libzip uses cmake to build.

For running the tests, you need to have perl.

You'll need zlib (at least version 1.1.2). It comes with most operating systems.

For supporting bzip2-compressed zip archives, you need bzip2.

For AES (encryption) support, you need one of these cryptographic libraries, listed in order of preference:

If you don't want a library even if it is installed, you can pass -DENABLE_<LIBRARY>=OFF to cmake, where <LIBRARY> is one of COMMONCRYPTO, OPENSSL, or GNUTLS.

The basic usage is

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test
make install

Some useful parameters you can pass to cmake with -Dparameter=value:

  • BUILD_SHARED_LIBS: set to ON or OFF to enable/disable building of shared libraries, defaults to ON
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: for setting the installation path
  • DOCUMENTATION_FORMAT: choose one of ‘man’, ‘mdoc’, and ‘html’ for the installed documentation (default: decided by cmake depending on available tools)

You can get verbose build output with by passing VERBOSE=1 to make.

You can also check the cmake FAQ.