Minor improvements to bookkeeping.

Make non-movability of GlobalCallstackTrie explicit.
Include a fake dump in the ArbitraryOrder test.

Change-Id: Ib44e72a19b45cb83451bd2f2f48701f2ad1f6cec
2 files changed
tree: 96e8513b5d3ed872dca5fa52621d1ef564d11285
  1. build_overrides/
  2. buildtools/
  3. debian/
  4. docs/
  5. gn/
  6. include/
  7. infra/
  8. protos/
  9. src/
  10. test/
  11. tools/
  12. ui/
  13. .clang-format
  14. .gitignore
  15. .gn
  16. Android.bp
  17. Android.bp.extras
  18. BUILD
  19. BUILD.extras
  20. BUILD.gn
  21. codereview.settings
  22. heapprofd.rc
  24. NOTICE
  25. OWNERS
  26. perfetto.rc
  27. PRESUBMIT.py
  28. README.chromium
  29. README.md

Perfetto - Performance instrumentation and tracing

Perfetto is an open-source project for performance instrumentation and tracing of Linux/Android/Chrome platforms and user-space apps.

See www.perfetto.dev for docs.


  • For bugs affecting Android or the tracing internals use the internal bug tracker (go/perfetto-bugs).
  • For bugs affecting Chrome use http://crbug.com, Component:Speed>Tracing label:Perfetto.