blob: bc6581676b491a0849b19ea44307bfa176d955ba [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# Contributing to Perfetto
## Quickstart
NOTE: Perfetto can be built on Windows, Mac or Linux. However, setting up the environment on Windows is complicated so is not covered by this quickstart.
Prerequisites: git and python3.
git clone
cd perfetto
### Building
#### On Linux
For production:
tools/ninja -C out/linux_clang_release
For debug:
tools/ninja -C out/linux_clang_debug
#### On Mac
For production:
tools/ninja -C out/mac_release
For debug:
tools/ninja -C out/mac_debug
### Contributing
1. Create an account at [](
2. (if you are a Googler) Follow go/sync#get-credentials to allow uploading to
Android Gerrit.
3. Download `depot_tools`, a collection of helper scripts which make uploading changes
to Android Gerrit easier.
cd perfetto
git clone
4. Add `depot_tools` to your PATH (you may want to add this to your .bashrc/.zshrc):
depot_path="$(realpath depot_tools)"
export PATH=$depot_path:$PATH
5. Create a branch with the change:
git new-branch first-contribution
6. Make change in the repo.
7. Add, commit and upload the change:
git add .
git commit -m "My first contribution"
git cl upload
## Repository
This project uses [Android AOSP Gerrit][perfetto-gerrit] for code reviews,
follows the [Google C++ style][google-cpp-style], and targets `-std=c++17`.
Development happens in the AOSP repository: is an up-to-date and actively maintained
read-only mirror of the above. Pull requests through GitHub are not accepted.
## Code Reviews
All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review.
We use [Android AOSP Gerrit][perfetto-gerrit] for this purpose.
`git cl upload` from [Chromium depot tools][depot-tools] is the preferred
workflow to upload patches, as it takes care of runing presubmit tests,
build-file generators and code formatting.
If you submit code directly through `repo` and your CL touches build files or
.proto files, it's very likely that it will fail in the CI because the
aforementioned generators are bypassed.
## Continuous integration
There are two levels of CI / TryBots involved when submitting a Perfetto CL:
- []( it covers building and testing
on most platforms and toolchains within ~15 mins. Anecdotally most build
failures and bugs are detected at the Perfetto CI level.
- The [Android CI]( (also known as TreeHugger) builds a
full system image and runs full integration tests within ~2-4 hours. This can
shake a number of more rare integration bugs, often related with SELinux,
initrc files or similar.
Both CIs are kicked in when the `Presubmit-Ready: +1` is set and will publish a
comment like [this][ci-example] on the CL.
You need to wait for both CIs to go green before submitting. The only
exceptions are UI-only, docs-only or GN-only changes, for which the Android CI
can be bypassed, as those are not built as part of the Android tree.
You can also
[test a pending Perfetto CL against Chrome's TryBots](
## Community
You can reach us on our [Discord channel](
Mailing list:!forum/perfetto-dev
This project follows
[Google's Open Source Community Guidelines](
### Bugs
For bugs affecting Android or the tracing internals:
* **Googlers**: use the internal bug tracker [go/perfetto-bugs](
* **Non-Googlers**: use [GitHub issues](
For bugs affecting Chrome Tracing:
* Use `Component:Speed>Tracing label:Perfetto`.
## Contributor License Agreement
Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License
Agreement. You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution;
this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as
part of the project. Head over to <> to see
your current agreements on file or to sign a new one.
You generally only need to submit a CLA once, so if you've already submitted one
(even if it was for a different project), you probably don't need to do it