stdlib: Expose app startup breakdown module

This is a similar approach to the existing binder_breakdowns added
in aosp/3208231.

Test: tools/ out/android/trace_processor_shell

Change-Id: Ia6eaff5797b6c2e7315a499bdfc16331770bcca7
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index d19109a..9415383 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -13565,6 +13565,7 @@
+        "src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/android/startup/startup_breakdowns.sql",
diff --git a/BUILD b/BUILD
index c856483..f69117f 100644
--- a/BUILD
+++ b/BUILD
@@ -2784,6 +2784,7 @@
     name = "src_trace_processor_perfetto_sql_stdlib_android_startup_startup",
     srcs = [
+        "src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/android/startup/startup_breakdowns.sql",
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/android/startup/ b/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/android/startup/
index c495f08..bf7a41a 100644
--- a/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/android/startup/
+++ b/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/android/startup/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 perfetto_sql_source_set("startup") {
   sources = [
+    "startup_breakdowns.sql",
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/android/startup/startup_breakdowns.sql b/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/android/startup/startup_breakdowns.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6b972a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/android/startup/startup_breakdowns.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+-- Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE android.startup.startups;
+INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE intervals.overlap;
+INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE slices.hierarchy;
+INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE slices.with_context;
+-- Maps slice names with common prefixes to a static string key.
+-- Returns NULL if there's no mapping.
+CREATE PERFETTO FUNCTION _normalize_android_string(name STRING)
+    WHEN $name = 'mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim' THEN 'kernel_memory_reclaim'
+    WHEN $name GLOB 'GC: Wait For*' THEN 'userspace_memory_reclaim'
+    WHEN ($name GLOB 'monitor contention*' OR $name GLOB 'Lock contention on a monitor lock*')
+      THEN 'monitor_contention'
+    WHEN $name GLOB 'Lock contention*' THEN 'art_lock_contention'
+    WHEN ($name = 'binder transaction' OR $name = 'binder reply') THEN 'binder'
+    WHEN $name = 'Contending for pthread mutex' THEN 'mutex_contention'
+    WHEN $name GLOB 'dlopen*' THEN 'dlopen'
+    WHEN $name GLOB 'VerifyClass*' THEN 'verify_class'
+    WHEN $name = 'inflate' THEN 'inflate'
+    WHEN $name GLOB 'Choreographer#doFrame*' THEN 'choreographer_do_frame'
+    WHEN $name GLOB 'OpenDexFilesFromOat*' THEN 'open_dex_files_from_oat'
+    WHEN $name = 'ResourcesManager#getResources' THEN 'resources_manager_get_resources'
+    WHEN $name = 'bindApplication' THEN 'bind_application'
+    WHEN $name = 'activityStart' THEN 'activity_start'
+    WHEN $name = 'activityResume' THEN 'activity_resume'
+    WHEN $name = 'activityRestart' THEN 'activity_restart'
+    WHEN $name = 'clientTransactionExecuted' THEN 'client_transaction_executed'
+    END name;
+-- Derives a startup reason from a slice name and some thread_state columns.
+CREATE PERFETTO FUNCTION _startup_breakdown_reason(
+  name STRING,
+  state STRING,
+  io_wait INT,
+  irq_context INT)
+    WHEN $io_wait = 1 THEN 'io'
+    WHEN $name IS NOT NULL THEN $name
+    WHEN $irq_contex = 1 THEN 'irq'
+    ELSE $state
+    END name;
+-- List of startups with unique ids for each possible upid. The existing
+-- startup_ids are not necessarily unique (because of multiuser).
+CREATE PERFETTO TABLE _startup_root_slices
+  (SELECT MAX(id) FROM slice) + row_number() OVER () AS id,
+  android_startups.dur AS dur,
+  android_startups.ts AS ts,
+  android_startups.startup_id,
+  android_startups.startup_type,
+ AS process_name,
+  thread.utid AS utid
+FROM android_startup_processes startup
+JOIN android_startups
+  USING (startup_id)
+JOIN thread
+  ON thread.upid = process.upid AND thread.is_main_thread
+JOIN process
+  ON process.upid = startup.upid
+WHERE android_startups.dur > 0
+-- All slices normalized with _normalize_android_string.
+CREATE PERFETTO TABLE _startup_normalized_slices
+SELECT, p.parent_id, p.depth,, thread_slice.ts, thread_slice.dur, thread_slice.utid
+  _slice_remove_nulls_and_reparent
+    !((SELECT id, parent_id, depth, _normalize_android_string(name) AS name FROM slice WHERE dur > 0), name)
+      p
+JOIN thread_slice
+  USING (id);
+-- Subset of _startup_normalized_slices that occurred during any app startups on the main thread.
+-- Their timestamps and durations are chopped to fit within the respective app startup duration.
+CREATE PERFETTO TABLE _startup_slices_breakdown
+FROM _intervals_merge_root_and_children_by_intersection !(_startup_root_slices, _startup_normalized_slices, utid);
+-- Flattened slice version of _startup_slices_breakdown. This selects the leaf slice at every region
+-- of the slice stack.
+CREATE PERFETTO TABLE _startup_flat_slices_breakdown
+SELECT i.ts, i.dur, i.root_id, AS slice_id, FROM _intervals_flatten !(_startup_slices_breakdown) i
+JOIN _startup_normalized_slices s USING (id);
+-- Subset of thread_states that occurred during any app startups on the main thread.
+CREATE PERFETTO TABLE _startup_thread_states_breakdown
+SELECT i.ts, i.dur, i.root_id, AS thread_state_id, t.state, t.io_wait, t.irq_context
+  FROM _intervals_merge_root_and_children_by_intersection!(_startup_root_slices,
+                                                           (SELECT *, NULL AS parent_id FROM thread_state),
+                                                           utid) i
+JOIN thread_state t USING(id);
+-- Intersection of _startup_flat_slices_breakdown and _startup_thread_states_breakdown.
+-- A left intersection is used since some parts of the slice stack may not have any slices
+-- but will have thread states.
+CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE _startup_thread_states_and_slices_breakdown_sp
+    _startup_thread_states_breakdown PARTITIONED root_id,
+    _startup_flat_slices_breakdown PARTITIONED root_id);
+-- Blended thread state and slice breakdown blocking app startups.
+-- Each row blames a unique period during an app startup with a reason
+-- derived from the slices and thread states on the main thread.
+-- Some helpful events to enables are binder transactions, ART, am and view.
+CREATE PERFETTO TABLE android_startup_opinionated_breakdown(
+  -- Startup id. Alias of ``
+  startup_id INT,
+  -- Id of relevant slice blocking startup. Alias of ``.
+  slice_id INT,
+  -- Id of thread_state blocking startup. Alias of ``.
+  thread_state_id INT,
+  -- Timestamp of an exclusive interval during the app startup with a single latency reason.
+  ts INT,
+  -- Duration of an exclusive interval during the app startup with a single latency reason.
+  dur INT,
+  -- Cause of delay during an exclusive interval of the app startup.
+  reason STRING
+SELECT b.ts, b.dur, startup.startup_id, b.slice_id, b.thread_state_id, _startup_breakdown_reason(name, state, io_wait, irq_context) AS reason
+FROM _startup_thread_states_and_slices_breakdown_sp b
+JOIN _startup_root_slices startup ON = b.root_id;
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/intervals/overlap.sql b/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/intervals/overlap.sql
index cd84164..356ec31 100644
--- a/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/intervals/overlap.sql
+++ b/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/intervals/overlap.sql
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 -- limitations under the License.
+INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE intervals.intersect;
 -- Compute the distribution of the overlap of the given intervals over time.
 -- Each interval is a (ts, dur) pair and the overlap represented as a (ts, value)
@@ -94,6 +96,8 @@
 -- Merges a |roots_table| and |children_table| into one table. See _intervals_flatten
 -- that accepts the output of this macro to flatten intervals.
+-- See: _intervals_merge_root_and_children_by_intersection.
 CREATE PERFETTO MACRO _intervals_merge_root_and_children(
   -- Table or subquery containing all the root intervals: (id, ts, dur).
   -- Note that parent_id is not necessary in this table as it will be NULL anyways.
@@ -141,6 +145,46 @@
     JOIN _roots USING(root_id)
+-- Merges a |roots_table| and |children_table| into one table. See _intervals_flatten
+-- that accepts the output of this macro to flatten intervals.
+-- This is very similar to _intervals_merge_root_and_children but there is no explicit
+-- root_id shared between the root and the children. Instead an _interval_intersect is
+-- used to derive the root and child relationships.
+CREATE PERFETTO MACRO _intervals_merge_root_and_children_by_intersection(
+  -- Table or subquery containing all the root intervals: (id, ts, dur).
+  -- Note that parent_id is not necessary in this table as it will be NULL anyways.
+  roots_table TableOrSubquery,
+  -- Table or subquery containing all the child intervals:
+  -- (root_id, id, parent_id, ts, dur)
+  children_table TableOrSubquery,
+  -- intersection key used in deriving the root child relationships.
+  key ColumnName)
+RETURNS TableOrSubQuery
+AS (
+    _roots AS (
+      SELECT * FROM $roots_table WHERE dur > 0 ORDER BY ts
+    ),
+    _children AS (
+      SELECT * FROM $children_table WHERE dur > 0 ORDER BY ts
+    )
+      ii.ts,
+      ii.dur,
+      IIF(_children.parent_id IS NULL, id_1, _children.parent_id) AS parent_id,
+ AS root_id,
+      _roots.ts AS root_ts,
+      _roots.dur AS root_dur,
+      ii.$key
+    FROM _interval_intersect!((_children, _roots), ($key)) ii
+    JOIN _children
+      ON = id_0
+    JOIN _roots
+      ON = id_1
 -- Partition and flatten a hierarchy of intervals into non-overlapping intervals where
 -- each resulting interval is the leaf in the hierarchy at any given time. The result also
 -- denotes the 'self-time' of each interval.
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/slices/hierarchy.sql b/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/slices/hierarchy.sql
index dff6475..137a123 100644
--- a/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/slices/hierarchy.sql
+++ b/src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib/slices/hierarchy.sql
@@ -91,4 +91,41 @@
   id, type, ts, dur, track_id, category, name, depth, parent_id, arg_set_id, thread_ts, thread_dur
-FROM descendant_slice($slice_id);
\ No newline at end of file
+FROM descendant_slice($slice_id);
+-- Delete rows from |slice_table| where the |column_name| value is NULL.
+-- The |parent_id| of the remaining rows are adjusted to point to the closest
+-- ancestor remaining. This keeps the trees as connected as possible,
+-- allowing further graph analysis.
+CREATE PERFETTO MACRO _slice_remove_nulls_and_reparent(
+  -- Table or subquery containing a subset of the slice table. Required columns are
+  -- (id INT64, parent_id INT64, depth UINT32, <column_name>).
+  slice_table TableOrSubQuery,
+  -- Column name for which a NULL value indicates the row will be deleted.
+  column_name ColumnName)
+  -- The returned table has the schema (id INT64, parent_id INT64, depth UINT32, <column_name>).
+RETURNS TableOrSubQuery
+AS (
+  WITH _slice AS (
+    SELECT * FROM $slice_table WHERE $column_name IS NOT NULL
+  )
+    id,
+    parent_id,
+    depth,
+    $column_name
+  FROM _slice
+  WHERE depth = 0
+ AS parent_id,
+    MAX(IIF(parent.$column_name IS NULL, 0, anc.depth)) AS depth,
+    child.$column_name
+  FROM _slice child
+  JOIN ancestor_slice( anc
+  LEFT JOIN _slice parent
+    ON =
diff --git a/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/android/ b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/android/
index c4f5a2e..acce2d7 100644
--- a/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/android/
+++ b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/android/
@@ -168,3 +168,34 @@
+  def test_android_startup_breakdown(self):
+    return DiffTestBlueprint(
+        trace=DataPath('api31_startup_cold.perfetto-trace'),
+        query="""
+        INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE android.startup.startup_breakdowns;
+        SELECT
+          SUM(dur) AS dur,
+          reason
+          FROM android_startup_opinionated_breakdown
+          GROUP BY reason ORDER BY dur DESC;
+        """,
+        out=Csv("""
+        "dur","reason"
+        28663023,"choreographer_do_frame"
+        22564487,"binder"
+        16351925,"Running"
+        13212137,"activity_start"
+        10264635,"io"
+        6779947,"inflate"
+        6240207,"bind_application"
+        5214375,"R+"
+        3072397,"resources_manager_get_resources"
+        2722869,"D"
+        2574273,"open_dex_files_from_oat"
+        2392761,"S"
+        2353124,"activity_resume"
+        1325727,"R"
+        43698,"art_lock_contention"
+        5573,"verify_class"
+        """))
diff --git a/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/intervals/ b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/intervals/
index cf48cdc..2712599 100644
--- a/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/intervals/
+++ b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/intervals/
@@ -118,3 +118,72 @@
+  def test_intervals_flatten_by_intersection(self):
+    return DiffTestBlueprint(
+        trace=TextProto(""),
+        query="""
+        INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE intervals.overlap;
+        WITH roots_data (id, ts, dur, utid) AS (
+          VALUES
+            (0, 0, 9, 0),
+            (0, 0, 9, 1),
+            (1, 9, 1, 2)
+        ), children_data (id, parent_id, ts, dur, utid) AS (
+          VALUES
+            (2, 0, 1, 3, 0),
+            (3, 0, 5, 1, 0),
+            (4, 0, 6, 1, 0),
+            (5, 0, 7, 0, 0),
+            (6, 0, 7, 1, 0),
+            (7, 2, 2, 1, 0)
+        )
+        SELECT *
+        FROM _intervals_merge_root_and_children_by_intersection!(roots_data, children_data, utid);
+        SELECT ts, dur, id, root_id FROM _intervals_flatten!(foo) ORDER BY ts;
+        """,
+        out=Csv("""
+        "ts","dur","id","root_id"
+        0,1,0,0
+        1,1,2,0
+        2,1,7,0
+        3,1,2,0
+        4,1,0,0
+        5,1,3,0
+        6,1,4,0
+        7,1,6,0
+        8,1,0,0
+        """))
+  def test_intervals_flatten_by_intersection_no_matching_key(self):
+    return DiffTestBlueprint(
+        trace=TextProto(""),
+        query="""
+        INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE intervals.overlap;
+        WITH roots_data (id, ts, dur, utid) AS (
+          VALUES
+            (0, 0, 9, 1),
+            (0, 0, 9, 2),
+            (1, 9, 1, 3)
+        ), children_data (id, parent_id, ts, dur, utid) AS (
+          VALUES
+            (2, 0, 1, 3, 0),
+            (3, 0, 5, 1, 0),
+            (4, 0, 6, 1, 0),
+            (5, 0, 7, 0, 0),
+            (6, 0, 7, 1, 0),
+            (7, 2, 2, 1, 0)
+        )
+        SELECT *
+        FROM _intervals_merge_root_and_children_by_intersection!(roots_data, children_data, utid);
+        SELECT ts, dur, id, root_id FROM _intervals_flatten!(foo) ORDER BY ts;
+        """,
+        out=Csv("""
+        "ts","dur","id","root_id"
+        """))
diff --git a/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/slices/ b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/slices/
index fa326d0..625659e 100644
--- a/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/slices/
+++ b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/stdlib/slices/
@@ -104,6 +104,26 @@
+  def test_slice_remove_nulls_and_reparent(self):
+    return DiffTestBlueprint(
+        trace=Path(''),
+        query="""
+        INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE slices.hierarchy;
+        SELECT id, parent_id, name, depth
+        FROM _slice_remove_nulls_and_reparent!(
+          (SELECT id, parent_id, depth, IIF(name = 'ProcessSlice', NULL, name) AS name
+          FROM slice),
+          name
+        ) LIMIT 10;
+      """,
+        out=Csv("""
+        "id","parent_id","name","depth"
+        0,"[NULL]","AsyncSlice",0
+        2,"[NULL]","ThreadSlice",0
+        3,2,"NestedThreadSlice",0
+      """))
   # Common functions
   def test_slice_flattened(self):
@@ -156,4 +176,4 @@
-        """))
\ No newline at end of file
+        """))