Merge "Trace Redaction - Re-implement proc free redaction" into main
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/importers/proto/ b/src/trace_processor/importers/proto/
index 9022cbb..d08d946 100644
--- a/src/trace_processor/importers/proto/
+++ b/src/trace_processor/importers/proto/
@@ -330,6 +330,7 @@
ConstBytes blob) {
protos::pbzero::GpuRenderStageEvent::Decoder event(, blob.size);
+ int32_t pid = 0;
if (event.has_specifications()) {
protos::pbzero::GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications::Decoder spec(
event.specifications().data, event.specifications().size);
@@ -349,6 +350,13 @@
+ if (spec.has_context_spec()) {
+ protos::pbzero::GpuRenderStageEvent_Specifications_ContextSpec::Decoder
+ context_spec(spec.context_spec());
+ if (context_spec.has_pid()) {
+ pid =;
+ }
+ }
auto args_callback = [this, &event,
@@ -468,7 +476,8 @@
row.command_buffer_name = command_buffer_name_id;
row.submission_id = event.submission_id();
row.hw_queue_id = static_cast<int64_t>(hw_queue_id);
+ row.upid = context_->process_tracker->GetOrCreateProcess(
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(pid));
context_->storage->mutable_gpu_slice_table(), row, args_callback);
diff --git a/src/trace_processor/tables/ b/src/trace_processor/tables/
index 90c8176..1deca2e 100644
--- a/src/trace_processor/tables/
+++ b/src/trace_processor/tables/
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
C('frame_id', CppOptional(CppUint32())),
C('submission_id', CppOptional(CppUint32())),
C('hw_queue_id', CppOptional(CppInt64())),
+ C('upid', CppOptional(CppUint32())),
C('render_subpasses', CppString()),
@@ -142,17 +143,33 @@
- 'context_id': '''''',
- 'render_target': '''''',
- 'render_target_name': '''''',
- 'render_pass': '''''',
- 'render_pass_name': '''''',
- 'command_buffer': '''''',
- 'command_buffer_name': '''''',
- 'frame_id': '''''',
- 'submission_id': '''''',
- 'hw_queue_id': '''''',
- 'render_subpasses': ''''''
+ 'context_id':
+ '''''',
+ 'render_target':
+ '''''',
+ 'render_target_name':
+ '''''',
+ 'render_pass':
+ '''''',
+ 'render_pass_name':
+ '''''',
+ 'command_buffer':
+ '''''',
+ 'command_buffer_name':
+ '''''',
+ 'frame_id':
+ '''''',
+ 'submission_id':
+ '''''',
+ 'hw_queue_id':
+ '''''',
+ 'upid':
+ '''
+ Unique process id of the app that generates this gpu render
+ stage event.
+ ''',
+ 'render_subpasses':
+ ''''''
diff --git a/src/trace_redaction/ b/src/trace_redaction/
index 87412c1..dc8898d 100644
--- a/src/trace_redaction/
+++ b/src/trace_redaction/
@@ -27,14 +27,62 @@
namespace perfetto::trace_redaction {
namespace {
-// TODO(vaage): While simple, this function saves us from declaring the sample
-// lambda each time we use the has_fields pattern. Once its usage increases, and
-// its value is obvious, remove this comment.
bool IsTrue(bool value) {
return value;
+// Copy a field from 'decoder' to 'message' if the field can be found. Returns
+// false if the field cannot be found.
+bool Passthrough(protozero::ProtoDecoder& decoder,
+ uint32_t field_id,
+ protozero::Message* message) {
+ auto field = decoder.FindField(field_id);
+ if (field.valid()) {
+ proto_util::AppendField(field, message);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
} // namespace
+int64_t InternTable::Push(const char* data, size_t size) {
+ std::string_view outer(data, size);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < interned_comms_.size(); ++i) {
+ auto view = interned_comms_[i];
+ if (view == outer) {
+ return static_cast<int64_t>(i);
+ }
+ }
+ // No room for the new string, reject the request.
+ if (comms_length_ + size > comms_.size()) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ auto* head = + comms_length_;
+ // Important note, the null byte is not copied.
+ memcpy(head, data, size);
+ comms_length_ += size;
+ size_t id = interned_comms_.size();
+ interned_comms_.emplace_back(head, size);
+ return static_cast<int64_t>(id);
+std::string_view InternTable::Find(size_t index) const {
+ if (index < interned_comms_.size()) {
+ return interned_comms_[index];
+ }
+ return {};
// Redact sched switch trace events in an ftrace event bundle:
// event {
@@ -106,9 +154,10 @@
if ( ==
protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::kCompactSchedFieldNumber) {
- // TODO(vaage): Replace this with logic specific to the comp sched data
- // type.
- proto_util::AppendField(field, message);
+ protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched::Decoder comp_sched(
+ field.as_bytes());
+ RETURN_IF_ERROR(TransformCompSched(context, cpu.as_int32(), comp_sched,
+ message->set_compact_sched()));
@@ -208,6 +257,176 @@
return base::OkStatus();
+base::Status RedactSchedSwitchHarness::TransformCompSched(
+ const Context& context,
+ int32_t cpu,
+ protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched::Decoder& comp_sched,
+ protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched* message) const {
+ auto has_switch_fields = {
+ comp_sched.has_switch_timestamp(),
+ comp_sched.has_switch_prev_state(),
+ comp_sched.has_switch_next_pid(),
+ comp_sched.has_switch_next_prio(),
+ comp_sched.has_switch_next_comm_index(),
+ };
+ auto has_waking_fields = {
+ comp_sched.has_waking_timestamp(), comp_sched.has_waking_pid(),
+ comp_sched.has_waking_target_cpu(), comp_sched.has_waking_prio(),
+ comp_sched.has_waking_comm_index(), comp_sched.has_waking_common_flags(),
+ };
+ // Populate the intern table once; it will be used by both sched and waking.
+ InternTable intern_table;
+ for (auto it = comp_sched.intern_table(); it; ++it) {
+ auto chars = it->as_string();
+ auto index = intern_table.Push(, chars.size);
+ if (index < 0) {
+ return base::ErrStatus(
+ "RedactSchedSwitchHarness: failed to insert string into intern "
+ "table.");
+ }
+ }
+ if (std::any_of(has_switch_fields.begin(), has_switch_fields.end(), IsTrue)) {
+ RETURN_IF_ERROR(TransformCompSchedSwitch(context, cpu, comp_sched,
+ &intern_table, message));
+ }
+ if (std::any_of(has_waking_fields.begin(), has_waking_fields.end(), IsTrue)) {
+ // TODO(vaage): Create and call TransformCompSchedWaking().
+ }
+ // IMPORTANT: The intern table can only be added after switch and waking
+ // because switch and/or waking can/will modify the intern table.
+ for (auto view : intern_table.values()) {
+ message->add_intern_table(, view.size());
+ }
+ return base::OkStatus();
+base::Status RedactSchedSwitchHarness::TransformCompSchedSwitch(
+ const Context& context,
+ int32_t cpu,
+ protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched::Decoder& comp_sched,
+ InternTable* intern_table,
+ protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched* message) const {
+ auto has_fields = {
+ comp_sched.has_intern_table(),
+ comp_sched.has_switch_timestamp(),
+ comp_sched.has_switch_prev_state(),
+ comp_sched.has_switch_next_pid(),
+ comp_sched.has_switch_next_prio(),
+ comp_sched.has_switch_next_comm_index(),
+ };
+ if (!std::all_of(has_fields.begin(), has_fields.end(), IsTrue)) {
+ return base::ErrStatus(
+ "RedactSchedSwitchHarness: missing required "
+ "FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched switch field.");
+ }
+ std::array<bool, 3> parse_errors = {false, false, false};
+ auto it_ts = comp_sched.switch_timestamp(&;
+ auto it_pid = comp_sched.switch_next_pid(&;
+ auto it_comm = comp_sched.switch_next_comm_index(&;
+ if (std::any_of(parse_errors.begin(), parse_errors.end(), IsTrue)) {
+ return base::ErrStatus(
+ "RedactSchedSwitchHarness: failed to parse CompactSched.");
+ }
+ std::string scratch_str;
+ protozero::PackedVarInt packed_comm;
+ protozero::PackedVarInt packed_pid;
+ // The first it_ts value is an absolute value, all other values are delta
+ // values.
+ uint64_t ts = 0;
+ while (it_ts && it_pid && it_comm) {
+ ts += *it_ts;
+ auto pid = *it_pid;
+ auto comm_index = *it_comm;
+ auto comm = intern_table->Find(comm_index);
+ scratch_str.assign(comm);
+ for (const auto& transform : transforms_) {
+ transform->Transform(context, ts, cpu, &pid, &scratch_str);
+ }
+ auto found = intern_table->Push(, scratch_str.size());
+ if (found < 0) {
+ return base::ErrStatus(
+ "RedactSchedSwitchHarness: failed to insert string into intern "
+ "table.");
+ }
+ packed_comm.Append(found);
+ packed_pid.Append(pid);
+ ++it_ts;
+ ++it_pid;
+ ++it_comm;
+ }
+ if (it_ts || it_pid || it_comm) {
+ return base::ErrStatus(
+ "RedactSchedSwitchHarness: uneven associative arrays in "
+ "FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched (switch).");
+ }
+ message->set_switch_next_pid(packed_pid);
+ message->set_switch_next_comm_index(packed_comm);
+ // There's a lot of data in a compact sched message. Most of it is packed data
+ // and most of the data is not going to change. To avoid unpacking, doing
+ // nothing, and then packing... cheat. Find the fields and pass them as opaque
+ // blobs.
+ //
+ // kInternTableFieldNumber: The intern table will be modified by both
+ // switch events and waking events. It will
+ // be written elsewhere.
+ //
+ // kSwitchNextPidFieldNumber: The switch pid will change during thread
+ // merging.
+ //
+ // kSwitchNextCommIndexFieldNumber: The switch comm value will change when
+ // clearing thread names and replaced
+ // during thread merging.
+ auto passed_through = {
+ Passthrough(comp_sched,
+ protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched::
+ kSwitchTimestampFieldNumber,
+ message),
+ Passthrough(comp_sched,
+ protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched::
+ kSwitchPrevStateFieldNumber,
+ message),
+ Passthrough(comp_sched,
+ protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched::
+ kSwitchNextPrioFieldNumber,
+ message)};
+ if (!std::all_of(passed_through.begin(), passed_through.end(), IsTrue)) {
+ return base::ErrStatus(
+ "RedactSchedSwitchHarness: missing required "
+ "FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched switch field.");
+ }
+ return base::OkStatus();
// Switch event transformation: Clear the comm value if the thread/process is
// not part of the target packet.
base::Status ClearComms::Transform(const Context& context,
diff --git a/src/trace_redaction/redact_sched_switch.h b/src/trace_redaction/redact_sched_switch.h
index 55f9a75..36d6762 100644
--- a/src/trace_redaction/redact_sched_switch.h
+++ b/src/trace_redaction/redact_sched_switch.h
@@ -17,12 +17,33 @@
-#include "protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_event_bundle.pbzero.h"
-#include "protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/sched.pbzero.h"
#include "src/trace_redaction/trace_redaction_framework.h"
+#include "protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_event_bundle.pbzero.h"
+#include "protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/sched.pbzero.h"
namespace perfetto::trace_redaction {
+class InternTable {
+ public:
+ int64_t Push(const char* data, size_t size);
+ std::string_view Find(size_t index) const;
+ const std::vector<std::string_view>& values() const {
+ return interned_comms_;
+ }
+ private:
+ constexpr static size_t kExpectedCommLength = 16;
+ constexpr static size_t kMaxElements = 4096;
+ std::array<char, kMaxElements * kExpectedCommLength> comms_;
+ size_t comms_length_ = 0;
+ std::vector<std::string_view> interned_comms_;
class SchedSwitchTransform {
virtual ~SchedSwitchTransform();
@@ -65,6 +86,19 @@
std::string* scratch_str,
protos::pbzero::SchedSwitchFtraceEvent* message) const;
+ base::Status TransformCompSched(
+ const Context& context,
+ int32_t cpu,
+ protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched::Decoder& comp_sched,
+ protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched* message) const;
+ base::Status TransformCompSchedSwitch(
+ const Context& context,
+ int32_t cpu,
+ protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched::Decoder& comp_sched,
+ InternTable* intern_table,
+ protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched* message) const;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SchedSwitchTransform>> transforms_;
diff --git a/src/trace_redaction/ b/src/trace_redaction/
index 88280d7..e2374d1 100644
--- a/src/trace_redaction/
+++ b/src/trace_redaction/
@@ -46,9 +46,21 @@
constexpr auto kCommB = "comm-b";
constexpr auto kCommNone = "";
+class NegatePid : public SchedSwitchTransform {
+ public:
+ base::Status Transform(const Context&,
+ uint64_t,
+ int32_t,
+ int32_t* pid,
+ std::string*) const override {
+ *pid = -(*pid);
+ return base::OkStatus();
+ }
} // namespace
-class RedactSchedSwitchTest : public testing::Test {
+class RedactSchedSwitchFtraceEventTest : public testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
// Create a packet where two pids are swapping back-and-forth.
@@ -103,7 +115,7 @@
// In this case, the target uid will be UID A. That means the comm values for
// PID B should be removed, and the comm values for PID A should remain.
-TEST_F(RedactSchedSwitchTest, KeepsTargetCommValues) {
+TEST_F(RedactSchedSwitchFtraceEventTest, KeepsTargetCommValues) {
RedactSchedSwitchHarness redact;
@@ -137,7 +149,7 @@
// This case is very similar to the "some are connected", expect that it
// verifies all comm values will be removed when testing against an unused
// uid.
-TEST_F(RedactSchedSwitchTest, RemovesAllCommsIfPackageDoesntExist) {
+TEST_F(RedactSchedSwitchFtraceEventTest, RemovesAllCommsIfPackageDoesntExist) {
RedactSchedSwitchHarness redact;
@@ -162,4 +174,181 @@
ASSERT_EQ(events[1].sched_switch().next_comm(), kCommNone);
+class RedactCompactSchedSwitchTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ void SetUp() override {
+ // PID A and PID B need to be attached to different packages (UID) so that
+ // its possible to include one but not the other.
+ context_.timeline = std::make_unique<ProcessThreadTimeline>();
+ context_.timeline->Append(
+ ProcessThreadTimeline::Event::Open(kTimeA, kPidA, kNoParent, kUidA));
+ context_.timeline->Append(
+ ProcessThreadTimeline::Event::Open(kTimeA, kPidB, kNoParent, kUidB));
+ context_.timeline->Sort();
+ auto* bundle = packet_.mutable_ftrace_events();
+ bundle->set_cpu(kCpuA); // All switch events occur on this CPU
+ compact_sched = bundle->mutable_compact_sched();
+ compact_sched->add_intern_table(kCommA);
+ compact_sched->add_intern_table(kCommB);
+ }
+ void AddSwitchEvent(uint64_t ts,
+ int32_t next_pid,
+ int32_t prev_state,
+ int32_t prio,
+ uint32_t comm) {
+ compact_sched->add_switch_timestamp(ts);
+ compact_sched->add_switch_next_pid(next_pid);
+ compact_sched->add_switch_prev_state(prev_state);
+ compact_sched->add_switch_next_prio(prio);
+ compact_sched->add_switch_next_comm_index(comm);
+ }
+ protos::gen::TracePacket packet_;
+ protos::gen::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched* compact_sched;
+ Context context_;
+TEST_F(RedactCompactSchedSwitchTest, KeepsTargetCommValues) {
+ uint32_t kCommIndexA = 0;
+ uint32_t kCommIndexB = 1;
+ // The new entry will be appended to the table. Another primitive can be used
+ // to reduce the intern string table.
+ uint32_t kCommIndexNone = 2;
+ AddSwitchEvent(kTimeA, kPidA, 0, 0, kCommIndexA);
+ AddSwitchEvent(kTimeB, kPidB, 0, 0, kCommIndexB);
+ context_.package_uid = kUidA;
+ auto packet_buffer = packet_.SerializeAsString();
+ RedactSchedSwitchHarness redact;
+ redact.emplace_transform<ClearComms>();
+ ASSERT_OK(redact.Transform(context_, &packet_buffer));
+ protos::gen::TracePacket packet;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(packet.ParseFromString(packet_buffer));
+ const auto& bundle = packet.ftrace_events();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bundle.has_compact_sched());
+ const auto& compact_sched = bundle.compact_sched();
+ // A new entry (empty string) should have been added to the table.
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.intern_table_size(), 3);
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.intern_table().back(), kCommNone);
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.switch_next_comm_index_size(), 2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.switch_next_comm_index().at(0), kCommIndexA);
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.switch_next_comm_index().at(1), kCommIndexNone);
+// If two pids use the same comm, but one pid changes, the shared comm should
+// still be available.
+TEST_F(RedactCompactSchedSwitchTest, ChangingSharedCommonRetainsComm) {
+ uint32_t kCommIndexA = 0;
+ AddSwitchEvent(kTimeA, kPidA, 0, 0, kCommIndexA);
+ AddSwitchEvent(kTimeB, kPidB, 0, 0, kCommIndexA);
+ context_.package_uid = kUidA;
+ auto packet_buffer = packet_.SerializeAsString();
+ RedactSchedSwitchHarness redact;
+ redact.emplace_transform<ClearComms>();
+ ASSERT_OK(redact.Transform(context_, &packet_buffer));
+ protos::gen::TracePacket packet;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(packet.ParseFromString(packet_buffer));
+ const auto& bundle = packet.ftrace_events();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bundle.has_compact_sched());
+ const auto& compact_sched = bundle.compact_sched();
+ // A new entry should have been appended, but comm A (previously shared)
+ // should still exist in the table.
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.intern_table_size(), 3);
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.intern_table().front(), kCommA);
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.intern_table().back(), kCommNone);
+TEST_F(RedactCompactSchedSwitchTest, RemovesAllCommsIfPackageDoesntExist) {
+ uint32_t kCommIndexA = 0;
+ uint32_t kCommIndexB = 1;
+ // The new entry will be appended to the table. Another primitive can be used
+ // to reduce the intern string table.
+ uint32_t kCommIndexNone = 2;
+ AddSwitchEvent(kTimeA, kPidA, 0, 0, kCommIndexA);
+ AddSwitchEvent(kTimeB, kPidB, 0, 0, kCommIndexB);
+ context_.package_uid = kUidC;
+ auto packet_buffer = packet_.SerializeAsString();
+ RedactSchedSwitchHarness redact;
+ redact.emplace_transform<ClearComms>();
+ ASSERT_OK(redact.Transform(context_, &packet_buffer));
+ protos::gen::TracePacket packet;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(packet.ParseFromString(packet_buffer));
+ const auto& bundle = packet.ftrace_events();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bundle.has_compact_sched());
+ const auto& compact_sched = bundle.compact_sched();
+ // A new entry (empty string) should have been added to the table.
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.intern_table_size(), 3);
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.intern_table().back(), kCommNone);
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.switch_next_comm_index_size(), 2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.switch_next_comm_index().at(0), kCommIndexNone);
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.switch_next_comm_index().at(1), kCommIndexNone);
+TEST_F(RedactCompactSchedSwitchTest, CanChangePid) {
+ uint32_t kCommIndexA = 0;
+ uint32_t kCommIndexB = 1;
+ AddSwitchEvent(kTimeA, kPidA, 0, 0, kCommIndexA);
+ AddSwitchEvent(kTimeB, kPidB, 0, 0, kCommIndexB);
+ context_.package_uid = kUidA; // This value is not needed to use NegatePid.
+ auto packet_buffer = packet_.SerializeAsString();
+ RedactSchedSwitchHarness redact;
+ redact.emplace_transform<NegatePid>();
+ ASSERT_OK(redact.Transform(context_, &packet_buffer));
+ protos::gen::TracePacket packet;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(packet.ParseFromString(packet_buffer));
+ const auto& bundle = packet.ftrace_events();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bundle.has_compact_sched());
+ const auto& compact_sched = bundle.compact_sched();
+ // The intern table should not change.
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.intern_table_size(), 2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.switch_next_pid_size(), 2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.switch_next_pid().at(0), -kPidA);
+ ASSERT_EQ(compact_sched.switch_next_pid().at(1), -kPidB);
} // namespace perfetto::trace_redaction