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This is GNU Libtasn1, a small ASN.1 library.

The C library (libtasn1.*) is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or later. See the file COPYING.LIB.

The command line tool, self tests, examples, and other auxilliary files, are licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 or later. See the file COPYING.

Building the library

We require several tools to build the software, including:

The required software is typically distributed with your operating system, and the instructions for installing them differ. Here are some hints:


sudo apt-get install make git-core autoconf automake libtool
sudo apt-get install texinfo texlive texlive-generic-recommended texlive-extra-utils
sudo apt-get install help2man gtk-doc-tools valgrind abigail-tools

The next step is to run autoreconf, ./configure, etc:

$ ./bootstrap

Then build the project normally:

$ make
$ make check

Happy hacking!


The manual is in the doc/ directory of the release. You can also browse the manual online at:

Code coverage report

The coverage report is at:

Issue trackers


The project homepage at the gnu site is at:

For any copyright year range specified as YYYY-ZZZZ in this package note that the range specifies every single year in that closed interval.