Add AOSP -> GitHub mirror bot and CI frontend

- Add a bot that mirrors the perfetto AOSP onto github.
  The bot mirrors also pending Gerrit CLs, allowing to
  automatically kick travis builds for each new patchset.
- Add a JS frontend that mixes Gerrit and Travis API, showing
  the state of latest CLs on Travis jobs.

Change-Id: I9b55f7a4966e9f96cea86e48bb900bcaf0bc85f1
11 files changed
tree: e2de75674be6bb0a94492e61bd1a8de423f76c31
  1. build/
  2. buildtools/
  3. infra/
  4. libtracing/
  5. .clang-format
  6. .gitignore
  7. .gn
  8. .travis.yml
  10. codereview.settings

Perfetto - Open-source building blocks for the full performance lifecycle of Google client platforms


See go/perfetto-one-pager

Building from a standalone checkout

If you are a chromium developer and have depot_tools installed you can avoid the build/ prefix below and just use gn/ninja from depot_tools.

  • Run build/install-build-deps to install third-party build deps (NDK etc)
  • Run build/gn args out/android to generate build files and enter in the editor:
    target_os = "android"  # or "linux" for local testing
    target_cpu = "arm"  # or "arm64"
    is_debug = true  # or false for release
  • Run build/ninja -C out/android all

Building from the Android tree

TODO. The plan is to autogenerate the Android.bp build files from the master GN build files (or temporarily maintain both until we can autogenerate them). Will come in next CLs.