| # Heap profiler |
| |
| NOTE: **heapprofd requires Android 10 or higher** |
| |
| Heapprofd is a tool that tracks heap allocations & deallocations of an Android |
| process within a given time period. The resulting profile can be used to |
| attribute memory usage to particular call-stacks, supporting a mix of both |
| native and java code. The tool can be used by Android platform and app |
| developers to investigate memory issues. |
| |
| By default, the tool records native allocations and deallocations done with |
| malloc/free (or new/delete). It can be configured to record java heap memory |
| allocations instead: see [Java heap sampling](#java-heap-sampling) below. |
| |
| On debug Android builds, you can profile all apps and most system services. |
| On "user" builds, you can only use it on apps with the debuggable or |
| profileable manifest flag. |
| |
| ## Quickstart |
| |
| See the [Memory Guide](/docs/case-studies/memory.md#heapprofd) for getting |
| started with heapprofd. |
| |
| ## UI |
| |
| Dumps from heapprofd are shown as flamegraphs in the UI after clicking on the |
| diamond. Each diamond corresponds to a snapshot of the allocations and |
| callstacks collected at that point in time. |
| |
|  |
| |
|  |
| |
| ## SQL |
| |
| Information about callstacks is written to the following tables: |
| |
| * [`stack_profile_mapping`](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#stack_profile_mapping) |
| * [`stack_profile_frame`](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#stack_profile_frame) |
| * [`stack_profile_callsite`](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#stack_profile_callsite) |
| |
| The allocations themselves are written to |
| [`heap_profile_allocation`](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#heap_profile_allocation). |
| |
| Offline symbolization data is stored in |
| [`stack_profile_symbol`](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#stack_profile_symbol). |
| |
| See [Example Queries](#heapprofd-example-queries) for example SQL queries. |
| |
| ## Recording |
| |
| Heapprofd can be configured and started in three ways. |
| |
| #### Manual configuration |
| |
| This requires manually setting the |
| [HeapprofdConfig](/docs/reference/trace-config-proto.autogen#HeapprofdConfig) |
| section of the trace config. The only benefit of doing so is that in this way |
| heap profiling can be enabled alongside any other tracing data sources. |
| |
| #### Using the tools/heap_profile script (recommended) |
| |
| You can use the `tools/heap_profile` script. If you are having trouble |
| make sure you are using the |
| [latest version]( |
| https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/perfetto/main/tools/heap_profile). |
| |
| You can target processes either by name (`-n com.example.myapp`) or by PID |
| (`-p 1234`). In the first case, the heap profile will be initiated on both on |
| already-running processes that match the package name and new processes launched |
| after the profiling session is started. |
| For the full arguments list see the |
| [heap_profile cmdline reference page](/docs/reference/heap_profile-cli). |
| |
| You can use the [Perfetto UI](https://ui.perfetto.dev) to visualize heap dumps. |
| Upload the `raw-trace` file in your output directory. You will see all heap |
| dumps as diamonds on the timeline, click any of them to get a flamegraph. |
| |
| Alternatively [Speedscope](https://speedscope.app) can be used to visualize |
| the gzipped protos, but will only show the "Unreleased malloc size" view. |
| |
| #### Using the Recording page of Perfetto UI |
| |
| You can also use the [Perfetto UI](https://ui.perfetto.dev/#!/record/memory) |
| to record heapprofd profiles. Tick "Heap profiling" in the trace configuration, |
| enter the processes you want to target, click "Add Device" to pair your phone, |
| and record profiles straight from your browser. This is also possible on |
| Windows. |
| |
| ## Viewing the data |
| |
|  |
| |
| The resulting profile proto contains four views on the data, for each diamond. |
| |
| * **Unreleased malloc size**: how many bytes were allocated but not freed at |
| this callstack, from the moment the recording was started until the timestamp |
| of the diamond. |
| * **Total malloc size**: how many bytes were allocated (including ones freed at |
| the moment of the dump) at this callstack, from the moment the recording was |
| started until the timestamp of the diamond. |
| * **Unreleased malloc count**: how many allocations without matching frees were |
| done at this callstack, from the moment the recording was started until the |
| timestamp of the diamond. |
| * **Total malloc count**: how many allocations (including ones with matching |
| frees) were done at this callstack, from the moment the recording was started |
| started until the timestamp of the diamond. |
| |
| _(Googlers: You can also open the gzipped protos using http://pprof/)_ |
| |
| TIP: you might want to put `libart.so` as a "Hide regex" when profiling apps. |
| |
| TIP: Click Left Heavy on the top left for a good visualization. |
| |
| ## Continuous dumps |
| |
| By default, the heap profiler captures all the allocations from the beginning of |
| the recording and stores a single snapshot, shown as a single diamond in the UI, |
| which summarizes all allocations/frees. |
| |
| It is possible to configure the heap profiler to periodically (not just at the |
| end of the trace) store snapshots (continuous dumps), for example every 5000ms |
| |
| * By setting "Continuous dumps interval" in the UI to 5000. |
| * By adding |
| ``` |
| continuous_dump_config { |
| dump_interval_ms: 5000 |
| } |
| ``` |
| in the |
| [HeapprofdConfig](/docs/reference/trace-config-proto.autogen#HeapprofdConfig). |
| * By adding `-c 5000` to the invocation of |
| [`tools/heap_profile`](/docs/reference/heap_profile-cli). |
| |
|  |
| |
| The resulting visualization shows multiple diamonds. Clicking on each diamond |
| shows a summary of the allocations/frees from the beginning of the trace until |
| that point (i.e. the summary is cumulative). |
| |
| ## Sampling interval |
| |
| Heapprofd samples heap allocations by hooking calls to malloc/free and C++'s |
| operator new/delete. Given a sampling interval of n bytes, one allocation is |
| sampled, on average, every n bytes allocated. This allows to reduce the |
| performance impact on the target process. The default sampling rate |
| is 4096 bytes. |
| |
| The easiest way to reason about this is to imagine the memory allocations as a |
| stream of one byte allocations. From this stream, every byte has a 1/n |
| probability of being selected as a sample, and the corresponding callstack |
| gets attributed the complete n bytes. For more accuracy, allocations larger than |
| the sampling interval bypass the sampling logic and are recorded with their true |
| size. |
| See the [heapprofd Sampling](/docs/design-docs/heapprofd-sampling) document for |
| details. |
| |
| ## Startup profiling |
| |
| When specifying a target process name (as opposite to the PID), new processes |
| matching that name are profiled from their startup. The resulting profile will |
| contain all allocations done between the start of the process and the end |
| of the profiling session. |
| |
| On Android, Java apps are usually not exec()-ed from scratch, but fork()-ed from |
| the [zygote], which then specializes into the desired app. If the app's name |
| matches a name specified in the profiling session, profiling will be enabled as |
| part of the zygote specialization. The resulting profile contains all |
| allocations done between that point in zygote specialization and the end of the |
| profiling session. Some allocations done early in the specialization process are |
| not accounted for. |
| |
| At the trace proto level, the resulting [ProfilePacket] will have the |
| `from_startup` field set to true in the corresponding `ProcessHeapSamples` |
| message. This is not surfaced in the converted pprof compatible proto. |
| |
| [ProfilePacket]: /docs/reference/trace-packet-proto.autogen#ProfilePacket |
| [zygote]: https://developer.android.com/topic/performance/memory-overview#SharingRAM |
| |
| ## Runtime profiling |
| |
| When a profiling session is started, all matching processes (by name or PID) |
| are enumerated and are signalled to request profiling. Profiling isn't actually |
| enabled until a few hundred milliseconds after the next allocation that is |
| done by the application. If the application is idle when profiling is |
| requested, and then does a burst of allocations, these may be missed. |
| |
| The resulting profile will contain all allocations done between when profiling |
| is enabled, and the end of the profiling session. |
| |
| The resulting [ProfilePacket] will have `from_startup` set to false in the |
| corresponding `ProcessHeapSamples` message. This does not get surfaced in the |
| converted pprof compatible proto. |
| |
| ## Concurrent profiling sessions |
| |
| If multiple sessions name the same target process (either by name or PID), |
| only the first relevant session will profile the process. The other sessions |
| will report that the process had already been profiled when converting to |
| the pprof compatible proto. |
| |
| If you see this message but do not expect any other sessions, run |
| |
| ```shell |
| adb shell killall perfetto |
| ``` |
| |
| to stop any concurrent sessions that may be running. |
| |
| The resulting [ProfilePacket] will have `rejected_concurrent` set to true in |
| otherwise empty corresponding `ProcessHeapSamples` message. This does not get |
| surfaced in the converted pprof compatible proto. |
| |
| ## {#heapprofd-targets} Target processes |
| |
| Depending on the build of Android that heapprofd is run on, some processes |
| are not be eligible to be profiled. |
| |
| On _user_ (i.e. production, non-rootable) builds, only Java applications with |
| either the profileable or the debuggable manifest flag set can be profiled. |
| Profiling requests for non-profileable/debuggable processes will result in an |
| empty profile. |
| |
| On userdebug builds, all processes except for a small set of critical |
| services can be profiled (to find the set of disallowed targets, look for |
| `never_profile_heap` in [heapprofd.te]( |
| https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/main/+/main:system/sepolicy/private/heapprofd.te?q=never_profile_heap). |
| This restriction can be lifted by disabling SELinux by running |
| `adb shell su root setenforce 0` or by passing `--disable-selinux` to the |
| `heap_profile` script. |
| |
| <center> |
| |
| | | userdebug setenforce 0 | userdebug | user | |
| |-------------------------|:----------------------:|:---------:|:----:| |
| | critical native service | Y | N | N | |
| | native service | Y | Y | N | |
| | app | Y | Y | N | |
| | profileable app | Y | Y | Y | |
| | debuggable app | Y | Y | Y | |
| |
| </center> |
| |
| To mark an app as profileable, put `<profileable android:shell="true"/>` into |
| the `<application>` section of the app manifest. |
| |
| ```xml |
| <manifest ...> |
| <application> |
| <profileable android:shell="true"/> |
| ... |
| </application> |
| </manifest> |
| ``` |
| |
| ## {#java-heap-sampling} Java heap sampling |
| |
| NOTE: **Java heap sampling is available on Android 12 or higher** |
| |
| NOTE: **Java heap sampling is not to be confused with [Java heap |
| dumps](/docs/data-sources/java-heap-profiler.md)** |
| |
| Heapprofd can be configured to track Java allocations instead of native ones. |
| * By setting adding `heaps: "com.android.art"` in |
| [HeapprofdConfig](/docs/reference/trace-config-proto.autogen#HeapprofdConfig). |
| * By adding `--heaps com.android.art` to the invocation of |
| [`tools/heap_profile`](/docs/reference/heap_profile-cli). |
| |
| Unlike java heap dumps (which show the retention graph of a snapshot of the live |
| objects) but like native heap profiles, java heap samples show callstacks of |
| allocations over time of the entire profile. |
| |
| Java heap samples only show callstacks of when objects are created, not when |
| they're deleted or garbage collected. |
| |
|  |
| |
| The resulting profile proto contains two views on the data: |
| |
| * **Total allocation size**: how many bytes were allocated at this callstack |
| over time of the profile until this point. The bytes might have been freed or |
| not, the tool does not keep track of that. |
| * **Total allocation count**: how many object were allocated at this callstack |
| over time of the profile until this point. The objects might have been freed |
| or not, the tool does not keep track of that. |
| |
| Java heap samples are useful to understand memory churn showing the call stack |
| of which parts of the code large allocations are attributed to as well as the |
| allocation type from the ART runtime. |
| |
| ## DEDUPED frames |
| |
| If the name of a Java method includes `[DEDUPED]`, this means that multiple |
| methods share the same code. ART only stores the name of a single one in its |
| metadata, which is displayed here. This is not necessarily the one that was |
| called. |
| |
| ## Triggering heap snapshots on demand |
| |
| Heap snapshot are recorded into the trace either at regular time intervals, if |
| using the `continuous_dump_config` field, or at the end of the session. |
| |
| You can also trigger a snapshot of all currently profiled processes by running |
| `adb shell killall -USR1 heapprofd`. This can be useful in lab tests for |
| recording the current memory usage of the target in a specific state. |
| |
| This dump will show up in addition to the dump at the end of the profile that is |
| always produced. You can create multiple of these dumps, and they will be |
| enumerated in the output directory. |
| |
| ## Symbolization |
| |
| ### Set up llvm-symbolizer |
| |
| You only need to do this once. |
| |
| To use symbolization, your system must have llvm-symbolizer installed and |
| accessible from `$PATH` as `llvm-symbolizer`. On Debian, you can install it |
| using `sudo apt install llvm`. |
| |
| ### Symbolize your profile |
| |
| If the profiled binary or libraries do not have symbol names, you can |
| symbolize profiles offline. Even if they do, you might want to symbolize in |
| order to get inlined function and line number information. All tools |
| (traceconv, trace_processor_shell, the heap_profile script) support specifying |
| the `PERFETTO_BINARY_PATH` as an environment variable. |
| |
| ``` |
| PERFETTO_BINARY_PATH=somedir tools/heap_profile --name ${NAME} |
| ``` |
| |
| You can persist symbols for a trace by running |
| `PERFETTO_BINARY_PATH=somedir tools/traceconv symbolize raw-trace > symbols`. |
| You can then concatenate the symbols to the trace ( |
| `cat raw-trace symbols > symbolized-trace`) and the symbols will part of |
| `symbolized-trace`. The `tools/heap_profile` script will also generate this |
| file in your output directory, if `PERFETTO_BINARY_PATH` is used. |
| |
| The symbol file is the first with matching Build ID in the following order: |
| |
| 1. absolute path of library file relative to binary path. |
| 2. absolute path of library file relative to binary path, but with base.apk! |
| removed from filename. |
| 3. basename of library file relative to binary path. |
| 4. basename of library file relative to binary path, but with base.apk! |
| removed from filename. |
| 5. in the subdirectory .build-id: the first two hex digits of the build-id |
| as subdirectory, then the rest of the hex digits, with ".debug" appended. |
| See |
| https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RolandMcGrath/BuildID#Find_files_by_build_ID |
| |
| For example, "/system/lib/base.apk!foo.so" with build id abcd1234, |
| is looked for at: |
| |
| 1. $PERFETTO_BINARY_PATH/system/lib/base.apk!foo.so |
| 2. $PERFETTO_BINARY_PATH/system/lib/foo.so |
| 3. $PERFETTO_BINARY_PATH/base.apk!foo.so |
| 5. $PERFETTO_BINARY_PATH/.build-id/ab/cd1234.debug |
| |
| Alternatively, you can set the `PERFETTO_SYMBOLIZER_MODE` environment variable |
| to `index`, and the symbolizer will recursively search the given directory for |
| an ELF file with the given build id. This way, you will not have to worry |
| about correct filenames. |
| |
| ## Deobfuscation |
| |
| If your profile contains obfuscated Java methods (like `fsd.a`), you can |
| provide a deobfuscation map to turn them back into human readable. |
| To do so, use the `PERFETTO_PROGUARD_MAP` environment variable, using the |
| format `packagename=map_filename[:packagename=map_filename...]`, e.g. |
| `PERFETTO_PROGUARD_MAP=com.example.pkg1=foo.txt:com.example.pkg2=bar.txt`. |
| All tools (traceconv, trace_processor_shell, the heap_profile script) support |
| specifying the `PERFETTO_PROGUARD_MAP` as an environment variable. |
| |
| ``` |
| PERFETTO_PROGUARD_MAP=com.example.pkg1=proguard_map1.txt:com.example.pkg2=proguard_map2.txt ./tools/heap_profile -n com.example.app |
| ``` |
| |
| You can get a deobfuscation map for the trace you already collected using |
| `tools/traceconv deobfuscate`. Then concatenate the resulting file to your |
| trace to get a deobfuscated version of it (the input trace should be in the |
| perfetto format, otherwise concatenation will not produce a reasonable output). |
| |
| ``` |
| PERFETTO_PROGUARD_MAP=com.example.pkg=proguard_map.txt tools/traceconv deobfuscate ${TRACE} > deobfuscation_map |
| cat ${TRACE} deobfuscation_map > deobfuscated_trace |
| ``` |
| |
| `deobfuscated_trace` can be viewed in the |
| [Perfetto UI](https://ui.perfetto.dev). |
| |
| ## Troubleshooting |
| |
| ### Buffer overrun |
| |
| If the rate of allocations is too high for heapprofd to keep up, the profiling |
| session will end early due to a buffer overrun. If the buffer overrun is |
| caused by a transient spike in allocations, increasing the shared memory buffer |
| size (passing `--shmem-size` to `tools/heap_profile`) can resolve the issue. |
| Otherwise the sampling interval can be increased (at the expense of lower |
| accuracy in the resulting profile) by passing `--interval=16000` or higher. |
| |
| ### Profile is empty |
| |
| Check whether your target process is eligible to be profiled by consulting |
| [Target processes](#heapprofd-targets) above. |
| |
| Also check the [Known Issues](#known-issues). |
| |
| ### Implausible callstacks |
| |
| If you see a callstack that seems to impossible from looking at the code, make |
| sure no [DEDUPED frames](#deduped-frames) are involved. |
| |
| Also, if your code is linked using _Identical Code Folding_ |
| (ICF), i.e. passing `-Wl,--icf=...` to the linker, most trivial functions, often |
| constructors and destructors, can be aliased to binary-equivalent operators |
| of completely unrelated classes. |
| |
| ### Symbolization: Could not find library |
| |
| When symbolizing a profile, you might come across messages like this: |
| |
| ```bash |
| Could not find /data/app/invalid.app-wFgo3GRaod02wSvPZQ==/lib/arm64/somelib.so |
| (Build ID: 44b7138abd5957b8d0a56ce86216d478). |
| ``` |
| |
| Check whether your library (in this example somelib.so) exists in |
| `PERFETTO_BINARY_PATH`. Then compare the Build ID to the one in your |
| symbol file, which you can get by running |
| `readelf -n /path/in/binary/path/somelib.so`. If it does not match, the |
| symbolized file has a different version than the one on device, and cannot |
| be used for symbolization. |
| If it does, try moving somelib.so to the root of `PERFETTO_BINARY_PATH` and |
| try again. |
| |
| ### Only one frame shown |
| If you only see a single frame for functions in a specific library, make sure |
| that the library has unwind information. We need one of |
| |
| * `.gnu_debugdata` |
| * `.eh_frame` (+ preferably `.eh_frame_hdr`) |
| * `.debug_frame`. |
| |
| Frame-pointer unwinding is *not supported*. |
| |
| To check if an ELF file has any of those, run |
| |
| ```console |
| $ readelf -S file.so | grep "gnu_debugdata\|eh_frame\|debug_frame" |
| [12] .eh_frame_hdr PROGBITS 000000000000c2b0 0000c2b0 |
| [13] .eh_frame PROGBITS 0000000000011000 00011000 |
| [24] .gnu_debugdata PROGBITS 0000000000000000 000f7292 |
| ``` |
| |
| If this does not show one or more of the sections, change your build system |
| to not strip them. |
| |
| ## (non-Android) Linux support |
| |
| NOTE: Do not use this for production purposes. |
| |
| You can use a standalone library to profile memory allocations on Linux. |
| First [build Perfetto](/docs/contributing/build-instructions.md). You only need |
| to do this once. |
| |
| ``` |
| tools/setup_all_configs.py |
| ninja -C out/linux_clang_release |
| ``` |
| |
| Then, run traced |
| |
| ``` |
| out/linux_clang_release/traced |
| ``` |
| |
| Start the profile (e.g. targeting trace_processor_shell) |
| |
| ``` |
| tools/heap_profile -n trace_processor_shell --print-config | \ |
| out/linux_clang_release/perfetto \ |
| -c - --txt \ |
| -o ~/heapprofd-trace |
| ``` |
| |
| Finally, run your target (e.g. trace_processor_shell) with LD_PRELOAD |
| |
| ``` |
| LD_PRELOAD=out/linux_clang_release/libheapprofd_glibc_preload.so out/linux_clang_release/trace_processor_shell <trace> |
| ``` |
| |
| Then, Ctrl-C the Perfetto invocation and upload ~/heapprofd-trace to the |
| [Perfetto UI](https://ui.perfetto.dev). |
| |
| NOTE: by default, heapprofd lazily initalizes to avoid blocking your program's |
| main thread. However, if your program makes memory allocations on startup, |
| these can be missed. To avoid this from happening, set the enironment variable |
| `PERFETTO_HEAPPROFD_BLOCKING_INIT=1`; on the first malloc, your program will |
| be blocked until heapprofd initializes fully but means every allocation will |
| be correctly tracked. |
| |
| ## Known Issues |
| |
| ### {#known-issues-android13} Android 13 |
| |
| * Unwinding java frames might not work properly, depending on the ART module |
| version in use. The UI reports a single "unknown" frame at the top of the |
| stack in this case. The problem is fixed in Android 13 QPR1. |
| |
| ### {#known-issues-android12} Android 12 |
| |
| * Unwinding java frames might not work properly, depending on the ART module |
| version in use. The UI reports a single "unknown" frame at the top of the |
| stack in this case. |
| |
| ### {#known-issues-android11} Android 11 |
| |
| * 32-bit programs cannot be targeted on 64-bit devices. |
| * Setting `sampling_interval_bytes` to 0 crashes the target process. |
| This is an invalid config that should be rejected instead. |
| * For startup profiles, some frame names might be missing. This will be |
| resolved in Android 12. |
| * `Failed to send control socket byte.` is displayed in logcat at the end of |
| every profile. This is benign. |
| * The object count may be incorrect in `dump_at_max` profiles. |
| * Choosing a low shared memory buffer size and `block_client` mode might |
| lock up the target process. |
| |
| ### {#known-issues-android10} Android 10 |
| * Function names in libraries with load bias might be incorrect. Use |
| [offline symbolization](#symbolization) to resolve this issue. |
| * For startup profiles, some frame names might be missing. This will be |
| resolved in Android 12. |
| * 32-bit programs cannot be targeted on 64-bit devices. |
| * x86 / x86_64 platforms are not supported. This includes the Android |
| _Cuttlefish_. |
| emulator. |
| * On ARM32, the bottom-most frame is always `ERROR 2`. This is harmless and |
| the callstacks are still complete. |
| * If heapprofd is run standalone (by running `heapprofd` in a root shell, rather |
| than through init), `/dev/socket/heapprofd` get assigned an incorrect SELinux |
| domain. You will not be able to profile any processes unless you disable |
| SELinux enforcement. |
| Run `restorecon /dev/socket/heapprofd` in a root shell to resolve. |
| * Using `vfork(2)` or `clone(2)` with `CLONE_VM` and allocating / freeing |
| memory in the child process will prematurely end the profile. |
| `java.lang.Runtime.exec` does this, calling it will prematurely end |
| the profile. Note that this is in violation of the POSIX standard. |
| * Setting `sampling_interval_bytes` to 0 crashes the target process. |
| This is an invalid config that should be rejected instead. |
| * `Failed to send control socket byte.` is displayed in logcat at the end of |
| every profile. This is benign. |
| * The object count may be incorrect in `dump_at_max` profiles. |
| * Choosing a low shared memory buffer size and `block_client` mode might |
| lock up the target process. |
| |
| ## Heapprofd vs malloc_info() vs RSS |
| |
| When using heapprofd and interpreting results, it is important to know the |
| precise meaning of the different memory metrics that can be obtained from the |
| operating system. |
| |
| **heapprofd** gives you the number of bytes the target program |
| requested from the default C/C++ allocator. If you are profiling a Java app from |
| startup, allocations that happen early in the application's initialization will |
| not be visible to heapprofd. Native services that do not fork from the Zygote |
| are not affected by this. |
| |
| **malloc\_info** is a libc function that gives you information about the |
| allocator. This can be triggered on userdebug builds by using |
| `am dumpheap -m <PID> /data/local/tmp/heap.txt`. This will in general be more |
| than the memory seen by heapprofd, depending on the allocator not all memory |
| is immediately freed. In particular, jemalloc retains some freed memory in |
| thread caches. |
| |
| **Heap RSS** is the amount of memory requested from the operating system by the |
| allocator. This is larger than the previous two numbers because memory can only |
| be obtained in page size chunks, and fragmentation causes some of that memory to |
| be wasted. This can be obtained by running `adb shell dumpsys meminfo <PID>` and |
| looking at the "Private Dirty" column. |
| RSS can also end up being smaller than the other two if the device kernel uses |
| memory compression (ZRAM, enabled by default on recent versions of android) and |
| the memory of the process get swapped out onto ZRAM. |
| |
| | | heapprofd | malloc\_info | RSS | |
| |---------------------|:-----------------:|:------------:|:---:| |
| | from native startup | x | x | x | |
| | after zygote init | x | x | x | |
| | before zygote init | | x | x | |
| | thread caches | | x | x | |
| | fragmentation | | | x | |
| |
| If you observe high RSS or malloc\_info metrics but heapprofd does not match, |
| you might be hitting some pathological fragmentation problem in the allocator. |
| |
| ## Convert to pprof |
| |
| You can use [traceconv](/docs/quickstart/traceconv.md) to convert the heap dumps |
| in a trace into the [pprof](https://github.com/google/pprof) format. These can |
| then be viewed using the pprof CLI or a UI (e.g. Speedscope, or Google-internal |
| pprof/). |
| |
| ```bash |
| tools/traceconv profile /tmp/profile |
| ``` |
| |
| This will create a directory in `/tmp/` containing the heap dumps. Run: |
| |
| ```bash |
| gzip /tmp/heap_profile-XXXXXX/*.pb |
| ``` |
| |
| to get gzipped protos, which tools handling pprof profile protos expect. |
| |
| ## {#heapprofd-example-queries} Example SQL Queries |
| |
| We can get the callstacks that allocated using an SQL Query in the |
| Trace Processor. For each frame, we get one row for the number of allocated |
| bytes, where `count` and `size` is positive, and, if any of them were already |
| freed, another line with negative `count` and `size`. The sum of those gets us |
| the `Unreleased malloc size` view. |
| |
| ```sql |
| select a.callsite_id, a.ts, a.upid, f.name, f.rel_pc, m.build_id, m.name as mapping_name, |
| sum(a.size) as space_size, sum(a.count) as space_count |
| from heap_profile_allocation a join |
| stack_profile_callsite c ON (a.callsite_id = c.id) join |
| stack_profile_frame f ON (c.frame_id = f.id) join |
| stack_profile_mapping m ON (f.mapping = m.id) |
| group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 order by space_size desc; |
| ``` |
| |
| | callsite_id | ts | upid | name | rel_pc | build_id | mapping_name | space_size | space_count | |
| |-------------|----|------|-------|-----------|------|--------|----------|------| |
| |6660|5|1| malloc |244716| 8126fd.. | /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so |106496|4| |
| |192 |5|1| malloc |244716| 8126fd.. | /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so |26624 |1| |
| |1421|5|1| malloc |244716| 8126fd.. | /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so |26624 |1| |
| |1537|5|1| malloc |244716| 8126fd.. | /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so |26624 |1| |
| |8843|5|1| malloc |244716| 8126fd.. | /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so |26424 |1| |
| |8618|5|1| malloc |244716| 8126fd.. | /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so |24576 |4| |
| |3750|5|1| malloc |244716| 8126fd.. | /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so |12288 |1| |
| |2820|5|1| malloc |244716| 8126fd.. | /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so |8192 |2| |
| |3788|5|1| malloc |244716| 8126fd.. | /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so |8192 |2| |
| |
| We can see all the functions are "malloc" and "realloc", which is not terribly |
| informative. Usually we are interested in the _cumulative_ bytes allocated in |
| a function (otherwise, we will always only see malloc / realloc). Chasing the |
| parent_id of a callsite (not shown in this table) recursively is very hard in |
| SQL. |
| |
| There is an **experimental** table that surfaces this information. The **API is |
| subject to change**. |
| |
| ```sql |
| select |
| name, |
| map_name, |
| cumulative_size |
| from experimental_flamegraph( |
| -- The type of the profile from which the flamegraph is being generated. |
| -- Always 'native' for native heap profiles. |
| 'native', |
| -- The timestamp of the heap profile. |
| 8300973884377, |
| -- Timestamp constraints: not relevant and always null for native heap |
| -- profiles. |
| NULL, |
| -- The upid of the heap profile. |
| 1, |
| -- The upid group: not relevant and always null for native heap profiles. |
| NULL, |
| -- A regex for focusing on a particular node in the heapgraph: for advanced |
| -- use only. |
| NULL |
| ) |
| order by abs(cumulative_size) desc; |
| ``` |
| |
| | name | map_name | cumulative_size | |
| |------|----------|----------------| |
| |__start_thread|/apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so|392608| |
| |_ZL15__pthread_startPv|/apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so|392608| |
| |_ZN13thread_data_t10trampolineEPKS|/system/lib64/libutils.so|199496| |
| |_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv|/system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so|199496| |
| |_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv|/system/lib64/libutils.so|199496| |
| |_ZN3art6Thread14CreateCallbackEPv|/apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so|193112| |
| |_ZN3art35InvokeVirtualOrInterface...|/apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so|193112| |
| |_ZN3art9ArtMethod6InvokeEPNS_6ThreadEPjjPNS_6JValueEPKc|/apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so|193112| |
| |art_quick_invoke_stub|/apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so|193112| |