benign_error
-PNG_EXPORT(107, void, png_benign_error, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(107, void, png_benign_error, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_const_charp warning_message));
/* Same, chunk name is prepended to message. */
# undef png_chunk_benign_error
-PNG_EXPORT(108, void, png_chunk_benign_error, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(108, void, png_chunk_benign_error, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_const_charp warning_message));
PNG_EXPORT(109, void, png_set_benign_errors,
@@ -1651,11 +1651,11 @@
/* Returns "flag" if chunk data is valid in info_ptr. */
PNG_EXPORT(110, png_uint_32, png_get_valid,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
png_uint_32 flag));
/* Returns number of bytes needed to hold a transformed row. */
-PNG_EXPORT(111, png_size_t, png_get_rowbytes, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(111, png_size_t, png_get_rowbytes, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
png_const_infop info_ptr));
@@ -1677,11 +1677,11 @@
/* Returns image width in pixels. */
-PNG_EXPORT(115, png_uint_32, png_get_image_width, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(115, png_uint_32, png_get_image_width, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
png_const_infop info_ptr));
/* Returns image height in pixels. */
-PNG_EXPORT(116, png_uint_32, png_get_image_height, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(116, png_uint_32, png_get_image_height, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
png_const_infop info_ptr));
/* Returns image bit_depth. */
@@ -1689,19 +1689,19 @@
(png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr));
/* Returns image color_type. */
-PNG_EXPORT(118, png_byte, png_get_color_type, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(118, png_byte, png_get_color_type, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
png_const_infop info_ptr));
/* Returns image filter_type. */
-PNG_EXPORT(119, png_byte, png_get_filter_type, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(119, png_byte, png_get_filter_type, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
png_const_infop info_ptr));
/* Returns image interlace_type. */
-PNG_EXPORT(120, png_byte, png_get_interlace_type, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(120, png_byte, png_get_interlace_type, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
png_const_infop info_ptr));
/* Returns image compression_type. */
-PNG_EXPORT(121, png_byte, png_get_compression_type, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(121, png_byte, png_get_compression_type, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
png_const_infop info_ptr));
/* Returns image resolution in pixels per meter, from pHYs chunk data. */
@@ -1715,7 +1715,7 @@
/* Returns pixel aspect ratio, computed from pHYs chunk data. */
PNG_FP_EXPORT(125, float, png_get_pixel_aspect_ratio,
(png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr));
-PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(210, png_fixed_point, png_get_pixel_aspect_ratio_fixed,
+PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(210, png_fixed_point, png_get_pixel_aspect_ratio_fixed,
(png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr));
/* Returns image x, y offset in pixels or microns, from oFFs chunk data. */
@@ -1736,47 +1736,47 @@
PNG_EXPORT(131, png_uint_32, png_get_bKGD,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
png_color_16p *background));
-PNG_EXPORT(132, void, png_set_bKGD, (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(132, void, png_set_bKGD, (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
png_const_color_16p background));
-PNG_FP_EXPORT(133, png_uint_32, png_get_cHRM, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
- png_const_infop info_ptr, double *white_x, double *white_y, double *red_x,
- double *red_y, double *green_x, double *green_y, double *blue_x,
+PNG_FP_EXPORT(133, png_uint_32, png_get_cHRM, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
+ png_const_infop info_ptr, double *white_x, double *white_y, double *red_x,
+ double *red_y, double *green_x, double *green_y, double *blue_x,
double *blue_y));
#ifdef PNG_FIXED_POINT_SUPPORTED /* Otherwise not implemented */
PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(134, png_uint_32, png_get_cHRM_fixed,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr,
- png_const_infop info_ptr, png_fixed_point *int_white_x,
- png_fixed_point *int_white_y, png_fixed_point *int_red_x,
- png_fixed_point *int_red_y, png_fixed_point *int_green_x,
- png_fixed_point *int_green_y, png_fixed_point *int_blue_x,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr,
+ png_const_infop info_ptr, png_fixed_point *int_white_x,
+ png_fixed_point *int_white_y, png_fixed_point *int_red_x,
+ png_fixed_point *int_red_y, png_fixed_point *int_green_x,
+ png_fixed_point *int_green_y, png_fixed_point *int_blue_x,
png_fixed_point *int_blue_y));
PNG_FP_EXPORT(135, void, png_set_cHRM,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
- double white_x, double white_y, double red_x, double red_y, double green_x,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ double white_x, double white_y, double red_x, double red_y, double green_x,
double green_y, double blue_x, double blue_y));
-PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(136, void, png_set_cHRM_fixed, (png_structp png_ptr,
- png_infop info_ptr, png_fixed_point int_white_x,
- png_fixed_point int_white_y, png_fixed_point int_red_x,
- png_fixed_point int_red_y, png_fixed_point int_green_x,
- png_fixed_point int_green_y, png_fixed_point int_blue_x,
+PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(136, void, png_set_cHRM_fixed, (png_structp png_ptr,
+ png_infop info_ptr, png_fixed_point int_white_x,
+ png_fixed_point int_white_y, png_fixed_point int_red_x,
+ png_fixed_point int_red_y, png_fixed_point int_green_x,
+ png_fixed_point int_green_y, png_fixed_point int_blue_x,
png_fixed_point int_blue_y));
PNG_FP_EXPORT(137, png_uint_32, png_get_gAMA,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
double *file_gamma));
PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(138, png_uint_32, png_get_gAMA_fixed,
(png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
@@ -1786,13 +1786,13 @@
PNG_FP_EXPORT(139, void, png_set_gAMA, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr, double file_gamma));
-PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(140, void, png_set_gAMA_fixed, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(140, void, png_set_gAMA_fixed, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr, png_fixed_point int_file_gamma));
PNG_EXPORT(141, png_uint_32, png_get_hIST,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
png_uint_16p *hist));
@@ -1802,65 +1802,65 @@
PNG_EXPORT(143, png_uint_32, png_get_IHDR,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
- png_uint_32 *width, png_uint_32 *height, int *bit_depth, int *color_type,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ png_uint_32 *width, png_uint_32 *height, int *bit_depth, int *color_type,
int *interlace_method, int *compression_method, int *filter_method));
PNG_EXPORT(144, void, png_set_IHDR,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
- png_uint_32 width, png_uint_32 height, int bit_depth, int color_type,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ png_uint_32 width, png_uint_32 height, int bit_depth, int color_type,
int interlace_method, int compression_method, int filter_method));
PNG_EXPORT(145, png_uint_32, png_get_oFFs,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
png_int_32 *offset_x, png_int_32 *offset_y, int *unit_type));
PNG_EXPORT(146, void, png_set_oFFs,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
png_int_32 offset_x, png_int_32 offset_y, int unit_type));
PNG_EXPORT(147, png_uint_32, png_get_pCAL,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
png_charp *purpose, png_int_32 *X0, png_int_32 *X1, int *type,
- int *nparams,
+ int *nparams,
png_charp *units, png_charpp *params));
PNG_EXPORT(148, void, png_set_pCAL, (png_structp png_ptr,
- png_infop info_ptr,
- png_const_charp purpose, png_int_32 X0, png_int_32 X1, int type,
+ png_infop info_ptr,
+ png_const_charp purpose, png_int_32 X0, png_int_32 X1, int type,
int nparams, png_const_charp units, png_charpp params));
PNG_EXPORT(149, png_uint_32, png_get_pHYs,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
png_uint_32 *res_x, png_uint_32 *res_y, int *unit_type));
PNG_EXPORT(150, void, png_set_pHYs,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
png_uint_32 res_x, png_uint_32 res_y, int unit_type));
PNG_EXPORT(151, png_uint_32, png_get_PLTE,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
png_colorp *palette, int *num_palette));
PNG_EXPORT(152, void, png_set_PLTE,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
png_const_colorp palette, int num_palette));
PNG_EXPORT(153, png_uint_32, png_get_sBIT,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
png_color_8p *sig_bit));
@@ -1877,44 +1877,44 @@
PNG_EXPORT(156, void, png_set_sRGB,
(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, int srgb_intent));
-PNG_EXPORT(157, void, png_set_sRGB_gAMA_and_cHRM, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(157, void, png_set_sRGB_gAMA_and_cHRM, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr, int srgb_intent));
PNG_EXPORT(158, png_uint_32, png_get_iCCP,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
- png_charpp name, int *compression_type, png_bytepp profile,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
+ png_charpp name, int *compression_type, png_bytepp profile,
png_uint_32 *proflen));
PNG_EXPORT(159, void, png_set_iCCP,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
- png_const_charp name, int compression_type, png_const_bytep profile,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ png_const_charp name, int compression_type, png_const_bytep profile,
png_uint_32 proflen));
PNG_EXPORT(160, png_uint_32, png_get_sPLT,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
png_sPLT_tpp entries));
PNG_EXPORT(161, void, png_set_sPLT,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
png_const_sPLT_tp entries, int nentries));
/* png_get_text also returns the number of text chunks in *num_text */
PNG_EXPORT(162, png_uint_32, png_get_text,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
png_textp *text_ptr, int *num_text));
-/* Note while png_set_text() will accept a structure whose text,
+/* Note while png_set_text() will accept a structure whose text,
* language, and translated keywords are NULL pointers, the structure
* returned by png_get_text will always contain regular
* zero-terminated C strings. They might be empty strings but
@@ -1923,7 +1923,7 @@
PNG_EXPORT(163, void, png_set_text,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
png_const_textp text_ptr, int num_text));
@@ -1939,30 +1939,30 @@
PNG_EXPORT(166, png_uint_32, png_get_tRNS,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
png_bytep *trans_alpha, int *num_trans, png_color_16p *trans_color));
PNG_EXPORT(167, void, png_set_tRNS,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
- png_const_bytep trans_alpha, int num_trans,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ png_const_bytep trans_alpha, int num_trans,
png_const_color_16p trans_color));
PNG_FP_EXPORT(168, png_uint_32, png_get_sCAL,
- (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr,
int *unit, double *width, double *height));
-/* NOTE: this API is currently implemented using floating point arithmetic,
+/* NOTE: this API is currently implemented using floating point arithmetic,
* consequently it can only be used on systems with floating point support.
* In any case the range of values supported by png_fixed_point is small and it
* is highly recommended that png_get_sCAL_s be used instead.
PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(214, png_uint_32, png_get_sCAL_fixed,
(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr, int *unit,
- png_fixed_point *width,
+ png_fixed_point *width,
png_fixed_point *height));
PNG_EXPORT(169, png_uint_32, png_get_sCAL_s,
@@ -1970,13 +1970,13 @@
int *unit, png_charpp swidth, png_charpp sheight));
PNG_FP_EXPORT(170, void, png_set_sCAL,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
int unit, double width, double height));
-PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(213, void, png_set_sCAL_fixed, (png_structp png_ptr,
- png_infop info_ptr, int unit, png_fixed_point width,
+PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(213, void, png_set_sCAL_fixed, (png_structp png_ptr,
+ png_infop info_ptr, int unit, png_fixed_point width,
png_fixed_point height));
PNG_EXPORT(171, void, png_set_sCAL_s,
- (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
int unit, png_const_charp swidth, png_const_charp sheight));
#endif /* PNG_sCAL_SUPPORTED */
@@ -1991,23 +1991,23 @@
= 3: keep even if unsafe-to-copy
PNG_EXPORT(172, void, png_set_keep_unknown_chunks,
- (png_structp png_ptr, int keep,
+ (png_structp png_ptr, int keep,
png_const_bytep chunk_list, int num_chunks));
-PNG_EXPORT(173, int, png_handle_as_unknown, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(173, int, png_handle_as_unknown, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_const_bytep chunk_name));
-PNG_EXPORT(174, void, png_set_unknown_chunks, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(174, void, png_set_unknown_chunks, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr, png_const_unknown_chunkp unknowns,
int num_unknowns));
PNG_EXPORT(175, void, png_set_unknown_chunk_location,
(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, int chunk, int location));
-PNG_EXPORT(176, int, png_get_unknown_chunks, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(176, int, png_get_unknown_chunks, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
png_const_infop info_ptr, png_unknown_chunkpp entries));
/* Png_free_data() will turn off the "valid" flag for anything it frees.
- * If you need to turn it off for a chunk that your application has freed,
+ * If you need to turn it off for a chunk that your application has freed,
* you can use png_set_invalid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_CHNK);
PNG_EXPORT(177, void, png_set_invalid,
@@ -2015,9 +2015,9 @@
/* The "params" pointer is currently not used and is for future expansion. */
-PNG_EXPORT(178, void, png_read_png, (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(178, void, png_read_png, (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
int transforms, png_voidp params));
-PNG_EXPORT(179, void, png_write_png, (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(179, void, png_write_png, (png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr,
int transforms, png_voidp params));
@@ -2031,7 +2031,7 @@
(png_const_structp png_ptr));
-PNG_EXPORT(184, png_uint_32, png_permit_mng_features, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(184, png_uint_32, png_permit_mng_features, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_uint_32 mng_features_permitted));
@@ -2046,25 +2046,25 @@
PNG_EXPORT(185, void, png_set_strip_error_numbers,
- (png_structp png_ptr,
+ (png_structp png_ptr,
png_uint_32 strip_mode));
/* Added in libpng-1.2.6 */
-PNG_EXPORT(186, void, png_set_user_limits, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(186, void, png_set_user_limits, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_uint_32 user_width_max, png_uint_32 user_height_max));
PNG_EXPORT(187, png_uint_32, png_get_user_width_max,
(png_const_structp png_ptr));
PNG_EXPORT(188, png_uint_32, png_get_user_height_max,
(png_const_structp png_ptr));
/* Added in libpng-1.4.0 */
-PNG_EXPORT(189, void, png_set_chunk_cache_max, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(189, void, png_set_chunk_cache_max, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_uint_32 user_chunk_cache_max));
PNG_EXPORT(190, png_uint_32, png_get_chunk_cache_max,
(png_const_structp png_ptr));
/* Added in libpng-1.4.1 */
-PNG_EXPORT(191, void, png_set_chunk_malloc_max, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(191, void, png_set_chunk_malloc_max, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_alloc_size_t user_chunk_cache_max));
PNG_EXPORT(192, png_alloc_size_t, png_get_chunk_malloc_max,
(png_const_structp png_ptr));
@@ -2083,19 +2083,19 @@
PNG_FP_EXPORT(196, float, png_get_x_offset_inches,
(png_const_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr));
#ifdef PNG_FIXED_POINT_SUPPORTED /* otherwise not implemented. */
-PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(211, png_fixed_point, png_get_x_offset_inches_fixed,
+PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(211, png_fixed_point, png_get_x_offset_inches_fixed,
(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr));
-PNG_FP_EXPORT(197, float, png_get_y_offset_inches, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_FP_EXPORT(197, float, png_get_y_offset_inches, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
png_const_infop info_ptr));
#ifdef PNG_FIXED_POINT_SUPPORTED /* otherwise not implemented. */
-PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(212, png_fixed_point, png_get_y_offset_inches_fixed,
+PNG_FIXED_EXPORT(212, png_fixed_point, png_get_y_offset_inches_fixed,
(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_infop info_ptr));
-PNG_EXPORT(198, png_uint_32, png_get_pHYs_dpi, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(198, png_uint_32, png_get_pHYs_dpi, (png_const_structp png_ptr,
png_const_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 *res_x, png_uint_32 *res_y,
int *unit_type));
# endif /* PNG_pHYs_SUPPORTED */
@@ -2223,7 +2223,7 @@
PNG_EXPORT(203, png_int_32, png_get_int_32, (png_const_bytep buf));
-PNG_EXPORT(204, png_uint_32, png_get_uint_31, (png_structp png_ptr,
+PNG_EXPORT(204, png_uint_32, png_get_uint_31, (png_structp png_ptr,
png_const_bytep buf));
/* No png_get_int_16 -- may be added if there's a real need for it. */
@@ -2236,7 +2236,7 @@
/* Place a 16-bit number into a buffer in PNG byte order.
- * The parameter is declared unsigned int, not png_uint_16,
+ * The parameter is declared unsigned int, not png_uint_16,
* just to avoid potential problems on pre-ANSI C compilers.