[stdlib]: Add a generic critical path graph module

This brings us closer to productionizing and generalizing
the critical path algorithm. Still in experimental until the API
is fully fledged.

2 functions extracted out:
1. _critical_path(graph_table, root_table)
2. _critical_path_intervals(graph_table, root_table, interval_table)

The first works completely in id space, the second 'flattens' for the UI

Change-Id: I04130e421eb7ccdb43965fccc01e809c6afbae61
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 11c9b2a..279cfe9 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -13163,6 +13163,7 @@
+        "src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/graphs/critical_path.sql",
diff --git a/BUILD b/BUILD
index 24543ae..cf94216 100644
--- a/BUILD
+++ b/BUILD
@@ -2662,6 +2662,7 @@
     name = "src_trace_processor_perfetto_sql_stdlib_graphs_graphs",
     srcs = [
+        "src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/graphs/critical_path.sql",
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/graphs/BUILD.gn b/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/graphs/BUILD.gn
index 1710494..5167835 100644
--- a/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/graphs/BUILD.gn
+++ b/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/graphs/BUILD.gn
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 perfetto_sql_source_set("graphs") {
   sources = [
+    "critical_path.sql",
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/graphs/critical_path.sql b/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/graphs/critical_path.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..652f8c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/graphs/critical_path.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+-- Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+--     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- Computes critical paths, the dependency graph of a task.
+-- The critical path is a set of edges reachable from a root node with the sum of the edge
+-- weights just exceeding the root node capacity. This ensures that the tasks in the critical path
+-- completely 'covers' the root capacity.
+-- Typically, every node represents a point in time on some task where it transitioned from
+-- idle to active state.
+-- Example usage on traces with Linux sched information:
+-- ```
+-- -- Compute the userspace critical path from every task sleep.
+--   critical_path_intervals!(
+--   _wakeup_userspace_edges,
+--   (SELECT id AS root_node_id, prev_id - id FROM _wakeup_graph WHERE prev_id IS NOT NULL));
+-- ```
+CREATE PERFETTO MACRO _critical_path(
+  -- A table/view/subquery corresponding to a directed graph on which the
+  -- reachability search should be performed. This table must have the columns
+  -- "source_node_id", "dest_node_id" and "edge_weight" corresponding to the two nodes on
+  -- either end of the edges in the graph and the edge weight.
+  --
+  -- Note: the columns must contain uint32 similar to ids in trace processor
+  -- tables (i.e. the values should be relatively dense and close to zero). The
+  -- implementation makes assumptions on this for performance reasons and, if
+  -- this criteria is not, can lead to enormous amounts of memory being
+  -- allocated.
+  -- An edge weight is the absolute difference between the node ids forming the edge.
+  graph_table TableOrSubQuery,
+  -- A table/view/subquery corresponding to start nodes to |graph_table| which will be the
+  -- roots of the reachability trees. This table must have the columns
+  -- "root_node_id" and "capacity" corresponding to the starting node id and the capacity
+  -- of the root node to contain edge weights.
+  --
+  -- Note: the columns must contain uint32 similar to ids in trace processor
+  -- tables (i.e. the values should be relatively dense and close to zero). The
+  -- implementation makes assumptions on this for performance reasons and, if
+  -- this criteria is not, can lead to enormous amounts of memory being
+  -- allocated.
+  root_table TableOrSubQuery)
+  -- The returned table has the schema (root_id UINT32, id UINT32, parent_id UINT32).
+  -- |root_id| is the id of the root where the critical path computation started.
+  -- |id| is the id of a node in the critical path and |parent_id| is the predecessor of |id|.
+RETURNS TableOrSubQuery
+AS (
+    _edges AS (
+      SELECT source_node_id, dest_node_id, edge_weight FROM $graph_table
+    ),
+    _roots AS (
+      SELECT
+        root_node_id,
+        capacity AS root_target_weight
+      FROM $root_table
+    ),
+    _search_bounds AS (
+      SELECT MIN(root_node_id - root_target_weight) AS min_wakeup,
+             MAX(root_node_id + root_target_weight) AS max_wakeup
+      FROM _roots
+    ),
+    _graph AS (
+      SELECT
+        source_node_id,
+        COALESCE(dest_node_id, source_node_id) AS dest_node_id,
+        edge_weight
+      FROM _edges
+      JOIN _search_bounds
+      WHERE source_node_id BETWEEN min_wakeup AND max_wakeup AND source_node_id IS NOT NULL
+    )
+    root_node_id AS root_id,
+    parent_node_id AS parent_id,
+    node_id AS id
+  FROM graph_reachable_weight_bounded_dfs !(_graph, _roots, 1) cr
+-- Flattens overlapping tasks within a critical path and flattens overlapping critical paths.
+CREATE PERFETTO MACRO _critical_path_to_intervals(critical_path_table TableOrSubquery,
+                                                  node_table TableOrSubquery)
+RETURNS TableOrSubquery
+AS (
+  WITH flat_tasks AS (
+      node.ts,
+      cr.root_id,
+      cr.id,
+      LEAD(node.ts) OVER (PARTITION BY cr.root_id ORDER BY cr.id) - node.ts AS dur
+    FROM $critical_path_table cr
+    JOIN $node_table node USING(id)
+  ), span_starts AS (
+      MAX(cr.ts, idle.ts - idle_dur) AS ts,
+      idle.ts AS idle_end_ts,
+      cr.ts + cr.dur AS cr_end_ts,
+      cr.id,
+      cr.root_id
+    FROM flat_tasks cr
+    JOIN $node_table idle ON cr.root_id = idle.id
+  )
+    ts,
+    MIN(cr_end_ts, idle_end_ts) - ts AS dur,
+    id,
+    root_id
+  FROM span_starts
+  WHERE MIN(idle_end_ts, cr_end_ts) - ts > 0
+-- Computes critical paths, the dependency graph of a task and returns a flattened view suitable
+-- for displaying in a UI track without any overlapping intervals.
+-- See the _critical_path MACRO above.
+-- Example usage on traces with Linux sched information:
+-- ```
+-- -- Compute the userspace critical path from every task sleep.
+--   critical_path_intervals!(
+--   _wakeup_userspace_edges,
+--   (SELECT id AS root_node_id, prev_id - id FROM _wakeup_graph WHERE prev_id IS NOT NULL),
+--  _wakeup_intervals);
+-- ```
+CREATE PERFETTO MACRO _critical_path_intervals(
+  -- A table/view/subquery corresponding to a directed graph on which the
+  -- reachability search should be performed. This table must have the columns
+  -- "source_node_id", "dest_node_id" and "edge_weight" corresponding to the two nodes on
+  -- either end of the edges in the graph and the edge weight.
+  --
+  -- Note: the columns must contain uint32 similar to ids in trace processor
+  -- tables (i.e. the values should be relatively dense and close to zero). The
+  -- implementation makes assumptions on this for performance reasons and, if
+  -- this criteria is not, can lead to enormous amounts of memory being
+  -- allocated.
+  -- An edge weight is the absolute difference between the node ids forming the edge.
+  graph_table TableOrSubQuery,
+  -- A table/view/subquery corresponding to start nodes to |graph_table| which will be the
+  -- roots of the reachability trees. This table must have the columns
+  -- "root_node_id" and "capacity" corresponding to the starting node id and the capacity
+  -- of the root node to contain edge weights.
+  --
+  -- Note: the columns must contain uint32 similar to ids in trace processor
+  -- tables (i.e. the values should be relatively dense and close to zero). The
+  -- implementation makes assumptions on this for performance reasons and, if
+  -- this criteria is not, can lead to enormous amounts of memory being
+  -- allocated.
+  root_table TableOrSubQuery,
+  -- A table/view/subquery corresponding to the idle to active transition points on a task.
+  -- This table must have the columns, "id", "ts", "dur" and "idle_dur". ts and dur is the
+  -- timestamp when the task became active and how long it was active for respectively. idle_dur
+  -- is the duration it was idle for before it became active at "ts".
+  --
+  -- Note: the columns must contain uint32 similar to ids in trace processor
+  -- tables (i.e. the values should be relatively dense and close to zero). The
+  -- implementation makes assumptions on this for performance reasons and, if
+  -- this criteria is not, can lead to enormous amounts of memory being
+  -- allocated.
+  -- There should be one row for every node id encountered in the |graph_table|.
+  interval_table TableOrSubQuery)
+-- The returned table has the schema (id UINT32, ts INT64, dur INT64, idle_dur INT64).
+-- |root_node_id| is the id of the starting node under which this edge was encountered.
+-- |node_id| is the id of the node from the input graph and |parent_node_id|
+-- is the id of the node which was the first encountered predecessor in a DFS
+-- search of the graph.
+RETURNS TableOrSubQuery
+AS (
+  WITH _critical_path_nodes AS (
+    SELECT root_id, id FROM _critical_path!($graph_table, $root_table)
+  ) SELECT root_id, id, ts, dur
+    FROM _critical_path_to_intervals !(_critical_path_nodes, $interval_table)
+    SELECT node.id AS root_id, node.id, node.ts, node.dur
+    FROM $interval_table node
+    JOIN $root_table ON root_node_id = id
diff --git a/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/include_index.py b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/include_index.py
index 534344f..b57a139 100644
--- a/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/include_index.py
+++ b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/include_index.py
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
 from diff_tests.stdlib.counters.tests import StdlibCounterIntervals
 from diff_tests.stdlib.dynamic_tables.tests import DynamicTables
 from diff_tests.stdlib.export.tests import ExportTests
+from diff_tests.stdlib.graphs.critical_path_tests import CriticalPathTests
 from diff_tests.stdlib.graphs.dominator_tree_tests import DominatorTree
 from diff_tests.stdlib.graphs.partition_tests import GraphPartitionTests
 from diff_tests.stdlib.graphs.scan_tests import GraphScanTests
@@ -275,6 +276,7 @@
       *AndroidStdlib(index_path, 'stdlib/android', 'AndroidStdlib').fetch(),
       *LinuxCpu(index_path, 'stdlib/linux/cpu', 'LinuxCpu').fetch(),
       *DominatorTree(index_path, 'stdlib/graphs', 'DominatorTree').fetch(),
+      *CriticalPathTests(index_path, 'stdlib/graphs', 'CriticalPath').fetch(),
       *GraphScanTests(index_path, 'stdlib/graphs', 'GraphScan').fetch(),
       *ExportTests(index_path, 'stdlib/export', 'ExportTests').fetch(),
       *Frames(index_path, 'stdlib/android', 'Frames').fetch(),
diff --git a/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/graphs/critical_path_tests.py b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/graphs/critical_path_tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b746aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/graphs/critical_path_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License a
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from python.generators.diff_tests.testing import DataPath
+from python.generators.diff_tests.testing import Csv
+from python.generators.diff_tests.testing import DiffTestBlueprint
+from python.generators.diff_tests.testing import TestSuite
+class CriticalPathTests(TestSuite):
+  def test_critical_path_empty(self):
+    return DiffTestBlueprint(
+        trace=DataPath('counters.json'),
+        query="""
+          INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE graphs.critical_path;
+          WITH edge AS (
+            SELECT 0 as source_node_id, 0 AS dest_node_id
+            WHERE FALSE
+          ), root AS (
+            SELECT 0 as root_node_id, 0 AS capacity
+            WHERE FALSE
+          )
+          SELECT * FROM _critical_path!(
+            (SELECT *, source_node_id - dest_node_id AS edge_weight FROM edge),
+            root
+          );
+        """,
+        out=Csv("""
+        "root_id","parent_id","id"
+        """))
+  def test_critical_path(self):
+    return DiffTestBlueprint(
+        trace=DataPath('counters.json'),
+        query="""
+          INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE graphs.critical_path;
+          WITH edge(source_node_id, dest_node_id) AS (
+            values(8, 7), (7, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4), (4, 1), (5, 3), (3, 0)
+          ), root(root_node_id, capacity) AS (
+            values(8, 6)
+          )
+          SELECT * FROM _critical_path!(
+            (SELECT *, source_node_id - dest_node_id AS edge_weight FROM edge),
+            root
+          );
+        """,
+        out=Csv("""
+        "root_id","parent_id","id"
+        8,"[NULL]",8
+        8,3,0
+        8,5,3
+        8,6,5
+        8,7,6
+        8,8,7
+        """))
+  def test_critical_path_intervals(self):
+    return DiffTestBlueprint(
+        trace=DataPath('counters.json'),
+        query="""
+          INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE graphs.critical_path;
+          WITH edge(source_node_id, dest_node_id) AS (
+            values(8, 7), (7, 6), (6, 5), (6, 4), (4, 1), (5, 3), (3, 0)
+          ), root(root_node_id, capacity) AS (
+            values(8, 6)
+          ), interval(id, ts, dur, idle_dur) AS (
+            values(8, 8, 1, 6),
+                  (7, 7, 1, 1),
+                  (6, 6, 1, 1),
+                  (5, 5, 1, 1),
+                  (4, 4, 1, 1),
+                  (3, 3, 1, 1),
+                  (2, 2, 1, 1),
+                  (1, 1, 1, 1)
+          )
+          SELECT * FROM _critical_path_intervals!(
+            (SELECT *, source_node_id - dest_node_id AS edge_weight FROM edge),
+            root,
+            interval
+          );
+        """,
+        out=Csv("""
+        "root_id","id","ts","dur"
+        8,3,3,2
+        8,5,5,1
+        8,6,6,1
+        8,7,7,1
+        8,8,8,1
+        """))