| # Trace Processor |
| |
| _The Trace Processor is a C++ library |
| ([/src/trace_processor](/src/trace_processor)) that ingests traces encoded in a |
| wide variety of formats and exposes an SQL interface for querying trace events |
| contained in a consistent set of tables. It also has other features including |
| computation of summary metrics, annotating the trace with user-friendly |
| descriptions and deriving new events from the contents of the trace._ |
| |
|  |
| |
| ## Quickstart |
| |
| The [quickstart](/docs/quickstart/trace-analysis.md) provides a quick overview |
| on how to run SQL queries against traces using trace processor. |
| |
| ## Introduction |
| |
| Events in a trace are optimized for fast, low-overhead recording. Therefore |
| traces need significant data processing to extract meaningful information from |
| them. This is compounded by the number of legacy formats which are still in use and |
| need to be supported in trace analysis tools. |
| |
| The trace processor abstracts this complexity by parsing traces, extracting the |
| data inside, and exposing it in a set of database tables which can be queried |
| with SQL. |
| |
| Features of the trace processor include: |
| |
| * Execution of SQL queries on a custom, in-memory, columnar database backed by |
| the SQLite query engine. |
| * Metrics subsystem which allows computation of summarized view of the trace |
| (e.g. CPU or memory usage of a process, time taken for app startup etc.). |
| * Annotating events in the trace with user-friendly descriptions, providing |
| context and explanation of events to newer users. |
| * Creation of new events derived from the contents of the trace. |
| |
| The formats supported by trace processor include: |
| |
| * Perfetto native protobuf format |
| * Linux ftrace |
| * Android systrace |
| * Chrome JSON (including JSON embedding Android systrace text) |
| * Fuchsia binary format |
| * [Ninja](https://ninja-build.org/) logs (the build system) |
| |
| The trace processor is embedded in a wide variety of trace analysis tools, including: |
| |
| * [trace_processor](/docs/analysis/trace-processor.md), a standalone binary |
| providing a shell interface (and the reference embedder). |
| * [Perfetto UI](https://ui.perfetto.dev), in the form of a WebAssembly module. |
| * [Android Graphics Inspector](https://gpuinspector.dev/). |
| * [Android Studio](https://developer.android.com/studio/). |
| |
| ## Concepts |
| |
| The trace processor has some foundational terminology and concepts which are |
| used in the rest of documentation. |
| |
| ### Events |
| |
| In the most general sense, a trace is simply a collection of timestamped |
| "events". Events can have associated metadata and context which allows them to |
| be interpreted and analyzed. |
| |
| Events form the foundation of trace processor and are one of two types: slices |
| and counters. |
| |
| #### Slices |
| |
|  |
| |
| A slice refers to an interval of time with some data describing what was |
| happening in that interval. Some example of slices include: |
| |
| * Scheduling slices for each CPU |
| * Atrace slices on Android |
| * Userspace slices from Chrome |
| |
| #### Counters |
| |
|  |
| |
| A counter is a continuous value which varies over time. Some examples of |
| counters include: |
| |
| * CPU frequency for each CPU core |
| * RSS memory events - both from the kernel and polled from /proc/stats |
| * atrace counter events from Android |
| * Chrome counter events |
| |
| ### Tracks |
| |
| A track is a named partition of events of the same type and the same associated |
| context. For example: |
| |
| * Scheduling slices have one track for each CPU |
| * Sync userspace slice have one track for each thread which emitted an event |
| * Async userspace slices have one track for each “cookie” linking a set of async |
| events |
| |
| The most intuitive way to think of a track is to imagine how they would be drawn |
| in a UI; if all the events are in a single row, they belong to the same track. |
| For example, all the scheduling events for CPU 5 are on the same track: |
| |
|  |
| |
| Tracks can be split into various types based on the type of event they contain |
| and the context they are associated with. Examples include: |
| |
| * Global tracks are not associated to any context and contain slices |
| * Thread tracks are associated to a single thread and contain slices |
| * Counter tracks are not associated to any context and contain counters |
| * CPU counter tracks are associated to a single CPU and contain counters |
| |
| ### Thread and process identifiers |
| |
| The handling of threads and processes needs special care when considered in the |
| context of tracing; identifiers for threads and processes (e.g. `pid`/`tgid` and |
| `tid` in Android/macOS/Linux) can be reused by the operating system over the |
| course of a trace. This means they cannot be relied upon as a unique identifier |
| when querying tables in trace processor. |
| |
| To solve this problem, the trace processor uses `utid` (_unique_ tid) for |
| threads and `upid` (_unique_ pid) for processes. All references to threads and |
| processes (e.g. in CPU scheduling data, thread tracks) uses `utid` and `upid` |
| instead of the system identifiers. |
| |
| ## Object-oriented tables |
| |
| Modeling an object with many types is a common problem in trace processor. For |
| example, tracks can come in many varieties (thread tracks, process tracks, |
| counter tracks etc). Each type has a piece of data associated to it unique to |
| that type; for example, thread tracks have a `utid` of the thread, counter |
| tracks have the `unit` of the counter. |
| |
| To solve this problem in object-oriented languages, a `Track` class could be |
| created and inheritance used for all subclasses (e.g. `ThreadTrack` and |
| `CounterTrack` being subclasses of `Track`, `ProcessCounterTrack` being a |
| subclass of `CounterTrack` etc). |
| |
|  |
| |
| In trace processor, this "object-oriented" approach is replicated by having |
| different tables for each type of object. For example, we have a `track` table |
| as the "root" of the hierarchy with the `thread_track` and `counter_track` |
| tables "inheriting from" the `track` table. |
| |
| NOTE: [The appendix below](#appendix-table-inheritance) gives the exact rules |
| for inheritance between tables for interested readers. |
| |
| Inheritance between the tables works in the natural way (i.e. how it works in |
| OO languages) and is best summarized by a diagram. |
| |
|  |
| |
| NOTE: For an up-to-date of how tables currently inherit from each other as well |
| as a comprehensive reference of all the column and how they are inherited see |
| the [SQL tables](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen) reference page. |
| |
| ## Writing Queries |
| |
| ### Context using tracks |
| |
| A common question when querying tables in trace processor is: "how do I obtain |
| the process or thread for a slice?". Phrased more generally, the question is |
| "how do I get the context for an event?". |
| |
| In trace processor, any context associated with all events on a track is found |
| on the associated `track` tables. |
| |
| For example, to obtain the `utid` of any thread which emitted a `measure` slice |
| |
| ```sql |
| SELECT utid |
| FROM slice |
| JOIN thread_track ON thread_track.id = slice.track_id |
| WHERE slice.name = 'measure' |
| ``` |
| |
| Similarly, to obtain the `upid`s of any process which has a `mem.swap` counter |
| greater than 1000 |
| |
| ```sql |
| SELECT upid |
| FROM counter |
| JOIN process_counter_track ON process_counter_track.id = slice.track_id |
| WHERE process_counter_track.name = 'mem.swap' AND value > 1000 |
| ``` |
| |
| If the source and type of the event is known beforehand (which is generally the |
| case), the following can be used to find the `track` table to join with |
| |
| | Event type | Associated with | Track table | Constraint in WHERE clause | |
| | :--------- | ------------------ | --------------------- | -------------------------- | |
| | slice | N/A (global scope) | track | `type = 'track'` | |
| | slice | thread | thread_track | N/A | |
| | slice | process | process_track | N/A | |
| | counter | N/A (global scope) | counter_track | `type = 'counter_track'` | |
| | counter | thread | thread_counter_track | N/A | |
| | counter | process | process_counter_track | N/A | |
| | counter | cpu | cpu_counter_track | N/A | |
| |
| On the other hand, sometimes the source is not known. In this case, joining with |
| the `track `table and looking up the `type` column will give the exact track |
| table to join with. |
| |
| For example, to find the type of track for `measure` events, the following query |
| could be used. |
| |
| ```sql |
| SELECT type |
| FROM slice |
| JOIN track ON track.id = slice.track_id |
| WHERE slice.name = 'measure' |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Thread and process tables |
| |
| While obtaining `utid`s and `upid`s are a step in the right direction, generally |
| users want the original `tid`, `pid`, and process/thread names. |
| |
| The `thread` and `process` tables map `utid`s and `upid`s to threads and |
| processes respectively. For example, to lookup the thread with `utid` 10 |
| |
| ```sql |
| SELECT tid, name |
| FROM thread |
| WHERE utid = 10 |
| ``` |
| |
| The `thread` and `process` tables can also be joined with the associated track |
| tables directly to jump directly from the slice or counter to the information |
| about processes and threads. |
| |
| For example, to get a list of all the threads which emitted a `measure` slice |
| |
| ```sql |
| SELECT thread.name AS thread_name |
| FROM slice |
| JOIN thread_track ON slice.track_id = thread_track.id |
| JOIN thread USING(utid) |
| WHERE slice.name = 'measure' |
| GROUP BY thread_name |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Helper functions |
| Helper functions are functions built into C++ which reduce the amount of |
| boilerplate which needs to be written in SQL. |
| |
| ### Extract args |
| `EXTRACT_ARG` is a helper function which retreives a property of an |
| event (e.g. slice or counter) from the `args` table. |
| |
| It takes an `arg_set_id` and `key` as input and returns the value looked |
| up in the `args` table. |
| |
| For example, to retrieve the `prev_comm` field for `sched_switch` events in |
| the `raw` table. |
| ```sql |
| SELECT EXTRACT_ARG(arg_set_id, 'prev_comm') |
| FROM raw |
| WHERE name = 'sched_switch' |
| ``` |
| |
| Behind the scenes, the above query would desugar to the following: |
| ```sql |
| ( |
| SELECT string_value |
| FROM args |
| WHERE key = 'prev_comm' AND args.arg_set_id = raw.arg_set_id |
| ) |
| FROM raw |
| WHERE name = 'sched_switch' |
| ``` |
| |
| NOTE: while convinient, `EXTRACT_ARG` can inefficient compared to a `JOIN` |
| when working with very large tables; a function call is required for every |
| row which will be slower than the batch filters/sorts used by `JOIN`. |
| |
| ## Operator tables |
| SQL queries are usually sufficient to retrieve data from trace processor. |
| Sometimes though, certain constructs can be difficult to express pure SQL. |
| |
| In these situations, trace processor has special "operator tables" which solve |
| a particular problem in C++ but expose an SQL interface for queries to take |
| advantage of. |
| |
| ### Span join |
| Span join is a custom operator table which computes the intersection of |
| spans of time from two tables or views. A column (called the *partition*) |
| can optionally be specified which divides the rows from each table into |
| partitions before computing the intersection. |
| |
|  |
| |
| ```sql |
| -- Get all the scheduling slices |
| CREATE VIEW sp_sched AS |
| SELECT ts, dur, cpu, utid |
| FROM sched |
| |
| -- Get all the cpu frequency slices |
| CREATE VIEW sp_frequency AS |
| ts, |
| lead(ts) OVER (PARTITION BY cpu ORDER BY ts) - ts as dur, |
| cpu, |
| value as freq |
| FROM counter |
| |
| -- Create the span joined table which combines cpu frequency with |
| -- scheduling slices. |
| CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE sched_with_frequency |
| USING SPAN_JOIN(sp_sched PARTITIONED cpu, sp_frequency PARTITIONED cpu) |
| |
| -- This span joined table can be queried as normal and has the columns from both |
| -- tables. |
| SELECT ts, dur, cpu, utid, freq |
| FROM sched_with_frequency |
| ``` |
| |
| NOTE: A partition can be specified on neither, either or both tables. If |
| specified on both, the same column name has to be specified on each table. |
| |
| WARNING: An important restriction on span joined tables is that spans from |
| the same table in the same partition *cannot* overlap. For performance |
| reasons, span join does not attempt to detect and error out in this situation; |
| instead, incorrect rows will silently be produced. |
| |
| ### Ancestor slice |
| ancestor_slice is a custom operator table that takes a |
| [slice table's id column](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#slice) and computes |
| all slices on the same track that are direct parents above that id (i.e. given |
| a slice id it will return as rows all slices that can be found by following |
| the parent_id column to the top slice (depth = 0)). |
| |
| The returned format is the same as the |
| [slice table](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#slice) |
| |
| For example, the following finds the top level slice given a bunch of slices of |
| interest. |
| |
| ```sql |
| CREATE VIEW interesting_slices AS |
| SELECT id, ts, dur, track_id |
| FROM slice WHERE name LIKE "%interesting slice name%"; |
| |
| * |
| FROM |
| interesting_slices LEFT JOIN |
| ancestor_slice(interesting_slices.id) AS ancestor ON ancestor.depth = 0 |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Descendant slice |
| descendant_slice is a custom operator table that takes a |
| [slice table's id column](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#slice) and |
| computes all slices on the same track that are nested under that id (i.e. |
| all slices that are on the same track at the same time frame with a depth |
| greater than the given slice's depth. |
| |
| The returned format is the same as the |
| [slice table](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#slice) |
| |
| For example, the following finds the number of slices under each slice of |
| interest. |
| |
| ```sql |
| CREATE VIEW interesting_slices AS |
| SELECT id, ts, dur, track_id |
| FROM slice WHERE name LIKE "%interesting slice name%"; |
| |
| * |
| ( |
| COUNT(*) AS total_descendants |
| FROM descendant_slice(interesting_slice.id) |
| ) |
| FROM interesting_slices |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Connected/Following/Preceding flows |
| |
| tables that take a |
| [slice table's id column](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#slice) and collect |
| all entries of [flow table](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#flow), that are |
| directly or indirectly connected to the given starting slice. |
| |
| `DIRECTLY_CONNECTED_FLOW(start_slice_id)` - contains all entries of |
| [flow table](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#flow) that are present in any |
| chain of kind: `flow[0] -> flow[1] -> ... -> flow[n]`, where |
| `flow[i].slice_out = flow[i+1].slice_in` and `flow[0].slice_out = start_slice_id |
| OR start_slice_id = flow[n].slice_in`. |
| |
| NOTE: Unlike the following/preceding flow functions, this function will not |
| include flows connected to ancestors or descendants while searching for flows |
| from a slice. It only includes the slices in the directly connected chain. |
| |
| `FOLLOWING_FLOW(start_slice_id)` - contains all flows which can be reached from |
| a given slice via recursively following from flow's outgoing slice to its |
| incoming one and from a reached slice to its child. The return table contains |
| all entries of [flow table](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#flow) that are |
| present in any chain of kind: `flow[0] -> flow[1] -> ... -> flow[n]`, where |
| `flow[i+1].slice_out IN DESCENDANT_SLICE(flow[i].slice_in) OR |
| flow[i+1].slice_out = flow[i].slice_in` and `flow[0].slice_out IN |
| DESCENDANT_SLICE(start_slice_id) OR flow[0].slice_out = start_slice_id`. |
| |
| `PRECEDING_FLOW(start_slice_id)` - contains all flows which can be reached from |
| a given slice via recursively following from flow's incoming slice to its |
| outgoing one and from a reached slice to its parent. The return table contains |
| all entries of [flow table](/docs/analysis/sql-tables.autogen#flow) that are |
| present in any chain of kind: `flow[n] -> flow[n-1] -> ... -> flow[0]`, where |
| `flow[i].slice_in IN ANCESTOR_SLICE(flow[i+1].slice_out) OR flow[i].slice_in = |
| flow[i+1].slice_out` and `flow[0].slice_in IN ANCESTOR_SLICE(start_slice_id) OR |
| flow[0].slice_in = start_slice_id`. |
| |
| ```sql |
| --number of following flows for each slice |
| SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FOLLOWING_FLOW(slice_id)) as following FROM slice; |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Metrics |
| |
| TIP: To see how to add to add a new metric to trace processor, see the checklist |
| [here](/docs/contributing/common-tasks.md#new-metric). |
| |
| The metrics subsystem is a significant part of trace processor and thus is |
| documented on its own [page](/docs/analysis/metrics.md). |
| |
| ## Annotations |
| |
| TIP: To see how to add to add a new annotation to trace processor, see the |
| checklist [here](/docs/contributing/common-tasks.md#new-annotation). |
| |
| Annotations attach a human-readable description to a slice in the trace. This |
| can include information like the source of a slice, why a slice is important and |
| links to documentation where the viewer can learn more about the slice. |
| In essence, descriptions act as if an expert was telling the user what the slice |
| means. |
| |
| For example, consider the `inflate` slice which occurs during view inflation in |
| Android. We can add the following description and link: |
| |
| **Description**: Constructing a View hierarchy from pre-processed XML via |
| LayoutInflater#layout. This includes constructing all of the View objects in the |
| hierarchy, and applying styled attributes. |
| |
| ## Creating derived events |
| |
| TIP: To see how to add to add a new annotation to trace processor, see the |
| checklist [here](/docs/contributing/common-tasks.md#new-annotation). |
| |
| This feature allows creation of new events (slices and counters) from the data |
| in the trace. These events can then be displayed in the UI tracks as if they |
| were part of the trace itself. |
| |
| This is useful as often the data in the trace is very low-level. While low |
| level information is important for experts to perform deep debugging, often |
| users are just looking for a high level overview without needing to consider |
| events from multiple locations. |
| |
| For example, an app startup in Android spans multiple components including |
| `ActivityManager`, `system_server`, and the newly created app process derived |
| from `zygote`. Most users do not need this level of detail; they are only |
| interested in a single slice spanning the entire startup. |
| |
| Creating derived events is tied very closely to |
| [metrics subsystem](/docs/analysis/metrics.md); often SQL-based metrics need to |
| create higher-level abstractions from raw events as intermediate artifacts. |
| |
| From previous example, the |
| [startup metric](/src/trace_processor/metrics/android/android_startup.sql) |
| creates the exact `launching` slice we want to display in the UI. |
| |
| The other benefit of aligning the two is that changes in metrics are |
| automatically kept in sync with what the user sees in the UI. |
| |
| ## Alerts |
| |
| Alerts are used to draw the attention of the user to interesting parts of the |
| trace; this are usually warnings or errors about anomalies which occurred in the |
| trace. |
| |
| Currently, alerts are not implemented in the trace processor but the API to |
| create derived events was designed with them in mind. We plan on adding another |
| column `alert_type` (name to be finalized) to the annotations table which can |
| have the value `warning`, `error` or `null`. Depending on this value, the |
| Perfetto UI will flag these events to the user. |
| |
| NOTE: we do not plan on supporting case where alerts need to be added to |
| existing events. Instead, new events should be created using annotations |
| and alerts added on these instead; this is because the trace processor |
| storage is monotonic-append-only. |
| |
| ## Python API |
| |
| The trace processor Python API is built on the existing HTTP interface of `trace processor` |
| and is available as part of the standalone build. The API allows you to load in traces and |
| query tables and run metrics without requiring the `trace_processor` binary to be |
| downloaded or installed. |
| |
| ### Setup |
| ``` |
| pip install perfetto |
| ``` |
| NOTE: The API is only compatible with Python3. |
| |
| ```python |
| from perfetto.trace_processor import TraceProcessor |
| # Initialise TraceProcessor with a trace file |
| tp = TraceProcessor(file_path='trace.perfetto-trace') |
| ``` |
| |
| NOTE: The TraceProcessor can be initialized in a combination of ways including: |
| <br> - An address at which there exists a running instance of `trace_processor` with a |
| loaded trace (e.g. `TraceProcessor(addr='localhost:9001')`) |
| <br> - An address at which there exists a running instance of `trace_processor` and |
| needs a trace to be loaded in |
| (e.g. `TraceProcessor(addr='localhost:9001', file_path='trace.perfetto-trace')`) |
| <br> - A path to a `trace_processor` binary and the trace to be loaded in |
| (e.g. `TraceProcessor(bin_path='./trace_processor', file_path='trace.perfetto-trace')`) |
| |
| |
| ### API |
| |
| The `trace_processor.api` module contains the `TraceProcessor` class which provides various |
| functions that can be called on the loaded trace. For more information on how to use |
| these functions, see this [`example`](/src/trace_processor/python/example.py). |
| |
| #### Query |
| The query() function takes an SQL query as input and returns an iterator through the rows |
| of the result. |
| |
| ```python |
| from perfetto.trace_processor import TraceProcessor |
| tp = TraceProcessor(file_path='trace.perfetto-trace') |
| |
| qr_it = tp.query('SELECT ts, dur, name FROM slice') |
| for row in qr_it: |
| print(row.ts, row.dur, row.name) |
| ``` |
| **Output** |
| ``` |
| 261187017446933 358594 eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR |
| 261187017518340 357 onMessageReceived |
| 261187020825163 9948 queueBuffer |
| 261187021345235 642 bufferLoad |
| 261187121345235 153 query |
| ... |
| ``` |
| The QueryResultIterator can also be converted to a Pandas DataFrame, although this |
| requires you to have both the `NumPy` and `Pandas` modules installed. |
| ```python |
| from perfetto.trace_processor import TraceProcessor |
| tp = TraceProcessor(file_path='trace.perfetto-trace') |
| |
| qr_it = tp.query('SELECT ts, dur, name FROM slice') |
| qr_df = qr_it.as_pandas_dataframe() |
| print(qr_df.to_string()) |
| ``` |
| **Output** |
| ``` |
| ts dur name |
| -------------------- -------------------- --------------------------- |
| 261187017446933 358594 eglSwapBuffersWithDamageKHR |
| 261187017518340 357 onMessageReceived |
| 261187020825163 9948 queueBuffer |
| 261187021345235 642 bufferLoad |
| 261187121345235 153 query |
| ... |
| ``` |
| Furthermore, you can use the query result in a Pandas DataFrame format to easily |
| make visualisations from the trace data. |
| ```python |
| from perfetto.trace_processor import TraceProcessor |
| tp = TraceProcessor(file_path='trace.perfetto-trace') |
| |
| qr_it = tp.query('SELECT ts, value FROM counter WHERE track_id=50') |
| qr_df = qr_it.as_pandas_dataframe() |
| qr_df = qr_df.replace(np.nan,0) |
| qr_df = qr_df.set_index('ts')['value'].plot() |
| ``` |
| **Output** |
| |
|  |
| |
| |
| #### Metric |
| The metric() function takes in a list of trace metrics and returns the results as a Protobuf. |
| |
| ```python |
| from perfetto.trace_processor import TraceProcessor |
| tp = TraceProcessor(file_path='trace.perfetto-trace') |
| |
| ad_cpu_metrics = tp.metric(['android_cpu']) |
| print(ad_cpu_metrics) |
| ``` |
| **Output** |
| ``` |
| metrics { |
| android_cpu { |
| process_info { |
| name: "/system/bin/init" |
| threads { |
| name: "init" |
| core { |
| id: 1 |
| metrics { |
| mcycles: 1 |
| runtime_ns: 570365 |
| min_freq_khz: 1900800 |
| max_freq_khz: 1900800 |
| avg_freq_khz: 1902017 |
| } |
| } |
| core { |
| id: 3 |
| metrics { |
| mcycles: 0 |
| runtime_ns: 366406 |
| min_freq_khz: 1900800 |
| max_freq_khz: 1900800 |
| avg_freq_khz: 1902908 |
| } |
| } |
| ... |
| } |
| ... |
| } |
| process_info { |
| name: "/system/bin/logd" |
| threads { |
| name: "logd.writer" |
| core { |
| id: 0 |
| metrics { |
| mcycles: 8 |
| runtime_ns: 33842357 |
| min_freq_khz: 595200 |
| max_freq_khz: 1900800 |
| avg_freq_khz: 1891825 |
| } |
| } |
| core { |
| id: 1 |
| metrics { |
| mcycles: 9 |
| runtime_ns: 36019300 |
| min_freq_khz: 1171200 |
| max_freq_khz: 1900800 |
| avg_freq_khz: 1887969 |
| } |
| } |
| ... |
| } |
| ... |
| } |
| ... |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| ### HTTP |
| The `trace_processor.http` module contains the `TraceProcessorHttp` class which |
| provides methods to make HTTP requests to an address at which there already |
| exists a running instance of `trace_processor` with a trace loaded in. All |
| results are returned in Protobuf format |
| (see [`trace_processor_proto`](/protos/perfetto/trace_processor/trace_processor.proto)). |
| Some functions include: |
| * `execute_query()` - Takes in an SQL query and returns a `QueryResult` Protobuf |
| message |
| * `compute_metric()` - Takes in a list of trace metrics and returns a |
| `ComputeMetricResult` Protobuf message |
| * `status()` - Returns a `StatusResult` Protobuf message |
| |
| |
| ## Testing |
| |
| Trace processor is mainly tested in two ways: |
| 1. Unit tests of low-level building blocks |
| 2. "Diff" tests which parse traces and check the output of queries |
| |
| ### Unit tests |
| Unit testing trace processor is the same as in other parts of Perfetto and |
| other C++ projects. However, unlike the rest of Perfetto, unit testing is |
| relatively light in trace processor. |
| |
| We have discovered over time that unit tests are generally too brittle |
| when dealing with code which parses traces leading to painful, mechanical |
| changes being needed when refactorings happen. |
| |
| Because of this, we choose to focus on diff tests for most areas (e.g. |
| parsing events, testing schema of tables, testing metrics etc.) and only |
| use unit testing for the low-level building blocks on which the rest of |
| trace processor is built. |
| |
| ### Diff tests |
| Diff tests are essentially integration tests for trace processor and the |
| main way trace processor is tested. |
| |
| Each diff test takes as input a) a trace file b) a query file *or* a metric |
| name. It runs `trace_processor_shell` to parse the trace and then executes |
| the query/metric. The result is then compared to a 'golden' file and any |
| difference is highlighted. |
| |
| All diff tests are organized under [test/trace_processor](/test/trace_processor) |
| and are run by the script |
| [`tools/diff_test_trace_processor.py`](/tools/diff_test_trace_processor.py). |
| New tests can be added with the helper script |
| [`tools/add_tp_diff_test.py`](/tools/add_tp_diff_test.py). |
| |
| NOTE: `trace_processor_shell` and associated proto descriptors needs to be |
| built before running `tools/diff_test_trace_processor.py`. The easiest way |
| to do this is to run `tools/ninja -C <out directory>` both initially and on |
| every change to trace processor code or builtin metrics. |
| |
| #### Choosing where to add diff tests |
| When adding a new test with `tools/add_tp_diff_test.py`, the user is |
| prompted for a folder to add the new test to. Often this can be confusing |
| as a test can fall into more than one category. This section is a guide |
| to decide which folder to choose. |
| |
| Broadly, there are two categories which all folders fall into: |
| 1. __"Area" folders__ which encompass a "vertical" area of interest |
| e.g. startup/ contains Android app startup related tests or chrome/ |
| contains all Chrome related tests. |
| 2. __"Feature" folders__ which encompass a particular feature of |
| trace processor e.g. process_tracking/ tests the lifetime tracking of |
| processes, span_join/ tests the span join operator. |
| |
| "Area" folders should be preferred for adding tests unless the test is |
| applicable to more than one "area"; in this case, one of "feature" folders |
| can be used instead. |
| |
| Here are some common scenarios in which new tests may be added and |
| answers on where to add the test: |
| |
| __Scenario__: A new event is being parsed, the focus of the test is to ensure |
| the event is being parsed correctly and the event is focused on a single |
| vertical "Area". |
| |
| _Answer_: Add the test in one of the "Area" folders. |
| |
| __Scenario__: A new event is being parsed and the focus of the test is to ensure |
| the event is being parsed correctly and the event is applicable to more than one |
| vertical "Area". |
| |
| _Answer_: Add the test to the parsing/ folder. |
| |
| __Scenario__: A new metric is being added and the focus of the test is to |
| ensure the metric is being correctly computed. |
| |
| _Answer_: Add the test in one of the "Area" folders. |
| |
| __Scenario__: A new dynamic table is being added and the focus of the test is to |
| ensure the dynamic table is being correctly computed... |
| |
| _Answer_: Add the test to the dynamic/ folder |
| |
| __Scenario__: The interals of trace processor are being modified and the test |
| is to ensure the trace processor is correctly filtering/sorting important |
| built-in tables. |
| |
| _Answer_: Add the test to the tables/ folder. |
| |
| |
| ## Appendix: table inheritance |
| |
| Concretely, the rules for inheritance between tables works are as follows: |
| |
| * Every row in a table has an `id` which is unique for a hierarchy of tables. |
| * For example, every `track` will have an `id` which is unique among all |
| tracks (regardless of the type of track) |
| * If a table C inherits from P, each row in C will also be in P _with the same |
| id_ |
| * This allows for ids to act as "pointers" to rows; lookups by id can be |
| performed on any table which has that row |
| * For example, every `process_counter_track` row will have a matching row in |
| `counter_track` which will itself have matching rows in `track` |
| * If a table C with columns `A` and `B` inherits from P with column `A`, `A` |
| will have the same data in both C and P |
| * For example, suppose |
| * `process_counter_track` has columns `name`, `unit` and `upid` |
| * `counter_track` has `name` and `unit` |
| * `track` has `name` |
| * Every row in `process_counter_track` will have the same `name` for the row |
| with the same id in `track` and `counter_track` |
| * Similarly, every row in `process_counter_track` will have both the same |
| `name ` and `unit` for the row with the same id in `counter_track` |
| * Every row in a table has a `type` column. This specifies the _most specific_ |
| table this row belongs to. |
| * This allows _dynamic casting_ of a row to its most specific type |
| * For example, for if a row in the `track` is actually a |
| `process_counter_track`, it's type column will be `process_counter_track`. |