| /** |
| * Copyright (c) 2019 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you |
| * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may |
| * obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * implied. See the License for the specific language governing |
| * permissions and limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| 'use strict'; |
| |
| // If you add or remove job types, do not forget to fix the colspans below. |
| const JOB_TYPES = [ |
| { id: 'linux-gcc7-x86_64-release', label: 'rel' }, |
| { id: 'linux-clang-x86_64-debug', label: 'dbg' }, |
| { id: 'linux-clang-x86_64-tsan', label: 'tsan' }, |
| { id: 'linux-clang-x86_64-msan', label: 'msan' }, |
| { id: 'linux-clang-x86_64-asan_lsan', label: '{a,l}san' }, |
| { id: 'linux-clang-x86-asan_lsan', label: 'x86 {a,l}san' }, |
| { id: 'linux-clang-x86_64-libfuzzer', label: 'fuzzer' }, |
| { id: 'linux-clang-x86_64-bazel', label: 'bazel' }, |
| { id: 'ui-clang-x86_64-release', label: 'rel' }, |
| { id: 'android-clang-arm-release', label: 'rel' }, |
| ]; |
| |
| const STATS_LINK = |
| 'https://app.google.stackdriver.com/dashboards/5008687313278081798?project=perfetto-ci'; |
| |
| const state = { |
| // An array of recent CL objects retrieved from Gerrit. |
| gerritCls: [], |
| |
| // A map of sha1 -> Gerrit commit object. |
| // See |
| // https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-projects.html#get-commit |
| gerritCommits: {}, |
| |
| // A map of git-log ranges to commit objects: |
| // 'dead..beef' -> [commit1, 2] |
| gerritLogs: {}, |
| |
| // Maps 'cls/1234-1' or 'branches/xxxx' -> array of job ids. |
| dbJobSets: {}, |
| |
| // Maps 'jobId' -> DB job object, as perf /ci/jobs/jobID. |
| // A jobId looks like 20190702143507-1008614-9-android-clang-arm. |
| dbJobs: {}, |
| |
| // Maps 'worker id' -> DB wokrker object, as per /ci/workers. |
| dbWorker: {}, |
| |
| // Maps 'main-YYMMDD' -> DB branch object, as per /ci/branches/xxx. |
| dbBranches: {}, |
| getBranchKeys: () => Object.keys(state.dbBranches).sort().reverse(), |
| |
| // Maps 'CL number' -> true|false. Retains the collapsed/expanded information |
| // for each row in the CLs table. |
| expandCl: {}, |
| |
| postsubmitShown: 3, |
| |
| // Lines that will be appended to the terminal on the next redraw() cycle. |
| termLines: [ |
| 'Hover a CL icon to see the log tail.', 'Click on it to load the full log.' |
| ], |
| termJobId: undefined, // The job id currently being shown by the terminal. |
| termClear: false, // If true the next redraw will clear the terminal. |
| redrawPending: false, |
| |
| // State for the Jobs page. These are arrays of job ids. |
| jobsQueued: [], |
| jobsRunning: [], |
| jobsRecent: [], |
| |
| // Firebase DB listeners (the objects returned by the .ref() operator). |
| realTimeLogRef: undefined, // Ref for the real-time log streaming. |
| workersRef: undefined, |
| jobsRunningRef: undefined, |
| jobsQueuedRef: undefined, |
| jobsRecentRef: undefined, |
| clRefs: {}, // '1234-1' -> Ref subscribed to updates on the given cl. |
| jobRefs: {}, // '....-arm-asan' -> Ref subscribed updates on the given job. |
| branchRefs: {} // 'main' -> Ref subscribed updates on the given branch. |
| }; |
| |
| let term = undefined; |
| let fitAddon = undefined; |
| let searchAddon = undefined; |
| |
| function main() { |
| firebase.initializeApp({ databaseURL: cfg.DB_ROOT }); |
| |
| m.route(document.body, '/cls', { |
| '/cls': CLsPageRenderer, |
| '/cls/:cl': CLsPageRenderer, |
| '/logs/:jobId': LogsPageRenderer, |
| '/jobs': JobsPageRenderer, |
| '/jobs/:jobId': JobsPageRenderer, |
| }); |
| |
| setInterval(fetchGerritCLs, 15000); |
| fetchGerritCLs(); |
| fetchCIStatusForBranch('main'); |
| } |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Rendering functions |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| function renderHeader() { |
| const active = id => m.route.get().startsWith(`/${id}`) ? '.active' : ''; |
| const logUrl = 'https://goto.google.com/perfetto-ci-logs-'; |
| const docsUrl = |
| 'https://perfetto.dev/docs/design-docs/continuous-integration'; |
| return m( |
| 'header', m('a[href=/#!/cls]', m('h1', 'Perfetto ', m('span', 'CI'))), |
| m( |
| 'nav', |
| m(`div${active('cls')}`, m('a[href=/#!/cls]', 'CLs')), |
| m(`div${active('jobs')}`, m('a[href=/#!/jobs]', 'Jobs')), |
| m(`div${active('stats')}`, |
| m(`a[href=${STATS_LINK}][target=_blank]`, 'Stats')), |
| m(`div`, m(`a[href=${docsUrl}][target=_blank]`, 'Docs')), |
| m( |
| `div.logs`, |
| 'Logs', |
| m('div', |
| m(`a[href=${logUrl}controller][target=_blank]`, 'Controller')), |
| m('div', m(`a[href=${logUrl}workers][target=_blank]`, 'Workers')), |
| m('div', |
| m(`a[href=${logUrl}frontend][target=_blank]`, 'Frontend')), |
| ), |
| )); |
| } |
| |
| var CLsPageRenderer = { |
| view: function (vnode) { |
| const allCols = 4 + JOB_TYPES.length; |
| const postsubmitHeader = m('tr', |
| m(`td.header[colspan=${allCols}]`, 'Post-submit') |
| ); |
| |
| const postsubmitLoadMore = m('tr', |
| m(`td[colspan=${allCols}]`, |
| m('a[href=#]', |
| { onclick: () => state.postsubmitShown += 10 }, |
| 'Load more' |
| ) |
| ) |
| ); |
| |
| const presubmitHeader = m('tr', |
| m(`td.header[colspan=${allCols}]`, 'Pre-submit') |
| ); |
| |
| let branchRows = []; |
| const branchKeys = state.getBranchKeys(); |
| for (let i = 0; i < branchKeys.length && i < state.postsubmitShown; i++) { |
| const rowsForBranch = renderPostsubmitRow(branchKeys[i]); |
| branchRows = branchRows.concat(rowsForBranch); |
| } |
| |
| let clRows = []; |
| for (const gerritCl of state.gerritCls) { |
| if (vnode.attrs.cl && gerritCl.num != vnode.attrs.cl) continue; |
| clRows = clRows.concat(renderCLRow(gerritCl)); |
| } |
| |
| let footer = []; |
| if (vnode.attrs.cl) { |
| footer = m('footer', |
| `Showing only CL ${vnode.attrs.cl} - `, |
| m(`a[href=#!/cls]`, 'Click here to see all CLs') |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| return [ |
| renderHeader(), |
| m('main#cls', |
| m('div.table-scrolling-container', |
| m('table.main-table', |
| m('thead', |
| m('tr', |
| m('td[rowspan=4]', 'Subject'), |
| m('td[rowspan=4]', 'Status'), |
| m('td[rowspan=4]', 'Owner'), |
| m('td[rowspan=4]', 'Updated'), |
| m('td[colspan=10]', 'Bots'), |
| ), |
| m('tr', |
| m('td[colspan=9]', 'linux'), |
| m('td[colspan=2]', 'android'), |
| ), |
| m('tr', |
| m('td', 'gcc7'), |
| m('td[colspan=7]', 'clang'), |
| m('td[colspan=1]', 'ui'), |
| m('td[colspan=1]', 'clang-arm'), |
| ), |
| m('tr#cls_header', |
| JOB_TYPES.map(job => m(`td#${job.id}`, job.label)) |
| ), |
| ), |
| m('tbody', |
| postsubmitHeader, |
| branchRows, |
| postsubmitLoadMore, |
| presubmitHeader, |
| clRows, |
| ) |
| ), |
| footer, |
| ), |
| m(TermRenderer), |
| ), |
| ]; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| |
| function getLastUpdate(lastUpdate) { |
| const lastUpdateMins = Math.ceil((Date.now() - lastUpdate) / 60000); |
| if (lastUpdateMins < 60) |
| return lastUpdateMins + ' mins ago'; |
| if (lastUpdateMins < 60 * 24) |
| return Math.ceil(lastUpdateMins / 60) + ' hours ago'; |
| return lastUpdate.toLocaleDateString(); |
| } |
| |
| function renderCLRow(cl) { |
| const expanded = !!state.expandCl[cl.num]; |
| const toggleExpand = () => { |
| state.expandCl[cl.num] ^= 1; |
| fetchCIJobsForAllPatchsetOfCL(cl.num); |
| } |
| const rows = []; |
| |
| // Create the row for the latest patchset (as fetched by Gerrit). |
| rows.push(m(`tr.${cl.status}`, |
| m('td', |
| m(`i.material-icons.expand${expanded ? '.expanded' : ''}`, |
| { onclick: toggleExpand }, |
| 'arrow_right' |
| ), |
| m(`a[href=${cfg.GERRIT_REVIEW_URL}/+/${cl.num}/${cl.psNum}]`, |
| `${cl.subject}`, m('span.ps', `#${cl.psNum}`)) |
| ), |
| m('td', cl.status), |
| m('td', stripEmail(cl.owner || '')), |
| m('td', getLastUpdate(cl.lastUpdate)), |
| JOB_TYPES.map(x => renderClJobCell(`cls/${cl.num}-${cl.psNum}`, x.id)) |
| )); |
| |
| // If the usere clicked on the expand button, show also the other patchsets |
| // present in the CI DB. |
| for (let psNum = cl.psNum; expanded && psNum > 0; psNum--) { |
| const src = `cls/${cl.num}-${psNum}`; |
| const jobs = state.dbJobSets[src]; |
| if (!jobs) continue; |
| rows.push(m(`tr.nested`, |
| m('td', |
| m(`a[href=${cfg.GERRIT_REVIEW_URL}/+/${cl.num}/${psNum}]`, |
| ' Patchset', m('span.ps', `#${psNum}`)) |
| ), |
| m('td', ''), |
| m('td', ''), |
| m('td', ''), |
| JOB_TYPES.map(x => renderClJobCell(src, x.id)) |
| )); |
| } |
| |
| return rows; |
| } |
| |
| function renderPostsubmitRow(key) { |
| const branch = state.dbBranches[key]; |
| console.assert(branch !== undefined); |
| const subject = branch.subject; |
| let rows = []; |
| rows.push(m(`tr`, |
| m('td', |
| m(`a[href=${cfg.REPO_URL}/+/${branch.rev}]`, |
| subject, m('span.ps', `#${branch.rev.substr(0, 8)}`) |
| ) |
| ), |
| m('td', ''), |
| m('td', stripEmail(branch.author)), |
| m('td', getLastUpdate(new Date(branch.time_committed))), |
| JOB_TYPES.map(x => renderClJobCell(`branches/${key}`, x.id)) |
| )); |
| |
| |
| const allKeys = state.getBranchKeys(); |
| const curIdx = allKeys.indexOf(key); |
| if (curIdx >= 0 && curIdx < allKeys.length - 1) { |
| const nextKey = allKeys[curIdx + 1]; |
| const range = `${state.dbBranches[nextKey].rev}..${branch.rev}`; |
| const logs = (state.gerritLogs[range] || []).slice(1); |
| for (const log of logs) { |
| if (log.parents.length < 2) |
| continue; // Show only merge commits. |
| rows.push( |
| m('tr.nested', |
| m('td', |
| m(`a[href=${cfg.REPO_URL}/+/${log.commit}]`, |
| log.message.split('\n')[0], |
| m('span.ps', `#${log.commit.substr(0, 8)}`) |
| ) |
| ), |
| m('td', ''), |
| m('td', stripEmail(log.author.email)), |
| m('td', getLastUpdate(parseGerritTime(log.committer.time))), |
| m(`td[colspan=${JOB_TYPES.length}]`, |
| 'No post-submit was run for this revision' |
| ), |
| ) |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return rows; |
| } |
| |
| function renderJobLink(jobId, jobStatus) { |
| const ICON_MAP = { |
| 'COMPLETED': 'check_circle', |
| 'STARTED': 'hourglass_full', |
| 'QUEUED': 'schedule', |
| 'FAILED': 'bug_report', |
| 'CANCELLED': 'cancel', |
| 'INTERRUPTED': 'cancel', |
| 'TIMED_OUT': 'notification_important', |
| }; |
| const icon = ICON_MAP[jobStatus] || 'clear'; |
| const eventHandlers = jobId ? { onmouseover: () => showLogTail(jobId) } : {}; |
| const logUrl = jobId ? `#!/logs/${jobId}` : '#'; |
| return m(`a.${jobStatus}[href=${logUrl}][title=${jobStatus}]`, |
| eventHandlers, |
| m(`i.material-icons`, icon) |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| function renderClJobCell(src, jobType) { |
| let jobStatus = 'UNKNOWN'; |
| let jobId = undefined; |
| |
| // To begin with check that the given CL/PS is present in the DB (the |
| // AppEngine cron job might have not seen that at all yet). |
| // If it is, find the global job id for the given jobType for the passed CL. |
| for (const id of (state.dbJobSets[src] || [])) { |
| const job = state.dbJobs[id]; |
| if (job !== undefined && job.type == jobType) { |
| // We found the job object that corresponds to jobType for the given CL. |
| jobStatus = job.status; |
| jobId = id; |
| } |
| } |
| return m('td.job', renderJobLink(jobId, jobStatus)); |
| } |
| |
| const TermRenderer = { |
| oncreate: function(vnode) { |
| console.log('Creating terminal object'); |
| fitAddon = new FitAddon.FitAddon(); |
| searchAddon = new SearchAddon.SearchAddon(); |
| term = new Terminal({ |
| rows: 6, |
| fontFamily: 'monospace', |
| fontSize: 12, |
| scrollback: 100000, |
| disableStdin: true, |
| }); |
| term.loadAddon(fitAddon); |
| term.loadAddon(searchAddon); |
| term.open(vnode.dom); |
| fitAddon.fit(); |
| if (vnode.attrs.focused) |
| term.focus(); |
| }, |
| onremove: function(vnode) { |
| term.dispose(); |
| fitAddon.dispose(); |
| searchAddon.dispose(); |
| }, |
| onupdate: function(vnode) { |
| fitAddon.fit(); |
| if (state.termClear) { |
| term.clear(); |
| state.termClear = false; |
| } |
| for (const line of state.termLines) { |
| term.write(line + '\r\n'); |
| } |
| state.termLines = []; |
| }, |
| view: function() { |
| return m('.term-container', |
| { |
| onkeydown: (e) => { |
| if (e.key === 'f' && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { |
| document.querySelector('.term-search').select(); |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| m('input[type=text][placeholder=search and press Enter].term-search', { |
| onkeydown: (e) => { |
| if (e.key !== 'Enter') return; |
| if (e.shiftKey) { |
| searchAddon.findNext(e.target.value); |
| } else { |
| searchAddon.findPrevious(e.target.value); |
| } |
| e.stopPropagation(); |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| } |
| }) |
| ); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| const LogsPageRenderer = { |
| oncreate: function (vnode) { |
| showFullLog(vnode.attrs.jobId); |
| }, |
| view: function () { |
| return [ |
| renderHeader(), |
| m(TermRenderer, { focused: true }) |
| ]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const JobsPageRenderer = { |
| oncreate: function (vnode) { |
| fetchRecentJobsStatus(); |
| fetchWorkers(); |
| }, |
| |
| createWorkerTable: function () { |
| const makeWokerRow = workerId => { |
| const worker = state.dbWorker[workerId]; |
| if (worker.status === 'TERMINATED') return []; |
| return m('tr', |
| m('td', worker.host), |
| m('td', workerId), |
| m('td', worker.status), |
| m('td', getLastUpdate(new Date(worker.last_update))), |
| m('td', m(`a[href=#!/jobs/${worker.job_id}]`, worker.job_id)), |
| ); |
| }; |
| return m('table.main-table', |
| m('thead', |
| m('tr', m('td[colspan=5]', 'Workers')), |
| m('tr', |
| m('td', 'Host'), |
| m('td', 'Worker'), |
| m('td', 'Status'), |
| m('td', 'Last ping'), |
| m('td', 'Job'), |
| ) |
| ), |
| m('tbody', Object.keys(state.dbWorker).map(makeWokerRow)) |
| ); |
| }, |
| |
| createJobsTable: function (vnode, title, jobIds) { |
| const tStr = function (tStart, tEnd) { |
| return new Date(tEnd - tStart).toUTCString().substr(17, 9); |
| }; |
| |
| const makeJobRow = function (jobId) { |
| const job = state.dbJobs[jobId] || {}; |
| let cols = [ |
| m('td.job.align-left', |
| renderJobLink(jobId, job ? job.status : undefined), |
| m(`span.status.${job.status}`, job.status) |
| ) |
| ]; |
| if (job) { |
| const tQ = Date.parse(job.time_queued); |
| const tS = Date.parse(job.time_started); |
| const tE = Date.parse(job.time_ended) || Date.now(); |
| let cell = m(''); |
| if (job.src === undefined) { |
| cell = '?'; |
| } else if (job.src.startsWith('cls/')) { |
| const cl_and_ps = job.src.substr(4).replace('-', '/'); |
| const href = `${cfg.GERRIT_REVIEW_URL}/+/${cl_and_ps}`; |
| cell = m(`a[href=${href}][target=_blank]`, cl_and_ps); |
| } else if (job.src.startsWith('branches/')) { |
| cell = job.src.substr(9).split('-')[0] |
| } |
| cols.push(m('td', cell)); |
| cols.push(m('td', `${job.type}`)); |
| cols.push(m('td', `${job.worker || ''}`)); |
| cols.push(m('td', `${job.time_queued}`)); |
| cols.push(m(`td[title=Start ${job.time_started}]`, `${tStr(tQ, tS)}`)); |
| cols.push(m(`td[title=End ${job.time_ended}]`, `${tStr(tS, tE)}`)); |
| } else { |
| cols.push(m('td[colspan=6]', jobId)); |
| } |
| return m(`tr${vnode.attrs.jobId === jobId ? '.selected' : ''}`, cols) |
| }; |
| |
| return m('table.main-table', |
| m('thead', |
| m('tr', m('td[colspan=7]', title)), |
| |
| m('tr', |
| m('td', 'Status'), |
| m('td', 'CL'), |
| m('td', 'Type'), |
| m('td', 'Worker'), |
| m('td', 'T queued'), |
| m('td', 'Queue time'), |
| m('td', 'Run time'), |
| ) |
| ), |
| m('tbody', jobIds.map(makeJobRow)) |
| ); |
| }, |
| |
| view: function (vnode) { |
| return [ |
| renderHeader(), |
| m('main', |
| m('.jobs-list', |
| this.createWorkerTable(), |
| this.createJobsTable(vnode, 'Queued + Running jobs', |
| state.jobsRunning.concat(state.jobsQueued)), |
| this.createJobsTable(vnode, 'Last 100 jobs', state.jobsRecent), |
| ), |
| ) |
| ]; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Business logic (handles fetching from Gerrit and Firebase DB). |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| function parseGerritTime(str) { |
| // Gerrit timestamps are UTC (as per public docs) but obviously they are not |
| // encoded in ISO format. |
| return new Date(`${str} UTC`); |
| } |
| |
| function stripEmail(email) { |
| return email.replace('@google.com', '@'); |
| } |
| |
| // Fetches the list of CLs from gerrit and updates the state. |
| async function fetchGerritCLs() { |
| console.log('Fetching CL list from Gerrit'); |
| let uri = '/gerrit/changes/?-age:7days'; |
| uri += '+-is:abandoned+branch:main&o=DETAILED_ACCOUNTS&o=CURRENT_REVISION'; |
| const response = await fetch(uri); |
| state.gerritCls = []; |
| if (response.status !== 200) { |
| setTimeout(fetchGerritCLs, 3000); // Retry. |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| const json = (await response.text()); |
| const cls = []; |
| for (const e of JSON.parse(json)) { |
| const revHash = Object.keys(e.revisions)[0]; |
| const cl = { |
| subject: e.subject, |
| status: e.status, |
| num: e._number, |
| revHash: revHash, |
| psNum: e.revisions[revHash]._number, |
| lastUpdate: parseGerritTime(e.updated), |
| owner: e.owner.email, |
| }; |
| cls.push(cl); |
| fetchCIJobsForCLOrBranch(`cls/${cl.num}-${cl.psNum}`); |
| } |
| state.gerritCls = cls; |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| } |
| |
| async function fetchGerritCommit(sha1) { |
| const response = await fetch(`/gerrit/commits/${sha1}`); |
| console.assert(response.status === 200); |
| const json = (await response.text()); |
| state.gerritCommits[sha1] = JSON.parse(json); |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| } |
| |
| async function fetchGerritLog(first, second) { |
| const range = `${first}..${second}`; |
| const response = await fetch(`/gerrit/log/${range}`); |
| if (response.status !== 200) return; |
| const json = await response.text(); |
| state.gerritLogs[range] = JSON.parse(json).log; |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| } |
| |
| // Retrieves the status of a given (CL, PS) in the DB. |
| function fetchCIJobsForCLOrBranch(src) { |
| if (src in state.clRefs) return; // Aslready have a listener for this key. |
| const ref = firebase.database().ref(`/ci/${src}`); |
| state.clRefs[src] = ref; |
| ref.on('value', (e) => { |
| const obj = e.val(); |
| if (!obj) return; |
| state.dbJobSets[src] = Object.keys(obj.jobs); |
| for (var jobId of state.dbJobSets[src]) { |
| fetchCIStatusForJob(jobId); |
| } |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| function fetchCIJobsForAllPatchsetOfCL(cl) { |
| let ref = firebase.database().ref('/ci/cls').orderByKey(); |
| ref = ref.startAt(`${cl}-0`).endAt(`${cl}-~`); |
| ref.once('value', (e) => { |
| const patchsets = e.val() || {}; |
| for (const clAndPs in patchsets) { |
| const jobs = Object.keys(patchsets[clAndPs].jobs); |
| state.dbJobSets[`cls/${clAndPs}`] = jobs; |
| for (var jobId of jobs) { |
| fetchCIStatusForJob(jobId); |
| } |
| } |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| function fetchCIStatusForJob(jobId) { |
| if (jobId in state.jobRefs) return; // Already have a listener for this key. |
| const ref = firebase.database().ref(`/ci/jobs/${jobId}`); |
| state.jobRefs[jobId] = ref; |
| ref.on('value', (e) => { |
| if (e.val()) state.dbJobs[jobId] = e.val(); |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| function fetchCIStatusForBranch(branch) { |
| if (branch in state.branchRefs) return; // Already have a listener. |
| const db = firebase.database(); |
| const ref = db.ref('/ci/branches') |
| .orderByKey() |
| .startAt('main') |
| .endAt('maio') |
| .limitToLast(20); |
| state.branchRefs[branch] = ref; |
| ref.on('value', (e) => { |
| const resp = e.val(); |
| if (!resp) return; |
| // key looks like 'main-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS', where YMD is the commit datetime. |
| // Iterate in most-recent-first order. |
| const keys = Object.keys(resp).sort().reverse(); |
| for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { |
| const key = keys[i]; |
| const branchInfo = resp[key]; |
| state.dbBranches[key] = branchInfo; |
| fetchCIJobsForCLOrBranch(`branches/${key}`); |
| if (i < keys.length - 1) { |
| fetchGerritLog(resp[keys[i + 1]].rev, branchInfo.rev); |
| } |
| } |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| function fetchWorkers() { |
| if (state.workersRef !== undefined) return; // Aslready have a listener. |
| const ref = firebase.database().ref('/ci/workers'); |
| state.workersRef = ref; |
| ref.on('value', (e) => { |
| state.dbWorker = e.val() || {}; |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| async function showLogTail(jobId) { |
| if (state.termJobId === jobId) return; // Already on it. |
| const TAIL = 20; |
| state.termClear = true; |
| state.termLines = [ |
| `Fetching last ${TAIL} lines for ${jobId}.`, |
| `Click on the CI icon to see the full log.` |
| ]; |
| state.termJobId = jobId; |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| const ref = firebase.database().ref(`/ci/logs/${jobId}`); |
| const lines = (await ref.orderByKey().limitToLast(TAIL).once('value')).val(); |
| if (state.termJobId !== jobId || !lines) return; |
| const lastKey = appendLogLinesAndRedraw(lines); |
| startRealTimeLogs(jobId, lastKey); |
| } |
| |
| async function showFullLog(jobId) { |
| state.termClear = true; |
| state.termLines = [`Fetching full for ${jobId} ...`]; |
| state.termJobId = jobId; |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| |
| // Suspend any other real-time logging in progress. |
| stopRealTimeLogs(); |
| |
| // Starts a chain of async tasks that fetch the current log lines in batches. |
| state.termJobId = jobId; |
| const ref = firebase.database().ref(`/ci/logs/${jobId}`).orderByKey(); |
| let lastKey = ''; |
| const BATCH = 1000; |
| for (; ;) { |
| const batchRef = ref.startAt(`${lastKey}!`).limitToFirst(BATCH); |
| const logs = (await batchRef.once('value')).val(); |
| if (!logs) |
| break; |
| lastKey = appendLogLinesAndRedraw(logs); |
| } |
| |
| startRealTimeLogs(jobId, lastKey) |
| } |
| |
| function startRealTimeLogs(jobId, lastLineKey) { |
| stopRealTimeLogs(); |
| console.log('Starting real-time logs for ', jobId); |
| state.termJobId = jobId; |
| let ref = firebase.database().ref(`/ci/logs/${jobId}`); |
| ref = ref.orderByKey().startAt(`${lastLineKey}!`); |
| state.realTimeLogRef = ref; |
| state.realTimeLogRef.on('child_added', res => { |
| const line = res.val(); |
| if (state.termJobId !== jobId || !line) return; |
| const lines = {}; |
| lines[res.key] = line; |
| appendLogLinesAndRedraw(lines); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| function stopRealTimeLogs() { |
| if (state.realTimeLogRef !== undefined) { |
| state.realTimeLogRef.off(); |
| state.realTimeLogRef = undefined; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function appendLogLinesAndRedraw(lines) { |
| const keys = Object.keys(lines).sort(); |
| for (var key of keys) { |
| const date = new Date(null); |
| date.setSeconds(parseInt(key.substr(0, 6), 16) / 1000); |
| const timeString = date.toISOString().substr(11, 8); |
| const isErr = lines[key].indexOf('FAILED:') >= 0; |
| let line = `[${timeString}] ${lines[key]}`; |
| if (isErr) line = `\u001b[33m${line}\u001b[0m`; |
| state.termLines.push(line); |
| } |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| return keys[keys.length - 1]; |
| } |
| |
| async function fetchRecentJobsStatus() { |
| const db = firebase.database(); |
| if (state.jobsQueuedRef === undefined) { |
| state.jobsQueuedRef = db.ref(`/ci/jobs_queued`).on('value', e => { |
| state.jobsQueued = Object.keys(e.val() || {}).sort().reverse(); |
| for (const jobId of state.jobsQueued) |
| fetchCIStatusForJob(jobId); |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| if (state.jobsRunningRef === undefined) { |
| state.jobsRunningRef = db.ref(`/ci/jobs_running`).on('value', e => { |
| state.jobsRunning = Object.keys(e.val() || {}).sort().reverse(); |
| for (const jobId of state.jobsRunning) |
| fetchCIStatusForJob(jobId); |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| if (state.jobsRecentRef === undefined) { |
| state.jobsRecentRef = db.ref(`/ci/jobs`).orderByKey().limitToLast(100); |
| state.jobsRecentRef.on('value', e => { |
| state.jobsRecent = Object.keys(e.val() || {}).sort().reverse(); |
| for (const jobId of state.jobsRecent) |
| fetchCIStatusForJob(jobId); |
| scheduleRedraw(); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| function scheduleRedraw() { |
| if (state.redrawPending) return; |
| state.redrawPending = true; |
| window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { |
| state.redrawPending = false; |
| m.redraw(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| main(); |