| # ProtoZero design document |
| |
| ProtoZero is a zero-copy zero-alloc zero-syscall protobuf serialization libary |
| purposefully built for Perfetto's tracing use cases. |
| |
| ## Motivations |
| |
| ProtoZero has been designed and optimized for proto serialization, which is used |
| by all Perfetto tracing paths. |
| Deserialization was introduced only at a later stage of the project and is |
| mainly used by offline tools |
| (e.g., [TraceProcessor](/docs/analysis/trace-processor.md). |
| The _zero-copy zero-alloc zero-syscall_ statement applies only to the |
| serialization code. |
| |
| Perfetto makes extensive use of protobuf in tracing fast-paths. Every trace |
| event in Perfetto is a proto |
| (see [TracePacket](/docs/reference/trace-packet-proto.autogen) reference). This |
| allows events to be strongly typed and makes it easier for the team to maintain |
| backwards compatibility using a language that is understood across the board. |
| |
| Tracing fast-paths need to have very little overhead, because instrumentation |
| points are sprinkled all over the codebase of projects like Android |
| and Chrome and are performance-critical. |
| |
| Overhead here is not just defined as CPU time (or instructions retired) it |
| takes to execute the instrumentation point. A big source of overhead in a |
| tracing system is represented by the working set of the instrumentation points, |
| specifically extra I-cache and D-cache misses which would slow down the |
| non-tracing code _after_ the tracing instrumentation point. |
| |
| The major design departures of ProtoZero from canonical C++ protobuf libraries |
| like [libprotobuf](https://github.com/google/protobuf) are: |
| |
| * Treating serialization and deserialization as different use-cases served by |
| different code. |
| |
| * Optimizing for binary size and working-set-size on the serialization paths. |
| |
| * Ignoring most of the error checking and long-tail features of protobuf |
| (repeated vs optional, full type checks). |
| |
| * ProtoZero is not designed as general-purpose protobuf de/serialization and is |
| heavily customized to maintain the tracing writing code minimal and allow the |
| compiler to see through the architectural layers. |
| |
| * Code generated by ProtoZero needs to be hermetic. When building the |
| amalgamated [Tracing SDK](/docs/instrumentation/tracing-sdk.md), the all |
| perfetto tracing sources need to not have any dependency on any other |
| libraries other than the C++ standard library and C library. |
| |
| ## Usage |
| |
| At the build-system level, ProtoZero is extremely similar to the conventional |
| libprotobuf library. |
| The ProtoZero `.proto -> .pbzero.{cc,h}` compiler is based on top of the |
| libprotobuf parser and compiler infrastructure. ProtoZero is as a `protoc` |
| compiler plugin. |
| |
| ProtoZero has a build-time-only dependency on libprotobuf (the plugin depends |
| on libprotobuf's parser and compiler). The `.pbzero.{cc,h}` code generated by |
| it, however, has no runtime dependency (not even header-only dependencies) on |
| libprotobuf. |
| |
| In order to generate ProtoZero stubs from proto you need to: |
| |
| 1. Build the ProtoZero compiler plugin, which lives in |
| [src/protozero/protoc_plugin/](/src/protozero/protoc_plugin/). |
| ```bash |
| tools/ninja -C out/default protozero_plugin protoc |
| ``` |
| |
| 2. Invoke the libprotobuf `protoc` compiler passing the `protozero_plugin`: |
| ```bash |
| out/default/protoc \ |
| --plugin=protoc-gen-plugin=out/default/protozero_plugin \ |
| --plugin_out=wrapper_namespace=pbzero:/tmp/ \ |
| test_msg.proto |
| ``` |
| This generates `/tmp/test_msg.pbzero.{cc,h}`. |
| |
| NOTE: The .cc file is always empty. ProtoZero-generated code is header only. |
| The .cc file is emitted only because some build systems' rules assume that |
| protobuf codegens generate both a .cc and a .h file. |
| |
| ## Proto serialization |
| |
| The quickest way to undestand ProtoZero design principles is to start from a |
| small example and compare the generated code between libprotobuf and ProtoZero. |
| |
| ```protobuf |
| syntax = "proto2"; |
| |
| message TestMsg { |
| optional string str_val = 1; |
| optional int32 int_val = 2; |
| repeated TestMsg nested = 3; |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| #### libprotobuf approach |
| |
| The libprotobuf approach is to generate a C++ class that has one member for each |
| proto field, with dedicated serialization and de-serialization methods. |
| |
| ```bash |
| out/default/protoc --cpp_out=. test_msg.proto |
| ``` |
| |
| generates test_msg.pb.{cc,h}. With many degrees of simplification, it looks |
| as follows: |
| |
| ```c++ |
| // This class is generated by the standard protoc compiler in the .pb.h source. |
| class TestMsg : public protobuf::MessageLite { |
| private: |
| int32 int_val_; |
| ArenaStringPtr str_val_; |
| RepeatedPtrField<TestMsg> nested_; // Effectively a vector<TestMsg> |
| |
| public: |
| const std::string& str_val() const; |
| void set_str_val(const std::string& value); |
| |
| bool has_int_val() const; |
| int32_t int_val() const; |
| void set_int_val(int32_t value); |
| |
| ::TestMsg* add_nested(); |
| ::TestMsg* mutable_nested(int index); |
| const TestMsg& nested(int index); |
| |
| std::string SerializeAsString(); |
| bool ParseFromString(const std::string&); |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| The main characteristic of these stubs are: |
| |
| * Code generated from .proto messages can be used in the codebase as general |
| purpose objects, without ever using the `SerializeAs*()` or `ParseFrom*()` |
| methods (although anecdotal evidence suggests that most project use these |
| proto-generated classes only at the de/serialization endpoints). |
| |
| * The end-to-end journey of serializing a proto involves two steps: |
| 1. Setting the individual int / string / vector fields of the generated class. |
| 2. Doing a serialization pass over these fields. |
| |
| In turn this has side-effects on the code generated. STL copy/assignment |
| operators for strings and vectors are non-trivial because, for instance, they |
| need to deal with dynamic memory resizing. |
| |
| #### ProtoZero approach |
| |
| ```c++ |
| // This class is generated by the ProtoZero plugin in the .pbzero.h source. |
| class TestMsg : public protozero::Message { |
| public: |
| void set_str_val(const std::string& value) { |
| AppendBytes(/*field_id=*/1, value.data(), value.size()); |
| } |
| void set_str_val(const char* data, size_t size) { |
| AppendBytes(/*field_id=*/1, data, size); |
| } |
| void set_int_val(int32_t value) { |
| AppendVarInt(/*field_id=*/2, value); |
| } |
| TestMsg* add_nested() { |
| return BeginNestedMessage<TestMsg>(/*field_id=*/3); |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| The ProtoZero-generated stubs are append-only. As the `set_*`, `add_*` methods |
| are invoked, the passed arguments are directly serialized into the target |
| buffer. This introduces some limitations: |
| |
| * Readback is not possible: these classes cannot be used as C++ struct |
| replacements. |
| |
| * No error-checking is performed: nothing prevents a non-repeated field to be |
| emitted twice in the serialized proto if the caller accidentally calls a |
| `set_*()` method twice. Basic type checks are still performed at compile-time |
| though. |
| |
| * Nested fields must be filled in a stack fashion and cannot be written |
| interleaved. Once a nested message is started, its fields must be set before |
| going back setting the fields of the parent message. This turns out to not be |
| a problem for most tracing use-cases. |
| |
| This has a number of advantages: |
| |
| * The classes generated by ProtoZero don't add any extra state on top of the |
| base class they derive (`protozero::Message`). They define only inline |
| setter methods that call base-class serialization methods. Compilers can |
| see through all the inline expansions of these methods. |
| |
| * As a consequence of that, the binary cost of ProtoZero is independent of the |
| number of protobuf messages defined and their fields, and depends only on the |
| number of `set_*`/`add_*` calls. This (i.e. binary cost of non-used proto |
| messages and fields) anecdotally has been a big issue with libprotobuf. |
| |
| * The serialization methods don't involve any copy or dynamic allocation. The |
| inline expansion calls directly into the corresponding `AppendVarInt()` / |
| `AppendString()` methods of `protozero::Message`. |
| |
| * This allows to directly serialize trace events into the |
| [tracing shared memory buffers](/docs/concepts/buffers.md), even if they are |
| not contiguous. |
| |
| ### Scattered buffer writing |
| |
| A key part of the ProtoZero design is supporting direct serialization on |
| non-globally-contiguous sequences of contiguous memory regions. |
| |
| This happens by decoupling `protozero::Message`, the base class for all the |
| generated classes, from the `protozero::ScatteredStreamWriter`. |
| The problem it solves is the following: ProtoZero is based on direct |
| serialization into shared memory buffers chunks. These chunks are 4KB - 32KB in |
| most cases. At the same time, there is no limit in how much data the caller will |
| try to write into an individual message, a trace event can be up to 256 MiB big. |
| |
|  |
| |
| #### Fast-path |
| |
| At all times the underlying `ScatteredStreamWriter` knows what are the bounds |
| of the current buffer. All write operations are bound checked and hit a |
| slow-path when crossing the buffer boundary. |
| |
| Most write operations can be completed within the current buffer boundaries. |
| In that case, the cost of a `set_*` operation is in essence a `memcpy()` with |
| the extra overhead of var-int encoding for protobuf preambles and |
| length-delimited fields. |
| |
| #### Slow-path |
| |
| When crossing the boundary, the slow-path asks the |
| `ScatteredStreamWriter::Delegate` for a new buffer. The implementation of |
| `GetNewBuffer()` is up to the client. In tracing use-cases, that call will |
| acquire a new thread-local chunk from the tracing shared memory buffer. |
| |
| Other heap-based implementations are possible. For instance, the ProtoZero |
| sources provide a helper class `HeapBuffered<TestMsg>`, mainly used in tests (see |
| [scattered_heap_buffer.h](/include/perfetto/protozero/scattered_heap_buffer.h)), |
| which allocates a new heap buffer when crossing the boundaries of the current |
| one. |
| |
| Consider the following example: |
| |
| ```c++ |
| TestMsg outer_msg; |
| for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { |
| TestMsg* nested = outer_msg.add_nested(); |
| nested->set_int_val(42); |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| At some point one of the `set_int_val()` calls will hit the slow-path and |
| acquire a new buffer. The overall idea is having a serialization mechanism |
| that is extremely lightweight most of the times and that requires some extra |
| function calls when buffer boundary, so that their cost gets amortized across |
| all trace events. |
| |
| In the context of the overall Perfetto tracing use case, the slow-path involves |
| grabbing a process-local mutex and finding the next free chunk in the shared |
| memory buffer. Hence writes are lock-free as long as they happen within the |
| thread-local chunk and require a critical section to acquire a new chunk once |
| every 4KB-32KB (depending on the trace configuration). |
| |
| The assumption is that the likeliness that two threads will cross the chunk |
| boundary and call `GetNewBuffer()` at the same time is extremely low and hence |
| the critical section is un-contended most of the times. |
| |
| ```mermaid |
| sequenceDiagram |
| participant C as Call site |
| participant M as Message |
| participant SSR as ScatteredStreamWriter |
| participant DEL as Buffer Delegate |
| C->>M: set_int_val(...) |
| activate C |
| M->>SSR: AppendVarInt(...) |
| deactivate C |
| Note over C,SSR: A typical write on the fast-path |
| |
| C->>M: set_str_val(...) |
| activate C |
| M->>SSR: AppendString(...) |
| SSR->>DEL: GetNewBuffer(...) |
| deactivate C |
| Note over C,DEL: A write on the slow-path when crossing 4KB - 32KB chunks. |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Deferred patching |
| |
| Nested messages in the protobuf binary encoding are prefixed with their |
| varint-encoded size. |
| |
| Consider the following: |
| |
| ```c++ |
| TestMsg* nested = outer_msg.add_nested(); |
| nested->set_int_val(42); |
| nested->set_str_val("foo"); |
| ``` |
| |
| The canonical encoding of this protobuf message, using libprotobuf, would be: |
| |
| ```bash |
| 1a 07 0a 03 66 6f 6f 10 2a |
| ^-+-^ ^-----+------^ ^-+-^ |
| | | | |
| | | +--> Field ID: 2 [int_val], value = 42. |
| | | |
| | +------> Field ID: 1 [str_val], len = 3, value = "foo" (66 6f 6f). |
| | |
| +------> Field ID: 3 [nested], length: 7 # !!! |
| ``` |
| |
| The second byte in this sequence (07) is problematic for direct encoding. At the |
| point where `outer_msg.add_nested()` is called, we can't possibly know upfront |
| what the overall size of the nested message will be (in this case, 5 + 2 = 7). |
| |
| The way we get around this in ProtoZero is by reserving four bytes for the |
| _size_ of each nested message and back-filling them once the message is |
| finalized (or when we try to set a field in one of the parent messages). |
| We do this by encoding the size of the message using redundant varint encoding, |
| in this case: `87 80 80 00` instead of `07`. |
| |
| At the C++ level, the `protozero::Message` class holds a pointer to its `size` |
| field, which typically points to the beginning of the message, where the four |
| bytes are reserved, and back-fills it in the `Message::Finalize()` pass. |
| |
| This works fine for cases where the entire message lies in one contiguous buffer |
| but opens a further challenge: a message can be several MBs big. Looking at this |
| from the overall tracing perspective, the shared memory buffer chunk that holds |
| the beginning of a message can be long gone (i.e. committed in the central |
| service buffer) by the time we get to the end. |
| |
| In order to support this use case, at the tracing code level (outside of |
| ProtoZero), when a message crosses the buffer boundary, its `size` field gets |
| redirected to a temporary patch buffer |
| (see [patch_list.h](/src/tracing/core/patch_list.h)). This patch buffer is then |
| sent out-of-band, piggybacking over the next commit IPC (see |
| [Tracing Protocol ABI](/docs/design-docs/api-and-abi.md#tracing-protocol-abi)) |
| |
| ### Performance characteristics |
| |
| NOTE: For the full code of the benchmark see |
| `/src/protozero/test/protozero_benchmark.cc` |
| |
| We consider two scenarios: writing a simple event and a nested event |
| |
| #### Simple event |
| |
| Consists of filling a flat proto message with of 4 integers (2 x 32-bit, |
| 2 x 64-bit) and a 32 bytes string, as follows: |
| |
| ```c++ |
| void FillMessage_Simple(T* msg) { |
| msg->set_field_int32(...); |
| msg->set_field_uint32(...); |
| msg->set_field_int64(...); |
| msg->set_field_uint64(...); |
| msg->set_field_string(...); |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| #### Nested event |
| |
| Consists of filling a similar message which is recursively nested 3 levels deep: |
| |
| ```c++ |
| void FillMessage_Nested(T* msg, int depth = 0) { |
| FillMessage_Simple(msg); |
| if (depth < 3) { |
| auto* child = msg->add_field_nested(); |
| FillMessage_Nested(child, depth + 1); |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| #### Comparison terms |
| |
| We compare, for the same message type, the performance of ProtoZero, |
| libprotobuf and a speed-of-light serializer. |
| |
| The speed-of-light serializer is a very simple C++ class that just appends |
| data into a linear buffer making all sorts of favourable assumptions. It does |
| not use any binary-stable encoding, it does not perform bound checking, |
| all writes are 64-bit aligned, it doesn't deal with any thread-safety. |
| |
| ```c++ |
| struct SOLMsg { |
| template <typename T> |
| void Append(T x) { |
| // The memcpy will be elided by the compiler, which will emit just a |
| // 64-bit aligned mov instruction. |
| memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr_), &x, sizeof(x)); |
| ptr_ += sizeof(x); |
| } |
| |
| void set_field_int32(int32_t x) { Append(x); } |
| void set_field_uint32(uint32_t x) { Append(x); } |
| void set_field_int64(int64_t x) { Append(x); } |
| void set_field_uint64(uint64_t x) { Append(x); } |
| void set_field_string(const char* str) { ptr_ = strcpy(ptr_, str); } |
| |
| alignas(uint64_t) char storage_[sizeof(g_fake_input_simple) + 8]; |
| char* ptr_ = &storage_[0]; |
| }; |
| ``` |
| |
| The speed-of-light serializer serves as a reference for _how fast a serializer |
| could be if argument marshalling and bound checking were zero cost._ |
| |
| #### Benchmark results |
| |
| ##### Google Pixel 3 - aarch64 |
| |
| ```bash |
| $ cat out/droid_arm64/args.gn |
| target_os = "android" |
| is_clang = true |
| is_debug = false |
| target_cpu = "arm64" |
| |
| $ ninja -C out/droid_arm64/ perfetto_benchmarks && \ |
| adb push --sync out/droid_arm64/perfetto_benchmarks /data/local/tmp/perfetto_benchmarks && \ |
| adb shell '/data/local/tmp/perfetto_benchmarks --benchmark_filter=BM_Proto*' |
| |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Benchmark Time CPU Iterations |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| BM_Protozero_Simple_Libprotobuf 402 ns 398 ns 1732807 |
| BM_Protozero_Simple_Protozero 242 ns 239 ns 2929528 |
| BM_Protozero_Simple_SpeedOfLight 118 ns 117 ns 6101381 |
| BM_Protozero_Nested_Libprotobuf 1810 ns 1800 ns 390468 |
| BM_Protozero_Nested_Protozero 780 ns 773 ns 901369 |
| BM_Protozero_Nested_SpeedOfLight 138 ns 136 ns 5147958 |
| ``` |
| |
| ##### HP Z920 workstation (Intel Xeon E5-2690 v4) running Linux |
| |
| ```bash |
| |
| $ cat out/linux_clang_release/args.gn |
| is_clang = true |
| is_debug = false |
| |
| $ ninja -C out/linux_clang_release/ perfetto_benchmarks && \ |
| out/linux_clang_release/perfetto_benchmarks --benchmark_filter=BM_Proto* |
| |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Benchmark Time CPU Iterations |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| BM_Protozero_Simple_Libprotobuf 428 ns 428 ns 1624801 |
| BM_Protozero_Simple_Protozero 261 ns 261 ns 2715544 |
| BM_Protozero_Simple_SpeedOfLight 111 ns 111 ns 6297387 |
| BM_Protozero_Nested_Libprotobuf 1625 ns 1625 ns 436411 |
| BM_Protozero_Nested_Protozero 843 ns 843 ns 849302 |
| BM_Protozero_Nested_SpeedOfLight 140 ns 140 ns 5012910 |
| ``` |