blob: 3428330bf114ae62b6ccc7305bc91ba6cdd3e7b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/trace_processor/util/annotated_callsites.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "perfetto/ext/base/optional.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/tables/profiler_tables.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/types/trace_processor_context.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
AnnotatedCallsites::AnnotatedCallsites(const TraceProcessorContext* context)
: context_(*context),
// String to identify trampoline frames. If the string does not exist in
// TraceProcessor's StringPool (nullopt) then there will be no trampoline
// frames in the trace so there is no point in adding it to the pool to do
// all comparisons, instead we initialize the member to nullopt and the
// string comparisons will all fail.
context->storage->string_pool().GetId("art_jni_trampoline")) {}
AnnotatedCallsites::State AnnotatedCallsites::GetState(
base::Optional<CallsiteId> id) {
if (!id) {
return State::kInitial;
auto it = states_.find(*id);
if (it != states_.end()) {
return it->second;
State state =
states_.emplace(*id, state);
return state;
std::pair<AnnotatedCallsites::State, CallsiteAnnotation>
const tables::StackProfileCallsiteTable::ConstRowReference& callsite) {
State state = GetState(callsite.parent_id());
// Keep immediate callee of a JNI trampoline, but keep tagging all
// successive libart frames as common.
if (state == State::kKeepNext) {
return {State::kEraseLibart, CallsiteAnnotation::kNone};
// Special-case "art_jni_trampoline" frames, keeping their immediate callee
// even if it is in libart, as it could be a native implementation of a
// managed method. Example for "java.lang.reflect.Method.Invoke":
// art_jni_trampoline
// art::Method_invoke(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jobject*, _jobjectArray*)
// Simpleperf also relies on this frame name, so it should be fairly stable.
// TODO(rsavitski): consider detecting standard JNI upcall entrypoints -
// _JNIEnv::Call*. These are sometimes inlined into other DSOs, so erasing
// only the libart frames does not clean up all of the JNI-related frames.
auto frame = *>stack_profile_frame_table().FindById(
// art_jni_trampoline_ could be nullopt if the string does not exist in the
// StringPool, but that also means no frame will ever have that name.
if (art_jni_trampoline_.has_value() && == art_jni_trampoline_.value()) {
return {State::kKeepNext, CallsiteAnnotation::kCommonFrame};
MapType map_type = GetMapType(frame.mapping());
// Annotate managed frames.
if (map_type == MapType::kArtInterp || //
map_type == MapType::kArtJit || //
map_type == MapType::kArtAot) {
// Now know to be in a managed callstack - erase subsequent ART frames.
if (state == State::kInitial) {
state = State::kEraseLibart;
if (map_type == MapType::kArtInterp)
return {state, CallsiteAnnotation::kArtInterpreted};
if (map_type == MapType::kArtJit)
return {state, CallsiteAnnotation::kArtJit};
if (map_type == MapType::kArtAot)
return {state, CallsiteAnnotation::kArtAot};
if (state == State::kEraseLibart && map_type == MapType::kNativeLibart) {
states_.emplace(, state);
return {state, CallsiteAnnotation::kCommonFrame};
return {state, CallsiteAnnotation::kNone};
AnnotatedCallsites::MapType AnnotatedCallsites::GetMapType(MappingId id) {
auto it = map_types_.find(id);
if (it != map_types_.end()) {
return it->second;
return map_types_
.emplace(id, ClassifyMap(>GetString(>stack_profile_mapping_table()
AnnotatedCallsites::MapType AnnotatedCallsites::ClassifyMap(
NullTermStringView map) {
if (map.empty())
return MapType::kOther;
// Primary mapping where modern ART puts jitted code.
// TODO(rsavitski): look into /memfd:jit-zygote-cache.
if (!strncmp(map.c_str(), "/memfd:jit-cache", 16))
return MapType::kArtJit;
size_t last_slash_pos = map.rfind('/');
if (last_slash_pos != NullTermStringView::npos) {
if (!strncmp(map.c_str() + last_slash_pos, "/", 10))
return MapType::kNativeLibart;
if (!strncmp(map.c_str() + last_slash_pos, "/", 11))
return MapType::kNativeLibart;
size_t extension_pos = map.rfind('.');
if (extension_pos != NullTermStringView::npos) {
if (!strncmp(map.c_str() + extension_pos, ".so", 3))
return MapType::kNativeOther;
// dex with verification speedup info, produced by dex2oat
if (!strncmp(map.c_str() + extension_pos, ".vdex", 5))
return MapType::kArtInterp;
// possibly uncompressed dex in a jar archive
if (!strncmp(map.c_str() + extension_pos, ".jar", 4))
return MapType::kArtInterp;
// ahead of time compiled ELFs
if (!strncmp(map.c_str() + extension_pos, ".oat", 4))
return MapType::kArtAot;
// older/alternative name for .oat
if (!strncmp(map.c_str() + extension_pos, ".odex", 5))
return MapType::kArtAot;
return MapType::kOther;
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto