The metrics subsystem is a part of the trace processor which uses traces to compute reproducible metrics. It can be used in a wide range of situations; examples include benchmarks, lab tests and on large corpuses of traces.
The quickstart provides a quick overview on how to compute trace-based metrics traces using trace processor.
Performance metrics are useful to monitor for the health of a system and ensure that a system does not regress over time as new features are added.
However, metrics retrieved directly from the system have a downside: if there is a regression, it is difficult to root-cause the issue. Often, the problem may not be reproducible or may rely on a particular setup.
Trace-based metrics are one possible solution to this problem. Instead of collecting metrics directly on the system, a trace is collected and metrics are computed from the trace. If a regression in the metric is spotted, the developer can look directly at the trace to understand why the regression has occurred instead of having to reproduce the issue.
The metric subsystem is a part of the trace processor which executes SQL queries against traces and produces a metric which summarizes some performance attribute (e.g. CPU, memory, startup latency etc.).
For example, generating the Android CPU metrics on a trace is as simple as:
> ./trace_processor --run-metrics android_cpu <trace> android_cpu { process_info { name: "/system/bin/init" threads { name: "init" core { id: 1 metrics { mcycles: 1 runtime_ns: 570365 min_freq_khz: 1900800 max_freq_khz: 1900800 avg_freq_khz: 1902017 } } ... } ... } ... }
As metric writing requires a lot of iterations to get right, there are several tips which make the experience a lot smoother.
To obtain the fastest possible iteration time when developing metrics, it's possible to hot reload any changes to SQL; this will skip over both recompilation (for builtin metrics) and trace load (for both builtin and custom metrics).
To do this, trace processor is started in interactive mode while still specifying command line flags about which metrics should be run and the paths of any extensions. Then, in the REPL shell, the commands .load-metrics-sql
(which causes any SQL on disk to be re-read) and .run-metrics
(to run the metrics and print the result).
For example, suppose we want to iterate on the android_startup
metric. We can run the following commands from a Perfetto checkout:
> ./tools/trace_processor --interactive \ --run_metrics android_startup \ --metric-extension src/trace_processor/metrics@/ --dev \ <trace> android_startup { <contents of startup metric> } # Now make any changes you want to the SQL files related to the startup # metric. Even adding new files in the src/trace_processor/metric works. # Then, we can reload the changes using `.load-metrics-sql`. > .load-metrics-sql # We can rerun the changed metric using `.run-metrics` > .run-metrics android_startup { <contents of changed startup metric> }
NOTE: see below about why --dev
was required for this command.
This also works for custom metrics specified on the command line:
> ./tools/trace_processor -i --run_metrics /tmp/my_custom_metric.sql <trace> my_custom_metric { <contents of my_custom_metric> } # Change the SQL file as before. > .load-metrics-sql > .run-metrics my_custom_metric { <contents of changed my_custom_metric> }
WARNING: it is currently not possible to reload protos in the same way. If protos are changed, a recompile (for built-in metrics) and reinvoking trace processor is necessary to pick up the changes.
WARNING: Deleted files from --metric-extension
folders are not removed and will remain available e.g. to RUN_METRIC invocations.
It is possible to override the SQL of built-in metrics at runtime without needing to recompile trace processor. To do this, the flag --metric-extension
needs to be specified with the disk path where the built-metrics live and the special string /
for the virtual path.
For example, from inside a Perfetto checkout:
> ./tools/trace_processor \ --run_metrics android_cpu \ --metric-extension src/trace_processor/metrics@/ --dev <trace>
This will run the CPU metric using the live SQL in the repo not the SQL defintion built into the binary.
NOTE: protos are not overriden in the same way - if any proto messages are changed a recompile of trace processor is required for the changes to be available.
NOTE: the --dev
flag is required for the use of this feature. This flag ensures that this feature is not accidentally in production as it is only intended for local development.
WARNING: protos are not overriden in the same way - if any proto messages are changed a recompile of trace processor is required for the changes to be available.
There are several useful helpers functions which are available when writing a metric.
allows you to define a parameterized SQL statement which is executable as a function. The inspiration from this function is the CREATE FUNCTION
syntax which is available in other SQL engines (e.g. Postgres).
NOTE: CREATE_FUNCTION only supports returning exactly a single value (i.e. single row and single column). For returning multiple a single row with multiple columns or multiples rows, see CREATE_VIEW_FUNCTION
is as follows:
-- First, we define the function we'll use in the following statement. SELECT CREATE_FUNCTION( -- First argument: prototype of the function; this is very similar to -- function definitions in other languages - you set the function name -- (IS_TS_IN_RANGE in this example) and the arguments -- (ts, begin_ts and end_ts) along with their types (LONG for all -- arguments here). 'IS_TS_IN_RANGE(ts LONG, begin_ts LONG, end_ts LONG)', -- Second argument: the return type of the function. Only single values -- can be returned in CREATE_FUNCTION. See CREATE_VIEW_FUNCTION for defining -- a function returning multiple rows/columns. 'BOOL', -- Third argument: the SQL body of the function. This should always be a -- SELECT statement (even if you're not selecting from a table as in this -- example). Arguments can be accessed by prefixing argument names -- with $ (e.g. $ts, $begin_ts, $end_ts). 'SELECT $ts >= $begin_ts AND $ts <= $end_ts' ); -- Now we can actually use the function in queries as if it was any other -- function. -- For example, it can appear in the SELECT to produce a column: SELECT ts, IS_TS_IN_RANGE(slice.ts, 100000, 200000) AS in_range FROM slice -- It can also appear in a where clause: SELECT ts FROM counter WHERE IS_TS_IN_RANGE(counter.ts, 100000, 200000) AS in_range -- It can even appear in a join on clause: SELECT slice.ts FROM launches JOIN slice ON IS_TS_IN_RANGE(slice.ts, launches.ts, launches.end_ts)
can be used to define a parameterized SQL statement but returning multiple rows and columns. Such functions can be invoked any place where a table or view is used.
is as follows:
-- First, we define the view function we'll use in the following -- statement. SELECT CREATE_VIEW_FUNCTION( -- First argument: prototype of the function; this is very similar to -- function definitions in other languages - you set the function name -- (NAMED_SLICE_IN_RANGE in this example) and the arguments -- (name_glob, begin_ts and end_ts) along with their types (STRING and -- LONG for arguments here). 'NAMED_SLICE_IN_RANGE(name_glob STRING, begin_ts LONG, end_ts LONG)', -- Second argument: the columns returned by the function; both the -- name and type is specified. 'id INT, ts LONG, ts_end LONG, name STRING, track_id STRING', -- Third argument: the SQL body of the function. This should always be a -- SELECT statement. Arguments can be accessed by prefixing argument names -- with $ (e.g. $ts, $begin_ts, $end_ts). 'SELECT id, ts, ts + dur as ts_end, name, track_id FROM slice WHERE name GLOB $name_glob AND ts >= $begin_ts and ts <= $end_ts' ); -- Now we can use the function in queries in the same way we'd query a -- table or view. SELECT id, ts, ts_end, name FROM NAMED_SLICE_IN_RANGE('launching:*', 12345, 67890); -- This is exactly equivalent to the query: SELECT id, ts, ts + dur as ts_end, name FROM slice WHERE name GLOB 'launching:*' AND ts >= 12345 AND ts <= 67890; -- View functions can also be used in joins. SELECT, sl.ts, sl.ts_end, FROM trace_bounds AS b JOIN NAMED_SLICE_IN_RANGE('launching:*', b.start_ts, b.end_ts) AS sl;
allows you to run another metric file. This allows you to use views or tables defined in that file without repeatition.
Conceptually, RUN_METRIC
adds composability for SQL queries to break a big SQL metric into smaller, reusable files. This is similar to how functions allow decomposing large chunks in traditional programming languages.
A simple usage of RUN_METRIC
would be as follows:
In file android/foo.sql:
CREATE VIEW view_defined_in_foo AS SELECT * FROM slice LIMIT 1;
In file android/bar.sql
SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/foo.sql'); CREATE VIEW view_depending_on_view_from_foo AS SELECT * FROM view_defined_in_foo LIMIT 1;
also supports running templated metric files. Here's an example of what that looks like:
In file android/slice_template.sql:
CREATE VIEW {{view_name}} AS SELECT * FROM slice WHERE = '{{slice_name}}';
In file android/metric.sql:
SELECT RUN_METRIC( 'android/slice_template.sql', 'view_name', 'choreographer_slices', 'slice_name', 'Chroeographer#doFrame' ); CREATE VIEW long_choreographer_slices AS SELECT * FROM choreographer_slices WHERE dur > 1e6;
When running slice_template.sql
, trace processor will substitute the arguments passed to RUN_METRIC
into the templated file before executing the file using SQLite.
In other words, this is what SQLite sees and executes in practice for the above example:
CREATE VIEW choreographer_slices AS SELECT * FROM slice WHERE = 'Chroeographer#doFrame'; CREATE VIEW long_choreographer_slices AS SELECT * FROM choreographer_slices WHERE dur > 1e6;
The syntax for templated metric files is essentially a highly simplified version of Jinja's syntax.
TIP: To see how to add a new metric to trace processor, see the checklist here
This walkthrough will outline how to prototype a metric locally without needing to compile trace processor. This metric will compute the CPU time for every process in the trace and list the names of the top 5 processes (by CPU time) and the number of threads created by the process.
NOTE: See this GitHub gist to see how the code should look at the end of the walkthrough. The prerequisites and Step 4 below give instructions on how to get trace processor and run the metrics code.
As a setup step, create a folder to act as a scratch workspace; this folder will be referred to using the env variable $WORKSPACE
in Step 4.
The other requirement is trace processor. This can downloaded from here or can be built from source using the instructions here. Whichever method is chosen, $TRACE_PROCESSOR env variable will be used to refer to the location of the binary in Step 4.
As all metrics in the metrics platform are defined using protos, the metric needs to be structured as a proto. For this metric, there needs to be some notion of a process name along with its CPU time and number of threads.
Starting off, in a file named top_five_processes.proto
in our workspace, create a basic proto message called ProcessInfo with those three fields:
message ProcessInfo { optional string process_name = 1; optional uint64 cpu_time_ms = 2; optional uint32 num_threads = 3; }
Next , create a wrapping message which will hold the repeated field containing the top 5 processes.
message TopProcesses { repeated ProcessInfo process_info = 1; }
Finally, define an extension to the root proto for all metrics (the TraceMetrics proto).
extend TraceMetrics { optional TopProcesses top_five_processes = 450; }
Adding this extension field allows trace processor to link the newly defined metric to the TraceMetrics
Putting everything together, along with some boilerplate preamble gives:
syntax = "proto2"; package perfetto.protos; import "protos/perfetto/metrics/metrics.proto"; message ProcessInfo { optional string process_name = 1; optional int64 cpu_time_ms = 2; optional uint32 num_threads = 3; } message TopProcesses { repeated ProcessInfo process_info = 1; } extend TraceMetrics { optional TopProcesses top_five_processes = 450; }
Next, write the SQL to generate the table of the top 5 processes ordered by the sum of the CPU time they ran for and the number of threads which were associated with the process.
The following SQL should be added to a file called top_five_processes.sql
in the workspace:
CREATE VIEW top_five_processes_by_cpu AS SELECT as process_name, CAST(SUM(sched.dur) / 1e6 as INT64) as cpu_time_ms, COUNT(DISTINCT utid) as num_threads FROM sched INNER JOIN thread USING(utid) INNER JOIN process USING(upid) GROUP BY ORDER BY cpu_time_ms DESC LIMIT 5;
Let's break this query down:
table. This contains all the scheduling data available in the trace. Each scheduling “slice” is associated with a thread which is uniquely identified in Perfetto traces using its utid
. The two pieces of information needed from the sched table are the dur
- short for duration, this is the amount of time the slice lasted - and the utid
which will be used to join with the thread table.upid
. Similar to utid
, upid
is the unique identifier for a process in a Perfetto trace. In this case, upid
will refer to the process which hosts the thread given by utid
.Now that the result of the metric has been expressed as an SQL table, it needs to be converted to a proto. The metrics platform has built-in support for emitting protos using SQL functions; something which is used extensively in this step.
Let's look at how it works for our table above.
CREATE VIEW top_five_processes_output AS SELECT TopProcesses( 'process_info', ( SELECT RepeatedField( ProcessInfo( 'process_name', process_name, 'cpu_time_ms', cpu_time_ms, 'num_threads', num_threads ) ) FROM top_five_processes_by_cpu ) );
Breaking this down again:
Starting from the inner-most SELECT statement, there is what looks like a function call to the ProcessInfo function; in fact this is no coincidence. For each proto that the metrics platform knows about, an SQL function is generated with the same name as the proto. This function takes key value pairs with the key as the name of the proto field to fill and the value being the data to store in the field. The output is the proto created by writing the fields described in the function. (*)
In this case, this function is called once for each row in the top_five_processes_by_cpu
table. The output will be the fully filled ProcessInfo proto.
The call to the RepeatedField
function is the most interesting part and also the most important. In technical terms, RepeatedField
is an aggregate function. Practically, this means that it takes a full table of values and generates a single array which contains all the values passed to it.
Therefore, the output of this whole SELECT statement is an array of 5 ProcessInfo protos.
Next is creation of the TopProcesses
proto. By now, the syntax should already feel somewhat familiar; the proto builder function is called to fill in the process_info
field with the array of protos from the inner function.
The output of this SELECT is a single TopProcesses
proto containing the ProcessInfos as a repeated field.
Finally, the view is created. This view is specially named to allow the metrics platform to query it to obtain the root proto for each metric (in this case TopProcesses
). See the note below as to the pattern behind this view's name.
(*) This is not strictly true. To type-check the protos, some metadata is returned about the type of the proto but this is unimportant for metric authors.
NOTE: It is important that the views be named {name of TraceMetrics extension field}_output. This is the pattern used and expected by the metrics platform for all metrics.
The final file should look like so:
CREATE VIEW top_five_processes_by_cpu AS SELECT as process_name, CAST(SUM(sched.dur) / 1e6 as INT64) as cpu_time_ms, COUNT(DISTINCT utid) as num_threads FROM sched INNER JOIN thread USING(utid) INNER JOIN process USING(upid) GROUP BY ORDER BY cpu_time_ms DESC LIMIT 5; CREATE VIEW top_five_processes_output AS SELECT TopProcesses( 'process_info', ( SELECT RepeatedField( ProcessInfo( 'process_name', process_name, 'cpu_time_ms', cpu_time_ms, 'num_threads', num_threads ) ) FROM top_five_processes_by_cpu ) );
NOTE: The name of the SQL file should be the same as the name of TraceMetrics extension field. This is to allow the metrics platform to associated the proto extension field with the SQL which needs to be run to generate it.
For this step, invoke trace processor shell to run the metrics (see the Quickstart for downloading instructions):
$TRACE_PROCESSOR --run-metrics $WORKSPACE/top_five_processes.sql $TRACE 2> /dev/null
(For an example trace to test this on, see the Notes section below.)
By passing the SQL file for the metric to be computed, trace processor uses the name of this file to find the proto and to figure out the name of the output table for the proto and the name of the extension field for TraceMetrics
; this is the reason it was important to choose the names of these other objects carefully.
If everything went successfully, the following output should be visible (specifically this is the output for the Android example trace linked above):
[perfetto.protos.top_five_processes] { process_info { process_name: "" cpu_time_ms: 15154 num_threads: 125 } process_info { process_name: "sugov:4" cpu_time_ms: 6846 num_threads: 1 } process_info { process_name: "system_server" cpu_time_ms: 6809 num_threads: 66 } process_info { process_name: "cds_ol_rx_threa" cpu_time_ms: 6684 num_threads: 1 } process_info { process_name: "" cpu_time_ms: 5125 num_threads: 49 } }
NOTE: Googlers: for internal usage of metrics in Google3 (i.e. metrics which are confidential), please see this internal page.
Authors are strongly encouraged to add all metrics derived on Perfetto traces to the Perfetto repo unless there is a clear usecase (e.g. confidentiality) why these metrics should not be publicly available.
In return for upstreaming metrics, authors will have first class support for running metrics locally and the confidence that their metrics will remain stable as trace processor is developed.
As well as scaling upwards while developing from running on a single trace locally to running on a large set of traces, the reverse is also very useful. When an anomaly is observed in the metrics of a lab benchmark, a representative trace can be downloaded and the same metric can be run locally in trace processor.
Since the same code is running locally and remotely, developers can be confident in reproducing the issue and use the trace processor and/or the Perfetto UI to identify the problem.