Fix typo in i2d_ASN1_ENUMERATED

Fix bug in read only memory BIOs so BIO_reset() works.

Add sign and verify options to dgst utility, need
to update docs.
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index e0120ae..9c3a1e3 100644
@@ -4,13 +4,17 @@
  Changes between 0.9.5a and 0.9.6  [xx XXX 2000]
+  *) New options added to the 'dgst' utility for signature
+     generation and verification.
+     [Steve Henson]
   *) Unrecognized PKCS#7 content types are now handled via a
      catch all ASN1_TYPE structure. This allows unsupported
      types to be stored as a "blob" and an application can
      encode and decode it manually.
      [Steve Henson]
-  *) Fix various signed/unsigned issues to make a_strex,c
+  *) Fix various signed/unsigned issues to make a_strex.c
      compile under VC++.
      [Oscar Jacobsson <>]