Try to be more consistent about the alerts we send

We are quite inconsistent about which alerts get sent. Specifically, these
alerts should be used (normally) in the following circumstances:

SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR = The peer sent a syntactically incorrect message
SSL_AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER = The peer sent a message which was syntactically
correct, but a parameter given is invalid for the context
SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE = The peer's messages were syntactically and
semantically correct, but the parameters provided were unacceptable to us
(e.g. because we do not support the requested parameters)
SSL_AD_INTERNAL_ERROR = We messed up (e.g. malloc failure)

The standards themselves aren't always consistent but I think the above
represents the best interpretation.

Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <>
(Merged from
12 files changed