blob: 1079dff36cd63b332f3fdbf74a02029fa2c079e7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
'use strict';
// This script takes care of:
// - The build process for the whole UI and the chrome extension.
// - The HTTP dev-server with live-reload capabilities.
// The reason why this is a hand-rolled script rather than a conventional build
// system is keeping incremental build fast and maintaining the set of
// dependencies contained.
// The only way to keep incremental build fast (i.e. O(seconds) for the
// edit-one-line -> reload html cycles) is to run both the TypeScript compiler
// and the rollup bundler in --watch mode. Any other attempt, leads to O(10s)
// incremental-build times.
// This script allows mixing build tools that support --watch mode (tsc and
// rollup) and auto-triggering-on-file-change rules via
// When invoked without any argument (e.g., for production builds), this script
// just runs all the build tasks serially. It doesn't to do any mtime-based
// check, it always re-runs all the tasks.
// When invoked with --watch, it mounts a pipeline of tasks based on
// and runs them together with tsc --watch and rollup --watch.
// The output directory structure is carefully crafted so that any change to UI
// sources causes cascading triggers of the next steps.
// The overall build graph looks as follows:
// +----------------+ +-----------------------------+
// | protos/*.proto |----->| pbjs out/tsc/gen/protos.js |--+
// +----------------+ +-----------------------------+ |
// +-----------------------------+ |
// | pbts out/tsc/gen/protos.d.ts|<-+
// +-----------------------------+
// |
// V +-------------------------+
// +---------+ +-----+ | out/tsc/frontend/*.js |
// | ui/*.ts |------------->| tsc |-> +-------------------------+ +--------+
// +---------+ +-----+ | out/tsc/controller/*.js |-->| rollup |
// ^ +-------------------------+ +--------+
// +------------+ | out/tsc/engine/*.js | |
// +-----------+ |*.wasm.js | +-------------------------+ |
// |ninja *.cc |->|*.wasm.d.ts | |
// +-----------+ |*.wasm |-----------------+ |
// +------------+ | |
// V V
// +-----------+ +------+ +------------------------------------------------+
// | ui/*.scss |->| scss |--->| Final out/dist/ dir |
// +-----------+ +------+ +------------------------------------------------+
// +----------------------+ | +----------+ +---------+ +--------------------+|
// | src/assets/*.png | | | assets/ | |*.wasm.js| | frontend_bundle.js ||
// +----------------------+ | | *.css | |*.wasm | +--------------------+|
// | buildtools/typefaces |-->| | *.png | +---------+ | engine_bundle.js ||
// +----------------------+ | | *.woff2 | +--------------------+|
// | buildtools/legacy_tv | | | tv.html | |traceconv_bundle.js ||
// +----------------------+ | +----------+ +--------------------+|
// +------------------------------------------------+
const argparse = require('argparse');
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const fs = require('fs');
const http = require('http');
const path = require('path');
const pjoin = path.join;
const ROOT_DIR = path.dirname(__dirname); // The repo root.
const VERSION_SCRIPT = pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'tools/');
const GEN_IMPORTS_SCRIPT = pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'tools/gen_ui_imports');
const cfg = {
minifyJs: '',
watch: false,
verbose: false,
debug: false,
bigtrace: false,
startHttpServer: false,
httpServerListenHost: '',
httpServerListenPort: 10000,
wasmModules: ['trace_processor', 'traceconv'],
crossOriginIsolation: false,
testFilter: '',
noOverrideGnArgs: false,
// The fields below will be changed by main() after cmdline parsing.
// Directory structure:
// out/xxx/ -> outDir : Root build dir, for both ninja/wasm and UI.
// ui/ -> outUiDir : UI dir. All outputs from this script.
// tsc/ -> outTscDir : Transpiled .ts -> .js.
// gen/ -> outGenDir : Auto-generated .ts/.js (e.g. protos).
// dist/ -> outDistRootDir : Only index.html and service_worker.js
// v1.2/ -> outDistDir : JS bundles and assets
// chrome_extension/ : Chrome extension.
outDir: pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'out/ui'),
version: '', // v1.2.3, derived from the CHANGELOG + git.
outUiDir: '',
outUiTestArtifactsDir: '',
outDistRootDir: '',
outTscDir: '',
outGenDir: '',
outDistDir: '',
outExtDir: '',
outBigtraceDistDir: '',
outOpenPerfettoTraceDistDir: '',
const RULES = [
{r: /ui\/src\/assets\/index.html/, f: copyIndexHtml},
{r: /ui\/src\/assets\/bigtrace.html/, f: copyBigtraceHtml},
{r: /ui\/src\/open_perfetto_trace\/index.html/, f: copyOpenPerfettoTraceHtml},
{r: /ui\/src\/assets\/((.*)[.]png)/, f: copyAssets},
{r: /buildtools\/typefaces\/(.+[.]woff2)/, f: copyAssets},
{r: /buildtools\/catapult_trace_viewer\/(.+(js|html))/, f: copyAssets},
{r: /ui\/src\/assets\/.+[.]scss/, f: compileScss},
{r: /ui\/src\/chrome_extension\/.*/, f: copyExtensionAssets},
{r: /.*\/dist\/.+\/(?!manifest\.json).*/, f: genServiceWorkerManifestJson},
{r: /.*\/dist\/.*[.](js|html|css|wasm)$/, f: notifyLiveServer},
const tasks = [];
let tasksTot = 0;
let tasksRan = 0;
const httpWatches = [];
const tStart =;
const subprocesses = [];
async function main() {
const parser = new argparse.ArgumentParser();
parser.add_argument('--out', {help: 'Output directory'});
parser.add_argument('--minify-js', {
help: 'Minify js files',
choices: ['preserve_comments', 'all'],
parser.add_argument('--watch', '-w', {action: 'store_true'});
parser.add_argument('--serve', '-s', {action: 'store_true'});
parser.add_argument('--serve-host', {help: '--serve bind host'});
parser.add_argument('--serve-port', {help: '--serve bind port', type: 'int'});
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', {action: 'store_true'});
parser.add_argument('--no-build', '-n', {action: 'store_true'});
parser.add_argument('--no-wasm', '-W', {action: 'store_true'});
parser.add_argument('--run-unittests', '-t', {action: 'store_true'});
parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', {action: 'store_true'});
parser.add_argument('--bigtrace', {action: 'store_true'});
parser.add_argument('--open-perfetto-trace', {action: 'store_true'});
parser.add_argument('--interactive', '-i', {action: 'store_true'});
parser.add_argument('--rebaseline', '-r', {action: 'store_true'});
parser.add_argument('--no-depscheck', {action: 'store_true'});
parser.add_argument('--cross-origin-isolation', {action: 'store_true'});
parser.add_argument('--test-filter', '-f', {
help: 'filter Jest tests by regex, e.g. \'chrome_render\'',
parser.add_argument('--no-override-gn-args', {action: 'store_true'});
const args = parser.parse_args();
const clean = !args.no_build;
cfg.outDir = path.resolve(ensureDir(args.out || cfg.outDir));
cfg.outUiDir = ensureDir(pjoin(cfg.outDir, 'ui'), clean);
cfg.outUiTestArtifactsDir = ensureDir(pjoin(cfg.outDir, 'ui-test-artifacts'));
cfg.outExtDir = ensureDir(pjoin(cfg.outUiDir, 'chrome_extension'));
cfg.outDistRootDir = ensureDir(pjoin(cfg.outUiDir, 'dist'));
const proc = exec('python3', [VERSION_SCRIPT, '--stdout'], {stdout: 'pipe'});
cfg.version = proc.stdout.toString().trim();
cfg.outDistDir = ensureDir(pjoin(cfg.outDistRootDir, cfg.version));
cfg.outTscDir = ensureDir(pjoin(cfg.outUiDir, 'tsc'));
cfg.outGenDir = ensureDir(pjoin(cfg.outUiDir, 'tsc/gen'));
cfg.testFilter = args.test_filter || ''; = !!;
cfg.verbose = !!args.verbose;
cfg.debug = !!args.debug;
cfg.bigtrace = !!args.bigtrace;
cfg.openPerfettoTrace = !!args.open_perfetto_trace;
cfg.startHttpServer = args.serve;
cfg.noOverrideGnArgs = !!args.no_override_gn_args;
if (args.minify_js) {
cfg.minifyJs = args.minify_js;
if (args.bigtrace) {
cfg.outBigtraceDistDir = ensureDir(pjoin(cfg.outDistDir, 'bigtrace'));
if (cfg.openPerfettoTrace) {
cfg.outOpenPerfettoTraceDistDir = ensureDir(pjoin(cfg.outDistRootDir,
if (args.serve_host) {
cfg.httpServerListenHost = args.serve_host;
if (args.serve_port) {
cfg.httpServerListenPort = args.serve_port;
if (args.interactive) {
if (args.rebaseline) {
if (args.cross_origin_isolation) {
cfg.crossOriginIsolation = true;
process.on('SIGINT', () => {
console.log('\nSIGINT received. Killing all child processes and exiting');
for (const proc of subprocesses) {
if (proc) proc.kill('SIGINT');
process.exit(130); // 130 -> Same behavior of bash when killed by SIGINT.
if (!args.no_depscheck) {
// Check that deps are current before starting.
const installBuildDeps = pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'tools/install-build-deps');
const checkDepsPath = pjoin(cfg.outDir, '.check_deps');
let args = [installBuildDeps, `--check-only=${checkDepsPath}`, '--ui'];
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
const result = childProcess.spawnSync('arch', ['-arm64', 'true']);
const isArm64Capable = result.status === 0;
if (isArm64Capable) {
const archArgs = [
args = archArgs.concat(args);
const cmd = args.shift();
exec(cmd, args);
console.log('Entering', cfg.outDir);
// Enqueue empty task. This is needed only for --no-build --serve. The HTTP
// server is started when the task queue reaches quiescence, but it takes at
// least one task for that.
addTask(() => {});
if (!args.no_build) {
updateSymlinks(); // Links //ui/out -> //out/xxx/ui/
generateImports('ui/src/core_plugins', 'all_core_plugins.ts');
generateImports('ui/src/plugins', 'all_plugins.ts');
const tsProjects = [
if (cfg.bigtrace) tsProjects.push('ui/src/bigtrace');
if (cfg.openPerfettoTrace) {
for (const prj of tsProjects) {
if ( {
for (const prj of tsProjects) {
transpileTsProject(prj, {watch:});
// Watches the /dist. When changed:
// - Notifies the HTTP live reload clients.
// - Regenerates the ServiceWorker file map.
// We should enter the loop only in watch mode, where tsc and rollup are
// asynchronous because they run in watch mode.
if (args.no_build && !isDistComplete()) {
console.log('No build was requested, but artifacts are not available.');
console.log('In case of execution error, re-run without --no-build.');
if (!args.no_build) {
const tStart =;
while (!isDistComplete()) {
const secs = Math.ceil(( - tStart) / 1000);
`\t\tWaiting for first build to complete... ${secs} s\r`);
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 500));
if ( console.log('\nFirst build completed!');
if (cfg.startHttpServer) {
if (args.run_unittests) {
// -----------
// Build rules
// -----------
function runTests(cfgFile) {
const args = [
pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'ui/config', cfgFile),
if (cfg.testFilter.length > 0) {
args.push('-t', cfg.testFilter);
if ( {
addTask(execModule, ['jest', args, {async: true}]);
} else {
addTask(execModule, ['jest', args]);
function cpHtml(src, filename) {
let html = fs.readFileSync(src).toString();
// First copy the html as-is into the dist/v1.2.3/ directory. This is
// only used for archival purporses, so one can open
// to skip the auto-update and channel logic.
fs.writeFileSync(pjoin(cfg.outDistDir, filename), html);
// Then copy it into the dist/ root by patching the version code.
// TODO(primiano): in next CLs, this script should take a
// --release_map=xxx.json argument, to populate this with multiple channels.
const versionMap = JSON.stringify({'stable': cfg.version});
const bodyRegex = /data-perfetto_version='[^']*'/;
html = html.replace(bodyRegex, `data-perfetto_version='${versionMap}'`);
fs.writeFileSync(pjoin(cfg.outDistRootDir, filename), html);
function copyIndexHtml(src) {
addTask(cpHtml, [src, 'index.html']);
function copyBigtraceHtml(src) {
if (cfg.bigtrace) {
addTask(cpHtml, [src, 'bigtrace.html']);
function copyOpenPerfettoTraceHtml(src) {
if (cfg.openPerfettoTrace) {
addTask(cp, [src, pjoin(cfg.outOpenPerfettoTraceDistDir, 'index.html')]);
function copyAssets(src, dst) {
addTask(cp, [src, pjoin(cfg.outDistDir, 'assets', dst)]);
if (cfg.bigtrace) {
addTask(cp, [src, pjoin(cfg.outBigtraceDistDir, 'assets', dst)]);
function copyUiTestArtifactsAssets(src, dst) {
addTask(cp, [src, pjoin(cfg.outUiTestArtifactsDir, dst)]);
function compileScss() {
const src = pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'ui/src/assets/perfetto.scss');
const dst = pjoin(cfg.outDistDir, 'perfetto.css');
// In watch mode, don't exit(1) if scss fails. It can easily happen by
// having a typo in the css. It will still print an error.
const noErrCheck = !!;
const args = [src, dst];
if (!cfg.verbose) {
addTask(execModule, ['sass', args, {noErrCheck}]);
if (cfg.bigtrace) {
addTask(cp, [dst, pjoin(cfg.outBigtraceDistDir, 'perfetto.css')]);
function compileProtos() {
const dstJs = pjoin(cfg.outGenDir, 'protos.js');
const dstTs = pjoin(cfg.outGenDir, 'protos.d.ts');
const inputs = [
// Can't put --no-comments here - The comments are load bearing for
// the pbts invocation which follows.
const pbjsArgs = [
addTask(execModule, ['pbjs', pbjsArgs]);
// Note: If you are looking into slowness of pbts it is not pbts
// itself that is slow. It invokes jsdoc to parse the comments out of
// the |dstJs| with which is
// pinning a CPU core the whole time.
const pbtsArgs = ['--no-comments', '-p', ROOT_DIR, '-o', dstTs, dstJs];
addTask(execModule, ['pbts', pbtsArgs]);
function generateImports(dir, name) {
// We have to use the symlink (ui/src/gen) rather than cfg.outGenDir
// below since we want to generate the correct relative imports. For example:
// ui/src/frontend/foo.ts
// import '../gen/all_plugins.ts';
// ui/src/gen/all_plugins.ts (aka ui/out/tsc/gen/all_plugins.ts)
// import '../frontend/some_plugin.ts';
const dstTs = pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'ui/src/gen', name);
const inputDir = pjoin(ROOT_DIR, dir);
const args = [GEN_IMPORTS_SCRIPT, inputDir, '--out', dstTs];
addTask(exec, ['python3', args]);
// Generates a .ts source that defines the VERSION and SCM_REVISION constants.
function genVersion() {
const cmd = 'python3';
const args =
[VERSION_SCRIPT, '--ts_out', pjoin(cfg.outGenDir, 'perfetto_version.ts')];
addTask(exec, [cmd, args]);
function generateStdlibDocs() {
const cmd = pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'tools/');
const stdlibDir = pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'src/trace_processor/perfetto_sql/stdlib');
const stdlibFiles =
.filter((filePath) => path.extname(filePath) === '.sql');
addTask(exec, [
pjoin(cfg.outDistDir, 'stdlib_docs.json'),
function updateSymlinks() {
// /ui/out -> /out/ui.
mklink(cfg.outUiDir, pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'ui/out'));
// /ui/src/gen -> /out/ui/ui/tsc/gen)
mklink(cfg.outGenDir, pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'ui/src/gen'));
// /out/ui/test/data -> /test/data (For UI tests).
pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'test/data'),
pjoin(ensureDir(pjoin(cfg.outDir, 'test')), 'data'));
// Creates a out/dist_version -> out/dist/v1.2.3 symlink, so rollup config
// can point to that without having to know the current version number.
path.relative(cfg.outUiDir, cfg.outDistDir),
pjoin(cfg.outUiDir, 'dist_version'));
pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'ui/node_modules'), pjoin(cfg.outTscDir, 'node_modules'));
// Invokes ninja for building the {trace_processor, traceconv} Wasm modules.
// It copies the .wasm directly into the out/dist/ dir, and the .js/.ts into
// out/tsc/, so the typescript compiler and the bundler can pick them up.
function buildWasm(skipWasmBuild) {
if (!skipWasmBuild) {
if (!cfg.noOverrideGnArgs) {
let gnVars = `is_debug=${cfg.debug}`;
if (childProcess.spawnSync('which', ['ccache']).status === 0) {
gnVars += ` cc_wrapper="ccache"`;
const gnArgs = ['gen', `--args=${gnVars}`, cfg.outDir];
addTask(exec, [pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'tools/gn'), gnArgs]);
const ninjaArgs = ['-C', cfg.outDir];
ninjaArgs.push( => `${x}_wasm`));
addTask(exec, [pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'tools/ninja'), ninjaArgs]);
const wasmOutDir = pjoin(cfg.outDir, 'wasm');
for (const wasmMod of cfg.wasmModules) {
// The .wasm file goes directly into the dist dir (also .map in debug)
for (const ext of ['.wasm'].concat(cfg.debug ? [''] : [])) {
const src = `${wasmOutDir}/${wasmMod}${ext}`;
addTask(cp, [src, pjoin(cfg.outDistDir, wasmMod + ext)]);
// The .js / .ts go into intermediates, they will be bundled by rollup.
for (const ext of ['.js', '.d.ts']) {
const fname = `${wasmMod}${ext}`;
addTask(cp, [pjoin(wasmOutDir, fname), pjoin(cfg.outGenDir, fname)]);
// This transpiles all the sources (frontend, controller, engine, extension) in
// one go. The only project that has a dedicated invocation is service_worker.
function transpileTsProject(project, options) {
const args = ['--project', pjoin(ROOT_DIR, project)];
if (options !== undefined && {
args.push('--watch', '--preserveWatchOutput');
addTask(execModule, ['tsc', args, {async: true}]);
} else {
addTask(execModule, ['tsc', args]);
// Creates the three {frontend, controller, engine}_bundle.js in one invocation.
function bundleJs(cfgName) {
const rcfg = pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'ui/config', cfgName);
const args = ['-c', rcfg, '--no-indent'];
if (cfg.bigtrace) {
args.push('--environment', 'ENABLE_BIGTRACE:true');
if (cfg.openPerfettoTrace) {
args.push('--environment', 'ENABLE_OPEN_PERFETTO_TRACE:true');
if (cfg.minifyJs) {
args.push('--environment', `MINIFY_JS:${cfg.minifyJs}`);
args.push(...(cfg.verbose ? [] : ['--silent']));
if ( {
// --waitForBundleInput is sadly quite busted so it is required ts
// has build at least once before invoking this.
args.push('--watch', '--no-watch.clearScreen');
addTask(execModule, ['rollup', args, {async: true}]);
} else {
addTask(execModule, ['rollup', args]);
function genServiceWorkerManifestJson() {
function makeManifest() {
const manifest = {resources: {}};
// When building the subresource manifest skip source maps, the manifest
// itself and the copy of the index.html which is copied under /v1.2.3/.
// The root /index.html will be fetched by service_worker.js separately.
const skipRegex = /(\.map|manifest\.json|index.html)$/;
walk(cfg.outDistDir, (absPath) => {
const contents = fs.readFileSync(absPath);
const relPath = path.relative(cfg.outDistDir, absPath);
const b64 = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(contents).digest('base64');
manifest.resources[relPath] = 'sha256-' + b64;
}, skipRegex);
const manifestJson = JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2);
fs.writeFileSync(pjoin(cfg.outDistDir, 'manifest.json'), manifestJson);
addTask(makeManifest, []);
function startServer() {
const host = cfg.httpServerListenHost == '' ? 'localhost' : cfg.httpServerListenHost;
'Starting HTTP server on',
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
console.debug(req.method, req.url);
let uri = req.url.split('?', 1)[0];
if (uri.endsWith('/')) {
uri += 'index.html';
if (uri === '/live_reload') {
// Implements the Server-Side-Events protocol.
const head = {
'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
res.writeHead(200, head);
const arrayIdx = httpWatches.length;
// We never remove from the array, the delete leaves an undefined item
// around. It makes keeping track of the index easier at the cost of a
// small leak.
req.on('close', () => delete httpWatches[arrayIdx]);
let absPath = path.normalize(path.join(cfg.outDistRootDir, uri));
// We want to be able to use the data in '/test/' for e2e tests.
// However, we don't want do create a symlink into the 'dist/' dir,
// because 'dist/' gets shipped on the production server.
if (uri.startsWith('/test/')) {
absPath = pjoin(ROOT_DIR, uri);
// Don't serve contents outside of the project root (b/221101533).
if (path.relative(ROOT_DIR, absPath).startsWith('..')) {
res.end('403 Forbidden - Request path outside of the repo root');
fs.readFile(absPath, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
const mimeMap = {
'html': 'text/html',
'css': 'text/css',
'js': 'application/javascript',
'wasm': 'application/wasm',
const ext = uri.split('.').pop();
const cType = mimeMap[ext] || 'octect/stream';
const head = {
'Content-Type': cType,
'Content-Length': data.length,
'Last-Modified': fs.statSync(absPath).mtime.toUTCString(),
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
if (cfg.crossOriginIsolation) {
head['Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy'] = 'same-origin';
head['Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy'] = 'require-corp';
res.writeHead(200, head);
.listen(cfg.httpServerListenPort, cfg.httpServerListenHost);
function isDistComplete() {
const requiredArtifacts = [
const relPaths = new Set();
walk(cfg.outDistDir, (absPath) => {
relPaths.add(path.relative(cfg.outDistDir, absPath));
for (const fName of requiredArtifacts) {
if (!relPaths.has(fName)) return false;
return true;
// Called whenever a change in the out/dist directory is detected. It sends a
// Server-Side-Event to the live_reload.ts script.
function notifyLiveServer(changedFile) {
for (const cli of httpWatches) {
if (cli === undefined) continue;
'data: ' + path.relative(cfg.outDistRootDir, changedFile) + '\n\n');
function copyExtensionAssets() {
addTask(cp, [
pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'ui/src/assets/logo-128.png'),
pjoin(cfg.outExtDir, 'logo-128.png'),
addTask(cp, [
pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'ui/src/chrome_extension/manifest.json'),
pjoin(cfg.outExtDir, 'manifest.json'),
// -----------------------
// Task chaining functions
// -----------------------
function addTask(func, args) {
const task = new Task(func, args);
for (const t of tasks) {
if (t.identity === task.identity) {
setTimeout(runTasks, 0);
function runTasks() {
const snapTasks = tasks.splice(0); // snap = std::move(tasks).
tasksTot += snapTasks.length;
for (const task of snapTasks) {
const DIM = '\u001b[2m';
const BRT = '\u001b[37m';
const RST = '\u001b[0m';
const ms = (new Date( - tStart)).toISOString().slice(17, -1);
const ts = `[${DIM}${ms}${RST}]`;
const descr = task.description.substr(0, 80);
console.log(`${ts} ${BRT}${++tasksRan}/${tasksTot}${RST}\t${descr}`);
task.func.apply(/* this=*/ undefined, task.args);
// Executes all the RULES that match the given |absPath|.
function scanFile(absPath) {
const normPath = path.relative(ROOT_DIR, absPath);
for (const rule of RULES) {
const match = rule.r.exec(normPath);
if (!match || match[0] !== normPath) continue;
const captureGroup = match.length > 1 ? match[1] : undefined;
rule.f(absPath, captureGroup);
// Walks the passed |dir| recursively and, for each file, invokes the matching
// RULES. If --watch is used, it also installs a fswatch() and re-triggers the
// matching RULES on each file change.
function scanDir(dir, regex) {
const filterFn = regex ? (absPath) => regex.test(absPath) : () => true;
const absDir = path.isAbsolute(dir) ? dir : pjoin(ROOT_DIR, dir);
// Add a fs watch if in watch mode.
if ( {, {recursive: true}, (_eventType, relFilePath) => {
const filePath = pjoin(absDir, relFilePath);
if (!filterFn(filePath)) return;
if (cfg.verbose) {
console.log('File change detected', _eventType, filePath);
if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
scanFile(filePath, filterFn);
walk(absDir, (f) => {
if (filterFn(f)) scanFile(f);
function exec(cmd, args, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
opts.stdout = opts.stdout || 'inherit';
if (cfg.verbose) console.log(`${cmd} ${args.join(' ')}\n`);
const spwOpts = {cwd: cfg.outDir, stdio: ['ignore', opts.stdout, 'inherit']};
const checkExitCode = (code, signal) => {
if (signal === 'SIGINT' || signal === 'SIGTERM') return;
if (code !== 0 && !opts.noErrCheck) {
console.error(`${cmd} ${args.join(' ')} failed with code ${code}`);
if (opts.async) {
const proc = childProcess.spawn(cmd, args, spwOpts);
const procIndex = subprocesses.length;
return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
proc.on('exit', (code, signal) => {
delete subprocesses[procIndex];
checkExitCode(code, signal);
} else {
const spawnRes = childProcess.spawnSync(cmd, args, spwOpts);
checkExitCode(spawnRes.status, spawnRes.signal);
return spawnRes;
function execModule(module, args, opts) {
const modPath = pjoin(ROOT_DIR, 'ui/node_modules/.bin', module);
return exec(modPath, args || [], opts);
// ------------------------------------------
// File system & subprocess utility functions
// ------------------------------------------
class Task {
constructor(func, args) {
this.func = func;
this.args = args || [];
// |identity| is used to dedupe identical tasks in the queue.
this.identity = JSON.stringify([, this.args]);
get description() {
const ret ='exec') ? [] : [];
const flattenedArgs = [].concat(...this.args);
for (const arg of flattenedArgs) {
const argStr = `${arg}`;
if (argStr.startsWith('/')) {
ret.push(path.relative(cfg.outDir, arg));
} else {
return ret.join(' ');
function walk(dir, callback, skipRegex) {
for (const child of fs.readdirSync(dir)) {
const childPath = pjoin(dir, child);
const stat = fs.lstatSync(childPath);
if (skipRegex !== undefined && skipRegex.test(child)) continue;
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
walk(childPath, callback, skipRegex);
} else if (!stat.isSymbolicLink()) {
// Recursively build a list of files in a given directory and return a list of
// file paths, similar to `find -type f`.
function listFilesRecursive(dir) {
const fileList = [];
walk(dir, (filePath) => {
return fileList;
function ensureDir(dirPath, clean) {
const exists = fs.existsSync(dirPath);
if (exists && clean) {
console.log('rm', dirPath);
fs.rmSync(dirPath, {recursive: true});
if (!exists || clean) fs.mkdirSync(dirPath, {recursive: true});
return dirPath;
function cp(src, dst) {
if (cfg.verbose) {
'cp', path.relative(ROOT_DIR, src), '->', path.relative(ROOT_DIR, dst));
fs.copyFileSync(src, dst);
function mklink(src, dst) {
// If the symlink already points to the right place don't touch it. This is
// to avoid changing the mtime of the ui/ dir when unnecessary.
if (fs.existsSync(dst)) {
if (fs.lstatSync(dst).isSymbolicLink() && fs.readlinkSync(dst) === src) {
} else {
fs.symlinkSync(src, dst);