| # Perfetto key concepts and architecture |
| |
| Producer <> Service <> Consumer model |
| ------------------------------------- |
|  |
| |
| **Service** |
| The tracing service is a long-lived entity (a system daemon on Linux/Android, |
| a service in Chrome) that has the following responsibilities: |
| - Maintains a registry of active producers and their data sources. |
| - Owns the trace buffers. |
| - Handles multiplexing of several tracing sessions. |
| - Routes the trace config from the consumers to the corresponding producers. |
| - Tells the Producers when and what to trace. |
| - Moves data from the Producer's shared memory buffer to the central non-shared |
| trace buffers. |
| |
| **Producer** |
| A producer is an untrusted entity that offers the ability to contribute to the |
| trace. In a multiprocess model, a producer almost always corresponds to a client |
| process of the tracing service. It advertises its ability to contribute to the trace with one or more data sources. |
| Each producer has exactly: |
| - One shared memory buffer, shared exclusively with the tracing service. |
| - One IPC channel with the tracing service. |
| |
| A producer is completely decoupled (both technically and conceptually) from |
| consumer(s). A producer knows nothing about: |
| - How many consumer(s) are connected to the service. |
| - How many tracing sessions are active. |
| - How many other producer(s) are registered or active. |
| - Trace data written by other producer(s). |
| |
| *** aside |
| In rare circumstances a process can host more than one producer and hence more |
| than one shared memory buffer. This can be the case for a process bundling |
| third-party libraries that in turn include the Perfetto client library. |
| Concrete example: at some point in the future Chrome might expose one Producer for tracing within the main project, one for V8 and one for Skia (for each child |
| process). |
| *** |
| |
| **Consumer** |
| A consumer is a trusted entity (a cmdline client on Linux/Android, an interface |
| of the Browser process in Chrome) that controls (non-exclusively) the tracing service and reads back (destructively) the trace buffers. |
| A consumer has the ability to: |
| - Send a [trace config](trace-config.md) to the service, determining: |
| - How many trace buffers to create. |
| - How big the trace buffers should be. |
| - The policy for each buffer (*ring-buffer* or *stop-when-full*). |
| - Which data sources to enable. |
| - The configuration for each data source. |
| - The target buffer for the data produced by each data source configured. |
| - Enable and disable tracing. |
| - Read back the trace buffers: |
| - Streaming data over the IPC channel. |
| - Passing a file descriptor to the service and instructing it to periodically |
| save the trace buffers into the file. |
| |
| **Data source** |
| A data source is a capability, exposed by a Producer, of providing some tracing |
| data. A data source almost always defines its own schema (a protobuf) consisting |
| of: |
| - At most one `DataSourceConfig` sub-message |
| ([example](/protos/perfetto/config/ftrace/ftrace_config.proto)) |
| - One or more `TracePacket` sub-messages |
| ([example](/protos/perfetto/trace/ps/process_tree.proto)) |
| |
| Different producers may expose the same data source. Concrete example: |
| *** aside |
| At some point in the near future we might offer, as part of Perfetto, a library |
| for in-process heap profiling. In such case more than one producer, linking |
| against the updated Perfetto library, will expose the heap profiler data source, |
| for its own process. |
| *** |
| |
| **IPC channel** |
| In a multiprocess scenario, each producer and each consumer interact with the |
| service using an IPC channel. IPC is used only in non-fast-path interactions, |
| mostly handshakes such as enabling/disabling trace (consumer), (un)registering |
| and starting/stopping data sources (producer). The IPC is typically NOT employed |
| to transport the protobufs for the trace. |
| Perfetto provides a POSIX-friendly IPC implementation, based on protobufs over a |
| UNIX socket (see [ipc.md](ipc.md)). That IPC implementation is not mandated. |
| Perfetto allows the embedder: |
| - Wrap its own IPC subsystem (e.g., Perfetto in Chromium uses Mojo) |
| - Not use an IPC mechanism at all and just short circuit the |
| Producer <> Service <> Consumer interaction via `PostTask(s)`. |
| |
| See [embedder-guide.md](embedder-guide.md) for more details. |
| |
| |
| **Shared memory buffer** |
| Producer(s) write tracing data, in the form of protobuf-encoded binary blobs, |
| directly into its shared memory buffer, using a special library called |
| [ProtoZero](protozero.md). The shared memory buffer: |
| - Has a fixed and typically small size (configurable, default: 128 KB). |
| - Is an ABI and must maintain backwards compatibility. |
| - Is shared by all data sources of the producer. |
| - Is independent of the number and the size of the trace buffers. |
| - Is independent of the number of Consumer(s). |
| - Is partitioned in *chunks* of variable size. |
| |
| Each chunk: |
| - Is owned exclusively by one Producer thread (or shared through a mutex). |
| - Contains a linear sequence of [`TracePacket(s)`](trace-format.md), or |
| fragments of that. A `TracePacket` can span across several chunks, the |
| fragmentation is not exposed to the consumers (consumers always see whole |
| packets as if they were never fragmented). |
| - Can be owned and written by exactly one `TraceWriter`. |
| - Is part of a reliable and ordered sequence, identified by the `WriterID`: |
| packets in a sequence are guaranteed to be read back in order, without gaps |
| and without repetitions (see [trace-format.md](trace-format.md) for more). |
| |
| See the comments in |
| [shared_memory_abi.h](/include/perfetto/tracing/core/shared_memory_abi.h) |
| for more details about the binary format of this buffer. |
| |
| Other resources |
| --------------- |
| * [Life of a tracing session](life-of-a-tracing-session.md) |
| * [Trace config](trace-config.md) |
| * [Trace format](trace-format.md) |