Revise ssl code to use a CERT_PKEY structure when outputting a
certificate chain instead of an X509 structure.

This makes it easier to enhance code in future and the chain
output functions have access to the CERT_PKEY structure being
diff --git a/ssl/ssl_locl.h b/ssl/ssl_locl.h
index 25f5fd4..6660558 100644
--- a/ssl/ssl_locl.h
+++ b/ssl/ssl_locl.h
@@ -825,11 +825,11 @@
 		       const EVP_MD **md,int *mac_pkey_type,int *mac_secret_size, SSL_COMP **comp);
 int ssl_get_handshake_digest(int i,long *mask,const EVP_MD **md);			   
 int ssl_verify_cert_chain(SSL *s,STACK_OF(X509) *sk);
-int ssl_add_cert_chain(SSL *s, X509 *x, unsigned long *l);
+int ssl_add_cert_chain(SSL *s, CERT_PKEY *cpk, unsigned long *l);
 int ssl_undefined_function(SSL *s);
 int ssl_undefined_void_function(void);
 int ssl_undefined_const_function(const SSL *s);
-X509 *ssl_get_server_send_cert(SSL *);
+CERT_PKEY *ssl_get_server_send_pkey(SSL *);
 EVP_PKEY *ssl_get_sign_pkey(SSL *s,const SSL_CIPHER *c, const EVP_MD **pmd);
 int ssl_cert_type(X509 *x,EVP_PKEY *pkey);
 void ssl_set_cert_masks(CERT *c, const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@
 int ssl3_enc(SSL *s, int send_data);
 int n_ssl3_mac(SSL *ssl, unsigned char *md, int send_data);
 void ssl3_free_digest_list(SSL *s);
-unsigned long ssl3_output_cert_chain(SSL *s, X509 *x);
+unsigned long ssl3_output_cert_chain(SSL *s, CERT_PKEY *cpk);
 SSL_CIPHER *ssl3_choose_cipher(SSL *ssl,STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *clnt,
 			       STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *srvr);
 int	ssl3_setup_buffers(SSL *s);
@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@
 int dtls1_send_change_cipher_spec(SSL *s, int a, int b);
 int dtls1_send_finished(SSL *s, int a, int b, const char *sender, int slen);
-unsigned long dtls1_output_cert_chain(SSL *s, X509 *x);
+unsigned long dtls1_output_cert_chain(SSL *s, CERT_PKEY *cpk);
 int dtls1_read_failed(SSL *s, int code);
 int dtls1_buffer_message(SSL *s, int ccs);
 int dtls1_retransmit_message(SSL *s, unsigned short seq,