This page acts as a reference guide for queries which often appear when performing ad-hoc analysis.
If collecting traces which including scheduling information (i.e. from ftrace) as well as userspace slices (i.e. from atrace), the actual time spent running on a CPU for each userspace slice can be computed: this is commonly known as the “CPU time” for a slice.
Firstly, setup the views to simplify subsequent queries:
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS slice_with_utid; CREATE VIEW slice_with_utid AS SELECT ts, dur, as slice_name, as slice_id, utid, as thread_name FROM slice JOIN thread_track ON = slice.track_id JOIN thread USING (utid); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS slice_thread_state_breakdown; CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE slice_thread_state_breakdown USING SPAN_LEFT_JOIN( slice_with_utid PARTITIONED utid, thread_state PARTITIONED utid );
Then, to compute the CPU time for all slices in the trace:
SELECT slice_id, slice_name, SUM(dur) AS cpu_time FROM slice_thread_state_breakdown WHERE state = 'Running' GROUP BY slice_id;
You can also compute CPU time for a specific slice:
SELECT slice_name, SUM(dur) AS cpu_time FROM slice_thread_state_breakdown WHERE slice_id = <your slice id> AND state = 'Running';
These queries can be varied easily to compute other similar metrics. For example to get the time spent “runnable” and in “uninterruptible sleep”:
SELECT slice_id, slice_name, SUM(CASE state = 'R' THEN dur ELSE 0 END) AS runnable_time, SUM(CASE state = 'D' THEN dur ELSE 0 END) AS uninterruptible_time FROM slice_thread_state_breakdown GROUP BY slice_id;
A given thread might cause other threads to wake up i.e. because work was scheduled on them. For a given thread, the amount of time threads it woke up ran for can be a good proxy to understand how much work is being spawned.
To compute this, the following query can be used:
SELECT SUM(( SELECT dur FROM sched WHERE sched.ts > wakee_runnable.ts AND wakee_runnable.utid = wakee_runnable.utid ORDER BY ts LIMIT 1 )) AS scheduled_dur FROM thread AS waker JOIN thread_state AS wakee_runnable ON waker.utid = wakee_runnable.waker_utid WHERE = <your waker thread name here>
To do this for all the threads in the trace simultaenously:
SELECT AS process_name, AS thread_name, SUM(( SELECT dur FROM sched WHERE sched.ts > wakee_runnable.ts AND sched.utid = wakee_runnable.utid ORDER BY ts LIMIT 1 )) AS scheduled_dur FROM thread AS waker JOIN process AS waker_process USING (upid) JOIN thread_state AS wakee_runnable ON waker.utid = wakee_runnable.waker_utid WHERE waker.utid != 0 GROUP BY 1, 2 ORDER BY 3 desc