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# Timeline
## Intro
The timeline is at the center of the redaction system. It provides an
efficient method to find which package a thread/process belongs to.
The timeline allows queries to be connected to time. Without this, there's a
significant privacy conern because a pid can be recycled. Just because the pid
is excluded from redaction before time T, doesn't mean it should be redacted
after time T.
## General Structure
The timeline uses an event-based pattern using two events:
- __Open Event:__ Marks the begining of a pid's new lifespan.
- __Close Event:__ Marks the end of a pids's lifespan.
An event-based structure (compared to a span-based structure) is used as it is
better suited to handle errors/issues in the underlying data. For example, if a
pid doesn't explictly ends before being reused (e.g. two back-to-back open
events), the event-based structure "just works".
Open events contain the thread's full state. The close event only contains the
information needed to reference the thread's previous event.
struct Open {
uint64_t ts;
int32_t pid;
int32_t ppid;
uint64_t uid;
struct Close {
uint64_t ts;
int32_t pid;
The vast majory of threads will have one event, an open event provided by the
`ProcessTree`. For some threads, they will have multiple open (`ProcessTree`,
`NewTask`) and close events (`ProcFree`) in alternating order.
## Query
struct Slice {
int32_t pid;
uint64_t uid;
class Timeline {
Slice Query(uint64_t ts, int32_t pid) const;
Events, regardless of type, are stored in contiguous memory and are ordered
first by pid and second by time. This is done to allow events to be found
via a binary search.
The vast majory of threads will have one event, the open event. Some threads
may have close and re-open events.
To handle a query,
1. Use a binary search to find the lower bound for `pid` (the first instance of
1. Scan forward to find the last event before `ts` (for `pid`)
If an event was found:
if (e.type == kOpen && uid != 0)
return Slice(pid, e.uid);
// The pid is active, check the parent for a uid.
if (e.type == kOpen && uid == 0)
return Query(ts, e.ppid);
return Slice(pid, kNoPackage);
If `pid` does not have an immediate package (`uid`), the parent must be
searched. The parent-child tree is short, so the recursive search will be
relatively short. To minimize this even more, a union-find operation is applied
because any queries can be made.
__Simple runtime overview:__
- $sort + union\ find$
- $nlogn + mlogn$
- where $n=events$
- and $m=approx\ average\ depth$
- $P(p) = m_p * (logn + e_p)$
- where $m_p=\ distance\ from\ pid\ to\ uid$
- and $n=events$
- and $e_p=number\ of\ events\ for\ process\ p$
- Because of the union-find in initialization, $m_p \to 0$
To further reduce the runtime, the search domain is reduces by remove all open
events for $pids$ that don't connect to a target $uid$. By removing open events,
and close events, there are two advantages:
1. Removing open events are safe and simple. By removing open events, those pids
can never be marked by active. Keeping the close events effectively reminds the
system that the pid is not active.
1. The number of open events exceeds the number of close events. Removing open
events will have a greater effect on the number of events.
|tids|3666|Total number of threads.|
|freed threads|5|Number of threads that were freed.|
|reused threads|0|No threads were used more than one time.|
|process tids|64|Total number of threads connected to the target process.|
After initialization, there would only be 64 open events and 5 close events.
This means that every uid lookup would be $logn\ |\ n=64 = 6$. Finding the uid
given a pid is one of the most common operations during redaction because uid
determines if something needs to be redacted.