DES changes.
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index a070705..c619cce 100644
@@ -10,6 +10,15 @@
                                    [23-Dec-1998] down below; but in later
                                    versions, these hyphens are gone.]
+  *) Change type of various DES function arguments from des_cblock
+     (which means, in function argument declarartions, pointer to char)
+     to des_cblock * (meaning pointer to array with 8 char elements),
+     which allows the compiler to do more typechecking; it was like
+     that back in SSLeay, but with lots of ugly casts.
+     Introduce new type const_des_cblock.
+     [Bodo Moeller]
   *) Reorganise the PKCS#7 library and get rid of some of the more obvious
      problems: find RecipientInfo structure that matches recipient certificate
      and initialise the ASN1 structures properly based on passed cipher.