Perfetto UI Release Process

The UI has three release channels which are configured by the channels.json file. The channels are:

  • stable, the version visitors to received by default. Updated every four weeks.
  • canary, a less stable but fresher release. Updated every 1-2 weeks.
  • autopush, the current HEAD version of the UI. Unstable.

The release process is based around a four week cycle.

  • Week 1: Update canary to HEAD
  • Week 2: Update canary to HEAD
  • Week 3: Cherry-pick bug fixes to canary
  • Week 4: Update stable to current canary, update canary to HEAD

After the fourth week the cycle repeats from week one.

Changing release channel

NOTE: The channel setting is persistent across page reloads.

The channel the UI is currently using is displayed in the top left corner. If the tag after the logo shows autopush or canary that is the current channel and if no tag is displayed the current channel is stable.


To change the channel the UI is using between stable and canery you can use the toggle on the entrance page.


To change to the autopush channel open devtools and enter localStorage.setItem('perfettoUiChannel', 'autopush'); then reload.

Which version am I using?

You can see the version of the UI you are currently using in the bottom left hand corner of the UI.


Clicking on the version number takes you to Github where you can see which commits are part of this version. The version number format is v<Perfetto version>.0.<Commits since that version>.