Add metric for Android blocking calls for all calls in trace.
The metric aggregates all blocking calls from processes main thread.
This is a generic version of the 'android_blocking_calls_cuj' metric,
that instead of only considering what's happening inside each CUJ considers
the entire trace, grouping per process.
Bug: 320674308
Test: tools/ --name-filter ".*android_blocking_calls.*" out/default/trace_processor_shell
Flag: None
Change-Id: I0737b82c227ca1797cdcfc1198ea8e9f84c80c38
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 585df73..f5f9b35 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -5151,6 +5151,7 @@
+ "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.proto",
@@ -5239,6 +5240,7 @@
+ "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.proto",
@@ -5310,6 +5312,7 @@
+ "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.proto",
@@ -11947,6 +11950,7 @@
+ "src/trace_processor/metrics/sql/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.sql",
diff --git a/BUILD b/BUILD
index d678720..0efbc3a 100644
--- a/BUILD
+++ b/BUILD
@@ -1950,6 +1950,7 @@
+ "src/trace_processor/metrics/sql/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.sql",
@@ -4370,6 +4371,7 @@
+ "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.proto",
diff --git a/protos/perfetto/metrics/android/ b/protos/perfetto/metrics/android/
index 33f4195..5b8fab6 100644
--- a/protos/perfetto/metrics/android/
+++ b/protos/perfetto/metrics/android/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ "android_blocking_calls_unagg.proto",
diff --git a/protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.proto b/protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96b73ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+syntax = "proto2";
+package perfetto.protos;
+import "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_blocking_call.proto";
+import "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/process_metadata.proto";
+// All blocking calls for a trace. Shows count and total duration for each.
+message AndroidBlockingCallsUnagg {
+ repeated ProcessWithBlockingCalls process_with_blocking_calls = 1;
+ message ProcessWithBlockingCalls {
+ // Details about the process (uid, version, etc)
+ optional AndroidProcessMetadata process = 1;
+ // List of blocking calls on the process main thread.
+ repeated AndroidBlockingCall blocking_calls = 2;
+ }
diff --git a/protos/perfetto/metrics/metrics.proto b/protos/perfetto/metrics/metrics.proto
index f06f085..83395ec 100644
--- a/protos/perfetto/metrics/metrics.proto
+++ b/protos/perfetto/metrics/metrics.proto
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
import "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/batt_metric.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_sysui_notifications_blocking_calls_metric.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_cuj_metric.proto";
+import "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/codec_metrics.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/cpu_metric.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/metrics/android/camera_metric.proto";
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@
// Root message for all Perfetto-based metrics.
-// Next id: 64
+// Next id: 66
message TraceMetrics {
reserved 4, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19;
@@ -294,6 +295,9 @@
// Specific for Android Auto
optional AndroidMultiuserMetric android_auto_multiuser = 64;
+ // All blocking calls (e.g. binder calls) for a trace.
+ optional AndroidBlockingCallsUnagg android_blocking_calls_unagg = 65;
// Demo extensions.
extensions 450 to 499;
diff --git a/protos/perfetto/metrics/perfetto_merged_metrics.proto b/protos/perfetto/metrics/perfetto_merged_metrics.proto
index b2c3392..abfe9f6 100644
--- a/protos/perfetto/metrics/perfetto_merged_metrics.proto
+++ b/protos/perfetto/metrics/perfetto_merged_metrics.proto
@@ -145,6 +145,24 @@
// End of protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_cuj_metric.proto
+// Begin of protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.proto
+// All blocking calls for a trace. Shows count and total duration for each.
+message AndroidBlockingCallsUnagg {
+ repeated ProcessWithBlockingCalls process_with_blocking_calls = 1;
+ message ProcessWithBlockingCalls {
+ // Details about the process (uid, version, etc)
+ optional AndroidProcessMetadata process = 1;
+ // List of blocking calls on the process main thread.
+ repeated AndroidBlockingCall blocking_calls = 2;
+ }
+// End of protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/metrics/android/android_boot.proto
// This metric computes how much time processes spend in UNINTERRUPTIBLE_SLEEP
@@ -2520,7 +2538,7 @@
// Root message for all Perfetto-based metrics.
-// Next id: 64
+// Next id: 66
message TraceMetrics {
reserved 4, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19;
@@ -2698,6 +2716,9 @@
// Specific for Android Auto
optional AndroidMultiuserMetric android_auto_multiuser = 64;
+ // All blocking calls (e.g. binder calls) for a trace.
+ optional AndroidBlockingCallsUnagg android_blocking_calls_unagg = 65;
// Demo extensions.
extensions 450 to 499;
diff --git a/python/perfetto/trace_processor/metrics.descriptor b/python/perfetto/trace_processor/metrics.descriptor
index 6b4b352..a5fe326 100644
--- a/python/perfetto/trace_processor/metrics.descriptor
+++ b/python/perfetto/trace_processor/metrics.descriptor
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/metrics/sql/android/ b/src/trace_processor/metrics/sql/android/
index f87b560..bd77d0a 100644
--- a/src/trace_processor/metrics/sql/android/
+++ b/src/trace_processor/metrics/sql/android/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ "android_blocking_calls_unagg.sql",
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/metrics/sql/android/android_blocking_calls_cuj_metric.sql b/src/trace_processor/metrics/sql/android/android_blocking_calls_cuj_metric.sql
index eaa2104..5838125 100644
--- a/src/trace_processor/metrics/sql/android/android_blocking_calls_cuj_metric.sql
+++ b/src/trace_processor/metrics/sql/android/android_blocking_calls_cuj_metric.sql
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE android.critical_blocking_calls;
-- Jank "J<*>" and latency "L<*>" cujs are put together in android_cujs table.
-- They are computed separately as latency ones are slightly different, don't
@@ -75,99 +76,22 @@
FROM all_cujs;
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS relevant_binder_calls_with_names;
-CREATE TABLE relevant_binder_calls_with_names AS
- tx.aidl_name AS name,
- tx.client_ts AS ts,
- s.track_id,
- tx.client_dur AS dur,
- tx.client_process as process_name,
- tx.client_utid as utid,
- tx.client_upid as upid
-FROM android_binder_txns AS tx
- JOIN slice AS s ON = tx.binder_txn_id
-WHERE is_main_thread AND aidl_name IS NOT NULL AND is_sync = 1;
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS android_blocking_calls_cuj_calls;
-CREATE TABLE android_blocking_calls_cuj_calls AS
-WITH all_main_thread_relevant_slices AS (
- android_standardize_slice_name( AS name,
- s.ts,
- s.track_id,
- s.dur,
- AS process_name,
- thread.utid,
- process.upid
- FROM slice s
- JOIN thread_track ON s.track_id =
- JOIN thread USING (utid)
- JOIN process USING (upid)
- thread.is_main_thread AND (
- = 'measure'
- OR = 'layout'
- OR = 'configChanged'
- OR = 'animation'
- OR = 'input'
- OR = 'traversal'
- OR = 'Contending for pthread mutex'
- OR = 'postAndWait'
- OR GLOB 'monitor contention with*'
- OR GLOB 'SuspendThreadByThreadId*'
- OR GLOB 'LoadApkAssetsFd*'
- OR GLOB '*binder transaction*'
- OR GLOB 'inflate*'
- OR GLOB 'Lock contention on*'
- OR GLOB 'android.os.Handler: kotlinx.coroutines*'
- OR GLOB 'relayoutWindow*'
- OR GLOB 'ImageDecoder#decode*'
- OR GLOB 'NotificationStackScrollLayout#onMeasure'
- OR GLOB 'ExpNotRow#*'
- OR GLOB 'GC: Wait For*'
- OR (
- -- Some top level handler slices
- s.depth = 0
- AND NOT GLOB '*Choreographer*'
- AND NOT GLOB '*Input*'
- AND NOT GLOB '*input*'
- AND NOT GLOB 'android.os.Handler: #*'
- AND (
- -- Handler pattern heuristics
- GLOB '*Handler: *$*'
- OR GLOB '*.*.*: *$*'
- OR GLOB '*.*$*: #*'
- )
- )
- )
- name,
- ts,
- track_id,
- dur,
- id,
- process_name,
- utid,
- upid
- FROM relevant_binder_calls_with_names
--- Now we have:
--- (1) a list of slices from the main thread of each process
+-- We have:
+-- (1) a list of slices from the main thread of each process from the
+-- all_main_thread_relevant_slices table.
-- (2) a list of android cuj with beginning, end, and process
-- It's needed to:
-- (1) assign a cuj to each slice. If there are multiple cujs going on during a
-- slice, there needs to be 2 entries for that slice, one for each cuj id.
-- (2) each slice needs to be trimmed to be fully inside the cuj associated
-- (as we don't care about what's outside cujs)
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS android_blocking_calls_cuj_calls;
+CREATE TABLE android_blocking_calls_cuj_calls AS
main_thread_slices_scoped_to_cujs AS (
SELECT, AS slice_id,
- s.track_id,,
max(s.ts, cuj.ts) AS ts,
min(s.ts + s.dur, cuj.ts_end) as ts_end,
@@ -177,7 +101,7 @@
-FROM all_main_thread_relevant_slices s
+FROM _android_critical_blocking_calls s
JOIN android_cujs cuj
-- only when there is an overlap
ON s.ts + s.dur > cuj.ts AND s.ts < cuj.ts_end
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/metrics/sql/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.sql b/src/trace_processor/metrics/sql/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2008c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/trace_processor/metrics/sql/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+-- Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+SELECT RUN_METRIC('android/process_metadata.sql');
+INCLUDE PERFETTO MODULE android.critical_blocking_calls;
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS process_info;
+CREATE TABLE process_info AS
+ process.upid AS upid,
+ AS process_name,
+ process_metadata.metadata AS process_metadata
+FROM process
+JOIN process_metadata USING (upid);
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS android_blocking_calls_unagg_calls;
+CREATE TABLE android_blocking_calls_unagg_calls AS
+ name,
+ COUNT(*) AS occurrences,
+ MAX(dur) AS max_dur_ns,
+ MIN(dur) AS min_dur_ns,
+ SUM(dur) AS total_dur_ns,
+ upid,
+ process_name
+ _android_critical_blocking_calls
+GROUP BY name, upid, process_name;
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS filtered_processes_with_non_zero_blocking_calls;
+CREATE TABLE filtered_processes_with_non_zero_blocking_calls AS
+SELECT pi.upid,
+ pi.process_name,
+ pi.process_metadata
+FROM process_info pi WHERE pi.upid IN
+ (SELECT DISTINCT upid FROM _android_critical_blocking_calls);
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS filtered_processes_with_non_zero_blocking_calls;
+CREATE TABLE filtered_processes_with_non_zero_blocking_calls AS
+SELECT pi.upid,
+ pi.process_name,
+ pi.process_metadata
+FROM process_info pi WHERE pi.upid IN
+ (SELECT DISTINCT upid FROM _android_critical_blocking_calls);
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS android_blocking_calls_unagg_output;
+CREATE PERFETTO VIEW android_blocking_calls_unagg_output AS
+SELECT AndroidBlockingCallsUnagg(
+ 'process_with_blocking_calls', (
+ SELECT RepeatedField(
+ AndroidBlockingCallsUnagg_ProcessWithBlockingCalls(
+ 'process', e.process_metadata,
+ 'blocking_calls', (
+ SELECT RepeatedField(
+ AndroidBlockingCall(
+ 'name',,
+ 'cnt', d.occurrences,
+ 'total_dur_ms', CAST(total_dur_ns / 1e6 AS INT),
+ 'max_dur_ms', CAST(max_dur_ns / 1e6 AS INT),
+ 'min_dur_ms', CAST(min_dur_ns / 1e6 AS INT),
+ 'total_dur_ns', d.total_dur_ns,
+ 'max_dur_ns', d.max_dur_ns,
+ 'min_dur_ns', d.min_dur_ns
+ )
+ ) FROM (
+ b.occurrences,
+ b.total_dur_ns,
+ b.max_dur_ns,
+ b.min_dur_ns
+ FROM android_blocking_calls_unagg_calls b INNER JOIN filtered_processes_with_non_zero_blocking_calls c
+ ON b.upid = c.upid WHERE b.upid = e.upid
+ ORDER BY total_dur_ns DESC
+ ) d
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ FROM filtered_processes_with_non_zero_blocking_calls e
+ )
diff --git a/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.out b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f288a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/metrics/android/android_blocking_calls_unagg.out
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+android_blocking_calls_unagg {
+ process_with_blocking_calls {
+ process {
+ name: ""
+ uid: 10001
+ pid: 1000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "binder transaction"
+ cnt: 7
+ total_dur_ms: 20
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 1
+ total_dur_ns: 20000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 1000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "monitor contention with <...>"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 12
+ max_dur_ms: 12
+ min_dur_ms: 12
+ total_dur_ns: 12000000
+ max_dur_ns: 12000000
+ min_dur_ns: 12000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "AIDL::java::IWindowManager::hasNavigationBar::server"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ }
+ process_with_blocking_calls {
+ process {
+ name: ""
+ uid: 10002
+ pid: 2000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "binder transaction"
+ cnt: 6
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 3
+ min_dur_ms: 1
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 3000000
+ min_dur_ns: 1000000
+ }
+ }
+ process_with_blocking_calls {
+ process {
+ name: ""
+ uid: 10003
+ pid: 3000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "CoroutineContinuation"
+ cnt: 2
+ total_dur_ms: 20
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 20000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "Contending for pthread mutex"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "ExpNotRow#onMeasure(BigTextStyle)"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "ExpNotRow#onMeasure(MessagingStyle)"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "Garbage Collector"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "ImageDecoder#decodeBitmap"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "ImageDecoder#decodeDrawable"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "LoadApkAssetsFd <...>"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "Lock contention on a monitor lock <...>"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "Lock contention on thread list lock <...>"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "Lock contention on thread suspend count lock <...>"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "NotificationStackScrollLayout#onMeasure"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "SuspendThreadByThreadId <...>"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "animation"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "binder transaction"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "configChanged"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "inflate"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "input"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "layout"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "measure"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "monitor contention with <...>"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "postAndWait"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "relayoutWindow <...>"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "traversal"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+process_with_blocking_calls {
+ process {
+ name: ""
+ uid: 10004
+ pid: 4000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "Handler: android.os.AsyncTask"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "Handler: android.view.View"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "Handler:"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "Handler:"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ blocking_calls {
+ name: "Handler:"
+ cnt: 1
+ total_dur_ms: 10
+ max_dur_ms: 10
+ min_dur_ms: 10
+ total_dur_ns: 10000000
+ max_dur_ns: 10000000
+ min_dur_ns: 10000000
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/metrics/android/ b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/metrics/android/
index 5038aec..06cbe59 100644
--- a/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/metrics/android/
+++ b/test/trace_processor/diff_tests/metrics/android/
@@ -121,6 +121,12 @@
+ def test_android_blocking_calls_unagg(self):
+ return DiffTestBlueprint(
+ trace=Path(''),
+ query=Metric('android_blocking_calls_unagg'),
+ out=Path('android_blocking_calls_unagg.out'))
def test_android_blocking_calls_on_jank_cujs(self):
return DiffTestBlueprint(
@@ -296,4 +302,4 @@
duration_ms: 3878
- """))
\ No newline at end of file
+ """))
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 3819c27..f025f47 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -41,6 +41,11 @@
'android_cujs', 'relevant_binder_calls_with_names',
+ ('/android'
+ '/android_blocking_calls_unagg.sql'): [
+ 'filtered_processes_with_non_zero_blocking_calls',
+ 'process_info', 'android_blocking_calls_unagg_calls'
+ ],
'/android/jank/cujs.sql': ['android_jank_cuj'],
'/chrome/gesture_flow_event.sql': [