Adapt 20-test_enc.t and 20-test_enc_more.t to use statusvar

Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <>
(Merged from
diff --git a/test/recipes/20-test_enc.t b/test/recipes/20-test_enc.t
index 88a5890..32a3016 100644
--- a/test/recipes/20-test_enc.t
+++ b/test/recipes/20-test_enc.t
@@ -27,20 +27,21 @@
 my $cmd = "openssl";
+my $ciphersstatus = undef;
 my @ciphers =
     map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; split /\s+/ }
-    run(app([$cmd, "list", "-cipher-commands"]), capture => 1);
+    run(app([$cmd, "list", "-cipher-commands"]),
+        capture => 1, statusvar => \$ciphersstatus);
-plan tests => 1 + (scalar @ciphers)*2;
-my $init = ok(copy($testsrc,$test));
-if (!$init) {
-    diag("Trying to copy $testsrc to $test : $!");
+plan tests => 2 + (scalar @ciphers)*2;
  SKIP: {
-     skip "Not initialized, skipping...", 11 unless $init;
+     skip "Problems getting ciphers...", 1 + scalar(@ciphers)
+         unless ok($ciphersstatus, "Running 'openssl list -cipher-commands'");
+     unless (ok(copy($testsrc, $test), "Copying $testsrc to $test")) {
+         diag($!);
+         skip "Not initialized, skipping...", scalar(@ciphers);
+     }
      foreach my $c (@ciphers) {
 	 my %variant = ("$c" => [],
diff --git a/test/recipes/20-test_enc_more.t b/test/recipes/20-test_enc_more.t
index 1419ddb..b4cef69 100644
--- a/test/recipes/20-test_enc_more.t
+++ b/test/recipes/20-test_enc_more.t
@@ -28,17 +28,22 @@
 my $fail = "";
 my $cmd = "openssl";
+my $ciphersstatus = undef;
 my @ciphers =
     grep(! /wrap|^$|^[^-]/,
          (map { split /\s+/ }
-              run(app([$cmd, "enc", "-ciphers"]), capture => 1)));
+          run(app([$cmd, "enc", "-ciphers"]),
+              capture => 1, statusvar => \$ciphersstatus)));
-plan tests => 1 + scalar @ciphers;
-my $init = ok(copy($testsrc, $plaintext));
+plan tests => 2 + scalar @ciphers;
 SKIP: {
-    skip "Not initialized, skipping...", (scalar @ciphers) unless $init;
+    skip "Problems getting ciphers...", 1 + scalar(@ciphers)
+        unless ok($ciphersstatus, "Running 'openssl enc -ciphers'");
+    unless (ok(copy($testsrc, $plaintext), "Copying $testsrc to $plaintext")) {
+        diag($!);
+        skip "Not initialized, skipping...", scalar(@ciphers);
+    }
     foreach my $cipher (@ciphers) {
         my $ciphername = substr $cipher, 1;