blob: 2ccf7d51b62e77ac12367e1d315a113602294381 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Author: (Joseph Schorr)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
#include "google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h"
#include "absl/container/fixed_array.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_log.h"
#include "absl/strings/escaping.h"
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
#include "google/protobuf/dynamic_message.h"
#include "google/protobuf/generated_enum_reflection.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/printer.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h"
#include "google/protobuf/map_field.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message.h"
#include "google/protobuf/text_format.h"
#include "google/protobuf/util/field_comparator.h"
// Always include as last one, otherwise it can break compilation
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace util {
namespace {
std::string PrintShortTextFormat(const google::protobuf::Message& message) {
std::string debug_string;
google::protobuf::TextFormat::Printer printer;
printer.PrintToString(message, &debug_string);
// Single line mode currently might have an extra space at the end.
if (!debug_string.empty() && debug_string[debug_string.size() - 1] == ' ') {
debug_string.resize(debug_string.size() - 1);
return debug_string;
} // namespace
// A reporter to report the total number of diffs.
// TODO: we can improve this to take into account the value differencers.
class NumDiffsReporter : public google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer::Reporter {
NumDiffsReporter() : num_diffs_(0) {}
// Returns the total number of diffs.
int32_t GetNumDiffs() const { return num_diffs_; }
void Reset() { num_diffs_ = 0; }
// Report that a field has been added into Message2.
void ReportAdded(
const google::protobuf::Message& /* message1 */,
const google::protobuf::Message& /* message2 */,
const std::vector<google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer::SpecificField>&
/*field_path*/) override {
// Report that a field has been deleted from Message1.
void ReportDeleted(
const google::protobuf::Message& /* message1 */,
const google::protobuf::Message& /* message2 */,
const std::vector<google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer::SpecificField>&
/*field_path*/) override {
// Report that the value of a field has been modified.
void ReportModified(
const google::protobuf::Message& /* message1 */,
const google::protobuf::Message& /* message2 */,
const std::vector<google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer::SpecificField>&
/*field_path*/) override {
int32_t num_diffs_;
// When comparing a repeated field as map, MultipleFieldMapKeyComparator can
// be used to specify multiple fields as key for key comparison.
// Two elements of a repeated field will be regarded as having the same key
// iff they have the same value for every specified key field.
// Note that you can also specify only one field as key.
class MessageDifferencer::MultipleFieldsMapKeyComparator
: public MessageDifferencer::MapKeyComparator {
MessageDifferencer* message_differencer,
const std::vector<std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> >& key_field_paths)
: message_differencer_(message_differencer),
key_field_paths_(key_field_paths) {
for (const auto& path : key_field_paths_) {
MultipleFieldsMapKeyComparator(MessageDifferencer* message_differencer,
const FieldDescriptor* key)
: message_differencer_(message_differencer) {
std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> key_field_path;
MultipleFieldsMapKeyComparator(const MultipleFieldsMapKeyComparator&) =
MultipleFieldsMapKeyComparator& operator=(
const MultipleFieldsMapKeyComparator&) = delete;
bool IsMatch(const Message& message1, const Message& message2,
int unpacked_any,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& parent_fields) const override {
for (const auto& path : key_field_paths_) {
if (!IsMatchInternal(message1, message2, unpacked_any, parent_fields,
path, 0)) {
return false;
return true;
bool IsMatchInternal(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2, int unpacked_any,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& parent_fields,
const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& key_field_path,
int path_index) const {
const FieldDescriptor* field = key_field_path[path_index];
std::vector<SpecificField> current_parent_fields(parent_fields);
if (path_index == static_cast<int64_t>(key_field_path.size() - 1)) {
if (field->is_map()) {
return message_differencer_->CompareMapField(
message1, message2, unpacked_any, field, &current_parent_fields);
} else if (field->is_repeated()) {
return message_differencer_->CompareRepeatedField(
message1, message2, unpacked_any, field, &current_parent_fields);
} else {
return message_differencer_->CompareFieldValueUsingParentFields(
message1, message2, unpacked_any, field, -1, -1,
} else {
const Reflection* reflection1 = message1.GetReflection();
const Reflection* reflection2 = message2.GetReflection();
bool has_field1 = reflection1->HasField(message1, field);
bool has_field2 = reflection2->HasField(message2, field);
if (!has_field1 && !has_field2) {
return true;
if (has_field1 != has_field2) {
return false;
SpecificField specific_field;
specific_field.message1 = &message1;
specific_field.message2 = &message2;
specific_field.unpacked_any = unpacked_any;
specific_field.field = field;
return IsMatchInternal(reflection1->GetMessage(message1, field),
reflection2->GetMessage(message2, field),
false /*key is never Any*/, current_parent_fields,
key_field_path, path_index + 1);
MessageDifferencer* message_differencer_;
std::vector<std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> > key_field_paths_;
// Preserve the order when treating repeated field as SMART_LIST. The current
// implementation is to find the longest matching sequence from the first
// element. The optimal solution requires to use //util/diff/lcs.h, which is
// not open sourced yet. Overwrite this method if you want to have that.
// TODO: change to use LCS once it is open sourced.
void MatchIndicesPostProcessorForSmartList(std::vector<int>* match_list1,
std::vector<int>* match_list2) {
int last_matched_index = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < match_list1->size(); ++i) {
if (match_list1->at(i) < 0) {
if (last_matched_index < 0 || match_list1->at(i) > last_matched_index) {
last_matched_index = match_list1->at(i);
} else {
match_list2->at(match_list1->at(i)) = -1;
match_list1->at(i) = -1;
void AddSpecificIndex(
google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer::SpecificField* specific_field,
const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) {
if (field->is_map()) {
const Reflection* reflection = message.GetReflection();
specific_field->map_entry1 =
&reflection->GetRepeatedMessage(message, field, index);
specific_field->index = index;
void AddSpecificNewIndex(
google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer::SpecificField* specific_field,
const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) {
if (field->is_map()) {
const Reflection* reflection = message.GetReflection();
specific_field->map_entry2 =
&reflection->GetRepeatedMessage(message, field, index);
specific_field->new_index = index;
MessageDifferencer* message_differencer)
: message_differencer_(message_differencer) {}
bool MessageDifferencer::MapEntryKeyComparator::IsMatch(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2, int unpacked_any,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& parent_fields) const {
// Map entry has its key in the field with tag 1. See the comment for
// map_entry in MessageOptions.
const FieldDescriptor* key = message1.GetDescriptor()->FindFieldByNumber(1);
// If key is not present in message1 and we're doing partial comparison or if
// map key is explicitly ignored treat the field as set instead,
const bool treat_as_set =
(message_differencer_->scope() == PARTIAL &&
!message1.GetReflection()->HasField(message1, key)) ||
message_differencer_->IsIgnored(message1, message2, key, parent_fields);
std::vector<SpecificField> current_parent_fields(parent_fields);
if (treat_as_set) {
return message_differencer_->Compare(message1, message2, unpacked_any,
return message_differencer_->CompareFieldValueUsingParentFields(
message1, message2, unpacked_any, key, -1, -1, &current_parent_fields);
bool MessageDifferencer::Equals(const Message& message1,
const Message& message2) {
MessageDifferencer differencer;
return differencer.Compare(message1, message2);
bool MessageDifferencer::Equivalent(const Message& message1,
const Message& message2) {
MessageDifferencer differencer;
return differencer.Compare(message1, message2);
bool MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquals(const Message& message1,
const Message& message2) {
MessageDifferencer differencer;
return differencer.Compare(message1, message2);
bool MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquivalent(const Message& message1,
const Message& message2) {
MessageDifferencer differencer;
return differencer.Compare(message1, message2);
// ===========================================================================
: reporter_(nullptr),
MatchIndicesPostProcessorForSmartList) {}
MessageDifferencer::~MessageDifferencer() {
for (MapKeyComparator* comparator : owned_key_comparators_) {
delete comparator;
void MessageDifferencer::set_field_comparator(FieldComparator* comparator) {
ABSL_CHECK(comparator) << "Field comparator can't be nullptr.";
field_comparator_kind_ = kFCBase;
field_comparator_.base = comparator;
void MessageDifferencer::set_field_comparator(
DefaultFieldComparator* comparator) {
ABSL_CHECK(comparator) << "Field comparator can't be nullptr.";
field_comparator_kind_ = kFCDefault;
field_comparator_.default_impl = comparator;
void MessageDifferencer::set_message_field_comparison(
MessageFieldComparison comparison) {
message_field_comparison_ = comparison;
MessageDifferencer::message_field_comparison() const {
return message_field_comparison_;
void MessageDifferencer::set_scope(Scope scope) { scope_ = scope; }
MessageDifferencer::Scope MessageDifferencer::scope() const { return scope_; }
void MessageDifferencer::set_force_compare_no_presence(bool value) {
force_compare_no_presence_ = value;
void MessageDifferencer::set_float_comparison(FloatComparison comparison) {
comparison == EXACT ? DefaultFieldComparator::EXACT
: DefaultFieldComparator::APPROXIMATE);
void MessageDifferencer::set_repeated_field_comparison(
RepeatedFieldComparison comparison) {
repeated_field_comparison_ = comparison;
MessageDifferencer::repeated_field_comparison() const {
return repeated_field_comparison_;
void MessageDifferencer::CheckRepeatedFieldComparisons(
const FieldDescriptor* field,
const RepeatedFieldComparison& new_comparison) {
<< "Field must be repeated: " << field->full_name();
const MapKeyComparator* key_comparator = GetMapKeyComparator(field);
ABSL_CHECK(key_comparator == NULL)
<< "Cannot treat this repeated field as both MAP and " << new_comparison
<< " for comparison. Field name is: " << field->full_name();
void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsSet(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
CheckRepeatedFieldComparisons(field, AS_SET);
repeated_field_comparisons_[field] = AS_SET;
void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsSmartSet(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
CheckRepeatedFieldComparisons(field, AS_SMART_SET);
repeated_field_comparisons_[field] = AS_SMART_SET;
void MessageDifferencer::SetMatchIndicesForSmartListCallback(
std::function<void(std::vector<int>*, std::vector<int>*)> callback) {
match_indices_for_smart_list_callback_ = callback;
void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsList(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
CheckRepeatedFieldComparisons(field, AS_LIST);
repeated_field_comparisons_[field] = AS_LIST;
void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsSmartList(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
CheckRepeatedFieldComparisons(field, AS_SMART_LIST);
repeated_field_comparisons_[field] = AS_SMART_LIST;
void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsMap(const FieldDescriptor* field,
const FieldDescriptor* key) {
ABSL_CHECK_EQ(FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE, field->cpp_type())
<< "Field has to be message type. Field name is: " << field->full_name();
ABSL_CHECK(key->containing_type() == field->message_type())
<< key->full_name()
<< " must be a direct subfield within the repeated field "
<< field->full_name() << ", not " << key->containing_type()->full_name();
ABSL_CHECK(repeated_field_comparisons_.find(field) ==
<< "Cannot treat the same field as both "
<< repeated_field_comparisons_[field]
<< " and MAP. Field name is: " << field->full_name();
MapKeyComparator* key_comparator =
new MultipleFieldsMapKeyComparator(this, key);
map_field_key_comparator_[field] = key_comparator;
void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldsAsKey(
const FieldDescriptor* field,
const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& key_fields) {
std::vector<std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> > key_field_paths;
for (const FieldDescriptor* key_filed : key_fields) {
std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> key_field_path;
TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldPathsAsKey(field, key_field_paths);
void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldPathsAsKey(
const FieldDescriptor* field,
const std::vector<std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> >& key_field_paths) {
<< "Field must be repeated: " << field->full_name();
ABSL_CHECK_EQ(FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE, field->cpp_type())
<< "Field has to be message type. Field name is: " << field->full_name();
for (const auto& key_field_path : key_field_paths) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < key_field_path.size(); ++j) {
const FieldDescriptor* parent_field =
j == 0 ? field : key_field_path[j - 1];
const FieldDescriptor* child_field = key_field_path[j];
ABSL_CHECK(child_field->containing_type() == parent_field->message_type())
<< child_field->full_name()
<< " must be a direct subfield within the field: "
<< parent_field->full_name();
if (j != 0) {
<< parent_field->full_name() << " has to be of type message.";
<< parent_field->full_name() << " cannot be a repeated field.";
ABSL_CHECK(repeated_field_comparisons_.find(field) ==
<< "Cannot treat the same field as both "
<< repeated_field_comparisons_[field]
<< " and MAP. Field name is: " << field->full_name();
MapKeyComparator* key_comparator =
new MultipleFieldsMapKeyComparator(this, key_field_paths);
map_field_key_comparator_[field] = key_comparator;
void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsMapUsingKeyComparator(
const FieldDescriptor* field, const MapKeyComparator* key_comparator) {
<< "Field must be repeated: " << field->full_name();
ABSL_CHECK(repeated_field_comparisons_.find(field) ==
<< "Cannot treat the same field as both "
<< repeated_field_comparisons_[field]
<< " and MAP. Field name is: " << field->full_name();
map_field_key_comparator_[field] = key_comparator;
void MessageDifferencer::AddIgnoreCriteria(
std::unique_ptr<IgnoreCriteria> ignore_criteria) {
void MessageDifferencer::IgnoreField(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
void MessageDifferencer::SetFractionAndMargin(const FieldDescriptor* field,
double fraction, double margin) {
default_field_comparator_.SetFractionAndMargin(field, fraction, margin);
void MessageDifferencer::ReportDifferencesToString(std::string* output) {
ABSL_DCHECK(output) << "Specified output string was NULL";
output_string_ = output;
void MessageDifferencer::ReportDifferencesTo(Reporter* reporter) {
// If an output string is set, clear it to prevent
// it superseding the specified reporter.
if (output_string_) {
output_string_ = NULL;
reporter_ = reporter;
bool MessageDifferencer::FieldBefore(const FieldDescriptor* field1,
const FieldDescriptor* field2) {
// Handle sentinel values (i.e. make sure NULLs are always ordered
// at the end of the list).
if (field1 == NULL) {
return false;
if (field2 == NULL) {
return true;
// Always order fields by their tag number
return (field1->number() < field2->number());
bool MessageDifferencer::Compare(const Message& message1,
const Message& message2) {
const Descriptor* descriptor1 = message1.GetDescriptor();
const Descriptor* descriptor2 = message2.GetDescriptor();
if (descriptor1 != descriptor2) {
ABSL_DLOG(FATAL) << "Comparison between two messages with different "
<< "descriptors. " << descriptor1->full_name() << " vs "
<< descriptor2->full_name();
return false;
std::vector<SpecificField> parent_fields;
bool result = false;
// Setup the internal reporter if need be.
if (output_string_) {
io::StringOutputStream output_stream(output_string_);
StreamReporter reporter(&output_stream);
reporter.SetMessages(message1, message2);
reporter_ = &reporter;
result = Compare(message1, message2, false, &parent_fields);
reporter_ = NULL;
} else {
result = Compare(message1, message2, false, &parent_fields);
return result;
bool MessageDifferencer::CompareWithFields(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2,
const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& message1_fields_arg,
const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& message2_fields_arg) {
if (message1.GetDescriptor() != message2.GetDescriptor()) {
ABSL_DLOG(FATAL) << "Comparison between two messages with different "
<< "descriptors.";
return false;
std::vector<SpecificField> parent_fields;
bool result = false;
std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> message1_fields(
message1_fields_arg.size() + 1);
std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> message2_fields(
message2_fields_arg.size() + 1);
std::copy(message1_fields_arg.cbegin(), message1_fields_arg.cend(),
std::copy(message2_fields_arg.cbegin(), message2_fields_arg.cend(),
// Append sentinel values.
message1_fields[message1_fields_arg.size()] = nullptr;
message2_fields[message2_fields_arg.size()] = nullptr;
std::sort(message1_fields.begin(), message1_fields.end(), FieldBefore);
std::sort(message2_fields.begin(), message2_fields.end(), FieldBefore);
// Setup the internal reporter if need be.
if (output_string_) {
io::StringOutputStream output_stream(output_string_);
StreamReporter reporter(&output_stream);
reporter_ = &reporter;
result = CompareRequestedFieldsUsingSettings(
message1, message2, false, message1_fields, message2_fields,
reporter_ = NULL;
} else {
result = CompareRequestedFieldsUsingSettings(
message1, message2, false, message1_fields, message2_fields,
return result;
bool MessageDifferencer::Compare(const Message& message1,
const Message& message2, int unpacked_any,
std::vector<SpecificField>* parent_fields) {
// Expand google.protobuf.Any payload if possible.
if (message1.GetDescriptor()->full_name() == internal::kAnyFullTypeName) {
std::unique_ptr<Message> data1;
std::unique_ptr<Message> data2;
if (unpack_any_field_.UnpackAny(message1, &data1) &&
unpack_any_field_.UnpackAny(message2, &data2) &&
data1->GetDescriptor() == data2->GetDescriptor()) {
return Compare(*data1, *data2, unpacked_any + 1, parent_fields);
// If the Any payload is unparsable, or the payload types are different
// between message1 and message2, fall through and treat Any as a regular
// proto.
bool unknown_compare_result = true;
// Ignore unknown fields in EQUIVALENT mode
if (message_field_comparison_ != EQUIVALENT) {
const Reflection* reflection1 = message1.GetReflection();
const Reflection* reflection2 = message2.GetReflection();
const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_field_set1 =
const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_field_set2 =
if (!CompareUnknownFields(message1, message2, unknown_field_set1,
unknown_field_set2, parent_fields)) {
if (reporter_ == NULL) {
return false;
unknown_compare_result = false;
std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> message1_fields =
RetrieveFields(message1, true);
std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> message2_fields =
RetrieveFields(message2, false);
return CompareRequestedFieldsUsingSettings(message1, message2, unpacked_any,
message1_fields, message2_fields,
parent_fields) &&
std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> MessageDifferencer::RetrieveFields(
const Message& message, bool base_message) {
const Descriptor* descriptor = message.GetDescriptor();
tmp_message_fields_.reserve(descriptor->field_count() + 1);
const Reflection* reflection = message.GetReflection();
if (descriptor->options().map_entry()) {
if (this->scope_ == PARTIAL && base_message) {
reflection->ListFields(message, &tmp_message_fields_);
} else {
// Map entry fields are always considered present.
for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->field_count(); i++) {
} else {
reflection->ListFields(message, &tmp_message_fields_);
// Add sentinel values to deal with the
// case where the number of the fields in
// each list are different.
std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> message_fields(
tmp_message_fields_.begin(), tmp_message_fields_.end());
return message_fields;
bool MessageDifferencer::CompareRequestedFieldsUsingSettings(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2, int unpacked_any,
const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& message1_fields,
const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& message2_fields,
std::vector<SpecificField>* parent_fields) {
if (scope_ == FULL) {
if (message_field_comparison_ == EQUIVALENT) {
// We need to merge the field lists of both messages (i.e.
// we are merely checking for a difference in field values,
// rather than the addition or deletion of fields).
std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields_union =
CombineFields(message1, message1_fields, FULL, message2_fields, FULL);
return CompareWithFieldsInternal(message1, message2, unpacked_any,
fields_union, fields_union,
} else {
// Simple equality comparison, use the unaltered field lists.
return CompareWithFieldsInternal(message1, message2, unpacked_any,
message1_fields, message2_fields,
} else {
if (message_field_comparison_ == EQUIVALENT) {
// We use the list of fields for message1 for both messages when
// comparing. This way, extra fields in message2 are ignored,
// and missing fields in message2 use their default value.
return CompareWithFieldsInternal(message1, message2, unpacked_any,
message1_fields, message1_fields,
} else {
// We need to consider the full list of fields for message1
// but only the intersection for message2. This way, any fields
// only present in message2 will be ignored, but any fields only
// present in message1 will be marked as a difference.
std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields_intersection = CombineFields(
message1, message1_fields, PARTIAL, message2_fields, PARTIAL);
return CompareWithFieldsInternal(message1, message2, unpacked_any,
message1_fields, fields_intersection,
namespace {
bool ValidMissingField(const FieldDescriptor& f) {
switch (f.cpp_type()) {
case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT32:
case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32:
case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT64:
case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT64:
case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_FLOAT:
case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE:
case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING:
case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_BOOL:
case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM:
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
bool MessageDifferencer::ShouldCompareNoPresence(
const Message& message1, const Reflection& reflection1,
const FieldDescriptor* field2) const {
const bool compare_no_presence_by_field = force_compare_no_presence_ &&
!field2->has_presence() &&
if (compare_no_presence_by_field) {
return true;
const bool compare_no_presence_by_address =
!field2->is_repeated() && !field2->has_presence() &&
ValidMissingField(*field2) &&
return compare_no_presence_by_address;
std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> MessageDifferencer::CombineFields(
const Message& message1, const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& fields1,
Scope fields1_scope, const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& fields2,
Scope fields2_scope) {
const Reflection* reflection1 = message1.GetReflection();
size_t index1 = 0;
size_t index2 = 0;
while (index1 < fields1.size() && index2 < fields2.size()) {
const FieldDescriptor* field1 = fields1[index1];
const FieldDescriptor* field2 = fields2[index2];
if (FieldBefore(field1, field2)) {
if (fields1_scope == FULL) {
} else if (FieldBefore(field2, field1)) {
if (fields2_scope == FULL) {
} else if (fields2_scope == PARTIAL &&
ShouldCompareNoPresence(message1, *reflection1, field2)) {
// In order to make MessageDifferencer play nicely with no-presence
// fields in unit tests, we want to check if the expected proto
// (message1) has some fields which are set to their default value but
// are not set to their default value in message2 (the actual message).
// Those fields will appear in fields2 (since they have non default
// value) but will not appear in fields1 (since they have the default
// value or were never set).
} else {
std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> combined_fields(
tmp_message_fields_.begin(), tmp_message_fields_.end());
return combined_fields;
// We push an element via a NOINLINE function to avoid using stack space on
// the caller for a temporary SpecificField object. They are quite large.
static PROTOBUF_NOINLINE MessageDifferencer::SpecificField& PushSpecificField(
std::vector<MessageDifferencer::SpecificField>* fields) {
return fields->back();
bool MessageDifferencer::CompareWithFieldsInternal(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2, int unpacked_any,
const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& message1_fields,
const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& message2_fields,
std::vector<SpecificField>* parent_fields) {
bool isDifferent = false;
int field_index1 = 0;
int field_index2 = 0;
const Reflection* reflection1 = message1.GetReflection();
const Reflection* reflection2 = message2.GetReflection();
while (true) {
const FieldDescriptor* field1 = message1_fields[field_index1];
const FieldDescriptor* field2 = message2_fields[field_index2];
// Once we have reached sentinel values, we are done the comparison.
if (field1 == NULL && field2 == NULL) {
// Check for differences in the field itself.
if (FieldBefore(field1, field2)) {
// Field 1 is not in the field list for message 2.
if (IsIgnored(message1, message2, field1, *parent_fields)) {
// We are ignoring field1. Report the ignore and move on to
// the next field in message1_fields.
if (reporter_ != NULL) {
SpecificField& specific_field = PushSpecificField(parent_fields);
specific_field.message1 = &message1;
specific_field.message2 = &message2;
specific_field.unpacked_any = unpacked_any;
specific_field.field = field1;
if (report_ignores_) {
reporter_->ReportIgnored(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
if (reporter_ != NULL) {
assert(field1 != NULL);
int count = field1->is_repeated()
? reflection1->FieldSize(message1, field1)
: 1;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
SpecificField& specific_field = PushSpecificField(parent_fields);
specific_field.message1 = &message1;
specific_field.message2 = &message2;
specific_field.unpacked_any = unpacked_any;
specific_field.field = field1;
if (field1->is_repeated()) {
AddSpecificIndex(&specific_field, message1, field1, i);
} else {
specific_field.index = -1;
reporter_->ReportDeleted(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
isDifferent = true;
} else {
return false;
} else if (FieldBefore(field2, field1)) {
const bool ignore_field =
IsIgnored(message1, message2, field2, *parent_fields);
if (!ignore_field && force_compare_no_presence_fields_.contains(field2)) {
// Field 2 is not in the field list for message 1.
if (ignore_field) {
// We are ignoring field2. Report the ignore and move on to
// the next field in message2_fields.
if (reporter_ != NULL) {
SpecificField& specific_field = PushSpecificField(parent_fields);
specific_field.message1 = &message1;
specific_field.message2 = &message2;
specific_field.unpacked_any = unpacked_any;
specific_field.field = field2;
if (report_ignores_) {
reporter_->ReportIgnored(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
if (reporter_ != NULL) {
int count = field2->is_repeated()
? reflection2->FieldSize(message2, field2)
: 1;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
SpecificField& specific_field = PushSpecificField(parent_fields);
specific_field.message1 = &message1,
specific_field.message2 = &message2;
specific_field.unpacked_any = unpacked_any;
specific_field.field = field2;
if (field2->is_repeated()) {
specific_field.index = i;
AddSpecificNewIndex(&specific_field, message2, field2, i);
} else {
specific_field.index = -1;
specific_field.new_index = -1;
specific_field.forced_compare_no_presence_ =
force_compare_no_presence_ &&
reporter_->ReportAdded(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
isDifferent = true;
} else {
return false;
// By this point, field1 and field2 are guaranteed to point to the same
// field, so we can now compare the values.
if (IsIgnored(message1, message2, field1, *parent_fields)) {
// Ignore this field. Report and move on.
if (reporter_ != NULL) {
SpecificField& specific_field = PushSpecificField(parent_fields);
specific_field.message1 = &message1;
specific_field.message2 = &message2;
specific_field.unpacked_any = unpacked_any;
specific_field.field = field1;
if (report_ignores_) {
reporter_->ReportIgnored(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
bool fieldDifferent = false;
assert(field1 != NULL);
if (field1->is_map()) {
fieldDifferent = !CompareMapField(message1, message2, unpacked_any,
field1, parent_fields);
} else if (field1->is_repeated()) {
fieldDifferent = !CompareRepeatedField(message1, message2, unpacked_any,
field1, parent_fields);
} else {
fieldDifferent = !CompareFieldValueUsingParentFields(
message1, message2, unpacked_any, field1, -1, -1, parent_fields);
if (force_compare_no_presence_fields_.contains(field1)) {
if (reporter_ != nullptr) {
SpecificField& specific_field = PushSpecificField(parent_fields);
specific_field.message1 = &message1;
specific_field.message2 = &message2;
specific_field.unpacked_any = unpacked_any;
specific_field.field = field1;
specific_field.forced_compare_no_presence_ =
force_compare_no_presence_ &&
if (fieldDifferent) {
reporter_->ReportModified(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
isDifferent = true;
} else if (report_matches_) {
reporter_->ReportMatched(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
if (fieldDifferent) {
if (reporter_ == nullptr) return false;
isDifferent = true;
// Increment the field indices.
return !isDifferent;
bool MessageDifferencer::IsMatch(
const FieldDescriptor* repeated_field,
const MapKeyComparator* key_comparator, const Message* message1,
const Message* message2, int unpacked_any,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& parent_fields, Reporter* reporter,
int index1, int index2) {
std::vector<SpecificField> current_parent_fields(parent_fields);
if (repeated_field->cpp_type() != FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {
return CompareFieldValueUsingParentFields(
*message1, *message2, unpacked_any, repeated_field, index1, index2,
// Back up the Reporter and output_string_. They will be reset in the
// following code.
Reporter* backup_reporter = reporter_;
std::string* output_string = output_string_;
reporter_ = reporter;
output_string_ = NULL;
bool match;
if (key_comparator == NULL) {
match = CompareFieldValueUsingParentFields(
*message1, *message2, unpacked_any, repeated_field, index1, index2,
} else {
const Reflection* reflection1 = message1->GetReflection();
const Reflection* reflection2 = message2->GetReflection();
const Message& m1 =
reflection1->GetRepeatedMessage(*message1, repeated_field, index1);
const Message& m2 =
reflection2->GetRepeatedMessage(*message2, repeated_field, index2);
SpecificField specific_field;
specific_field.message1 = message1;
specific_field.message2 = message2;
specific_field.unpacked_any = unpacked_any;
specific_field.field = repeated_field;
if (repeated_field->is_map()) {
specific_field.map_entry1 = &m1;
specific_field.map_entry2 = &m2;
specific_field.index = index1;
specific_field.new_index = index2;
match = key_comparator->IsMatch(m1, m2, false, current_parent_fields);
reporter_ = backup_reporter;
output_string_ = output_string;
return match;
bool MessageDifferencer::CompareMapFieldByMapReflection(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2, int unpacked_any,
const FieldDescriptor* map_field, std::vector<SpecificField>* parent_fields,
DefaultFieldComparator* comparator) {
ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, reporter_);
ABSL_DCHECK(map_field_key_comparator_.find(map_field) ==
ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(repeated_field_comparison_, AS_LIST);
const Reflection* reflection1 = message1.GetReflection();
const Reflection* reflection2 = message2.GetReflection();
const int count1 = reflection1->MapSize(message1, map_field);
const int count2 = reflection2->MapSize(message2, map_field);
const bool treated_as_subset = IsTreatedAsSubset(map_field);
if (count1 != count2 && !treated_as_subset) {
return false;
if (count1 > count2) {
return false;
// First pass: check whether the same keys are present.
for (MapIterator it = reflection1->MapBegin(const_cast<Message*>(&message1),
it_end = reflection1->MapEnd(const_cast<Message*>(&message1),
it != it_end; ++it) {
if (!reflection2->ContainsMapKey(message2, map_field, it.GetKey())) {
return false;
// Second pass: compare values for matching keys.
const FieldDescriptor* val_des = map_field->message_type()->map_value();
switch (val_des->cpp_type()) {
case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_##CPPTYPE: { \
for (MapIterator it = reflection1->MapBegin( \
const_cast<Message*>(&message1), map_field), \
it_end = reflection1->MapEnd( \
const_cast<Message*>(&message1), map_field); \
it != it_end; ++it) { \
MapValueConstRef value2; \
reflection2->LookupMapValue(message2, map_field, it.GetKey(), &value2); \
if (!comparator->Compare##COMPAREMETHOD(*val_des, \
it.GetValueRef().Get##METHOD(), \
value2.Get##METHOD())) { \
return false; \
} \
} \
break; \
HANDLE_TYPE(INT32, Int32Value, Int32);
HANDLE_TYPE(INT64, Int64Value, Int64);
HANDLE_TYPE(UINT32, UInt32Value, UInt32);
HANDLE_TYPE(UINT64, UInt64Value, UInt64);
HANDLE_TYPE(DOUBLE, DoubleValue, Double);
HANDLE_TYPE(FLOAT, FloatValue, Float);
HANDLE_TYPE(BOOL, BoolValue, Bool);
HANDLE_TYPE(STRING, StringValue, String);
HANDLE_TYPE(ENUM, EnumValue, Int32);
case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: {
for (MapIterator it = reflection1->MapBegin(
const_cast<Message*>(&message1), map_field);
it !=
reflection1->MapEnd(const_cast<Message*>(&message1), map_field);
++it) {
if (!reflection2->ContainsMapKey(message2, map_field, it.GetKey())) {
return false;
bool compare_result;
MapValueConstRef value2;
reflection2->LookupMapValue(message2, map_field, it.GetKey(), &value2);
// Append currently compared field to the end of parent_fields.
SpecificField specific_value_field;
specific_value_field.message1 = &message1;
specific_value_field.message2 = &message2;
specific_value_field.unpacked_any = unpacked_any;
specific_value_field.field = val_des;
compare_result =
value2.GetMessageValue(), false, parent_fields);
if (!compare_result) {
return false;
return true;
bool MessageDifferencer::CompareMapField(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2, int unpacked_any,
const FieldDescriptor* repeated_field,
std::vector<SpecificField>* parent_fields) {
// the input FieldDescriptor is guaranteed to be repeated field.
const Reflection* reflection1 = message1.GetReflection();
const Reflection* reflection2 = message2.GetReflection();
// When both map fields are on map, do not sync to repeated field.
if (reflection1->GetMapData(message1, repeated_field)->IsMapValid() &&
reflection2->GetMapData(message2, repeated_field)->IsMapValid() &&
// TODO: Add support for reporter
reporter_ == nullptr &&
// Users didn't set custom map field key comparator
map_field_key_comparator_.find(repeated_field) ==
map_field_key_comparator_.end() &&
// Users didn't set repeated field comparison
repeated_field_comparison_ == AS_LIST &&
// Users didn't set their own FieldComparator implementation
field_comparator_kind_ == kFCDefault) {
const FieldDescriptor* key_des = repeated_field->message_type()->map_key();
const FieldDescriptor* val_des =
std::vector<SpecificField> current_parent_fields(*parent_fields);
SpecificField specific_field;
specific_field.message1 = &message1;
specific_field.message2 = &message2;
specific_field.unpacked_any = unpacked_any;
specific_field.field = repeated_field;
if (!IsIgnored(message1, message2, key_des, current_parent_fields) &&
!IsIgnored(message1, message2, val_des, current_parent_fields)) {
return CompareMapFieldByMapReflection(
message1, message2, unpacked_any, repeated_field,
&current_parent_fields, field_comparator_.default_impl);
return CompareRepeatedRep(message1, message2, unpacked_any, repeated_field,
bool MessageDifferencer::CompareRepeatedField(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2, int unpacked_any,
const FieldDescriptor* repeated_field,
std::vector<SpecificField>* parent_fields) {
return CompareRepeatedRep(message1, message2, unpacked_any, repeated_field,
bool MessageDifferencer::CompareRepeatedRep(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2, int unpacked_any,
const FieldDescriptor* repeated_field,
std::vector<SpecificField>* parent_fields) {
// the input FieldDescriptor is guaranteed to be repeated field.
const Reflection* reflection1 = message1.GetReflection();
const Reflection* reflection2 = message2.GetReflection();
const int count1 = reflection1->FieldSize(message1, repeated_field);
const int count2 = reflection2->FieldSize(message2, repeated_field);
const bool treated_as_subset = IsTreatedAsSubset(repeated_field);
// If the field is not treated as subset and no detailed reports is needed,
// we do a quick check on the number of the elements to avoid unnecessary
// comparison.
if (count1 != count2 && reporter_ == NULL && !treated_as_subset) {
return false;
// A match can never be found if message1 has more items than message2.
if (count1 > count2 && reporter_ == NULL) {
return false;
// These two list are used for store the index of the correspondent
// element in peer repeated field.
std::vector<int> match_list1;
std::vector<int> match_list2;
const MapKeyComparator* key_comparator = GetMapKeyComparator(repeated_field);
bool smart_list = IsTreatedAsSmartList(repeated_field);
bool simple_list = key_comparator == nullptr &&
!IsTreatedAsSet(repeated_field) &&
!IsTreatedAsSmartSet(repeated_field) && !smart_list;
// For simple lists, we avoid matching repeated field indices, saving the
// memory allocations that would otherwise be needed for match_list1 and
// match_list2.
if (!simple_list) {
// Try to match indices of the repeated fields. Return false if match fails.
if (!MatchRepeatedFieldIndices(
message1, message2, unpacked_any, repeated_field, key_comparator,
*parent_fields, &match_list1, &match_list2) &&
reporter_ == nullptr) {
return false;
bool fieldDifferent = false;
SpecificField specific_field;
specific_field.message1 = &message1;
specific_field.message2 = &message2;
specific_field.unpacked_any = unpacked_any;
specific_field.field = repeated_field;
// At this point, we have already matched pairs of fields (with the reporting
// to be done later). Now to check if the paired elements are different.
int next_unmatched_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++) {
if (simple_list && i >= count2) {
if (!simple_list && match_list1[i] == -1) {
if (smart_list) {
if (reporter_ == nullptr) return false;
AddSpecificIndex(&specific_field, message1, repeated_field, i);
reporter_->ReportDeleted(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
fieldDifferent = true;
// Use -2 to mark this element has been reported.
match_list1[i] = -2;
if (smart_list) {
for (int j = next_unmatched_index; j < match_list1[i]; ++j) {
if (reporter_ == nullptr) return false;
specific_field.index = j;
AddSpecificNewIndex(&specific_field, message2, repeated_field, j);
reporter_->ReportAdded(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
fieldDifferent = true;
// Use -2 to mark this element has been reported.
match_list2[j] = -2;
AddSpecificIndex(&specific_field, message1, repeated_field, i);
if (simple_list) {
AddSpecificNewIndex(&specific_field, message2, repeated_field, i);
} else {
AddSpecificNewIndex(&specific_field, message2, repeated_field,
next_unmatched_index = match_list1[i] + 1;
const bool result = CompareFieldValueUsingParentFields(
message1, message2, unpacked_any, repeated_field, i,
specific_field.new_index, parent_fields);
// If we have found differences, either report them or terminate if
// no reporter is present. Note that ReportModified, ReportMoved, and
// ReportMatched are all mutually exclusive.
if (!result) {
if (reporter_ == NULL) return false;
reporter_->ReportModified(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
fieldDifferent = true;
} else if (reporter_ != NULL &&
specific_field.index != specific_field.new_index &&
!specific_field.field->is_map() && report_moves_) {
reporter_->ReportMoved(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
} else if (report_matches_ && reporter_ != NULL) {
reporter_->ReportMatched(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
// Report any remaining additions or deletions.
for (int i = 0; i < count2; ++i) {
if (!simple_list && match_list2[i] != -1) continue;
if (simple_list && i < count1) continue;
if (!treated_as_subset) {
fieldDifferent = true;
if (reporter_ == NULL) continue;
specific_field.index = i;
AddSpecificNewIndex(&specific_field, message2, repeated_field, i);
reporter_->ReportAdded(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
for (int i = 0; i < count1; ++i) {
if (!simple_list && match_list1[i] != -1) continue;
if (simple_list && i < count2) continue;
assert(reporter_ != NULL);
AddSpecificIndex(&specific_field, message1, repeated_field, i);
reporter_->ReportDeleted(message1, message2, *parent_fields);
fieldDifferent = true;
return !fieldDifferent;
bool MessageDifferencer::CompareFieldValue(const Message& message1,
const Message& message2,
int unpacked_any,
const FieldDescriptor* field,
int index1, int index2) {
return CompareFieldValueUsingParentFields(message1, message2, unpacked_any,
field, index1, index2, nullptr);
bool MessageDifferencer::CompareFieldValueUsingParentFields(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2, int unpacked_any,
const FieldDescriptor* field, int index1, int index2,
std::vector<SpecificField>* parent_fields) {
FieldContext field_context(parent_fields);
FieldComparator::ComparisonResult result = GetFieldComparisonResult(
message1, message2, field, index1, index2, &field_context);
if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE &&
result == FieldComparator::RECURSE) {
// Get the nested messages and compare them using one of the Compare
// methods.
const Reflection* reflection1 = message1.GetReflection();
const Reflection* reflection2 = message2.GetReflection();
const Message& m1 =
? reflection1->GetRepeatedMessage(message1, field, index1)
: reflection1->GetMessage(message1, field);
const Message& m2 =
? reflection2->GetRepeatedMessage(message2, field, index2)
: reflection2->GetMessage(message2, field);
// parent_fields is used in calls to Reporter methods.
if (parent_fields != NULL) {
// Append currently compared field to the end of parent_fields.
SpecificField& specific_field = PushSpecificField(parent_fields);
specific_field.message1 = &message1;
specific_field.message2 = &message2;
specific_field.unpacked_any = unpacked_any;
specific_field.field = field;
AddSpecificIndex(&specific_field, message1, field, index1);
AddSpecificNewIndex(&specific_field, message2, field, index2);
const bool compare_result = Compare(m1, m2, false, parent_fields);
return compare_result;
} else {
// Recreates parent_fields as if m1 and m2 had no parents.
return Compare(m1, m2);
} else {
return (result == FieldComparator::SAME);
bool MessageDifferencer::CheckPathChanged(
const std::vector<SpecificField>& field_path) {
for (const SpecificField& specific_field : field_path) {
// Don't check indexes for map entries -- maps are unordered.
if (specific_field.field != nullptr && specific_field.field->is_map())
if (specific_field.index != specific_field.new_index) return true;
return false;
bool MessageDifferencer::IsTreatedAsSet(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
if (!field->is_repeated()) return false;
if (repeated_field_comparisons_.find(field) !=
repeated_field_comparisons_.end()) {
return repeated_field_comparisons_[field] == AS_SET;
return GetMapKeyComparator(field) == nullptr &&
repeated_field_comparison_ == AS_SET;
bool MessageDifferencer::IsTreatedAsSmartSet(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
if (!field->is_repeated()) return false;
if (repeated_field_comparisons_.find(field) !=
repeated_field_comparisons_.end()) {
return repeated_field_comparisons_[field] == AS_SMART_SET;
return GetMapKeyComparator(field) == nullptr &&
repeated_field_comparison_ == AS_SMART_SET;
bool MessageDifferencer::IsTreatedAsSmartList(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
if (!field->is_repeated()) return false;
if (repeated_field_comparisons_.find(field) !=
repeated_field_comparisons_.end()) {
return repeated_field_comparisons_[field] == AS_SMART_LIST;
return GetMapKeyComparator(field) == nullptr &&
repeated_field_comparison_ == AS_SMART_LIST;
bool MessageDifferencer::IsTreatedAsSubset(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
return scope_ == PARTIAL &&
(IsTreatedAsSet(field) || GetMapKeyComparator(field) != NULL);
bool MessageDifferencer::IsIgnored(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2,
const FieldDescriptor* field,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& parent_fields) {
if (ignored_fields_.find(field) != ignored_fields_.end()) {
return true;
for (const auto& criteria : ignore_criteria_) {
if (criteria->IsIgnored(message1, message2, field, parent_fields)) {
return true;
return false;
bool MessageDifferencer::IsUnknownFieldIgnored(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2,
const SpecificField& field,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& parent_fields) {
for (const auto& criteria : ignore_criteria_) {
if (criteria->IsUnknownFieldIgnored(message1, message2, field,
parent_fields)) {
return true;
return false;
const MessageDifferencer::MapKeyComparator*
MessageDifferencer ::GetMapKeyComparator(const FieldDescriptor* field) const {
if (!field->is_repeated()) return nullptr;
auto it = map_field_key_comparator_.find(field);
if (it != map_field_key_comparator_.end()) {
return it->second;
if (field->is_map()) {
// field cannot already be treated as list or set since TreatAsList() and
// TreatAsSet() call GetMapKeyComparator() and fail if it returns non-NULL.
return &map_entry_key_comparator_;
return nullptr;
namespace {
typedef std::pair<int, const UnknownField*> IndexUnknownFieldPair;
struct UnknownFieldOrdering {
inline bool operator()(const IndexUnknownFieldPair& a,
const IndexUnknownFieldPair& b) const {
if (a.second->number() < b.second->number()) return true;
if (a.second->number() > b.second->number()) return false;
return a.second->type() < b.second->type();
} // namespace
bool MessageDifferencer::UnpackAnyField::UnpackAny(
const Message& any, std::unique_ptr<Message>* data) {
const Reflection* reflection = any.GetReflection();
const FieldDescriptor* type_url_field;
const FieldDescriptor* value_field;
if (!internal::GetAnyFieldDescriptors(any, &type_url_field, &value_field)) {
return false;
const std::string& type_url = reflection->GetString(any, type_url_field);
std::string full_type_name;
if (!internal::ParseAnyTypeUrl(type_url, &full_type_name)) {
return false;
const Descriptor* desc =
if (desc == NULL) {
return false;
if (dynamic_message_factory_ == NULL) {
dynamic_message_factory_.reset(new DynamicMessageFactory());
std::string serialized_value = reflection->GetString(any, value_field);
if (!(*data)->ParsePartialFromString(serialized_value)) {
ABSL_DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse value for " << full_type_name;
return false;
return true;
bool MessageDifferencer::CompareUnknownFields(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2,
const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_field_set1,
const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_field_set2,
std::vector<SpecificField>* parent_field) {
// Ignore unknown fields in EQUIVALENT mode.
if (message_field_comparison_ == EQUIVALENT) return true;
if (unknown_field_set1.empty() && unknown_field_set2.empty()) {
return true;
bool is_different = false;
// We first sort the unknown fields by field number and type (in other words,
// in tag order), making sure to preserve ordering of values with the same
// tag. This allows us to report only meaningful differences between the
// two sets -- that is, differing values for the same tag. We use
// IndexUnknownFieldPairs to keep track of the field's original index for
// reporting purposes.
std::vector<IndexUnknownFieldPair> fields1; // unknown_field_set1, sorted
std::vector<IndexUnknownFieldPair> fields2; // unknown_field_set2, sorted
for (int i = 0; i < unknown_field_set1.field_count(); i++) {
fields1.push_back(std::make_pair(i, &unknown_field_set1.field(i)));
for (int i = 0; i < unknown_field_set2.field_count(); i++) {
fields2.push_back(std::make_pair(i, &unknown_field_set2.field(i)));
UnknownFieldOrdering is_before;
std::stable_sort(fields1.begin(), fields1.end(), is_before);
std::stable_sort(fields2.begin(), fields2.end(), is_before);
// In order to fill in SpecificField::index, we have to keep track of how
// many values we've seen with the same field number and type.
// current_repeated points at the first field in this range, and
// current_repeated_start{1,2} are the indexes of the first field in the
// range within fields1 and fields2.
const UnknownField* current_repeated = NULL;
int current_repeated_start1 = 0;
int current_repeated_start2 = 0;
// Now that we have two sorted lists, we can detect fields which appear only
// in one list or the other by traversing them simultaneously.
size_t index1 = 0;
size_t index2 = 0;
while (index1 < fields1.size() || index2 < fields2.size()) {
enum {
} change_type;
// focus_field is the field we're currently reporting on. (In the case
// of a modification, it's the field on the left side.)
const UnknownField* focus_field;
bool match = false;
if (index2 == fields2.size() ||
(index1 < fields1.size() &&
is_before(fields1[index1], fields2[index2]))) {
// fields1[index1] is not present in fields2.
change_type = DELETION;
focus_field = fields1[index1].second;
} else if (index1 == fields1.size() ||
is_before(fields2[index2], fields1[index1])) {
// fields2[index2] is not present in fields1.
if (scope_ == PARTIAL) {
// Ignore.
change_type = ADDITION;
focus_field = fields2[index2].second;
} else {
// Field type and number are the same. See if the values differ.
change_type = MODIFICATION;
focus_field = fields1[index1].second;
switch (focus_field->type()) {
case UnknownField::TYPE_VARINT:
match = fields1[index1].second->varint() ==
case UnknownField::TYPE_FIXED32:
match = fields1[index1].second->fixed32() ==
case UnknownField::TYPE_FIXED64:
match = fields1[index1].second->fixed64() ==
match = fields1[index1].second->length_delimited() ==
case UnknownField::TYPE_GROUP:
// We must deal with this later, after building the SpecificField.
change_type = COMPARE_GROUPS;
if (match && change_type != COMPARE_GROUPS) {
change_type = NO_CHANGE;
if (current_repeated == NULL ||
focus_field->number() != current_repeated->number() ||
focus_field->type() != current_repeated->type()) {
// We've started a new repeated field.
current_repeated = focus_field;
current_repeated_start1 = index1;
current_repeated_start2 = index2;
if (change_type == NO_CHANGE && reporter_ == NULL) {
// Fields were already compared and matched and we have no reporter.
// Build the SpecificField. This is slightly complicated.
SpecificField specific_field;
specific_field.message1 = &message1;
specific_field.message2 = &message2;
specific_field.unknown_field_number = focus_field->number();
specific_field.unknown_field_type = focus_field->type();
specific_field.unknown_field_set1 = &unknown_field_set1;
specific_field.unknown_field_set2 = &unknown_field_set2;
if (change_type != ADDITION) {
specific_field.unknown_field_index1 = fields1[index1].first;
if (change_type != DELETION) {
specific_field.unknown_field_index2 = fields2[index2].first;
// Calculate the field index.
if (change_type == ADDITION) {
specific_field.index = index2 - current_repeated_start2;
specific_field.new_index = index2 - current_repeated_start2;
} else {
specific_field.index = index1 - current_repeated_start1;
specific_field.new_index = index2 - current_repeated_start2;
if (IsUnknownFieldIgnored(message1, message2, specific_field,
*parent_field)) {
if (report_ignores_ && reporter_ != NULL) {
reporter_->ReportUnknownFieldIgnored(message1, message2, *parent_field);
if (change_type != ADDITION) ++index1;
if (change_type != DELETION) ++index2;
if (change_type == ADDITION || change_type == DELETION ||
change_type == MODIFICATION) {
if (reporter_ == NULL) {
// We found a difference and we have no reporter.
return false;
is_different = true;
switch (change_type) {
reporter_->ReportAdded(message1, message2, *parent_field);
reporter_->ReportDeleted(message1, message2, *parent_field);
reporter_->ReportModified(message1, message2, *parent_field);
if (!CompareUnknownFields(
message1, message2, fields1[index1].second->group(),
fields2[index2].second->group(), parent_field)) {
if (reporter_ == NULL) return false;
is_different = true;
reporter_->ReportModified(message1, message2, *parent_field);
if (report_matches_) {
reporter_->ReportMatched(message1, message2, *parent_field);
return !is_different;
namespace {
// Find maximum bipartite matching using the argumenting path algorithm.
class MaximumMatcher {
typedef std::function<bool(int, int)> NodeMatchCallback;
// MaximumMatcher takes ownership of the passed in callback and uses it to
// determine whether a node on the left side of the bipartial graph matches
// a node on the right side. count1 is the number of nodes on the left side
// of the graph and count2 to is the number of nodes on the right side.
// Every node is referred to using 0-based indices.
// If a maximum match is found, the result will be stored in match_list1 and
// match_list2. match_list1[i] == j means the i-th node on the left side is
// matched to the j-th node on the right side and match_list2[x] == y means
// the x-th node on the right side is matched to y-th node on the left side.
// match_list1[i] == -1 means the node is not matched. Same with match_list2.
MaximumMatcher(int count1, int count2, NodeMatchCallback callback,
std::vector<int>* match_list1, std::vector<int>* match_list2);
MaximumMatcher(const MaximumMatcher&) = delete;
MaximumMatcher& operator=(const MaximumMatcher&) = delete;
// Find a maximum match and return the number of matched node pairs.
// If early_return is true, this method will return 0 immediately when it
// finds that not all nodes on the left side can be matched.
int FindMaximumMatch(bool early_return);
// Determines whether the node on the left side of the bipartial graph
// matches the one on the right side.
bool Match(int left, int right);
// Find an argumenting path starting from the node v on the left side. If a
// path can be found, update match_list2_ to reflect the path and return
// true.
bool FindArgumentPathDFS(int v, std::vector<bool>* visited);
int count1_;
int count2_;
NodeMatchCallback match_callback_;
absl::flat_hash_map<std::pair<int, int>, bool> cached_match_results_;
std::vector<int>* match_list1_;
std::vector<int>* match_list2_;
MaximumMatcher::MaximumMatcher(int count1, int count2,
NodeMatchCallback callback,
std::vector<int>* match_list1,
std::vector<int>* match_list2)
: count1_(count1),
match_list2_(match_list2) {
match_list1_->assign(count1, -1);
match_list2_->assign(count2, -1);
int MaximumMatcher::FindMaximumMatch(bool early_return) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count1_; ++i) {
std::vector<bool> visited(count1_);
if (FindArgumentPathDFS(i, &visited)) {
} else if (early_return) {
return 0;
// Backfill match_list1_ as we only filled match_list2_ when finding
// argumenting paths.
for (int i = 0; i < count2_; ++i) {
if ((*match_list2_)[i] != -1) {
(*match_list1_)[(*match_list2_)[i]] = i;
return result;
bool MaximumMatcher::Match(int left, int right) {
std::pair<int, int> p(left, right);
auto it = cached_match_results_.find(p);
if (it != cached_match_results_.end()) {
return it->second;
it = cached_match_results_.emplace_hint(it, p, match_callback_(left, right));
return it->second;
bool MaximumMatcher::FindArgumentPathDFS(int v, std::vector<bool>* visited) {
(*visited)[v] = true;
// We try to match those un-matched nodes on the right side first. This is
// the step that the naive greedy matching algorithm uses. In the best cases
// where the greedy algorithm can find a maximum matching, we will always
// find a match in this step and the performance will be identical to the
// greedy algorithm.
for (int i = 0; i < count2_; ++i) {
int matched = (*match_list2_)[i];
if (matched == -1 && Match(v, i)) {
(*match_list2_)[i] = v;
return true;
// Then we try those already matched nodes and see if we can find an
// alternative match for the node matched to them.
// The greedy algorithm will stop before this and fail to produce the
// correct result.
for (int i = 0; i < count2_; ++i) {
int matched = (*match_list2_)[i];
if (matched != -1 && Match(v, i)) {
if (!(*visited)[matched] && FindArgumentPathDFS(matched, visited)) {
(*match_list2_)[i] = v;
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
bool MessageDifferencer::MatchRepeatedFieldIndices(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2, int unpacked_any,
const FieldDescriptor* repeated_field,
const MapKeyComparator* key_comparator,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& parent_fields,
std::vector<int>* match_list1, std::vector<int>* match_list2) {
const int count1 =
message1.GetReflection()->FieldSize(message1, repeated_field);
const int count2 =
message2.GetReflection()->FieldSize(message2, repeated_field);
const bool is_treated_as_smart_set = IsTreatedAsSmartSet(repeated_field);
match_list1->assign(count1, -1);
match_list2->assign(count2, -1);
// In the special case where both repeated fields have exactly one element,
// return without calling the comparator. This optimization prevents the
// pathological case of deeply nested repeated fields of size 1 from taking
// exponential-time to compare.
// In the case where reporter_ is set, we need to do the compare here to
// properly distinguish a modify from an add+delete. The code below will not
// pass the reporter along in recursive calls to nested repeated fields, so
// the inner call will have the opportunity to perform this optimization and
// avoid exponential-time behavior.
// In the case where key_comparator is set, we need to do the compare here to
// fulfill the interface contract that keys will be compared even if the user
// asked to ignore that field. The code will only compare the key fields
// which (hopefully) do not contain further repeated fields.
if (count1 == 1 && count2 == 1 && reporter_ == nullptr &&
key_comparator == nullptr) {
match_list1->at(0) = 0;
match_list2->at(0) = 0;
return true;
// Ensure that we don't report differences during the matching process. Since
// field comparators could potentially use this message differencer object to
// perform further comparisons, turn off reporting here and re-enable it
// before returning.
Reporter* reporter = reporter_;
reporter_ = NULL;
NumDiffsReporter num_diffs_reporter;
std::vector<int32_t> num_diffs_list1;
if (is_treated_as_smart_set) {
num_diffs_list1.assign(count1, std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
bool success = true;
// Find potential match if this is a special repeated field.
if (scope_ == PARTIAL) {
// When partial matching is enabled, Compare(a, b) && Compare(a, c)
// doesn't necessarily imply Compare(b, c). Therefore a naive greedy
// algorithm will fail to find a maximum matching.
// Here we use the augmenting path algorithm.
auto callback = [&](int i1, int i2) {
return IsMatch(repeated_field, key_comparator, &message1, &message2,
unpacked_any, parent_fields, nullptr, i1, i2);
MaximumMatcher matcher(count1, count2, std::move(callback), match_list1,
// If diff info is not needed, we should end the matching process as
// soon as possible if not all items can be matched.
bool early_return = (reporter == nullptr);
int match_count = matcher.FindMaximumMatch(early_return);
if (match_count != count1 && early_return) return false;
success = success && (match_count == count1);
} else {
int start_offset = 0;
// If the two repeated fields are treated as sets, optimize for the case
// where both start with same items stored in the same order.
if (IsTreatedAsSet(repeated_field) || is_treated_as_smart_set ||
IsTreatedAsSmartList(repeated_field)) {
start_offset = std::min(count1, count2);
for (int i = 0; i < count1 && i < count2; i++) {
if (IsMatch(repeated_field, key_comparator, &message1, &message2,
unpacked_any, parent_fields, nullptr, i, i)) {
match_list1->at(i) = i;
match_list2->at(i) = i;
} else {
start_offset = i;
for (int i = start_offset; i < count1; ++i) {
// Indicates any matched elements for this repeated field.
bool match = false;
int matched_j = -1;
for (int j = start_offset; j < count2; j++) {
if (match_list2->at(j) != -1) {
if (!is_treated_as_smart_set || num_diffs_list1[i] == 0 ||
num_diffs_list1[match_list2->at(j)] == 0) {
if (is_treated_as_smart_set) {
match =
IsMatch(repeated_field, key_comparator, &message1, &message2,
unpacked_any, parent_fields, &num_diffs_reporter, i, j);
} else {
match = IsMatch(repeated_field, key_comparator, &message1, &message2,
unpacked_any, parent_fields, nullptr, i, j);
if (is_treated_as_smart_set) {
if (match) {
num_diffs_list1[i] = 0;
} else if (repeated_field->cpp_type() ==
FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {
// Replace with the one with fewer diffs.
const int32_t num_diffs = num_diffs_reporter.GetNumDiffs();
if (num_diffs < num_diffs_list1[i]) {
// If j has been already matched to some element, ensure the
// current num_diffs is smaller.
if (match_list2->at(j) == -1 ||
num_diffs < num_diffs_list1[match_list2->at(j)]) {
num_diffs_list1[i] = num_diffs;
match = true;
if (match) {
matched_j = j;
if (!is_treated_as_smart_set || num_diffs_list1[i] == 0) {
match = (matched_j != -1);
if (match) {
if (is_treated_as_smart_set && match_list2->at(matched_j) != -1) {
// This is to revert the previously matched index in list2.
match_list1->at(match_list2->at(matched_j)) = -1;
match = false;
match_list1->at(i) = matched_j;
match_list2->at(matched_j) = i;
if (!match && reporter == nullptr) return false;
success = success && match;
if (IsTreatedAsSmartList(repeated_field)) {
match_indices_for_smart_list_callback_(match_list1, match_list2);
reporter_ = reporter;
return success;
FieldComparator::ComparisonResult MessageDifferencer::GetFieldComparisonResult(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2,
const FieldDescriptor* field, int index1, int index2,
const FieldContext* field_context) {
FieldComparator* comparator = field_comparator_kind_ == kFCBase
? field_comparator_.base
: field_comparator_.default_impl;
return comparator->Compare(message1, message2, field, index1, index2,
// ===========================================================================
MessageDifferencer::Reporter::Reporter() {}
MessageDifferencer::Reporter::~Reporter() {}
// ===========================================================================
MessageDifferencer::MapKeyComparator::MapKeyComparator() {}
MessageDifferencer::MapKeyComparator::~MapKeyComparator() {}
// ===========================================================================
MessageDifferencer::IgnoreCriteria::IgnoreCriteria() {}
MessageDifferencer::IgnoreCriteria::~IgnoreCriteria() {}
// ===========================================================================
// Note that the printer's delimiter is not used, because if we are given a
// printer, we don't know its delimiter.
io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* output)
: printer_(new io::Printer(output, '$')),
message2_(nullptr) {}
MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::StreamReporter(io::Printer* printer)
: printer_(printer),
message2_(nullptr) {}
MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::~StreamReporter() {
if (delete_printer_) delete printer_;
void MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::PrintPath(
const std::vector<SpecificField>& field_path, bool left_side) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < field_path.size(); ++i) {
const SpecificField& specific_field = field_path[i];
if (specific_field.field != nullptr &&
specific_field.field->name() == "value") {
// check to see if this the value label of a map value. If so, skip it
// because it isn't meaningful
if (i > 0 && field_path[i - 1].field->is_map()) {
if (i > 0) {
if (specific_field.field != NULL) {
if (specific_field.field->is_extension()) {
printer_->Print("($name$)", "name", specific_field.field->full_name());
} else {
if (specific_field.forced_compare_no_presence_) {
printer_->Print(" (added for better PARTIAL comparison)");
if (specific_field.field->is_map()) {
PrintMapKey(left_side, specific_field);
} else {
if (left_side && specific_field.index >= 0) {
printer_->Print("[$name$]", "name", absl::StrCat(specific_field.index));
if (!left_side && specific_field.new_index >= 0) {
printer_->Print("[$name$]", "name",
void MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::PrintValue(
const Message& message, const std::vector<SpecificField>& field_path,
bool left_side) {
const SpecificField& specific_field = field_path.back();
const FieldDescriptor* field = specific_field.field;
if (field != NULL) {
std::string output;
int index = left_side ? specific_field.index : specific_field.new_index;
if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {
const Reflection* reflection = message.GetReflection();
const Message& field_message =
? reflection->GetRepeatedMessage(message, field, index)
: reflection->GetMessage(message, field);
const FieldDescriptor* fd = nullptr;
if (field->is_map() && message1_ != nullptr && message2_ != nullptr) {
fd = field_message.GetDescriptor()->field(1);
if (fd->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {
output = PrintShortTextFormat(
field_message.GetReflection()->GetMessage(field_message, fd));
} else {
TextFormat::PrintFieldValueToString(field_message, fd, -1, &output);
} else {
output = PrintShortTextFormat(field_message);
if (output.empty()) {
printer_->Print("{ }");
} else {
if ((fd != nullptr) &&
(fd->cpp_type() != FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE)) {
} else {
printer_->Print("{ $name$ }", "name", output);
} else {
TextFormat::PrintFieldValueToString(message, field, index, &output);
} else {
const UnknownFieldSet* unknown_fields =
(left_side ? specific_field.unknown_field_set1
: specific_field.unknown_field_set2);
const UnknownField* unknown_field =
&unknown_fields->field(left_side ? specific_field.unknown_field_index1
: specific_field.unknown_field_index2);
void MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::PrintUnknownFieldValue(
const UnknownField* unknown_field) {
ABSL_CHECK(unknown_field != NULL) << " Cannot print NULL unknown_field.";
std::string output;
switch (unknown_field->type()) {
case UnknownField::TYPE_VARINT:
output = absl::StrCat(unknown_field->varint());
case UnknownField::TYPE_FIXED32:
output = absl::StrCat(
"0x", absl::Hex(unknown_field->fixed32(), absl::kZeroPad8));
case UnknownField::TYPE_FIXED64:
output = absl::StrCat(
"0x", absl::Hex(unknown_field->fixed64(), absl::kZeroPad16));
output = absl::StrFormat(
"\"%s\"", absl::CEscape(unknown_field->length_delimited()).c_str());
case UnknownField::TYPE_GROUP:
// TODO: Print the contents of the group like we do for
// messages. Requires an equivalent of ShortDebugString() for
// UnknownFieldSet.
output = "{ ... }";
void MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::Print(const std::string& str) {
void MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::PrintMapKey(
bool left_side, const SpecificField& specific_field) {
if (message1_ == nullptr || message2_ == nullptr) {
ABSL_LOG(INFO) << "PrintPath cannot log map keys; "
"use SetMessages to provide the messages "
"being compared prior to any processing.";
const Message* found_message =
left_side ? specific_field.map_entry1 : specific_field.map_entry2;
std::string key_string = "";
if (found_message != nullptr) {
// NB: the map key is always the first field
const FieldDescriptor* fd = found_message->GetDescriptor()->field(0);
if (fd->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING) {
// Not using PrintFieldValueToString for strings to avoid extra
// characters
key_string = found_message->GetReflection()->GetString(
*found_message, found_message->GetDescriptor()->field(0));
} else {
TextFormat::PrintFieldValueToString(*found_message, fd, -1, &key_string);
if (key_string.empty()) {
key_string = "''";
printer_->PrintRaw(absl::StrCat("[", key_string, "]"));
void MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::ReportAdded(
const Message& /*message1*/, const Message& message2,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& field_path) {
printer_->Print("added: ");
PrintPath(field_path, false);
printer_->Print(": ");
PrintValue(message2, field_path, false);
printer_->Print("\n"); // Print for newlines.
void MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::ReportDeleted(
const Message& message1, const Message& /*message2*/,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& field_path) {
printer_->Print("deleted: ");
PrintPath(field_path, true);
printer_->Print(": ");
PrintValue(message1, field_path, true);
printer_->Print("\n"); // Print for newlines
void MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::ReportModified(
const Message& message1, const Message& message2,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& field_path) {
if (!report_modified_aggregates_ && field_path.back().field == NULL) {
if (field_path.back().unknown_field_type == UnknownField::TYPE_GROUP) {
// Any changes to the subfields have already been printed.
} else if (!report_modified_aggregates_) {
if (field_path.back().field->cpp_type() ==
FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {
// Any changes to the subfields have already been printed.
printer_->Print("modified: ");
PrintPath(field_path, true);
if (CheckPathChanged(field_path)) {
printer_->Print(" -> ");
PrintPath(field_path, false);
printer_->Print(": ");
PrintValue(message1, field_path, true);
printer_->Print(" -> ");
PrintValue(message2, field_path, false);
printer_->Print("\n"); // Print for newlines.
void MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::ReportMoved(
const Message& message1, const Message& /*message2*/,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& field_path) {
printer_->Print("moved: ");
PrintPath(field_path, true);
printer_->Print(" -> ");
PrintPath(field_path, false);
printer_->Print(" : ");
PrintValue(message1, field_path, true);
printer_->Print("\n"); // Print for newlines.
void MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::ReportMatched(
const Message& message1, const Message& /*message2*/,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& field_path) {
printer_->Print("matched: ");
PrintPath(field_path, true);
if (CheckPathChanged(field_path)) {
printer_->Print(" -> ");
PrintPath(field_path, false);
printer_->Print(" : ");
PrintValue(message1, field_path, true);
printer_->Print("\n"); // Print for newlines.
void MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::ReportIgnored(
const Message& /*message1*/, const Message& /*message2*/,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& field_path) {
printer_->Print("ignored: ");
PrintPath(field_path, true);
if (CheckPathChanged(field_path)) {
printer_->Print(" -> ");
PrintPath(field_path, false);
printer_->Print("\n"); // Print for newlines.
void MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::SetMessages(const Message& message1,
const Message& message2) {
message1_ = &message1;
message2_ = &message2;
void MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter::ReportUnknownFieldIgnored(
const Message& /*message1*/, const Message& /*message2*/,
const std::vector<SpecificField>& field_path) {
printer_->Print("ignored: ");
PrintPath(field_path, true);
if (CheckPathChanged(field_path)) {
printer_->Print(" -> ");
PrintPath(field_path, false);
printer_->Print("\n"); // Print for newlines.
const std::vector<std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> >& key_field_paths) {
return new MultipleFieldsMapKeyComparator(this, key_field_paths);
} // namespace util
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"