Core: Add compile time option to use native OS logging facility

* This change makes it easier to debug issues in UI applications
  which don't necessarily have a console connected to stderr.
* Outputting to the debugger shouldn't occur in normal situations so
  this change has to be explicitly enabled by a build-time config flag.
* Uses OutputDebugString() on Windows platforms or the syslog facility
  on other OSes, if available.
* Also align the report of configure defaults to autotool's.
diff --git a/ b/
index 669fcf8..72ed647 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 	AC_SEARCH_LIBS(clock_gettime, rt, [], [], -pthread)
-		[AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-udev], [use udev for device enumeration and hotplug support (recommended, default: yes)])],
+		[AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-udev], [use udev for device enumeration and hotplug support (recommended) [default=yes]])],
 		[], [enable_udev="yes"])
 		if test "x$enable_udev" = "xyes" ; then
 			# system has udev. use it or fail!
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
 AC_CHECK_HEADER([sys/timerfd.h], [timerfd_h=1], [timerfd_h=0])
-		[use timerfd for timing (default auto)])],
+		[use timerfd for timing [default=auto]])],
 	[use_timerfd=$enableval], [use_timerfd='auto'])
 if test "x$use_timerfd" = "xyes" -a "x$timerfd_h" = "x0"; then
@@ -193,23 +193,38 @@
 AC_ARG_ENABLE([debug-log], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug-log],
-	[start with debug message logging enabled (default n)])],
+	[start with debug message logging enabled [default=no]])],
 if test "x$debug_log_enabled" != "xno"; then
 	AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_DEBUG_LOGGING], 1, [Start with debug message logging enabled])
+AC_ARG_ENABLE([system-log], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-system-log],
+	[output logging messages to system wide log, if supported by the OS [default=no]])],
+	[system_log_enabled=$enableval],
+	[system_log_enabled='no'])
+if test "x$system_log_enabled" != "xno"; then
+	AC_DEFINE([USE_SYSTEM_LOGGING_FACILITY], 1, [Enable output to system log])
+# Check if syslog is available in standard C library
+AC_CHECK_FUNC([syslog], [have_syslog=yes], [have_syslog=no])
+if test "x$have_syslog" != "xno"; then
+	AC_DEFINE([HAVE_SYSLOG_FUNC], 1, [syslog() function available])
 # Examples build
 AC_ARG_ENABLE([examples-build], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-examples-build],
-	[build example applications (default n)])],
+	[build example applications [default=no]])],
 AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_EXAMPLES], [test "x$build_examples" != "xno"])
 # Tests build
 AC_ARG_ENABLE([tests-build], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-tests-build],
-	[build test applications (default n)])],
+	[build test applications [default=no]])],
 AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_TESTS], [test "x$build_tests" != "xno"])