blob: 2eb65e51873b6bb62dea1188375a28bef5f9bdae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {intersect} from '../base/set_utils';
// Contents:
// CORE_TYPES - The main types for using EventSet.
// EVENT_SET_IMPLS - Impl of {Concreate, Empty, Sql, Naive{...}}EventSet
// EXPR - Expression logic which can be lowered to either JS or SQL
// HELPERS - Random helpers.
// CORE_TYPES =========================================================
// A single value. These are often retrieved from trace_processor so
// need to map to the related sqlite type:
// null = NULL, string = TEXT, number = INTEGER/REAL,
// boolean = INTEGER, bigint = INTEGER
export type Primitive = null|string|boolean|number|bigint;
export const Null = 'null' as const;
export const Num = 'num' as const;
export const BigInt = 'bigint' as const;
export const Str = 'str' as const;
export const Id = 'id' as const;
export const Bool = 'bool' as const;
// Values may be of any of the above types:
export type KeyType =
typeof Num|typeof Str|typeof Null|typeof Id|typeof Bool|typeof BigInt;
// KeySet is a specification for the key/value pairs on an Event.
// - Every event must have a string ID.
// - In addition Events may have 1 or more key/value pairs.
// The *specification* for the key/value pair has to be *precisely* one
// of the KeySet constants above. So:
// const thisTypeChecks: KeySet = { foo: Str };
// const thisDoesNot: KeySet = { foo: "bar" };
// Since although 'bar' is a string it's not a KeyType.
export type KeySet = {
readonly [key: string]: KeyType,
// The empty keyset. Events from this KeySet will only have ids.
export interface EmptyKeySet extends KeySet {}
export type UntypedKeySet = KeySet;
// A single trace Event.
// Events have:
// - A globally unique identifier `id`.
// - Zero or more key/value pairs.
// Note: Events do *not* have to have all possible keys/value pairs for
// the given id. It is expected that users will only materialise the
// key/value pairs relevant to the specific use case at hand.
export type WritableUntypedEvent = {
id: string,
[key: string]: Primitive,
export type UntypedEvent = Readonly<WritableUntypedEvent>;
export type Event<K extends KeySet> = {
readonly[Property in Exclude<keyof K, 'id'>]: ConformingValue<K[Property]>;
readonly id: string;
// An EventSet is a:
// - ordered
// - immutable
// - subset
// of events in the trace.
export interface EventSet<P extends KeySet> {
// All possible keys for Events in this EventSet.
readonly keys: P;
// Methods for refining the set.
// Note: these are all synchronous - we expect the cost (and hence
// any asynchronous queries) to be deferred to analysis time.
filter(...filters: Filter[]): EventSet<P>;
sort(...sorts: Sort[]): EventSet<P>;
union<Q extends KeySet>(other: EventSet<Q>): Merged<P, Q>;
intersect<Q extends KeySet>(other: EventSet<Q>): Merged<P, Q>;
// Methods for analysing the set.
// Note: these are all asynchronous - it's expected that these will
// often have to do queries.
count(): Promise<number>;
isEmpty(): Promise<boolean>;
materialise<T extends KeySet>(keys: T, offset?: number, limit?: number):
Promise<Materialised<T, P>>;
interface UnionEventSet<T extends KeySet> extends EventSet<T> {
readonly parents: EventSet<KeySet>[];
readonly isUnion: true;
create(...selections: EventSet<KeySet>[]): UnionEventSet<T>;
interface IntersectionEventSet<T extends KeySet> extends EventSet<T> {
readonly parents: EventSet<KeySet>[];
readonly isIntersection: true;
create(...selections: EventSet<KeySet>[]): IntersectionEventSet<T>;
interface FilterEventSet<T extends KeySet> extends EventSet<T> {
readonly parent: EventSet<T>;
readonly filters: Filter[];
readonly isFilter: true;
interface SortEventSet<T extends KeySet> extends EventSet<T> {
readonly parent: EventSet<T>;
readonly sorts: Sort[];
readonly isSort: true;
export type UntypedEventSet = EventSet<any>;
// An expression that operates on an Event and produces a Primitive as
// output. Expressions have to work both in JavaScript and in SQL.
// In SQL users can use buildQueryFragment to convert the expression
// into a snippet of SQL. For JavaScript they call execute(). In both
// cases you need to know which keys the expression uses, for this call
// `freeVariables`.
// TODO(hjd): These should also be paramatised by KeySet and final
// type.
export interface Expr {
// Return a fragment of SQL that can be used to evaluate the
// expression. `binding` maps key names to column names in the
// resulting SQL. The caller must ensure that binding includes at
// least all the keys from `freeVariables`.
buildQueryFragment(binding: Map<string, string>): string;
// Run the expression on an Event. The caller must ensure that event
// has all the keys from `freeVariables` materialised.
execute(event: UntypedEvent): Primitive;
// Returns the set of keys used in this expression.
// For example in an expression representing `(foo + 4) * bar`
// freeVariables would return the set {foo: Num, bar: Num}.
freeVariables(): KeySet;
// A filter is a (normally boolean) expression.
export type Filter = Expr;
// Sorting direction.
export enum Direction {
// A sort is an expression combined with a direction:
export interface Sort {
direction: Direction;
expression: Expr;
// EVENT_SET_IMPLS ====================================================
// OptimisingEventSet is what makes it a) tractable to write EventSet
// implementations and b) have those implementations be fast.
// The EventSet interface has two kinds of methods:
// 1. Synchronous refinement methods which produce an EventSet and
// often take a second EventSet as an argument
// 2. Asynchronous 'analysis' methods
// Together this means in the minimal case subclasses only *have* to
// implement the single abstract method: materialise(). Everything else
// is handled for you.
export abstract class OptimisingEventSet<P extends KeySet> implements
EventSet<P> {
abstract readonly keys: P;
// OptimisingEventSet provides the synchronous refinement methods.
// The basic pattern is to construct a 'NaiveFoo' EventSet which will
// do the the given operation (filter, sort, union, intersection) in
// JavaScript then call optimise(). Optimse then tries to improve the
// EventSet tree - and avoid having to use the fallback naive
// implementaion.
// Optimise does 'tree rewriting' of the EventSet tree. For example
// considering a tree: 'union(A, 0)' where 0 is the empty set and
// A is some arbitrary EventSet, optimise(union(A, 0)) returns A.
// For more detail see optimise() below.
filter(...filters: Filter[]): EventSet<P> {
const result = new NaiveFilterEventSet(this, filters);
const optimised = optimise(result);
return optimised;
sort(...sorts: Sort[]): EventSet<P> {
const result = new NaiveSortEventSet(this, sorts);
const optimised = optimise(result);
return optimised;
union<Q extends KeySet>(other: EventSet<Q>): Merged<P, Q> {
const merged = mergeKeys(this.keys, other.keys);
const result = new NaiveUnionEventSet<MergedKeys<P, Q>>(
merged, this as UntypedEventSet, other as UntypedEventSet);
const optimised = optimise(result);
return optimised;
intersect<Q extends KeySet>(other: EventSet<Q>): Merged<P, Q> {
const merged = mergeKeys(this.keys, other.keys);
const result = new NaiveIntersectionEventSet<MergedKeys<P, Q>>(
merged, this as UntypedEventSet, other as UntypedEventSet);
const optimised = optimise(result);
return optimised;
// Analysis methods should be implemented by the subclass.
// Materialise is abstract and must be implemented by the subclass.
abstract materialise<Q extends KeySet>(
keys: Q, offset?: number, limit?: number): Promise<Materialised<Q, P>>;
// We provide a default implementation of count() on top of
// materialise(). It's likely the subclass can provide a more
// performant implementation.
async count(): Promise<number> {
const materialised = await this.materialise({});
// We provide a default implementation of empty() on top of
// materialise(). It's likely the subclass can provide a more
// performant implementation.
async isEmpty(): Promise<boolean> {
const materialised =
await this.materialise({}, 0 /* offset */, 1 /* limit */);
return === 0;
class NaiveFilterEventSet<P extends KeySet> extends
OptimisingEventSet<P> implements FilterEventSet<P> {
readonly isFilter = true;
readonly parent: EventSet<P>;
readonly filters: Filter[];
readonly keys: P;
constructor(parent: EventSet<P>, filters: Filter[]) {
this.parent = parent;
this.keys = this.parent.keys;
this.filters = filters;
async count(): Promise<number> {
const keys = freeVariablesFromFilters(this.filters);
const concreteParent = await this.parent.materialise(keys);
const events =;
let total = 0;
for (const e of events) {
if (this.filters.every((f) => f.execute(e))) {
total += 1;
return total;
async isEmpty(): Promise<boolean> {
const keys = freeVariablesFromFilters(this.filters);
const concreateParent = await this.parent.materialise(keys);
const events =;
for (const e of events) {
if (this.filters.every((f) => f.execute(e))) {
return false;
return true;
async materialise<Q extends KeySet>(keys: Q, offset?: number, limit?: number):
Promise<Materialised<Q, P>> {
const combined = freeVariablesFromFilters(this.filters, keys);
const concreateParent = await this.parent.materialise(combined);
let events =;
for (const filter of this.filters) {
events = events.filter((e) => filter.execute(e));
return (new ConcreteEventSet(combined, events))
.materialise(keys, offset, limit);
class NaiveSortEventSet<P extends KeySet> extends
OptimisingEventSet<P> implements SortEventSet<P> {
readonly isSort = true;
readonly parent: EventSet<P>;
readonly sorts: Sort[];
readonly keys: P;
constructor(parent: EventSet<P>, sorts: Sort[]) {
this.parent = parent;
this.keys = this.parent.keys;
this.sorts = sorts;
async count(): Promise<number> {
return this.parent.count();
async isEmpty(): Promise<boolean> {
return this.parent.isEmpty();
async materialise<Q extends KeySet>(keys: Q, offset?: number, limit?: number):
Promise<Materialised<Q, P>> {
const combined = freeVariablesFromSorts(this.sorts, keys);
const concreateParent = await this.parent.materialise(combined);
let events =;
for (const sort of this.sorts) {
events = events.sort(cmpFromSort(sort));
return (new ConcreteEventSet(combined, events))
.materialise(keys, offset, limit);
export class NaiveUnionEventSet<T extends KeySet> extends
OptimisingEventSet<T> implements UnionEventSet<T> {
readonly isUnion = true;
readonly parents: EventSet<T>[];
readonly keys: T;
constructor(keys: T, ...parents: EventSet<T>[]) {
this.keys = keys;
this.parents = parents;
create(...parents: EventSet<T>[]): NaiveUnionEventSet<T> {
return new NaiveUnionEventSet(this.keys, ...parents);
// TODO(hjd): We could implement a more efficient dedicated count().
// TODO(hjd): We could implement a more efficient dedicated isEmpty().
async materialise<Q extends KeySet>(keys: Q, offset?: number, limit?: number):
Promise<Materialised<Q, T>> {
const promises = => p.materialise(keys));
const materialisedParents =
await Promise.all(promises) as ConcreteEventSet<Q>[];
const seen = new Set<string>();
let events = [];
// TODO(hjd): There are various options for doing this in faster
// way and we should do one of them.
for (const parent of materialisedParents) {
for (const e of {
if (!seen.has( {
events = applyLimitOffset(events, limit, offset);
return ConcreteEventSet.from(keys, events) as unknown as Materialised<Q, T>;
export class NaiveIntersectionEventSet<T extends KeySet> extends
OptimisingEventSet<T> implements IntersectionEventSet<T> {
readonly isIntersection = true;
readonly parents: EventSet<T>[];
readonly keys: T;
constructor(keys: T, ...parents: EventSet<T>[]) {
this.keys = keys;
this.parents = parents;
create(...parents: EventSet<T>[]): NaiveIntersectionEventSet<T> {
return new NaiveIntersectionEventSet(this.keys, ...parents);
// TODO(hjd): We could implement a more efficient dedicated count().
// TODO(hjd): We could implement a more efficient dedicated isEmpty().
async materialise<Q extends KeySet>(keys: Q, offset?: number, limit?: number):
Promise<Materialised<Q, T>> {
if (this.parents.length === 0) {
return ConcreteEventSet.from(keys, []) as Materialised<Q, T>;
const parents = this.parents.slice();
const firstParent = parents.pop()!;
const promises = => p.materialise({}));
const firstPromise =
firstParent.materialise(keys) as unknown as ConcreteEventSet<Q>;
const materialised = await Promise.all(promises);
const firstMaterialised = await firstPromise;
let ids = new Set<string>();
for (const e of {
for (const m of materialised) {
const newIds = new Set<string>();
for (const e of {
ids = intersect(ids, newIds);
let events = => ids.has(;
events = applyLimitOffset(events, limit, offset);
return ConcreteEventSet.from(keys, events) as unknown as Materialised<Q, T>;
// A completely empty EventSet.
export class EmptyEventSet<T extends KeySet> extends
OptimisingEventSet<T> implements EventSet<T> {
readonly isEmptyEventSet = true;
readonly keys: T;
constructor(keys: T) {
this.keys = keys;
static get(): EmptyEventSet<EmptyKeySet> {
return new EmptyEventSet<EmptyKeySet>({});
count(): Promise<number> {
return Promise.resolve(0);
isEmpty(): Promise<boolean> {
return Promise.resolve(true);
async materialise<Q extends KeySet>(
keys: Q, _offset?: number, _limit?: number): Promise<Materialised<Q, T>> {
return Promise.resolve(
new ConcreteEventSet<Q>(keys, []) as unknown as Materialised<Q, T>);
export class ConcreteEventSet<P extends KeySet> extends
OptimisingEventSet<P> implements EventSet<P> {
readonly isConcreteEventSet = true;
readonly events: Event<P>[];
readonly keys: P;
static from<Q extends KeySet>(keys: Q, events: Event<Q>[]):
ConcreteEventSet<Q> {
return new ConcreteEventSet<Q>(keys, events);
constructor(keys: P, events: Event<P>[]) {
// TODO(hjd): Add some paranoid mode where we crash here if
// `events` and `keys` missmatch? = events;
this.keys = keys;
count(): Promise<number> {
return Promise.resolve(;
isEmpty(): Promise<boolean> {
return Promise.resolve( === 0);
materialise<Q extends KeySet>(keys: Q, offset?: number, limit?: number):
Promise<Materialised<Q, P>> {
const actualOffset = offset === undefined ? 0 : offset;
const actualEnd =
limit === undefined ? : actualOffset + limit;
const shouldFilter = !isEqualKeySet(keys, this.keys);
const shouldSlice = actualOffset !== 0 || actualEnd !==;
if (!shouldFilter && !shouldSlice) {
return Promise.resolve(this as unknown as Materialised<Q, P>);
let events = as Event<Q>[];
if (shouldFilter) {
events = => {
const result: WritableUntypedEvent = {
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(keys)) {
// While the static typing prevents folks from doing hitting
// this in the common case people can still on purpose pass
// keysets and lie about the types.
result[k] = (e as UntypedEvent)[k] ?? getKeyDefault(k, v);
return result as Event<Q>;
if (shouldSlice) {
events = events.slice(actualOffset, actualEnd);
return Promise.resolve(
new ConcreteEventSet<Q>(keys, events) as unknown as Materialised<Q, P>);
// Optimse:
// We have a couple major kinds of optimisation:
// 1. Pushing down filters.
// 2. Set optimisations (e.g union(empty, A) == A)
// 3. Merging EventSets of the same kind
// In more detail:
// 1. Pushing down filters. For example:
// filter(union(A, B), pred) ==
// union(filter(A, pred), filter(B, pred))
// This is more useful than it seems since if we manage to push down
// filters all the may to SQL they can be implemented very
// efficiently in C++.
// 2. Classic set optimisations. e.g.
// union(A, empty) == A
// union(A, A) == A
// intersect(A, empty) == empty
// etc
// 3. Merging EventSets of the same type. For example:
// union(concrete(a, b), concrete(b, c)) == concrete(a, b, c)
// Similarly the combinations of two SQL EventSets can be converted
// into a single SQL EventSet with a more complicated query -
// avoiding doing the processing in TypeScript.
// A critical pre-condition of this function is that EventSets are
// immutable - this allows us to reuse parts of the input event set tree
// in the output.
export function optimise<T extends KeySet>(events: EventSet<T>): EventSet<T> {
// TODO(hjd): Re-add the optimisations from the prototype.
return events;
// EXPR ===============================================================
abstract class BinOp implements Expr {
readonly left: Expr;
readonly right: Expr;
constructor(left: Expr, right: Expr) {
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
buildQueryFragment(binding: Map<string, string>): string {
const a = this.left.buildQueryFragment(binding);
const b = this.right.buildQueryFragment(binding);
const op = this.sqlOp();
return `(${a} ${op} ${b})`;
execute(event: UntypedEvent): Primitive {
const a = this.left.execute(event);
const b = this.right.execute(event);
return this.evaluate(a, b);
freeVariables(): KeySet {
const a = this.left.freeVariables();
const b = this.right.freeVariables();
return mergeKeys(a, b);
abstract sqlOp(): string;
abstract evaluate(lhs: Primitive, rhs: Primitive): Primitive;
class Le extends BinOp implements Expr {
sqlOp(): string {
return '<=';
evaluate(lhs: Primitive, rhs: Primitive): Primitive {
return lhs! <= rhs!;
class Lt extends BinOp implements Expr {
sqlOp(): string {
return '<';
evaluate(lhs: Primitive, rhs: Primitive): Primitive {
return lhs! < rhs!;
class Ge extends BinOp implements Expr {
sqlOp(): string {
return '>=';
evaluate(lhs: Primitive, rhs: Primitive): Primitive {
return lhs! >= rhs!;
class Gt extends BinOp implements Expr {
sqlOp(): string {
return '>';
evaluate(lhs: Primitive, rhs: Primitive): Primitive {
return lhs! > rhs!;
class Eq extends BinOp implements Expr {
sqlOp(): string {
return '=';
evaluate(lhs: Primitive, rhs: Primitive): Primitive {
return lhs === rhs;
class And extends BinOp implements Expr {
sqlOp(): string {
return 'AND';
evaluate(lhs: Primitive, rhs: Primitive): Primitive {
return lhs && rhs;
class Or extends BinOp implements Expr {
sqlOp(): string {
return 'OR';
evaluate(lhs: Primitive, rhs: Primitive): Primitive {
return lhs || rhs;
class Ne extends BinOp implements Expr {
sqlOp(): string {
return '!=';
evaluate(lhs: Primitive, rhs: Primitive): Primitive {
return lhs !== rhs;
class Var implements Expr {
readonly name: string;
constructor(name: string) { = name;
buildQueryFragment(binding: Map<string, string>): string {
// TODO(hjd): wrap in try catch?
return binding.get(!;
execute(event: UntypedEvent): Primitive {
return event[]!;
freeVariables(): KeySet {
return {
[]: Null,
class Constant implements Expr {
readonly value: Primitive;
constructor(value: Primitive) {
this.value = value;
buildQueryFragment(_: Map<string, string>): string {
const value = this.value;
if (value === null) {
return 'NULL';
} else if (typeof value === 'string') {
return `'${value}'`;
} else if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
return value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
} else {
return `${value}`;
execute(_: UntypedEvent): Primitive {
return this.value;
freeVariables(): EmptyKeySet {
return {};
export function eq(left: Expr, right: Expr): Eq {
return new Eq(left, right);
export function ne(left: Expr, right: Expr): Ne {
return new Ne(left, right);
export function gt(left: Expr, right: Expr): Gt {
return new Gt(left, right);
export function ge(left: Expr, right: Expr): Ge {
return new Ge(left, right);
export function lt(left: Expr, right: Expr): Lt {
return new Lt(left, right);
export function le(left: Expr, right: Expr): Le {
return new Le(left, right);
export function and(left: Expr, right: Expr): And {
return new And(left, right);
export function or(left: Expr, right: Expr): Or {
return new Or(left, right);
export function c(value: Primitive): Constant {
return new Constant(value);
export function v(name: string): Var {
return new Var(name);
// Type guards:
export function isEmptyEventSet<T extends KeySet>(
s: EventSet<T>|EmptyEventSet<T>): s is EmptyEventSet<T> {
return !!((s as EmptyEventSet<T>).isEmptyEventSet);
export function isConcreteEventSet<T extends KeySet>(
s: EventSet<T>|ConcreteEventSet<T>): s is ConcreteEventSet<T> {
return !!((s as ConcreteEventSet<T>).isConcreteEventSet);
export function isUnionEventSet<T extends KeySet>(
s: EventSet<T>|UnionEventSet<T>): s is UnionEventSet<T> {
return (s as UnionEventSet<T>).isUnion &&
Array.isArray((s as UnionEventSet<T>).parents);
export function isIntersectionEventSet<T extends KeySet>(
s: EventSet<T>|IntersectionEventSet<T>): s is IntersectionEventSet<T> {
return (s as IntersectionEventSet<T>).isIntersection &&
Array.isArray((s as IntersectionEventSet<T>).parents);
export function isFilterEventSet<T extends KeySet>(
s: EventSet<T>|FilterEventSet<T>): s is FilterEventSet<T> {
return (s as FilterEventSet<T>).isFilter &&
Array.isArray((s as FilterEventSet<T>).filters);
export function isSortEventSet<T extends KeySet>(
s: EventSet<T>|SortEventSet<T>): s is SortEventSet<T> {
return (s as SortEventSet<T>).isSort &&
Array.isArray((s as SortEventSet<T>).sorts);
// STUPID_TYPE_MAGIC ==================================================
type ErrorBrand<T extends string> = {
[k in T]: void
// A particular key/value pair on an Event matches the relevant entry
// on the KeySet if the KeyType and the value type 'match':
// Id => string
// Str => string
// Bool => boolean
// Null => null
// Num => number
type KeyToType = {
'num': number,
'str': string,
'bool': boolean,
'null': null,
'bigint': bigint,
'id': string,
type ConformingValue<T> = T extends keyof KeyToType ? KeyToType[T] : void;
type Materialised<Concrete extends KeySet, Parent extends KeySet> =
Parent extends Concrete ? (ConcreteEventSet<Concrete>) :
(ErrorBrand<`Very bad!`>);
type MergedKeys<Left extends KeySet, Right extends KeySet> = Left&Right;
type Merged<Left extends KeySet, Right extends KeySet> =
EventSet<MergedKeys<Left, Right>>;
// HELPERS ============================================================
function applyLimitOffset<T>(arr: T[], limit?: number, offset?: number): T[] {
const actualOffset = offset === undefined ? 0 : offset;
const actualEnd = limit === undefined ? arr.length : actualOffset + limit;
const shouldSlice = actualOffset !== 0 || actualEnd !== arr.length;
return shouldSlice ? arr.slice(actualOffset, actualEnd) : arr;
function mergeKeys<P extends KeySet, Q extends KeySet>(
left: P, right: Q): MergedKeys<P, Q> {
return Object.assign({}, left, right);
function getKeyDefault(keyName: string, keyType: KeyType): Primitive {
switch (keyType) {
case Id:
throw new Error(
`Can't create default for key '${keyName}' with type '${keyType}'`);
case Num:
return 0;
case Null:
return null;
case Str:
return '';
case Bool:
return false;
case BigInt:
return 0n;
const _exhaustiveCheck: never = keyType;
return _exhaustiveCheck;
function isEqualKeySet(a: UntypedKeySet, b: UntypedKeySet): boolean {
for (const k in a) {
if (a[k] !== b[k]) {
return false;
for (const k in b) {
if (b[k] !== a[k]) {
return false;
return true;
function freeVariablesFromFilters(
filters: Filter[], initialKeySet?: KeySet): KeySet {
let result = {};
if (initialKeySet !== undefined) {
result = mergeKeys(result, initialKeySet);
for (const filter of filters) {
result = mergeKeys(result, filter.freeVariables());
return result;
function freeVariablesFromSorts(sorts: Sort[], initialKeySet?: KeySet): KeySet {
let result = {};
if (initialKeySet !== undefined) {
result = mergeKeys(result, initialKeySet);
for (const sort of sorts) {
result = mergeKeys(result, sort.expression.freeVariables());
return result;
function primativeToRank(p: Primitive) {
if (p === null) {
return 0;
} else if (typeof p === 'string') {
return 2;
} else {
return 1;
// TODO(hjd): test for bignums
// Convert an expression into a sort style comparison function.
// Exported for testing.
export function cmpFromExpr<T extends KeySet>(expr: Expr): (
l: Event<T>, r: Event<T>) => number {
return (l: Event<T>, r: Event<T>) => {
const lhs = expr.execute(l);
const rhs = expr.execute(r);
const lhsRank = primativeToRank(lhs);
const rhsRank = primativeToRank(rhs);
if (lhsRank < rhsRank) {
return -1;
} else if (lhsRank > rhsRank) {
return 1;
} else {
// Double equals on purpose so 0 == false and 1 == true are true
if (lhs == rhs) {
return 0;
} else if (lhs! < rhs!) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
// Convert a 'sort' into a sort() style comparison function.
// Exported for testing.
export function cmpFromSort<T extends KeySet>(sort: Sort): (
l: Event<T>, r: Event<T>) => number {
const cmp = cmpFromExpr<T>(sort.expression);
if (sort.direction === Direction.ASC) {
return cmp;
} else {
// cmp(r, l) is better than -cmp(l, r) since JS distinguishes
// between -0 and 0.
return (l: Event<T>, r: Event<T>) => cmp(r, l);