Rework how protocol specific ciphers in 80-test_ssl_old.t are picked out

The code to do this incorrectly assumed that the protocol version
could be used as a valid cipher suite  for the 'openssl cipher'
command.  While this is true in some cases, that isn't something to be
trusted.  Replace that assumption with code that takes the full
'openssl ciphers' command output and parses it to find the ciphers we
look for.

Reviewed-by: Emilia Käsper <>
(Merged from
diff --git a/test/recipes/80-test_ssl_old.t b/test/recipes/80-test_ssl_old.t
index 5342ede..a790d9b 100644
--- a/test/recipes/80-test_ssl_old.t
+++ b/test/recipes/80-test_ssl_old.t
@@ -417,37 +417,35 @@
 	my @protocols = ();
-	# FIXME: I feel unsure about the following line, is that really just TLSv1.2, or is it all of the SSLv3/TLS protocols?
-        push(@protocols, "TLSv1.3") unless $no_tls1_3;
-        push(@protocols, "TLSv1.2") unless $no_tls1_2;
-        push(@protocols, "SSLv3") unless $no_ssl3;
-	my $protocolciphersuitcount = 0;
-	my %ciphersuites =
-	    map { my @c =
-		      map { split(/:/, $_) }
-		      run(app(["openssl", "ciphers", "${_}:$ciphers"]),
-                          capture => 1);
-		  map { s/\R//; } @c;  # chomp @c;
-		  $protocolciphersuitcount += scalar @c;
-		  $_ => [ @c ] } @protocols;
+	# We only use the flags that ssltest_old understands
+	push @protocols, "-tls1_3" unless $no_tls1_3;
+	push @protocols, "-tls1_2" unless $no_tls1_2;
+	push @protocols, "-tls1" unless $no_tls1;
+	push @protocols, "-ssl3" unless $no_ssl3;
+	my $protocolciphersuitecount = 0;
+	my %ciphersuites = ();
+	foreach my $protocol (@protocols) {
+	    $ciphersuites{$protocol} =
+		[ map { s|\R||; split(/:/, $_) }
+		  run(app(["openssl", "ciphers", "-s", $protocol,
+                           "ALL:$ciphers"]), capture => 1) ];
+	    $protocolciphersuitecount += scalar @{$ciphersuites{$protocol}};
+	}
         plan skip_all => "None of the ciphersuites to test are available in this OpenSSL build"
-            if $protocolciphersuitcount + scalar(@protocols) == 0;
+            if $protocolciphersuitecount + scalar(keys %ciphersuites) == 0;
         # The count of protocols is because in addition to the ciphersuits
         # we got above, we're running a weak DH test for each protocol
-        plan tests => $protocolciphersuitcount + scalar(@protocols);
+        plan tests => $protocolciphersuitecount + scalar(keys %ciphersuites);
-        foreach my $protocol (@protocols) {
+        foreach my $protocol (sort keys %ciphersuites) {
             note "Testing ciphersuites for $protocol";
-            my $flag = "";
-            if ($protocol eq "SSLv3") {
-                $flag = "-ssl3";
-            } elsif ($protocol eq "TLSv1.2") {
-                $flag = "-tls1_2";
-            }
+            # ssltest_old doesn't know -tls1_3, but that's fine, since that's
+            # the default choice if TLSv1.3 enabled
+            my $flag = $protocol eq "-tls1_3" ? "" : $protocol;
             foreach my $cipher (@{$ciphersuites{$protocol}}) {
-                if ($protocol eq "SSLv3" && $cipher =~ /ECDH/ ) {
+                if ($protocol eq "-ssl3" && $cipher =~ /ECDH/ ) {
                     note "*****SKIPPING $protocol $cipher";
                 } else {