darwin: Fix stale descriptor information post reset

As part of the recent removal of the backend get_device_descriptor()
function, the darwin backend was modified to update the cached
device_descriptor when a new device is processed. However, this wasn't
done for cases where the device is reused rather than allocated.
This could potentially result in getting stale data when using the
device following a reset.

In addition, when the device is reused, its session ID should be kept
up-to-date in the cached devices list, so it could be found in subsequent

Closes #733

Signed-off-by: Ido Yariv <ido@wizery.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Dickens <christopher.a.dickens@gmail.com>
2 files changed
tree: 300dcae1071eaba8974f69d7d8562febf65dbf52
  1. .private/
  2. android/
  3. doc/
  4. examples/
  5. libusb/
  6. msvc/
  7. tests/
  8. Xcode/
  9. .gitattributes
  10. .gitignore
  11. .travis.yml
  12. appveyor.yml
  14. autogen.sh
  15. bootstrap.sh
  16. ChangeLog
  17. configure.ac
  19. INSTALL_WIN.txt
  20. libusb-1.0.pc.in
  21. Makefile.am
  22. NEWS
  24. README.git
  25. README.md
  26. test
  27. TODO


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libusb is a library for USB device access from Linux, macOS, Windows, OpenBSD/NetBSD, Haiku and Solaris userspace. It is written in C (Haiku backend in C++) and licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version (see COPYING).

libusb is abstracted internally in such a way that it can hopefully be ported to other operating systems. Please see the PORTING file for more information.

libusb homepage: http://libusb.info/

Developers will wish to consult the API documentation: http://api.libusb.info

Use the mailing list for questions, comments, etc: http://mailing-list.libusb.info

(Please use the mailing list rather than mailing developers directly)