tp: several changes for Python API

1. Move everything into a new trace_processor folder inside the Python
folder and add an empty Doing this will allow us to correctly
implement based standalone installation using pip down the line.
2. Add an inside the new trace_processor folder to make it
a module we can use.
3. Rename -> now that we have the
wrapping trace_processor folder.
4. Rename -> to better reflect its intended
5. Check in the trace_processor.proto descriptor (including modifying
the gen_binary_descriptor script to generate this).
6. Add a proto Python module which reads the descriptor and generates
proto factory functions.

These changes were verified to work with both bazel run and execing the script directly.

Change-Id: I7603edee8741632c6f8d1c7b8ea9d9d17a4c78cd
diff --git a/tools/gen_binary_descriptors b/tools/gen_binary_descriptors
index ae752f8..525522c 100755
--- a/tools/gen_binary_descriptors
+++ b/tools/gen_binary_descriptors
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
+  'protos/perfetto/trace_processor/trace_processor.proto':
+        'src/trace_processor/python/trace_processor/trace_processor.descriptor',
 ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
@@ -58,11 +60,8 @@
   return None
-def check(source, target):
-  assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, target)), \
-      'Output file {} does not exist and so cannot be checked'.format(target)
-  with open(target, 'rb') as f:
+def check_using_shas(source, target, file_with_shas):
+  with open(file_with_shas, 'rb') as f:
     s =
   hashes = re.findall(r'// SHA1\((.*)\)\n// (.*)\n', s.decode())
@@ -73,38 +72,42 @@
         'In {} hash given for {} did not match'.format(target, path)
-def generate(source, target, protoc_path):
+def check_raw_descriptor(source, target):
+  sha1_file = target + '.sha1'
+  assert os.path.exists(sha1_file), \
+      'SHA1 file {} does not exist and so cannot be checked'.format(sha1_file)
+  check_using_shas(source, target, sha1_file)
+def check(source, target):
+  assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, target)), \
+      'Output file {} does not exist and so cannot be checked'.format(target)
+  if target.endswith('.descriptor.h'):
+    check_using_shas(source, target, target)
+  elif target.endswith('.descriptor'):
+    check_raw_descriptor(source, target)
+def write_cpp_header(source, target, descriptor_bytes):
   _, source_name = os.path.split(source)
   _, target_name = os.path.split(target)
   assert source_name.replace('.proto', '.descriptor.h') == target_name
-  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fdescriptor:
-    subprocess.check_call([
-        protoc_path,
-        '--include_imports',
-        '--proto_path=.',
-        '--proto_path=' + \
-            os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "buildtools", "protobuf", "src"),
-        '--descriptor_set_out={}'.format(,
-        source,
-    ],
-                          cwd=ROOT_DIR)
+  proto_name = source_name[:-len('.proto')].title().replace("_", "")
+  try:
+    ord(descriptor_bytes[0])
+    ordinal = ord
+  except TypeError:
+    ordinal = lambda x: x
+  binary = '{' + ', '.join('{0:#04x}'
+    .format(ordinal(c)) for c in descriptor_bytes) + '}'
+  binary = textwrap.fill(
+      binary, width=80, initial_indent='    ', subsequent_indent='     ')
-    s =
-    proto_name = source_name[:-len('.proto')].title().replace("_", "")
-    constant_name = 'k' + proto_name + 'Descriptor'
-    try:
-      ord(s[0])
-      ordinal = ord
-    except TypeError:
-      ordinal = lambda x: x
-    binary = '{' + ', '.join('{0:#04x}'.format(ordinal(c)) for c in s) + '}'
-    binary = textwrap.fill(
-        binary, width=80, initial_indent='    ', subsequent_indent='     ')
-    include_guard = target.replace('/', '_').replace('.', '_').upper() + '_'
-    with open(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, target), 'wb') as f:
-      f.write("""/*
+  with open(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, target), 'wb') as f:
+    f.write("""/*
  * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -140,25 +143,65 @@
 namespace perfetto {{
-constexpr std::array<uint8_t, {size}> {constant_name}{{
+constexpr std::array<uint8_t, {size}> k{proto_name}Descriptor{{
 }}  // namespace perfetto
 #endif  // {include_guard}
-          proto_name=proto_name,
-          size=len(s),
-          constant_name=constant_name,
-          binary=binary,
-          include_guard=include_guard,
-          script_path=SCRIPT_PATH,
-          script_hash=hash_path(__file__),
-          source_path=source,
-          source_hash=hash_path(os.path.join(source)),
-      ).encode())
+        proto_name=proto_name,
+        size=len(descriptor_bytes),
+        binary=binary,
+        include_guard=target.replace('/', '_').replace('.', '_').upper() + '_',
+        script_path=SCRIPT_PATH,
+        script_hash=hash_path(__file__),
+        source_path=source,
+        source_hash=hash_path(os.path.join(source)),
+    ).encode())
+def write_raw_descriptor(source, target, descriptor_bytes):
+  with open(target, 'wb') as out:
+    out.write(descriptor_bytes)
+  sha1_path = target + '.sha1'
+  with open(sha1_path, 'wb') as c:
+    c.write("""
+// SHA1({script_path})
+// {script_hash}
+// SHA1({source_path})
+// {source_hash}
+        script_path=SCRIPT_PATH,
+        script_hash=hash_path(__file__),
+        source_path=source,
+        source_hash=hash_path(os.path.join(source)),
+    ).encode())
+def generate(source, target, protoc_path):
+  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fdescriptor:
+    subprocess.check_call([
+        protoc_path,
+        '--include_imports',
+        '--proto_path=.',
+        '--proto_path=' + \
+            os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "buildtools", "protobuf", "src"),
+        '--descriptor_set_out={}'.format(,
+        source,
+    ],
+                          cwd=ROOT_DIR)
+    s =
+    if target.endswith('.descriptor.h'):
+      write_cpp_header(source, target, s)
+    elif target.endswith('.descriptor'):
+      write_raw_descriptor(source, target, s)
+    else:
+      raise Exception('Unsupported target extension for file {}'.format(target))
 def main():
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
   parser.add_argument('--check-only', action='store_true')